So is he /ourguy/ now?
So is he /ourguy/ now?
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corbyn is NAZBOL
Never, get out of here Corbyn shill! Corbyn is an idiot who would destroy the economy, let in a ton of """refugees""" and pussy out on Brexit.
Literally who?
corbin is a disgusting commie bastard that is a risk to national security and wih terrorist sympathies. that cuck will never be /ourguy/
>a risk to national security
Do you realize that May is the one who isn't keeping the UK safe right now?
Yes, because she can REALLY stop terrorists attacks single-handedly, huh?
>fully fund the NHS
>raise minimum wage to £10/hour
>4 extra bank holidays
>free school meals
>nationalised rail service
Yeah good look with paying for all of that shit
Sounds like a excellent opportunity to exercise some accelerationism
Teresa may is the only hope to reduce their numbers entering our nation and killing innocent and she wont just cuck to the eu's demands
he's always been /ourguy/
the Guardian variety left hates him
Lool she has had 10 years to curb imigration from the middle east and north africa and hasn't done shit.
She a good girl to the Jews and saudis. Clamp down on our Internet freedom. Good luck visitng Sup Forums to wank to loli porn if she wins. The_donald cuntbreed.
>Yeah good look with paying for all of that shit
Old McDonald had a plan he has IOU's
>Good luck visitng Sup Forums to wank to loli porn if she wins.
good luck doing anything with corbin in control when he trys to turn us in to a commie state
>Is Corbychev /ourguy/ now?
Abominable leaf
LMAO Corbyn hates the EU.
Wait, what did I miss, what did he say? Are you just a retarded leafposter?
U serious?
He's more /ourguy/ than May is /ourgirl/, but that doesn't mean either of them are worth getting excited over.
> Funded private banks in the trillions to stop the ultra rich crying into their caviar
The rest is a piece of piss
She can't. That's why she needs to go.
he's recently made a post on twitter about going after Saudi Arabia and calling them one of the main funders of terrorism
>That's why she needs to go
shes our only choice if you want to cut down on extremists and immigrants
She's cut police numbers by 20,000 while as Home Secretary.
the end is nigh
Corbyn will make labour red again
How much is jezza paying you to shill here?
and increased spending on intelligence teams and counter terrorism work which has been mostly successful
You should probably support this fagget, bongs. Whatever gets you off the current road you're on is a good thing
man are we fucked if he wins he has no spine we are doomed to fall to islamic terror if he leads us as he supports terrorism
just cause your cuck politicians lost due to being corrupt cunts doesnt give you an opinion on how we are run
that's why us/uk sell them a ton of shit
moah moneyz
moah mid-east disruption
let loose cultivated terrorist cells (MI5, FBI I'm lookin' atcha) when needed
down in the polls? k*ll some proles
>mostly successful
Except for all the terror attacks, but they don't matter.
typical high sparrow kinda guy
0.02 waitrose vouchers have been deposited in your account
>Anti Israel
>Pro worker
Pretty based.
Thedailystormer endorses him, so he must be based, their thoughts are as follows:
He's more anti Israel, anti Saud and anti ISIS than conservatives who are just neocons
His immigration policies aren't any different than what is being done now
He will accelerate the decline
what all but three in in 7 years
plus what difference would having police on the ground have done they wouldnt have stopped what happened
Kike rats hate him, this enough for me to like him.
>stands up to wahhabism
>understands that strong police keep us safe
>doesn't support (((militarism))) on israels behalf
fuck outta here. corbyn is the best hope
> pay for me to run your public services into the shitter.
>i will own the air you breathe.
i dont get it we dont have waitrose up here
He's a classic British pro-workers, anti-EU socialist. He's more British than Theresa May will ever be.
>Muh commies! REEEEEEEEEEE.
your time will come soon classcuck
So then.
What is worth getting excited over?
>About fucking time.
>Fuck that Welsh traitor kinnock; I'd give him a good bloody black-face and take bury him in the pits.
The coming collapse and race war. Duh.
>Tory shill levels up and finally learns how to reply to posts
>Race War.
On your marks.
Sadly more of a decent man than most Conservatives. His policies sound retarded though. I'd have to vote for May.
corbyn will see as just bend over to the eu he will tax us to fund his wild dreams of a commie state and supports domestic terrorists strong leader right there
fuck off intelligence shill
> mfw some middle class tw*t drags 80's controlled opposition into the debate
you're not getting paid tonight
Do you have that pic of that posh tory twat who didn't understand the problems of 0-hour contracts in the QT debates? Looked like posh gollum.
i can't find this on their twitter, pretty sure its fake
>May Wins
>UK is eternal police state with no chance of change
>Corbyn wins
>Decline is sped up and the collapse comes faster
ive been on a 0 hour contract before and sure it sucks but sometimes its the only way small bushiness' can stay afloat and this minimum £10 wage is just going to harm them more
>Muh anyone disagree is shill.
>Muh controlled opposition Re:Kinnock.
Lad, you miss the point more than a blind man playing darts.
Labour now will hopefully fucking stop this obsession with the worst of neo-liberalism.
how did all the small businesses stay afloat before?
ill take option 1 pleasse
Are you that millionaire guy who was bum hurt?
Lad, 0-hour contracts were not meant for people to live on as a full-time job.
But that's what employers are doing to fucking play the system, and I've seen what it does to staff on them.
this whole sentence is written like an autistic, retarded 5 year old
sounds about right for a jew supporting, wahabbist supporting tory shill
Nope sorry.
Direct the anger from their fake attacks at the jewish parasite. They intend for the west to go to war with the mid east, and therefore with Russia after because of their close proximity.
lower minimum wage? tf do u think?
did you not watch the debate?
well then people should get a real fulltime job then and move on with there life
government subsidies
20.000 police cut lets ban internets
i cant believe you think the guy who supported the IRA is fit to lead us. Especially with the state of the world rn
You have a poor grasp on reality
Thatcher accelerated unemployment because that was good for business
It drove wages down
Immigration does exactly the same thing
Small businesses survive because they're part of a community.
Big business thrives when:
- wages are low
- unemployment is high
- governments "happen" to make SME's jump through hoops
I've got a picture of Diane Abbott if you want a picture of a complete twat
>Or is that 47,000 pictures; oh, hang on, it's 47. But I used to have an afro, now I don't support the IRA because I cut it off. Shadow Home Secretary.
he has no cabnit experience he has been a career politician his whole life he preaches commie policy and supports terrorists he is useless
Don't forget the intellectual might of the Shadow Home Secretary
>Who sent her child to private school
and cant remember numbers key to their campaign
he's always been /ourguy/
>supports the working and middle class against corporate rape and plunder
>says how pathetic neoliberal economic policies are
>calls out rich who hide money in offshore tax havens and contribute nothing to economic growth
>outspoken critic of disastrous interventionism that only enriches the military-industrial complex and creates new enemies with each airstrike
>supports independence, was for brexit
>doesn't suck israel's cock
>calls out the house of saud
what's not to like?
He's not married to a hedge fund manager *shrug*
I never thought i would say this bt the english are luck they only have corbyn to dealwith ihave nippytits sturgeon to deal with too ;'(
For a leaf? Yeah he's your guy.
For a nationalist? No, he can fuck off.
Tories won't even give numbers for their policies (when they're not reversing them ...)
What's the cap, cuck?
Well how he fails to denounce terrorists that kill innocent people
unmummy no maternal instinct may only has her preserved power as head of a corrupt pedophilic unaccountable scumbag state. thats all shes got in this world thats all she cares about. she dosnt give a fuck about you or your kids
a vile ugly creature that oozes insecurity and contempt....
so its not my business who people choose to love
Stronger, er, something ...
To be fair she does what she's fucking told
And May fails to prevent them, despite knowing full well each attack is going to happen (see Manchester), she does fuck all to do it. Even worse, she makes the Police's job aka the people who protect us, even harder but cutting them
who is corbyn going to suck off to get the money for all his 'funded policies'
Patience. They will pay for their arrogance on Thursday.
I find it hilarious that Tory supporters orchestrated an entryism campaign where they would register as members of the Labour party and vote for Corbyn as leader because he was perceived as unelectable.
Now they're about to be BTFO at the polls by that same man.
Reminder: a vote for Labour in 2017 is a vote for UKIP-lite Tory government in 2022
Yes, I want to see the salt in millions
I don't care what happens anymore I just want anger