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democrats are criticizing it now.
but they know without it they would never elect minorities representatives to congress

We are a Republic

Why do retarded liberals not understand this

congress is popular vote, not sure you understand how american voting works

A republican democracy, yes.

What is exactly your argument?

Can someone explain to me how this is possible ? Not american so I don't understand.

Electoral College! Learn why we have it, asshole!

russian hacking

Illegals voting is how it happened.


Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage
Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage
Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage
Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage

The states select the president, the people of each state vote on who they want their state to support

electoral college, just google it

The ruling class then, as now, hates political risk, i.e. they want to fuck over anyone anywhere anytime at their pleasure. The Constitution is written to carefully exclude all direct influence from the people on policy and history books are written to indoctrinate helplessness and incapacity.

No dumbass, Constitutional Republic. Pure democracy is mob rule. Our founders were smart enough to avoid that. We desperately need to teach Civics in school again.

No we don't . We live in a Federal presidential constitutional republic.

We're a Republic.

That we aren't a direct democracy.

>this generation of retards don't know how voting works

>muh popular vote




Electing a president by popular vote wouldn't make us a direct democracy.

The U.S. isn't a democracy.
This is why you failed high school.
Fuck yourself.
s - a - g - e - d

US doesn't use direct vote
the states are who elect the president
holy shit you're american and don't fucking know how politics on your own country work

we have a mechanism called the electoral college, which abstracts the popular vote across territory. the 120+ mil votes cast are boiled down into about 300 electoral votes and it's not a 1-to-1 relationship. coastal votes end up being worth about .7 while heartland votes are worth about 1.3. since the coasts went for clinton and the heartland went for trump, that's how you end up with trump winning by minority

the philosophy behind the EC is that it prevents high density areas from dictating political agenda to low density areas. the coasts would always push policy thats of interest to the coasts and the heartland would perpetually get ignored. it clearly doesn't work too well since now we see grain silos and dustbowls electing presidents over cities of people

People in this thread are retarded.


...Yes? It would. The U.S. isn't a democracy, it's a fucking Republic.

>what is population density

united STATES of america
Trump won more states, fuck off faggot is EU a direct democracy? Oh ya..

>when you spend years bitching about money in politics, but then cry when Hillary runs the most expensive campaign in history and loses to a guy who ran the cheapest campaign since 2004

We're a representative republic.
The populous doesn't elect the president directly; the States appoint electors.

Only retards think the US is a democracy or that "democracy" is good

The US is a REPUBLIC you braindead liberal moron


>how does Trump lose almost one billion dol--

the electoral collage had two purposes one of those is now mute as the electors can't change votes. The other is sill in play, though America has a common core culture each state/region/city has its own culture. Because of this if one of these gets disproportionally over populated, one state can not bully the rest of the country.
Also there is a good chance that there was some election rigging in California, the DA investigating this was found washed up on a beach shot to death. Something rotten in the state of Denmark.

yes, you live in a Federal presidential constitutional republic democracy.

What is the issue americans have with the word democracy
Neither is the rest of the world. Your point?

>Democracy != direct democracy

This is 4rth grade political science

>representative republic.

Same as pretty much the rest of the western world.

Why do americans always think they are super duper special?

A Republic and a Democracy.

Do you know what a republic is? And democracy?

>Why do americans always think they are super duper special?
You'll have to be more specific.

Also it would serve purposes better if the president were elected by popular vote. The Senate already offers a balance to smaller population States as well as there ability to have there own internal politics.

This autistic screeching about "Le USA yzzz not a democrazy!!!" when america is factually and un-arguably a democracy.

Hell, "fighting for democracy" was one of their motto for decades

Trump won, at a minimum....pulled this from a "left" site....2,660 counties out of a possible 3,141

>libruls BTFO

We're a democratic republic: We've elected our presidents like this for more than two centuries.
What's your point?

So? Why should a heavily populated area have more political rights than a lightly populated area? By that logic the USA should have less rights in the world than China and Africa.

But America is not, and never was, a democracy. Its a republic. This is common, basic knowledge.

My point is that America is a democracy, despite the autistic screeching by some Sup Forumstards
>Why should a heavily populated area have more political rights than a lightly populated area?
Democratic principles.

>By that logic the USA should have less rights in the world than China and Africa.

Now this is some autistic shit

Democracy (Greek: δημοkρατία, Dēmoskrátos literally "rule of the people"), in modern usage, is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament.

Really makes you think

>The United States is the world's oldest surviving federation. It is a constitutional republic and representative democracy


He's right though, electing the president directly wouldn't make us a direct democracy.

>when america is factually and un-arguably a democracy

no its not

I'm done with this thread, can't be bothered explaining basic principles to an uneducated 3rd worlder

but muh popular vote

>My point is that America is a democracy, despite the autistic screeching by some Sup Forumstards
So why'd you start this thread? What's your point/question?
>Democratic principles.
>Implying all democratic regimes have to run the same way.
The last time our country experienced tensions caused by population imbalance, we had a civil war.
The electoral college exists to ensure that all States are represented.

>t.never read the federalist papers

>The electoral college exists to ensure that all States are represented.
Don't you guys have a Senate or a Parlement?

Why does the President have to be elected with a electoral college?

>So why'd you start this thread?
I didn't

>representative democracy
That's why our president is elected via electoral college.

Every democracy in the world is a representative democracy.

Don't americans learn stuff like this in school?

Then by that logic we are a democracy and OP is bullshitting.

We do, that guy's just stupid

Why do you even care? Democracy is massively overrated and the only reason why so many people hold it in such high regard is because they mistakenly believe that it's an essential prerequisite for liberty

sage for whats wrong with this world

>I didn't
Sorry about that.
>Why does the President have to be elected with a electoral college?
The president has quite a bit of power within our system, so it's important that all states have some say in the office. If not for this system, a few densely-populated coastal states, like New York and California, could tip the election all on their own.
If our Constitution hadn't been drafted this way, it would've been impossible to get the sparsely-populated southern colonies to join the union.
It's not a perfect system, but it's worked up until now.

Comparing a political party choosing who too run against an actual election to choose someone too govern. How stupid are you?

Alaska and Hawaii only have 1 county?

So you do agree wit me that electoral college is a rudimentary organ that does not have a real purpose nowadays?

>Republic and democracy are mutually exclusive
>Burger education


We're a republic faggot. Besides that you dipshits didn't cry foul when the same shit happened last time with Obama vs. Hillary.

>Buying ice
>Bacteria are viruses that have DNA
What the hell? What is wrong with our school system?

>So you do agree wit me that electoral college is a rudimentary organ that does not have a real purpose nowadays?
Liberals' asses only started to hurt over the Electoral College after Hillary failed to win. Before that, they didn't give a shit.

>I don't forsee any letting go of power now
>too many terrorist attacks have made principles of democracy fleeting
>the public no longer cares for talk or votes they demand action
>the time has come the cycles repeat
>Europe will fall once again
>Europe will be rescued yet again
>what has happened will never be allowed to happen again


No. It still does prevent political power from being concentrated in the most urban, developed states.

A democratic republic*
You try to correct someone but get it wrong

Could we do away with the electors? probably. but get rid of the proportional votes of states and you end up with more populated states deciding every election. It's why they put the electoral college at all. Smaller states didn't want to join the union because larger states could just vote against them easily.
Direct democracy is mob rule.
where 51% of the population can decide to take away the rights of the other 49%
The electroal college is an advantage for smaller states and a disadvantage for larger states but larger states still have quite a bit of sway but you still need to convince other states to agree with you. USA is literally a nation of mini nations.

>1 post by this ID
sage in all fields

The USA is not a democracy, you turd

It's a Constitutional Republic. Anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong.

>plus as the country grew in population control over the govt began to lose out to powerful interests
>those interests seek more instability to provide them with more reasons to claim power over countries
>EU or Paris Accord just more of the same large faceless bureaucrats trying to control and dictate destruction of opposition to their plans

And instead it's concentrated in 300 unelected people

A democratic republic is still a democracy.

Up until this election electoral college never really did any harm to them. So livruls did not care about it.

Kinda of the same Sup Forumstards only started to care about muslims after 9/11.

We're a constitutional republic. The states vote for president, not the people.

>we do not live in a more free world, in fact you have representatives that have to speak for larger and larger numbers of citizens
>As you move away from direct democracy and control you get into territory where International bodies start to assume control
>INternational bodies, NGOS Corps begin to make demands over the public and place their needs ahead of the voters and citizens of state
>States Breakdown separate, secede and or fall apart and cease to exist, eventually overun by outsiders til they are gone entirely from history
>the schools no longer teach truths
>media no longer present truths
>everything becomes in the interest of the controlling groups and they decide whether a people survive or die off
>Science and History become relative and Socially constructed not certain
>Dogmas and superstitions take precedent over facts



True democracies cant exist because people cant think for themselves.

>6 months later...

>Britbongistan maybe learning what most educated already know, survival of the culture maybe uncertain
>USA seems ahead of the curve by overexposure to negative consequences with unlimited immigration since 1965
>We will be called on to bail Europe out after it lay in ruins, expect only events like Eiffel Tower destruction, Big Ben destruction and various other "triumphs" to be extinguished by hordes of muslim immigrants if multiculturalism maybe not brought to an end.

Not really.

Pretty sure they can.


Then change it instead of complaining

The educated answer is that we're a confederation of states. When we vote in a presidential election we are voting not for someone but who our state should voted for.

Why? Because there are more people there. Plain and simple. How does that not make sense to you?

it's funny you post that but won't mention how the DNC primaries were rigged against Bernie XD

""""Constitutional Republic""""

>It's another WE'RE A REPUBLIC NOT A DEMOCRACY ameridumb episode rerun for the gazillionth time

People always think I'm joking or exaggerating when I say americans are the worst posters on Sup Forums but seirously, is there any other group so fucking resilient to fact or basis fucking logic?

Which is why California has 55 electoral votes and Wyoming has 3

you burgers have been doing this shit for years and yet you only started complaining after trump won, fuck off

How would a chess game even wind up like this?

who cares lol we won

Democracy just means citizen participation in government. It doesn't specify how deep the participation goes.

Switzerland is probably the most democratic country but it doesn't mean that france isn't a democracy.

You vote for your governor. Your governor sends delegates. This, by definition, is a democracy.

>Just because a horde of liberal locusts hibernate in one state doesn't mean they havea right to control all the other states as well.
>There I solved this thread, thank you, goodnight!

>Le most counties

Stupid argument. Higher population densities in the cities and some counties legit have 40 people living in them.