The Alt-Right is just a stepping stone to the Crypto-Anarchist movement

"Crypto-anarchism" is about to turn into the new buzzword of the mainstream media. I've been warning of this on Sup Forums for 2 years now, even before the Trump movement started on here.

Everything that has grown on Sup Forums - kek, pepe, chaos memetics etc, is playing into a larger movement that has been growing in the subconscious of the internet population. This philosophy has it's roots in the cypherpunk groups of the 90s, and its finally emerging into the mainstream seemingly overnight. The Trump movement and the Alt Right is becoming a "stale meme", but the consequences of it have brought Sup Forums to prevalence in the global consciousness.

Watch closely over the next few years anons. You will see the rise of cryptocurrencies and the backlash from banking cartels that come with it. You will see the rise of decentralized technology, and the lack of authority structure that comes with it. The "internet of things" is a highly commercialized buzzword that pulls the wool over the eyes of consumers and businesses alike.

The real war of the 21st century is coming. It won't be about Islam, feminism, cultural marxism or nationalism. The war will be decided by some very simple questions?

What is the role of Government in a world of decentralization?

Who controls data? Central authority, or no one at all?

Other urls found in this thread:



>theguardian com/technology/2017/jun/04/forget-far-right-populism-crypto-anarchists-are-the-new-masters-internet-politics

bump, because you are right. This entire subgenre of politics has been brewing for a very long time. See Moldbug, Nick Land, Peter Thiel, the Seasteading Institute -- it's all part of a bigger plan to decentralize governments and bring fourth a Neo-reactionary techno-capitalist utopia.

>Neo-reactionary techno-capitalist utopia.

This makes me erect.

>the guardian


>That governments, businesses and friendly liberal types are falling over themselves to import exciting new tech that has been explicitly designed to undermine them is a bit of an inside joke.

This will be the story of this century.

>Anarchism isn't dying goyim
>Completely flips out trying to be hip and cool

Don't forget, /leftypol/ uses the most stale memes but just add communism into it. I don't mind Bitcoins but this is autistic. OP is a faggot

>tfw there will never be a widespread back to the land movement
>tfw you will never have a national socialist colony of white folk living simple, bountiful, lives with plenty
>you will never have an aryan woman running through wheatfields to great you
>you have to accept the capitalist machine will march on forever
>you have to fight off the communists from destroying what little remains of your culture
>you have to accept that in order to resist you must go from boots to computers
>you have to become a reluctant cyberpunk
>you will stake out what life you can in the capitalist megacorp
>aching for the chance to kill commies again
>it's the only thing that makes you happy
>why did they do this
>why did they have to create this

I will never have my dream. Brain-scrub the commies. Call the Panzerkops on them. No mercy. No remorse.

>sees the word "anarchism"
>flips out with zero context

The idea is eradicating "megacorps" with entirely decentralized corporations with no central authority. This isn't communism, its unfettered capitalism with cryptography to keep everything honest.

But that exists alongside alt right and for the most part in cooperation. Alt right is just the agit-prop and normie recruitment wing. It's not, as the article suggests, that this nrx stuff is in competition.

I didn't say it was. I'm saying that if global capitalism is the way to annihilate pozzed communism, then sure, fine, why not. I'm just not into the cyberpunk aesthetic, but I'm okay with neon signs and deckers and shiiiiet if it means that the things that ruin western culture are destroyed in turn.

Not cyberpunk, cypherpunk. You know, like cryptographic cyphers.

it doesn't exist, you're obviously new so you didn't experience the MSM fabricating the alt-right meme live

>You will see the rise of decentralized technology, and the lack of authority structure that comes with it.
anyone who believes this is possible is an idiot

>implying land, moldbug, crypto the very concept of Sup Forums aren't cyberpunk as fuck

I get what you're saying man, I was just having a laff. Free market economy with a focus on cryptocurrency as a way of validating it.

Yeah I see where you are coming from. I usually think of that video of german cybergoth teens dancing to hardstyle under a bridge when I think of cyberpunk.

>tldr please invest in cryptocurrency so my coin can have tons of worth and I can get rich off your ass
when will you greedy goys ever learn


Nah, I was talking Neuromancer, Ubik, Shadowrun (even though the game itself is not very good), and Deus Ex.

I am concerned about crypto. When I think of Crypto I usually think of Whales, pump-and-dumps, shorts, etc. etc. I don't think I've ever seen an actual cryptocurrency that's as stable and as usable as currency as fiat.

So you are saying we can turn the comming Cyberpunk Dystopia into a Cyberpunk Utopia?

The powers that be will prevent decentralization by locking diwn the net cuz muh terrorism.

Fiat will crumble

>mfw ancaps will reign supreme after Sup Forums makes it's own pepe themed crypto currency that becomes so memed it overthrowns all fiat currency systems and defeats statism forever
>to please the natsocs all the information about it is written in cursive so only whites can use it

The problem is we get a diamond age or snow crash like scenario in the west, but other countries remain protectionist, essentially eradicating western culture and people.

if they honestly want to stop these movements they should stop giving them such kickass names. I can't wait to be a crypto-anarchist

Le alt-right reddit meme and """crypto-anarchism""" is just pure Jewish (((subversion))) into some degenerate liberal filth ideology to undermine true conservativism

Fuck off. FUCK OFF

I know this is a bot, but bless you Archive Dane. You are the hero Sup Forums deserves

/pol not buying Augur(REP) again, sigh

Yes, and encryption is at the center of that fork in the road.

>When I think of Crypto I usually think of Whales, pump-and-dumps, shorts, etc. etc. I don't think I've ever seen an actual cryptocurrency that's as stable and as usable as currency as fiat.

Think about the skill-set required to send an email in 1989 (it was doable). For most people, they couldn't even begin to conceive of it. Instead they just used the much more intuitive US postal service.

Crytocurrency is going to have it's dotcom bubble, don't get me wrong. 99% of cryptocurrencies are going to be useless and die off. The rise of ICOs today are nothing but a glorified kickstarter programs for blockchain based software companies. There will be hype, fud and losses. That doesn't mean the technology itself is worthless.

crypto-anarchism is about using Encryption to keep data decentralized. It has nothing to do with liberals and conservatives.

>Then people mine it so hard it's unobtainable
>its market value rises
>it becomes the old (2004 old) Sup Forums of cryptocurrencies

>Until some cuck decides to reset the servers and it all starts over

And crypto is an unstable hellhole that I'd honestly like to never touch until there's an actual, stable, coin on the market.

>true conservatism

You mean the one that lost? Conservatism has always been a game for suckers. Conservatives will always be fighting a losing battle, unless that battle is for Israel.

lel, thanks for the kek

>using a product created by a government agency
these people are just a bunch of faggots

Me too, my friend, me too.

>tfw the future world is one where governments are replaced by insurance companies providing service packages in a free market to appease all sides of the political spectrum by enforcing contracts which specify what type of behavior is allowed
>tfw there will be hundreds of thousands of city states, free territories, charter cities and cantons to appease everyone and politics will become irrelevant
>tfw democracy will die because people can simply move to their most desired locales
>tfw ancaps win in the end

>allowing yourself to react emotionally to a word based on subversion tactics

how long before "crypto-facist" isn't just a meme from red dwarf?

>everything that has grown on Sup Forums
lainchan is way more cypherpunk than here though, and the -real- guys are all on tor or some other shit that isn't the normal internet.

because PRISM. here you have non-free javascript memes and google captcha.

>the insurance "companies" are just open software protocols running on a global smart contract blockchain networks
>contract enforcement is determined by mathematics, not fallible humans
>the need to hold humans accountable in a position of power is no longer needed

thanks for reminding me that, user
I didnt even know that they used psyop on me

s-stop you're making me hopeful for the future user

So should we start holding shitloads of ETH? Or something less centralized?.

Isn't lainchan just full of people from /x/ and Sup Forums?

>crypto-anarchism is about using Encryption to keep data decentralized
watch out then nigga, cause ETH and ripple are totally centralized and can delete your wallets if you piss them off.

Holding crypto is still pure speculation at this point. Remember, even though the internet was the "future" in the 1990s, a lot of people still lost their asses in the dot com crash. Whether or not you are up for that sort of risk is up to you.

Alt-right meme was just a reactionary way against liberals, globalists , progressives and so on.

But real attack againt the jew elite will come from crypto, with the tech of blockchain we don't need a ((trusted)) 3rd party for our transactions,contracts and so on. This can really lead to the nearest type of stateless society that it can get.

ripple is literally bankercoin, and you are right about ETH. Which is why ETC is more interesting as a project.


>Ocean state would have no welfare, no minimum wage, and few restrictions on weapons

>Boss starts paying you one dollar an hour
>Shoot him and take over the company

>reset the servers
That's not how cryptocurrencies work. Key word being "decentralised".

>Boss starts paying you one dollar an hour
>Shoot him and take over the company
>realize the company is just a protocol with no ceo
>nodes in the network reject any interactions you make with the network based on violation of the protocol
>you are now economically isolated from society

>tfw you'll see white-only seastead covenants in your lifetime

Spawned from Sup Forums. There's a bunch of people, most from here, 8ch, and anarchist places like 0ch.

>nodes in the network reject any interactions you make with the network based on violation of the protocol
>Shoot the network with a bazooka

>Neo-reactionary techno-capitalist utopia

My poverty tier crypto portfolio is READY

you forgot the linux friends that are too hip for Sup Forums.

real answer is its full of random people like every other chan

I believe it

>the insurance "companies" are just open software protocols running on a global smart contract blockchain networks
Can you elaborate? I know crypto currencies use blockchain to verify transactions or something like that..?

>the network looks like this

>Almost the exact same amount of value measured in the exact same currency, possibly almost in the exact same amount of time, porobably over the exact same currency

Unless you buy bancor :) the coin of the chosen people.

Interesting OP, I've been collecting crypto currency in an effort to move my savings out of jew banks where the jews profit from it and give me .001 percent interest

Everyone should do the same, your savings would actually grow and not be used by the jew

can't ETC get hacked easily though? i thought that was why they implemented the fork.
do you know anything about the upcoming august 1 BTC fork?


This. Capital and State are natural allies. We can find ways to work together.

Hold on to it, even if it crashes briefly, crypto value has gone up over time

Thanks. I don't go on it and only knew of it because of the lain posters on /x/.

As soon as a seastead started to gain success a Government would just send agent(s) to infiltrate and attempt to subvert, overthrow, terrorize or destroy it.

I will do this as soon as I get my debt paid off, I'm a faggot and haven't been fiscally responsible and I'm way behind on this movement. I can probably buy in with a couple hundred to get started soon though.
Is mining still worth it? I have a bretty gud pc

I've been trying to pick up a skill which I think will becoming increasingly important, that is a deeper understanding of info/net security like how to defend yourself and what the different kinds of threats are and so on.
Also there is something else that I myself am of the opinion that getting into trading like day/swing type trading is cyberpunk (just to be clear for this I'm referring to forex and commodities). This may need some explanation, its a zero sum game if you can figure out a way to succeed in taking money from the market where you're taking it from those in financial power and it's mainly the banks will be the ones on the other side of your trade that's a real fuck you to the banks.

Glad to see some people into neo reaction / dark enlightenment stuff here. I don't know how much I beleive all that but it's very interesting to read their writings.

Well, for example, Bitcoin itself is a decentralized autonomous corporation. It provides the service of accounting for the entire globe without the need of any authority structure. The employees (miners) validate the transactions in the network for a reward (new currency + transaction fees). Money is really only the very first application of open blockchain networks. Similar to how email was the first application of the internet. Over time, we developed more and more use cases - the web, voip, bittorrent, etc. The same will happen over time with blockchain services, but we aren't there yet. And there will be many failures along the way.


Hopefully they give it a good pump first

Maybe, look into ETH mining , you won't be able to Bitcoin mine most likely

>What is the role of Government in a world of decentralization?

Same as it was 200 years ago, to protect your liberty.

>alt-right doesnt exist
imagine being this unengaged and having 0 connections

I see, mine ETH then wait for value to go up and make trades later then? Seems simple.

Automation actually scares me quite a bit. I mean, most people like to do work of some form or another. Something to give them purpose, something to do. But we're reaching a point in which all jobs could become automated, which means any effort one could put towards a skill, job experience, etc, would be meaningless when a robot can do that same job.
What is society going to turn into when almost everyone's 'purpose' in life will be sitting around and consuming? Where's the meaning to any of it. Human society is going to lose its soul, and no one really cares

Lol. These fags again.

I know there's a /chan/ for bitcoin by some odd name, ill drift in there later when I'm ready and read all the news and shit

how do you even into mining now? I thought you need an over 9000 rig of GPUs?

Don't worry, humans will always find something to do.

The Ethereum network wasn't hacked. Somebody wrote a shitty smart contract and retards dumped over $100mil USD into it. Somebody exploited that contract and stole a ton of funds. Instead of chalking it up as a lesson learned, the Ethereum devs completely destroyed the entire purpose of their project by "rolling back" the blockchain and erasing the transactions, effectively bailing out the project owners. It's also worth mentioning that many of the Ethereum devs had a lot of money invested in this smart contract as well.

Being that ethereum is an open protocol, many people were not happy with this decision, and decided to maintain the original ethereum chain. This in my opinion goes to show how powerful these new protocols really are. Don't want to submit to the tyranny of the majority? Fine, just fork the codebase and implement your own network.

Bitcoin mining is incredibly profitable right now. But you will need an ASIC miner, not your PC.
The Republic of Minerva was a micronation
It was one of the few modern attempts at creating a sovereign micronation on the reclaimed land of an artificial island in 1972. The architect was Las Vegas real estate millionaire and political activist Michael Oliver
They anticipated a libertarian society with "no taxation, welfare, subsidies, or any form of economic interventionism." In addition to tourism and fishing, the economy of the new nation would include light industry and other commerce.
In 1971, barges loaded with sand arrived from Australia, bringing the reef level above the water and allowing construction of a small tower and flag. The Republic of Minerva issued a declaration of independence on 19 January 1972 in letters to neighboring countries and even created their own currency. In February 1972, Morris C. Davis was elected as Provisional President of the Republic of Minerva.
The declaration of independence, however, was greeted with great suspicion by other countries in the area. A conference of the neighboring states (Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, Fiji, Nauru, Samoa, and territory of Cook Islands) met on 24 February 1972 at which Tonga made a claim over the Minerva Reefs and the rest of the states recognized its claim.
A Tongan expedition was sent to enforce the claim the following day. It reached North Minerva on 18 June 1972. The Flag of the Tonga was raised on 19 June 1972
Tongan occupation
Tonga’s claim was recognized by the South Pacific Forum in September 1972.
In 1982, a group of Americans led again by Morris C. “Bud” Davis tried to occupy the reefs, but were forced off by Tongan troops

it's true. the media couldn't understand that they had a bunch of angry shitposters up against them, so they decided to round to the nearest approximation and add an additional descriptor. after the "alt-right" was fabricated, thousands of attention whores came out of the woodwork to create an "awoovement", and shit spiraled out of control from there.

it does not exist. national socialism exists -- it has a fleshed out doctrine and a purpose. libertarianism exists -- it has a fleshed out doctrine and a purpose.
what is the doctrine or purpose of the "alt-right"? spouting memes, writing terrible 100 page books, and selling tickets to a tour where you sit around for an hour and spout bullshit you saw on reddit?

you're sitting in a psyop.

somebody tried to establish a independent nation and the powers that be couldnt allow that so they all agreed to put a stop to it and then once they stopped it they started fighting amongst themselves.
Territorial dispute
In 2005, Fiji made it clear that they did not recognize any maritime water claims by Tonga to the Minerva Reefs under the UNCLOS agreements. In November 2005, Fiji lodged a complaint with the International Seabed Authority concerning Tonga's maritime waters claims surrounding Minerva. Tonga lodged a counter claim, and the Principality of Minerva micronation claimed to have lodged a counter claim. In 2010 the Fijian Navy destroyed navigation lights at the entrance to the lagoon. In late May 2011, they again destroyed navigational equipment installed by Tongans. In early June 2011, two Royal Tongan Navy ships were sent to the reef to replace the equipment, and to reassert Tonga's claim to the territory. Fijian Navy ships in the vicinity reportedly withdrew as the Tongans approached.

You are making my point. The alt-right meme perpetuated by the media is just a stepping stone to the new more concrete and slightly spookier sounding "crypto-anarchist" meme. In reality, the term will soon deviate heavily from it's cypherpunk origins.

But user, in a future where everything is automated, the only thing you can do is consume. By the very fact that everything on Earth is just the motions of physics and/or brain chemistry, which is replaceable through machines, the only thing left us to do, that we could for a meaningful purpose, is to consume whatever the automated creator's give us

Let see if it's still blocked.

Interesting... I will ask about these when I've got a stack of cash to throw away

Decentralized Cryptocurrencies maybe be our way of protesting the international banking cabal.
If we can undermine their source of power (centralized currency), their whole house of lies and deceit will fall apart.

>we're going to institute an anarchist society that uses technology and stuff
>but we're going to completely ignore the fact that any decent technological infrastructure requires cooperation on a national scale, which we're completely against

You dont understand how movements are born, if you were in the past you would be probably saying "National socialism? Ha! its just a virgin loser ramblings in a book written in jail, nothing will happen"

How about crypto fascism?
Or crypto nationalism?


>doesn't realize that the network infrastructure was built by mostly private industries cooperating on an international scale
Jesus fucking Christ man

>But user, in a future where everything is automated, the only thing you can do is consume.

Not necessarily. Human's have an innate desire to produce. We are just detaching the need for that production to be functional or relevant in the economic system.

>that uses technology and stuff
If this is the level of your understanding of the topic, why even make a comment?

People will work for fun, in automation no one stops you from start paiting, composing a song, or building a prototype, its just that your survival doesnt depend on it.

I cant see it, any way to pass through the block?

Buy crypto you dumb no coiners.

Here's mine from a couple days ago.
Keep in mind it's in dollarydoos.
(Tbh it's now 38k but it's still way higher than my initial investment of 9.7k)
