Romanian hit terrorists over the head with a crate before giving 20 people shelter

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. And britcucks get away from the EU in order to have more access to the influx of Pakis. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

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more like bigot

Based. Memes of him when?


It is only a shame that the tax payers will have to fund his day in court.
Violent thug should be hanged.

Bet they use this to import 10 million gypsies, when they have nothing to do with romania.

Kekkles. We're getting away from the EU because we don't want to end up like your people. How's that mass immigration working out for you, Stavros?

>t. Abu Bakr al-London

This is why Romanians from Transylvania were great Waffen SS volunteers
>pic related: recommended reading

Fuck UK.


Pretty sure its working better than in GB

Are you seriously this stupid? You fucked up your own country by importing a million pakis and now the EU is at fault?

Maybe the German Diaspora had a thing to do with it too

Well that worked out crate

Well, yes many of the volunteers from Transylvania were either full-german or half romanian and half german.There have also been volunteers outside of Transylvania that were just full romanian, not gypsy or pontics of course

>pic semi-related

I am Romanian diaspora. My parents are from Bucharest, and there is a small community of Romanians here in chicsgo. My dad once said that it's better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep. So based. We all hate Muslims and niggers too

Brits love low IQ inbred Pakis more than conservative christian Poles.
Hey, but at least they aren't racist!

My grandfather was half-german and half-Romanian, fluent in both languages. He fervently opposed national socialism because it conflicted with his Christian views.

>Inbred Paki on bennies detected

where is the upboat clicky on this site? I want to upboat ur comment

Post the link you faggot.

I cannot understand why the west can't realize what's happening in their countries.

Catholic i assume? Because the protestants/evangelics were very supportive of NS.
Where from Romania did he come from and when did he move to the USA?

How long before he is arrested for zenophobic behavior?

guess (((why)))

He was Pentecostal and was averse to large, potent governments. He grew up on a farm in the outskirts of Arad. My family moved to avert communism and religious persecution.

>mass immigration
>we have 60k refugees
>he has literally tens of millions of pakis

unironically keked

Where my Constanta diaspora at

We have an extremely similar saying/rhyme in Greece
"Καλύτερα μιας ώρας ελεύθερη ζωή, παρά σαράντα χρόνια σkλαβιά kαι φυλαkή"
translates roughly to
"It's better to live one hour of free life, than forty years as a slave and prisoner."
Our saying came from our revolution against the T*rks, so I'm guessing it was spread through the Balkans as a slogan against the Ottoman occupation.

when are the Pakis going back btw

EU immigration rules forced our hand. You should know all about that. But we're out in a year and half, and you're not.

One step at a time. These false flag attacks are expensive.

fucking racist scum, do you realise how much these poor people had to go through?

i hope he is going to jail, hate crime should be eradicated

>literally the niggers of Europe
>muh cradle of civilisation

You'd better see a denbtist soon friendo. You thought you were Germany's bitch so far? You're in for a shock when we leave.

>You'd better see a denbtist soon friendo
Ok that was funny

What a racist bigot

Brings shame to our name

It will be too late. These "people" multiply and spread like roaches, you won't be able to deport them because they're british citizens. This is true for all western countries. The sad part is that once they take control of your governments, which at some point it's gonna happen, they will force this "multiculturalism" on eastern europe, which will turn into a battleground, because you can be sure we're not gonna accept fucking mudslimes.

Europe is pretty much fucked it seems.

If so than only because they all want to head up north.

>EU immigration rules forced our hand

Would you mind posting some source to corroborate your claim?

Because in all honesty I believe you don't have any, and that's because EU has nothing to do with that, and you should that better.

>when other countries have to come defend your ass

That saying is a Mussolini quote.

They're already all over our public service and government. But by leaving the EU there is no plausible deniability our politicians can fall back upon. If the immigration doesn't come down, heads will roll.

DYOR or get off this site you lazy moustachioed hospitality pleb


>the biggest man in London is from the Balkans


>breaths in


>walks on the street in 2AM without any danger


>pays no additional attention to trucks on the street


>breath is again


n-no he's supposed to run hide purchase a TV licence, why didn't he bin that crate?

His name literally means miller(as in flour miller)

Go clean a toilet, degenerate spaniard.
Fish DNA is better than yours.

'Better a day as an eagle than a life as a crow' is a very popular saying here. Wish we'd apply it more often tbqh

> mfw
> be me, walking up the canal in London
> all hipsters and families and all that
> arrive around Shoreditch
> about tea time hear some whining
> TFW a muezzin prayer from local mosque
> it's all EUs fault!!!1!!


>brits get their shit pushed in by untrained weekend terrorists with a couple of bombs and guns
meanwhile, in 2002 israel

isn't the whole stabbie stabbie fad from Israel? I remember a lot of minor happenings last year . As a grassroots movement it works, you can't ban knives,shit people in prison can make knives so it would be useless, so it's great for spreading terror bc terror is basically fearing something that might never happen it awakens the primordial fear ,even in an armed society, if you have a lot people happy to meet allah.

I stand by what I said Nigel, you did it all by yourselves, but you're so lazy you don't even know your history nor your politics you filthy pathetic ignorant chav

helo schmuel mi frend däli remind tu nvr frget thx

Friendless losers trying to kill themselves for some popular cause that they finally find accommodation in didn't originate from Israel though.

It's an old trick by provocateurs to stir shit up, first used by Britain against its American colonies.

dosnt work in israel tho , i basically grew up with bombs daily\weekly ,anything less just seems perfectly peaceful .
but yea israel learnt about terrorism the very hard way, its a shame that now europe is doing it instead of learning from us\others.

seriously though, stop whining, at least the forests fields and gardens aren't covered in anti-person, anti-tank, mortars, grenades, bombs and other explosive and active shit from WW2.
I work in battlefield archeology, mostly recovering missing axis and allied soldiers in Belgium, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany and Finland.
I'd prefer shitty Hamas rockets fired at me every now and then than having to be careful to not walk into a mine as a kid or when digging in your garden to not accidentally hit some explosive.

Here, near where i live, controlled explosion of an american bomb
>explosion at 00:28

>pic related: a german waffen-ss soldier we found in Lorraine, France with his Stielhandgranate at the hip

I know my history and politics perfectly well, Salvatore. We were forced into the EU by the back door by a closet fag Prime Minister in 1972. At the time, it was not a period where mass immigration from afar was even possible and so uniting Europe's nation states into a superstate seemed the best choice to avoid a third international war.

That's the history. I'm not looking up legislation for you, because I don't have to any more. I've been online arguing the case to leave the EU for a decade now. Users of Sup Forums who have been lurking for more than a week already know the reasons why we're leaving the EU. Millenial cafe waiters like yourself who turn up at the end of the fight have no right to ask questions of veterans.

Lmfao who the fuck in the EU ever told you to bring 5 millions paki ?

>pic related: stuff you find in the woods

You think it'll fire still?

he's actually moldavian but that's to little importance

>tfw triggered Corvid Supremacist

why did they leave the mortar shells there im pretty sure that's illegal senpai.
when you think germans couldn't be any worse they illegally leave bombs and mines around in forests for innocent people to get hurt by.

Well, he assulated a peaceful Muslim. He should have known the rules

Yes, we also find MG42 ammo boxes. explosives we deactivate unless it's an airplane bomb, those are for experts. the last MG42 ammo we found worked perfectly when our local militarytried it with an original MG42.
These you usually find in forgotten underground bunkers which have been shut close before the allies advanced, apparently worked well because we still have many on our plan to dig up

>pic related: Found as is in Alsace last year, over the time the tree bark got stuck to it. But yeah, shit you find in the woods is often overground as well

>that's illegal
>left ammo in wartime
>ou forgot americans, russians, brits and canadians also leaving all their shit all over France, Germany and Belgium.
I have no idea why especially the Americans left so much shit all over the place, German soldiers retreating and leaving stuff behind makes sense, but americans controlled the area for a long time and were even stationed around the areas long after the war.
I guess american military doesn't keep maps of where bombs might be or where they left ammo behind.

It costs more to ship stuff back than to make new stuff.

Ahaha, the only hope for the eternal Anlo is that the Poles and Romanians won't hand over Britain to the rapefugees without a fight!

>pic related: MG42 in horrible condition with ammo box that after some cleaning still worked when given to the barracks here. Those we find every year

God vacations in the Balkans.

I estimate 1 in 2 people in Germany have absolutely no clue about the extend of the damage caust by Mudslimes and Niggers because of media collusion, censorship free speech restrictions where they are hailed as scienstists, passionate fathers, human rights advocates and heroes

as a soldier any weapons and ammo you sign out of an armory is your responsibility .you finding live ammo means someone illegally left it there .
should be found and trialed.

>be Soviet bloc shithole for half a century
>nut up against jihadists

What went so right?

Yes, but i mean mines and bombs that didn't explode especially, german stuff we find easily because we have maps and military memos that describe locations and where what is.
American stuff however, they are surprised when we report them about american stuff we find, like they either don't keep notes or they just forgot

>TFW we even find MIA/KIA soldiers for americans and identify them for them
>pic related: american soldier of the 5th US army, found in lorraine

Keep posting man, your job sounds fucking amazing. I would love to work in your field. WW2 is easily my favorite part of history.

Good luck nigga they're literally all dead or about to die. Front line combat is definitely not the place to give a fuck about what bullshit you drop on the ground

I'm a retired soldier, Gebirgsjägerbattalion 231.
That's exactly my point, read my above posts, americans left stuff everywhere, kept no data nor maps or memos on it, these are random finds.
We germans being forced to leave stuff behind, still kept data and maps on where.
I didn't have any luck getting an explanation from the US as to why they kept no records to stuff they left behind, bombs that didn't blow up, minefields etc.

>pic related: These we found just last november.

As i told you, being a kid here, playing in the woods is dangerous, a boy in kindergarten back then lost both his legs when an american anti personnel mine blew up while he played in the woods with buddies. Never kept us out of the woods though

that's exactly my point, you claimed EU forced paki on you, I called your bs and all you can do is giving me some your very usual and tiresome whining about the common man - moniker for the ignorant uneducated pleb - being conned into the EU, which served you pretty good I the meantime btw but let's not digress.

And then because you're a veteran which fought hard to make a success of brexit for 4 years no less you don't have a single feckin link to back your claim EU forced pakis on you.

I can't fucking wait you pull out of EU already, and when you do please stop polluting the rest of Europe with your loud, annoying degenerate crappy tourists too.

BTW I was on a £65k salary, Nigel

Come on Hans, you sound like an educated man so surely you realise Germans are a bit special because they do things the proper way? I, for one, am not surprised to learn the US military does not give a damn about war materiel they leave around.

shouldnt have gotten themselves in a situation where they're about to die then.
same here, we have some places where theres a lot of nice spots for hikin\picknicks and lots of families go there on holidays but there's shittons of minefields around and some of them are not well documented and some have mines that move with the mud after rains in winter and shit, i was there when some kid blew up.

also based ex servicemember , unpatriotic civvies that never served their country are degenerate\commies .

You can volunteer, we sometimes take volunteers.
Others do too, we usually take volunteers when we go to the Eastern Front areas that are deep deep in the woods, usually we have to camp in these woods for a week. some also take volunteers for a weekend here and there. Just google a bit about battlefield archeology.
i work together with the

>pic related: 21 year old german soldier of the 17th SS division "Götz von Berlichingen". died during the battles against the 5th US Army south of Metz in Lorraine in October/November 1944

You sound like a jilted lover.

Proof that Eastern Europeans will be the saviors of a once proud Europe. Screen cap this shit.

Being under the suppression of others makes you not give a fuck.

In response, the UK is now pushing a ban on all crates

So remember to bin that crate, mate

blog pls


What do you expect theyre all mudbabies? Cant expect niggers to have any self control can you?


Your country is a cautionary tale on many regards

Crows are Birds of Death, though. Crows are bad-ass.

Romanians always deliver. Last chick I fucked was a qt Romanian desu and even at 18 she was pretty redpilled. I've never met anyone who hated gypsies and Muslims so much.

>I believe what you said is wrong, do you have any sources to back up your claim
>AKA 'Britain is actually the birthplace of cuckoldry and I'm lying straight through my ass'

No mention of the two unarmed British police who is in intensive care after taking all 3 on and being stabbed 20 times?

Typical Greek, no wonder the Byzantine Empire fell you slimy fucks.

Are you fucking serious? What board am I on? This is the board where jews get btfo out for running the world via federalist political structures and private central banking right?

Have I been on this board so long that an entire generation of people who have never heard about these things have arrived from reddit and are asking me to teach them how the world works?

Aye and you paid £60 for the half hour.

> Italy

Mate there are about 400,000 coming to your country every year, your fucking navy is a glorified taxi service for them.

If you think they won't hit you you're an idiot.

Also ....we....didn't elect a Dude Weed Lol as our PM

The EU is forcing muslim migrants on member states, especially you Greece.