Iran says London attacks 'wake up call', urges uprooting terrorism sources

>Iran said on Sunday the London attacks were a "wake-up call" and urged Western states to go after ideological and financial sources of terrorism, state media reported, in a thinly veiled reference to Saudi Arabia.

Three attackers drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge before stabbing revellers nearby on Saturday night, killing at least seven people in what Britain said was the work of Islamist militants engaged in a "new trend" of terrorism.

"Repeated blind terror attacks around the world are a wake-up call for the world community," the official Iranian news agency IRNA quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qasemi as saying.

"To uproot terror, it is necessary that they (Western states) address the root causes as well as the main financial and ideological sources of extremism and violence, which are clear to everyone," Qasemi was quoted as saying by Press TV.

Iran denies Western charges of sponsoring terrorism, and accuses Saudi Arabia's Wahhabi brand of Sunni Islam and funding from its arch-rival of being behind Sunni militant groups who have been behind a recent spate of deadly attacks in Europe.

Saudi Arabia, the bastion of Sunni Islam and a close U.S. ally, denies backing terrorism and has cracked down on jihadists at home, jailing thousands, stopping hundreds from travelling to fight abroad and cutting militant finances.

Shi'ite Muslim power Iran and Saudi Arabia are longstanding religious and political arch-rivals and often accuse each other of backing terrorism. Relations are fraught as they support each other's foes in regional wars such as in Yemen, Iraq and Syria.

I don't know what to believe Sup Forums

Iran says blame the Saudis

Trump said Saudi's where our best friends and gave them billions of dollars.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Trump said Saudi's where our best friends and gave them billions of dollars.

And guess which country Trump will invade next?

Iran >>> Saudis

They're right, you know? Trump isn't directly responsible for the attacks from yesterday, but he will be indirectly responsible for the ones years down the line. And who knows where those will be aimed.

Which one now I am curious

Trips of truth

Based Iran

This. I'll never understand why our media keeps pushing for war with Iran. Boomers still butthurt over the hostage crisis or Saudi puppet masters? You decide.

how in the world is trump responsible for euro niggerlovers???

This shit is so goddamn confusing.

The gulf states fund terrorism

>Trump says Saudi is our best friend and gives them billions of dollars while bowing to them. The same thing he bitched at Obama over
>Saudi finances terrorism
>Trump says Iran is not our "friend"
>Trump hates Iran and said they screwed Obama over because Obama wouldn't go to war with them.
>Now Iran says WTF dude?

and the euros open the borders for the muslim scum

USA should have aligned with Iran not Saud or Israel. The one thing Obama did right.

Iean's passable, Saudi's abhorrrrrable

Don't worry about it kafir, heheheh.

Both Iran and Sauds sponsor terrorism.
The Iranians are just butthurt that the Sauds are better at it.
The difference is that Iranian Shia terrorists fuck almost exclusively with our Jew masters, whereas the Saudi Sunni terrorists attack Europe. So naturally the slave west focuses only on defending against the muslims attacking their Jew masters, rather than the ones actually attacking them.

That being said, we should definitely glass all of Saudi Arabia, the only actual government linked to 9/11. At the very least we shouldn't be selling them guns or buying their oil or letting anyone else do that.

Not saying Trump is the only one to blame

It can get even more confusing than this.

>(((Saudi puppet masters)))

Multiple causes

the saudi royal family are jews

>tfw terrorism in Europe is so bad that terrorists are telling us to stop letting it happen

I seriously wish we could drop our alliances with Saudi Arabia and Israel. Fuck them both.

it's euro's responsibility to protect themselves and they are failing at it miserably. muslims are inbred so they'll never change. trump has 0% blame

Iran sponsors the mexinarcos along with FARC and Hezbollah

Trump should turn around and sell Iranians the same weapons/arms deal. That would be fucking epic shit! Raining Shekels my nig

>the Indo-Europeans turn out to talk more sense than the Jews and Arabs
Color me surprised.

Piss on the all MENA countries. Glass them all.

Even that hostage crisis was nothing. The Americans weren't supposed to be there, and when held they were given extremely comfortable cells and when they got out they talked about how polite the Iranians were with them the entire time. American media made it out like they got waterboarded or something.

God bless Iran. Only mid-eastern country worth a damn.

Hezbollah has done nothing wrong

well I was referring to Hezbollah, when I said they sponsor terrorists which attack Israel. When was the last time Hezbollah attacked Europe or America? never.

Never heard of Iran sponsoring Farc or mexican drug lords though. Do you have a source for that? Just curious, because I don't see how that would make sense for Iran.

I remember Iran-contra, but that was the CIA, not Iran, sponsoring terrorists.

They own our government. CIA is Mossad. We are pawns of Israel. WW2 never ended.

Amazing how neocon this board is now.

You fucking faggots probably would have voted for GWB as well.

The Saudi regime is of jewish descent. So is Wahhabism.

I choose Good

I talked to a few guys on /sg/ and they also believe this. Mostly about how the House of Saud came out of nowhere and had no links to the region beforehand. Anyone got some more reading I can do about it?


>The Saudi regime is of jewish descent

Visas, man. Futhermore, they train in the woods among brazil, Argentina and so. You're lucky if you find something.
I know cooz Kek told me, However, I lost my links. Deeply sorry.
Maybe I'll make a thread when I find them again

>People on Sup Forums believe that x people they dislike and y ideology they dislike is definitely THE JEWS despite belonging to a totally different sect and being openly hostile to Jews

What the fuck else is new. Sup Forums thinks every time someone farts it's a Mossad false-flag.

Saudis stop compensating for their terrorism the moment they run out of oil, after that the juice is not worth the squeeze.
It is over for them after that

kek. kill yourself.

>america's true leader is a manlet
fuck my shit up

Relax, I was just asking for more reading on this because I've seen it claimed numerous times and thought the primary reasoning behind it was interesting.

>when Iran comes out and tells you to just fucking stop sucking Muslim terrorist cocks

Still enjoying (((Trump)))?

No problem, brofag.
I'm just working (on)

>It is over for them after that

They are already moving towards something other than oil, they want to be a producer of arms.

Just wait until some /sg/ autist links you to about a thousand pages of rambling ""documents"" proving without a doubt what everyone should know about the House of Saud being literally Rothschild-tier crypto-kikes and something about central banking.

so why do the jews and the saudi's let the country of jordan to exist? if anyone can explain that to me i would appreciate it. i just don't understand why there hasn't been any activity with this nation despite being in the middle of a conflict zone

It was always the plan after Syria had fallen


trump already bowed to the saudi's nothing will change

You talking about this?

they're sunnis, and their royal family is a direct decendant of their prophet. Their clerics wouldn't allow it.

nigger he bowed to let the manlet place a medal around his neck. trump is tall as fuck
captcha-select all bridges kek


Even fucking Iran is telling you dumbshit Brits to attack Islam.

so they are the true descendants of the prophet muhammed?

>I don't know what to believe Sup Forums
It's a trick, you don't have to fucking believe anything.
These fucking animals shouldn't be in our countries, period.

It's not fucking rocket science.
Fuck the middle east.
This narrative control 101.

>You don't want shitskins in your country.
>I start the debate anyways as if you've already agreed they should be here.

Believe Iran


Iran is chilled for a muslim country. Much better than saudi shitskins.

Jordan is useful as a security buffer zone for the Israeli state.

Jordanian security is heavily influence by Israel and the USA and basically it helps keep Israel comfy to know they have a reliable and locked-down ally on the other side of the West Bank.

Imagine if there were a hostile Arab state or group on the other side of the Jordan river they could feed weapons and operatives into Palestine and bring them right up to Israel's vulnerable throat whether Jerusalem or Gush Dan or whatever.

Jordan is their shield, basically.


It's not about their economy, this is about their usefulness. You can produce weapons, but you can't produce oil, thus making it more valuable. America can produce weapons but not oil, so their usefulness lies with their oil. When it runs out, they become not only expendable but undesirable as well, they won't have long.


fucking hilarious than that the king of jordan is a huge star trek fan and even guest starred in an episode haha

Hold on, i just typed "Hezbollah M" on google and "Hezbollah Mexico" appears second. Searching it, there's a lot of stuff.
It will take some hours

there were many lines, they're the last sunni one. besides that they're relatively moderate, so israel has no reason to start shit with them.

>in a thinly veiled reference to Saudi Arabia.

Oh you mean that country that Trump sold millions of guns to?

Iran is actually pretty based.

>captcha-select all bridges
this has been happening to me all the time since before the attack yesterday

kind of weird considering jordan was against them in the six day war
anyone else getting a shit ton of bridge captchas lately haha

>It will take some hours
How retarded can you guys be? Besides this being obvious facts by now, it's pretty much the easiest thing to google and find out about.

B-but Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism, le God Emperor says so.

>Iran has a better grasp of the dangers of Muslims than the mayor of London
What a time to be alive


I don't give two shits about Iran. I've seen videos of them chanting for the death of the U.S. They can get pissed on an go extinct for all I care.

Fuck picking sides.
Kick them all the fuck out.
No niggers, no muslims, no terrorists.

Wow fucking problem solved.
Where is my god damn nobel peace prize?

Make up your own minds. Look at their actions.

And their possible motive for taking Saudi Arabia?

>I'll never understand why our media keeps pushing for war with Iran.
So that they won't develop nuclear weapons

It's funny how North Koreans want to nuke the US across the ocean, but not China or Russia across the border

I like Israel but I can recognize the fact that Iran is the heir to a great civilization and not the Wests' enemy.

I mean, i'm shittalking in my work. I know them but i'm just to lazy to bookmark and stuff.
t. mexican one

if i was kim jung un i would too want nukes. it basically establishes your country as one to to be taken advantage of or else

>latin america

How are the mexican cartels letting this happen?

but what happened between now and the six day war? jordan was fighting against israel

Not much of a surprise, they are fighting a cold war with the Saudis, and Saudis are the biggest funders of terrorism.


>Fuck picking sides.
thats literally what iran wants us to do tho. We keep picking the side of israel/saudi and they still keep getting btfo by iran. if we weren't meat-shielding for these fucks iran would already rule the middle east and keep the sunnis in line with an iron fist. iran doesn't want us to help, they dont want our military aid or welfare like the saudis/israelis want. they just want us to stop fucking with their economy while being slaves to jews and arabs who hate us.

>I don't give two shits about Iran. I've seen videos of them chanting for the death of the U.S.

That's literally everywhere, even in our own fucking country. Also Iran is somewhat justified as we've been poking our dick in their sand for no great reason. Despite that, Iran is arguably the most western friendly country in the region.

>tfw I just realized I'm an Iranian shill

(((Shills))) are going hard these last few weeks

How are the democrats/libshits letting stuff happen?

The point is that what Iran say is under eyes of all, but "Muh jewish tricks" we choose the Saudi everytime.

Iran don't deserve us, but they are the best choiche.

Israel won the Six Day War handily and the Arabs will always hate Israel but Jordan had to deal with a large influx of Palestinian refugees who tried to overthrow the government.

Ever since then they've kept an extremely tight lid on the Palestinians and internal security in general.

It's not even the middle east.

The whole reason Iran is so based is because they're indo-european.

Central-South Asians

Iran use to be super westernized before their 1979 revolution, before there was a monarchy and now that was usurped for a theocracy

Forgot link:

Because it's so easy for them they're probably bored at this point. They want a challenge so they're telling weak/cucked Europe to step their game up

Wasted trips

Monarchy was corrupt and many pro-Shah partisans were bribed with money from the CIA. Also, CIA has admitted that it was in charge of the 1953 Coup which put Mohammad Reza Pahlavi into power. No reason why monarchy should've stayed.