user, you stand here to be judged on all of your Sup Forums posts which we have right here. How do you plead?
User, you stand here to be judged on all of your Sup Forums posts which we have right here. How do you plead?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums posts history
>not whole browsing history
Thank god.
I meant absolutely everything I said but I might have fapped to some things ironically.
Fuck you
The justice system is for robots with no souls
only God can judge me
Your honor, don't you know that Sup Forums is satire and everything one says on there is purely tongue in cheek?
I thought this was common knowledge by now.
Judge is a faggot.
>le pole is satire maymay
Go back to plebbit
I plead guilty for the defamation and smearing of
No, he's lying. user was completely serious just like all of us. Why are you lying user?
I plead the 5th because I don't need to defend my first amendment right.
I'll take my chances with a white judge and an all white jury
I was manipulated by the Jews and their tricks.
Has anybody ever considered that recaptcha is a google operation?
How do we know that the embedding of recaptcha into the comment process doesn't serve as a tool to link your post back to the google database? If google knows the IP of the post they know exactly who you are.
I've never been convinced we are anonymous on Sup Forums. Every day there seems to be another scandal about how the NSA, FBI, Google, Apple etc. overstep privacy laws. Nobody seems to give a fuck.
Thank god they don't have my Sup Forums posts.
I dindu nuffin
Fight me. Fuck you. Your robes are gay.
Heil Hitler faggot
Your Honor, I plead the First.
>Do a 360, and moonwalk the fuck out of the courtroom.
Your honor, have you paid your jizya?
How do you think Sup Forums makes money?
Advertising to NEETs who can't buy shit? Advertising to geeks who don't even see ads anymore?
No, it's analytics.
Not only does this allow them to identify us but its mostly for the AIs to learn.
Captcha answers go into a huge database for machine learning and nural(my spelling is shit) networks.
Basically instead of an AI having hard coded knowledge on how to identify a car from a pic it teaches itself not only to identify the car from a picture but the tools needed to do so allowing it to do the same with any other object
I live my life entirely behind fluctuating layers of irony, and shouldn't be held responsible for literally anything I may say
I pick contempt of (((Court))) Fuck that judge and his fat, sloppy wife too.
Your honor, I plead guilty for being AWESOME!!!!
>calling pol a bunch of underaged retards, who praise a literal racist orange retard, just to make their shitty underaged lives a little bit more fun
On hindsight, pol is just the other side of the "im a non binary gender" sjw crap. Just little dipshits trying to make themselves look more special by going against the norm.
But I digress. I dont really see anything wrong with what I post here. Judge me away
>How do you plead?
We're anonymous to each other. We're never anonymous to the government. If they really wanted to fuck with us they could at any time.
Say, have you ever been in a helicopter?
I dindu nuffin.
But satirical postings aren't criminal, yet.
Guilty of trolling you to prove you as the law authority are in the wrong, and as the ironic rebellion troll, as right, which the people will support as a fighter against an Orwellian police state !
>How do you plead?
I'm a muslim who is just worked up because of climate change and anti-lgbtqreruavhanei1201+, anti-mexican, anti-women beliefs of Donald Trump.
I'm sorry.
Yes it is.
If I were to begin all over again, I would act just as I have acted, even if I knew that in the end I should meet a fiery death at the stake. No matter what human beings may do, I shall some day stand before the judgment seat of the Eternal. I shall answer to Him, and I know He will judge me innocent.
All my footfag postings were ironic trolling i swear, oh my god this is so embarrassing
Guilty as charged on over 500 accounts of 'nigger'. Everything else was satire.
I plead insanity.
I'm batshit fucking crazy your honour.
Absolutely off my fucking nutter.
My mind tank is missing 2 fucking screws son!
My sanity is more fuck that the British immigration policy.
I am a nutty geezer.
Therefore... fuck jail, your honour.
Through me in the looney bin and supply my some top notch meds so as to get out my fucking tree on a nightly.
i plead guilty your honor.