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ORCPOSTING - Looks like meme's back on the menu edition
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Sup Forums is not as weak as he supposed. There are keks still, and OC enough to challenge him.
Eh, missed this thread and made another one on exident.
Anyhow what news from the mark guys?
No reason to be alarmed, face of Sadiq Khan
reddit not real orcpostig
Good to see we have a polack to keep our senses of humour in check...
Just throwing it in here - if you go after Harry Potter, you'll get a lovely prize of JK Rowling losing her mind on Twitter.
Just think about it Sup Forums
potter lore sucks though.
No, we are not your army, and its a shit series that steals from other books, e.g.
True, but they relate to it more than LOTR.
Orcposting is naturally funny though.
Hey...I did this one. Nice to know someone saved it.
That's nice.
oh vey
We could work this into muggles v wizards
but orcs=niggers/sandniggers is 10x easier as the jokes write themselves.
That wasn't an army request. He just had a suggestion.
Sick of people posting this in the wrong circumstances. He stands to gain nothing so it's not personal.
potterposting would be forced. Sup Forums is wholesome traditional a tolkien board.
Probably wanted a screencap anyway, and although your point still stands, we should still remind people now and again of this rule.
the trouble with Harry Potter is that it's literally designed to be left-wing propaganda. It doesn't really lend itself to this sort of thing in the way that LotR does.
so i have an idea for a lotr themed meme, but prolly needs some polishing from you all.
dailygondor style, reference how Melkor is tried to make a peaceful overture with the Helcaraxe icebridge, whereas the bigoted, nationalistic and isolationist Valinoreans built the Pelori Mtns to keep out the orcs and other multicultural people that Melkor rules. then hashtag #IcebridgesNotMountains
feel free to improve on this, anyone
change "dollars" to gold coins, and you're in business. well done!
Is that intended for normies? It's way too dense for them.
It may appeal to other orcposters though.
I think that requires a too much understanding of LotR lore to work. I mean, you'd get a mild chuckle from the 0.01% of people who've read ALL Tolkein's work, but we're trying to redpill on a mass scale here.
Good idea, but ultimately this whole thing is about stealth-redpilling normies. Which basically means keeping it to stuff that was in the movies.
wtf I love orcposting now
>Sup Forumss face when we've become our own worst enemy
Everyday Feminism's twitter is a goldmine for this sort of thing.
I didn't even have to alter the text on this one.
there's a difference between jokes - which is what we're doing - and actually trying to draw on children's books for your political opinions.
We're not saying 'Richard Spencer is a great leader like Aragorn' or some shit. Quite the opposite - we're pretending to be liberals, so Aragorn is portrayed as a racist bigot.
>merely pretending