The myth of German dominance is just that -- a myth

The myth of German dominance is just that -- a myth.

In fact, it's the other way around: we are the EU's slaves. We are treated like the EU's permanently open wallet.

>Debt crisis in Greece? Germany will pay
>Refugees at Europe's borders? Send them to Germany, they'll pay
>Poland needs a new plunger museum? Send the bill to Germany

We are sick and tired of working our asses off just so the living standards in neighboring countries can be improved at our expense while our own people are starving in the streets.

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Then stop voting for Frau Merkel and the other globalists.

this is true. is there a real alternative to merkel that is right wing and has a shot at winning?

Schòne grûsse aus Spanien. Bezahlt mir auch Dland die Ferien. Geh Mal weiter arbeiten!


Look at the development since the 2000s. Who has less unemployment and debt than before? Who has more?

Germany is the WINNER of the Eurozone cup.

I just hope the German Sup Forumsacks know a lot of us don't hate them.

in fact, I feel like Hans is teh wrong name to represent the German normie.

WOLFGANG is the way to go.

best regards, a drunken Florian who just came home from a degenerate Pfingsten Fest.

>less unemployment

That meme has to die.
The ARGE is literally just an organisation to falsify statistics.
The actual number is double if not tripple.

why? are most germans that cucked?

- We have the second highest taxes in europe and worldwide.

- we have a 41 hour week (working for the state)

- Wages with Inflation havent risen in the last 25 years

- The state finances low wage workers trough tons of social welfare programs

- we have less property (be it real estate or oter valuables) than other europeans

- our votes literally Count less in european election

All in all the german government has tons of ressources but the german People actually have less than most other europeans

we count on you, desperately.

See you in Walhalla, brother.

We have two big parties. Merkel is our conservative party and all the christians will always vote for it.
The other big party are socialists.

also if you compare our wages to the past...

people who dont have jobs with high wages will be totally fucked when we are getting too old for work

will invesst some of my money in the stock market...dangerous but at least there is a chance for me not to be a poor fuck when i am 65+

if they were, it would be simple.

Point is they are cancer.

Too bad you invited half of Africa to Europe.
Everythink good you ever done is forgoten.
Destroying Europe for 3 times in row is just too much. Not worth of your overpriced cars and lidl Hans. You are jews again. Commie trash.
I hope your waller bleed hard becose of muzzies and bbc welfare.

This guy is correct.

Only we have never done anything good.

100% agree on the cancer.

But they are a shallow shell of "social politics" – in the core they repsresent neo-liberal capitalsim quintessentially.

Let's be honest... Any German with half a brain and some €€€ has already left Germany. Just the losers remain..

nice meme

actually it was England who destroyed Europe 2 times

1914- declaring war on Germany because we went through Belgium to attack France because of a guarantee they made in 18 fucking 30

1939 - guaranteeing Poland so that half of Europe becomes communist in the end


anyway go watch the wonder woman movie and see how based capeshit jew hero with based Anglos and shitskins kill dem ebil germans around Ludendorff and co. you fucking brainwashed retard

>but the german People actually have less than most other europeans

I can tell you never saw much of Europe!

Either way, you are completely free to immigrate to the paradise that is Romania, Southern Italy, Greece or Poland!

Nigger you have no idea on economics. Look at german export surplus and regulations inside eu. Then look on euro bonds and who buys them and what are current fight inside eu in terms of common market. Germans are fucking leeches.

replied myself, god damn Bier.

if they don't steal ur shit you might enslave half of yurope again my dude

check the fucking numbers. Italians have the most real estate in europe. They dont pay fucking rent and pay a shit lot less taxes. I'm not saing they spend it wisely (on infrastructure and so on) but fact is French and italians own two or three times as much as the average german.

1. Except Greece and other total poorfags, germany gets the most benefits from beeing in EU
2. Because germany gets rich its doesnt mean the germans also do so
3. Stop voting for neoliberals which makes you a wagecuck

Ok. I dont care about WW1.
WW2 realy hurt our country. Then we was fucked by Ivan for long time. And when we kicked out Ivan and we starting to do at least ok, you want us BLACKED.

I cant judge you for sins of your fathers.
But this refugees welcome crisis is your faulth.
When your leader was Hitler you at least have some plan and vision for your own people.
Now you shooting yourself to foot and want rest Europe to join you.

Because this greatly benefits the Germans.
Am i right lads?

Fucking economists and their 2% net benefit number crunch circlejerk, while everyone else is starving on the streets.

Germany has truly fucked Europe this time, Lol.

i dont approve this policy

I cant do shit except voting far right parties and speak out about it with friends, family or working colleagues

i am as mad as you are and I hope that countries like Poland Hungary etc will raise their voice against this shit policy like they did in the past few months

Mate, you are probably too young to remember a time before the EU: So take it from a family that have been middle class workers in the same business for over 30 years: The EU crushed our income and inflated our prices. We now have to work three times as hard to make a third of the pay we did before. People don't have the disposable income they had before. Job security has been utterly destroyed by the fucking social democrats right after they abandoned the unions that have kept them in power for over a hundred years. Now we have fake self-employment and temporary-work contracts to keep salaries at an all time low, just so we can compete with slave labor around the globe. The EU has destroyed our effective wealth by a factor of 9! Has our export volume increased by a factor of 9 since the EU? Did someone fail to mention that we were the world leader for both export AND import, before the EU? We sold our shit to everyone, not just EU vassals that pay us with our own money and subsequently drown in debt that we are held accountable for. All just so our politicians can bask in the glory of globalist approval they bought with our taxes.

You have an artificially devalued currency and the EU is run along EU lines.
If you were really made to pay for the Greek debt Deutche Bank wouldn't exist now.
And you asked for the refugees, no one else.

best thing is that Germans sell their goods and labor for numbers that devalue each year and might be not worth anything in a couple of years.

>the EU is run along EU lines.
German lines, rather. i.e "muh rules"

>krauts complaining about EU

You pay us money because our leaders give your capital permission to bought up half the country you fucking nigger

How does Germany actually profit off of paying so much into Europe and letting all the rapefugees in?

This. I remember that prizes doubled when we changed currency

Oh my god you fucking pay to destroy the world and then you complain about it?

How about you just stop fucking everything up kraut

>destroy the Europe twice
>second time permanently
>kill milions of europeans


Shut the fuck up

What is even more funny is how Merkel welcomed millions of refugees. And now when she cannot handle them she wants Hungary and Poland to handle them, like wtf?

>>Poland needs a new plunger museum? Send the bill to Germany

BANTZ OVERLOAD! Nice job Freidrich!

don't fall for the property jew. and the italians are seriously pissed off with how the euro is killing them. grass isn't greener, the entire eu is set up to benefit german industry.

B-But L-Lukasz made me do it!!!!

I hope this thread showed you that Germans have no allies anywhere
We absolutely deserve all the hate.


>1 DM is 2 Euros
>The prices have doubled after Euro got implemented

Hmmmm really makes my noggin' Joggin'

german industry yes

but certainly not the german people

>This. I remember that prizes doubled when we changed currency
Suddently the yearly holiday trip of our family was canceled.
Thanks EU. Now 90% of the money goes into paying bills and with a bit luck you can buy some booze at the end of the month to then cry about how everything was better before the currency change.

Nigga stop bitching.

>highest taxes
Lie, Netherlands has higher.

>41 hour week
Wew lad, I must get used to 48 hours

>state finances low wage workers
Go to scandinavia, its worse there.

>we have less property than other europeans

>our votes count less in eu election
Yes but at least you have like 100 seats which is a huge part, unlike us who got like 25.

Hans please.

OP, Germany are the EU's slaves. Do you think Germany should leave the EU? I think the EU is just a bad idea, at least for the common man of the EU it is a bad idea.

okay send allyour factories to us, see what good that does for you you whiny cunt

ask Thatcher what happened to your industry

thats not Germanys fault

Your surplus is other countries deficit
Ask for a bigger salary, Hans. You deserve it. Why don't you repeal Hartz IV?

yes we should leave and we should create pic related

>repeal Hartz IV
Before the EU, we had a better welfare system that paid you more money, because we were rich enough to afford it and getting a job that would set you up for live was piss easy. Nowadays the average income from work leaves you with less money than welfare.

They make back at least 10 times what they pay in, the UK made at least 60bn a year and paid in about 10bn iirc, and the germans have the advantage of an undervalued currency.

You seem to think industries are bad, so if you don't want them I'm sure plenty of other countries in the EU would be more than willing to take them off you.
You are simply a spoilt brat.

This guy gets it.

>Waaaah our GDP nearly doubled since the Euro while everyone else went down the drain Waaaaah why we have to pay some billion to save Greece for the absolute economic collapse!? Waaaah waah that's not fair!!

Well said Kraut

i am not saying that a strong industry is bad

i am just saying that the german people dont profit at all from it

He is an idiot
He probably thinks Germans deserve our economy because we are "hard workers"

>1 DM is 2 Euros

1 DM is 0.5 Euros.

This is true. I'm just finishing my free degree then I'm leaving. Fuck paying jizya

Prost, user


Sure did our GDP decrease 9 times since 1990!

Oh, wait, it increased threefold ... Twofold inflation-adjusted. Really made me think.

You don't profit from having a positive trade balance, political dominance within the eu and jobs?
okay m80. look at oecd stats and see how you benefit.
the greeks work 50% more hours than you and are starving in the streets just so your boomers could have their pensions made secure.
nation of cunts, hope you get nuked.

The export surplus really helps old Germans who have to scavenge trash cans for recyclable bottles while working Germans get taxed to pay for their invaders well-being.

Yeah, it's the regular Germans who are the beneficiaries of everyone's misery. Fuck off

Yes, German taxpayers pay your elite so our elite can get even richer. Really the fault of regular Germans

look at it properly (as a percentage of gdp) and it's a very different story

What the fuck do you want? Sympathy?
Europe does not see us as human.

>They make back
No, the average person does not. The average person profits in no way whatsoever. Large corporations across Europe and the politicians do. Everyone else is getting fucked over royally. The money that goes into the EU, into Greece and other countries is tax money. The money that comes back is not and will never benefit the population at large.

They've effectively found a way to fuck people in both countries over and constantly sic them on one another as they're printing money.

>You seem to think industries are bad
Some yes, some no. Industries which effectively cost the country in subventions to keep them going, which pay their taxes in the Netherlands or Bahamas if they pay taxes at all, who increasingly move their jobs out of the country as they get lower rates on almost everything such as electricity useage and wear down local infrastructure are indeed bad. They all around cost more in wealth than they generate and by a large margin.

>This guy gets it.
No, he does not. He the same as you equates a few large corporations and companies with germany at large. Wholly ignoring that said corporations do surprisingly little if they are not outright taking money out of the system. You fail to make an important differentiation between these entities and the population aswell as state at large because you refuse to do so because otherwise you would need to shift your strawman.

I know these are countries of a similar economic tier but wouldn't that just redistribute their money which is basically what the EU does on a higher scale?

I'm just telling idiots who fell for the divide and conquer memes the truth.

>GDP measured in currency whom's effective buying power is a third of the former currency.
>Now consider that 50% of income is immediately deducted from it.
>Now consider that living costs have gradually increased.
>Now figure out what effect that is going to have for the average wageslave's disposable income.
Don't breed.

>Europe does not see us as human.

They hate us. They absolutely hate us. And I feel it's partially our fault. We've been too nice for the past few decades. No one respects the nice kid and they all pick on him because he's too nice to defend himself.

Its not divide and conquer
Nobody is divided
EVERYONE in Europe wants us dead.
Other western Europeans. Eastern Europeans
Our own people and government.

If your government doesn't want to look after ordinary people that is a domestic political decision.
I'm sure they'll blame the EU for things but that doesn't make it true, simply politically convenient.
You have no idea what you are on about. You've been misled by your politicians and media. Sorry.

No that's not true. Germany is simply in the "destroy europe" mindset that it gets into every few years and you are making yourselves easy to hate.
You don't see what you are doing to others. You have national autism.

>partially our fault.
Remove partially

I am completely on their side. The best thing about this refugee crisis is Europe working together to remove Germans

There is a fucking reason they are buying bus tickets for refugees in the rest of the EU. They know we pay them Kindergeld to have children and they will rape and kill us

Think about how much Poles for example hate black people. Yet they are willing to help us set up what are essentially breeding factories of africans in Germany to replace Germans

Because as much as Poles hate black people they hate us far more.

Nice try Master! we are not stupid, we know we are the sheep's that blindly obey your barks.

>Because as much as Poles hate black people they hate us far more.

We saved them from communism and this is how they repay us?

No good deed goes unpunished.

I knew you were a Volksverräter or Kanacke. Fucking disgusting

I am proud traitor
Betraying Germans is the best thing I will ever do.
Fuck Germans.

thats fine for me

also it would be way more homogenetic, thus it would be easier to centralize it to a certain degree

>Falling for all the divide and conquer shit.
How can you be so weak?

Not really. Looking at it as a percentage of GDP is ultimately meaningless since all it shows is that we have other profitable types of business. The point is manufacturing went up under Thatcher. I didn't like her very much but there's no point in spreading false information about her.

>GDP nearly doubled
So? The average person is poorer than ever before in a long time. Such a change does mean nothing if it is concentrated on a few large corporations and rich people. The average person's wealth and buying power has drastically gone down over the last 2-3 decades.
You can suck up to them all you want. They're never going to like you you self hating faggot.
By your logic a lot of African states should be extremely wealth and you deserve to be nuked too! Because believe it or not, they also manage to book a lot of "working hours". And no, the average person has not profited in any kind of way. The EU has been all around disastrous for them. You might want to look up the developement in real wages aswell as buying power and how the entire middle class is rapidly sinking.

It's even better. German tax payer money is used to buy stuff for the top few percent and large corporations. A handful of people in both countries profit, everyone else loses out big time. If something goes awry the tax payers are once again used to bail the thing out. But unless they can just blame the average person, they would have to look at what is actually going on and how it involves the political and economic elite across Europe including their own.

>Nice try Master! we are not stupid, we know we are the sheep's that blindly obey your barks.

If Germany is so dominant, then why did Merkel fail to make other EU members take in refugees?

Why did Schäuble fail to make other EU members adopt stricter fiscal policies?

Let's face it, Germany is weak. Broken. Beaten.

>They're never going to like you you self hating faggot.
I don't want them to like me
I am German. They should hate me just as much as they should hate every other German

I want future Europe to be save from us.

>The average person's wealth and buying power has drastically gone down over the last 2-3 decades.

1. It hasn't, it stayed roughly the same, or improved somewhat.

>Such a change does mean nothing if it is concentrated on a few large corporations and rich people.

2. This trend is seen everywhere and has ZERO to do with the EU, as it's most prominent in the USA.

>This faggot and his next level cuckposting ITT

Can't wait to get out of this shithole

>If your government doesn't want to look after ordinary people
Oh wait. You mean the same as yours? Which for the longest time and even now sold you out. The same as in Greece, Poland etc. Where a few elites line their pockets? You do realize you've just debunked your own goddamn argument about how the average German is to blame for your blight or that of the Greeks.

And no, the government and media is trying to sell us the EU as the best thing since sliced bread and tells us that paying for it and all these bailouts is out duty to make up for all the bad things of the past. So the exact opposite of what you believe.

Why should we hate Germans? You were the only people not giving us shit for the London attack yesterday.


Productivity has increased steadily while have barely kept up with inflation.

> We are treated like the EU's permanently open wallet
Why do you think it is about you?
"You" (((Germany))) is the father figure that hands out the pocket money and reduce independence of those who are infantilized.

Understand how "power" works.

Everyone should take more responsibility yes. Thus they will be free to the extant that anyone can be. But that is not what the EU is promising, again.

This is why sensible people posit the idea that people might like to "Go back where you came from, sort your own country out" Both physically and spiritually/ philosophically/ ideologically.

Shut the fuck up you dirty lying kraut

Europeans died. Innocent people died. I consider every Brit my brother.