REEEEEEE I'm about to explode

I was talking with this girl about the London attacks and she said LITERALLY:

"That's why I don't believe in borders"

proceeded by citing John Lennon's "Imagine".

I want to go on a murderous rampage

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Yeah your people are stupid what else is new

eat a taco Pedro you're not you when you're hungry


>mexican doesnt believe in borders
The sun also rose today, more news at 2pm.

No shit Mexicant's don't believe in borders
They also don't believe in speaking English in royal Wyoming from my experiences

look who's talking

go on a murderous rampage in that sluts pussy desu

Women have never believed in borders cause they are like the walls of their fathers house that prevents them to fuck all males around the world.
Socety, borders, laws, civilization, these are all male concepts

>citing John Lennon

Everything worked out just fine for him

No religion no money ... have her read the lyrics. It's a pretty tall order.

Proof for anyone who thinks I'm larping (sorry it's in Spanish tho)

did you eat a taco?

He should have given that guy an autograph, he might be alive today.

>talks to girl
>expects logic and intelligence
It always amazes me just how degenerate males have become.


>las fronteras nunca debieron ser creadas
>el problema es la religion
You shouldn't talk politics with this friend. I'd advise TV shows or weather.

I would love to see these stuck up faggots who believe in "no borders" invite random strangers into their house.

Just ordered sushi, lets see if it helps


>spics not believing in borders and women being literal retards

Is this supposed to be news?

Feminism has brainwashed us good goys

Context matters
>Context matters

take your gyppos back
>take your gyppos back

>And no religion too

As a Christian I hate that song

But you should definitely ask her what she thinks of the line "And no religion too"


>I want to go on a murderous rampage

Convert to Islam and she'll make apologies for you after the fact.

So original, Faggot

Your mother brainwashed you, not feminism.
Feminism brainwashed your mother so she brainwashed you.
Pandora is out of the box now.Women will now always point at the 1% women who are somewhat intelligent and can logically argue to keep their right to emancipation.
It will be already too late when they realize emancipation fucked up their own lives in the first place on the long run.

not trying to be just want them gone

but user......just imagine...........................

Nobody is going back. You don't own the Earth.




she literally said she hates religion and she's agnostic

desu I don't know if they'll make the country worse or better

is mexican plagued by immigration or islam and if not, why do you care?

can I larp islam as a way to get pussy?

I don't care. Stop bitching about it. Kys

we can only dream

Nah you just wait,then join V4 and we cleanse together.

He did get an autograph.

99% Mexicans are commies
Not a surprise Quico

the older i get the less i like that song.

Gypsies are 2/3 white and only 1/3 Indian. I think Europe is their true home, sorry buddy.

Right. I will wait.
Also, I am so happy that mudslims are killing you in your own house.

Pls, somebody redpill me Jonny Commie Lenon and why he was killed

You're an Indian

What a fucking psycho you are LUL.

You never met a gypsum did you.They are 3/3 gypsum 0/3 indian 0/3 european.Thats their fucking problem,they cant go anywhere.

You are Ahmad.

>niggers of Europe
I don't think that can happen cuz trash politicians

You just go back and kill your fellow indian for trying to keep the street clean of shitting so you can become a superpower.But no,you have to kill him because shitting on the street is holy to you.

Thats the stuff used to make drywall, genius

pot calling the kettle black

and let me guess OP, you're a chilango?

This time the politicans wont be asked what they want.Politicians divided us enough time already.

I think I saw her recently

Jews just currently have better brainwashing than you. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

here you go

I thought Romanians were the niggers of Europe. One time in elementary school my Romanian classmate's family came to my house and tried to convert me to Christianity. My mom told them to fuck off.

That means :your move.So you can attack something and feel superior.

Yes,thats the one thanks.

What London attacks? On second thought, don't bother. I don't really care what happens in some middle east shithole

Giving women rights was a mistake.

what does that have to do with niggers

I was talking to a girl at a party last night for about 20 minutes. Great conversation, having a great time. She brought up bad stuff going on and the attack at the Ariana Grande concert. I said that's what happens when you let Muslims in. She got up and walked away and started talking to another guy.

>be left
>make marrage so one sided in the courts none of the men can be fucked
>convince woman not to have kids cause working 5 days a week will make them 'happy'
>make really expensive social programs
>woops next generation can't pay for those
>import millions from the third world to replace the native population
>most of them think we are the spawn of satan but fuck it
>blame the native population for 'oppression' when they are not happy about this
>throw a massive tantrum when people vote against the left
>try to start world war 3 with russia
>for some reason the people on the right expected us not to try and destroy civilisation again

It just seemed backwards.

Happens every time.

fuck yeh
women are all for open borders because when shit hits the fan the public doesn't look to women to go fight

yeah ok gyppos are the niggers of Europe because they act the same

I brought my girlfriend from a disgusting Bernie supporter to a full blown build that fucking wall and fuck the commies sexy goddess

can confirm, my mother's totally brainwashed
she got severly ill(won't go into details) after her studies, and due to development of the field (medicine) she would have to get back on track, but she also likes singing, painting & art, which she pursues and which was the first thing she got back to after 10 years. she still is unhappy because she can't have it all.
hell, she should be happy my father kept bread on the table and is willing to work so the family could have a good life, but no, she keeps whining that she wants to work, WHILE SHE DIDNT EVEN WANT TO STUDY MEDICINE TO BEGIN WITH

so a kike supporter

She's an airheaded pseudo.
There's not much more to read into her.

>talking with this girl


it's ok user you still have your shitposting

>Tell friend about the London Bridge attack

Mexicans do believe in their southern borders. They have wall there.

Is she retarded?
Borders can prevent the terror attacks.
A lot of terrorists that are "home grown" are the children of refugees. The Ariana Grande bomber was the child of refugees.

Then she won't mind when you use her up. She has no intrinsic worth. Destroy her in all respects.

we don't, it's a myth, but we do believe in them

Just tell her: "You wanna know why I don't believe in borders?"

Then try to shove your dick in her ass.


Campaign for change

If we all moan enough we can get some sort of response


I don't believe in a border between my dick and your ass

Text in English, you fucking savage.

the song also says no religion

>talking politics with women
Are you masochistic? Most women are are only good for cleaning, cooking and fucking and even then they barely qualify.

>REEEEE I'm about to explode



Remember that violence is not the answer! Thoughts and prayers!

Right?!! All these edgy high schoolers still taking women seriously.....


> borders should have never been invented

Ask that stupid slut if she thinks doors shouldn't exist either, and if she locks her house door at night.