What the fuck are you doing?
The Labour party was falling apart and all of a sudden it has a shit load of public support? What the fuck?
What the fuck is Theresa May doing? She's going to ruin everything
What the fuck are you doing?
The Labour party was falling apart and all of a sudden it has a shit load of public support? What the fuck?
What the fuck is Theresa May doing? She's going to ruin everything
Other urls found in this thread:
>She's going to ruin everything
You fuckers couldn't hold it together for a single year. How can the right be this unimaginably weak?
Redpill me on UK parties.
Maybe it has something to do with her blaming terrorist attacks on internet porn?
Couldn't believe this dumb bitch thought attacking the internet yet again during her speech today was going to do her any favors..
She will win, she must win.
No more labour, no more lefty BS
>british democracy
>get to choose between:
>orwellian police state that cares more about protecting muslim immigrants than native brits
>anarcho communist state that cares more about protecting muslim immigrants than native brits
or not wanting the equivalent of the Chinese Firewall. one or the other
is she a bit slow or something? Right before the election you declare something that literally no one likes. Jesus she's screwed. well whatever then. She has no chance of winning anymore after those comments. We're fucked
This, Is this good or bad?
UKIP is the best party imo.. they don't kiss sandnigger ass
A basket of irate spiders would act with more sense than these retards. They genuinely want their families and nations to be consumed and forgotten.
>the right
as none brit to me she looks more like the equivalent of you nevertrump reps.
Basically old guard (neo)con shitters and they just can't hide their intentions.
Hold on lads
UKIP was the party to vote for if you want to stop bowing down to the sandniggers
based may
She's not just a neo-con she's a literal surveillance state fanatic
True but sadly they have no chance of winning....just to remind you - we have a packy mayor of london
Tories exist to serve the rich
Labour supporters are divided between their original union workers and their new voter base the left SJW student types
Libdems are a joke, so are greens
Ukip have lost 90% of their voters to the Tories, and their new leader is crap
Basically we're royally fucked
Free gibs
Theresa May is suffering the Hillary Clinton effect. Women overall don't do well in politics. Angela Merkel is an exception, but most leaders are still overwhelmingly male. They have the issue of not looking like an old bitch, where the male opponent looks like a smart university professor.
well yeah thats what neocons in the US are anyway, remember prism and all the other shit?
They love Orwellian nightmares.
Good, I hope Labour wins, just to see the UK burn.
No point getting involved with party politics. None of our problems have democratic solutions.
Don't forget that Labour lost their original white working class base so instead proceeded to import votes and will continue this tactic...a vote for red is a vote for native genocide
British Tories are literally globalist shills. Corbyn is a man of the people.
>Labour wins
>iran nukes london
>prime minister corbyn has no spine to retaliate
>instead apologizes
>hands over remaining nukes to appease his new masters.
Erm are you joking? Tony Blair?
Jezza is basically Trump in the sense that he gets a load of media negativity but is a leftie so it's all lies
Tony Blair hates Corbyn.
>implying tony blair has anything to do with based corbyn
Still part of the same party and Corbyn will continue many of his policies..namely mass immigration
We're winning, of course. Count your days, Tory scum.
She thought she could just call an election and she'd walk it no questions asked.That the public wouldn't catch on to her cynically political her action to call a snap election was. Think of her like Hillary. She thinks she's entitled to the premiership.
Every major party continues that. Change the record.
Always use archive
>theguardian com/politics/2017/apr/27/tony-blair-refuses-to-back-jeremy-corbyn-for-prime-minister
well Trump said it well
He also said to become politically incorrect kek
When was the last time Yougov was right about a British election?
So will there be yet another false flag before Sunday ?
Theresa May called an election when it was certain the Tories would win a landslide, and the Brits love an underdog.
Teresa May has promised to censor the internet and suck Saudi Arabia's cock harder.
>.namely mass immigration
no this meme needs to die.
corbyn is more a tony benn-style socialist, who recognises that its the working classes that pat the price of lower wages.
Corbyn has specifically stated again and again-
>mass migration ends upon exit from EU. we want managed migration, not mass migration.
And unlike May- Corbyn does not have form for breaking his word.
the funny thing is, all she had to do was keep her trap shut, say some meaningless phrase and be done.
The Tories are for mass immigration, against doing anything to upset Muslims, for borrowing money we don't have to spend on foreign aid, for higher taxes, against leaving the EU, etc.
They aren't conservatives, and I think a lot of conservatives have just given up on them.
They only have themselves to blame.
>iran nukes london
Found the kike.
Laws kicked in requiring non-partisan coverage of politics. Corbyn stopped being the communist maniac, and became a reasonable leader of the opposition. May completely fucked up her campaign by being arrogant about the result.
>It's the Norwegian who gets rustled that people direct link to the Gaurdian
What do you have against the only 100% British owned, independent from Israeli influence newspaper?
Why the fuck are we caring about polls?
Sadly I believe Tories will win. The elderly portion of the population will agree with her plans for the web. She'll get into power and attempt to push through her new surveillance law.
On the debate the other day the older gentlemen were going on about how Iran and North Korea are huge threats. I'd take Iran of SA any day, at least it has culture.
I don't get how they're going to vote for someone who sells weapons to Saudi Arabia, the genuine threat that has been funding all these attacks. Well I guess I do, because they all read the daily mail.
It's a bot that responds to independent/Guardian and probably Hufflepuff posts.
Proof: theguardian.com
This desu senpai. He's the next best thing to their Nige.
I don't think think Corbyn will win but the Tories have continually underestimated him a time every point. At this rate he might just stand a chance.
he acknowledges thanks with nudes last night.
ive saw some other random/unique responses.
dude or bot- he's a dude.
June is the end of May.
I can understand someone writing a bot for Huffington Post. But people who attack the gaurdian need a reality check if they think it's a low quality source.
Why vote for fucking tories when Libdems exist?
Ever since Trump won, the fix is in. They're not taking any more chances. The propaganda is only to hide the obvious fraud.
still doesn't change the fact he is a commi.
Why don't you have a real conservative nationalistic party?
Precisely this. Maybe he'll actually win and show Sup Forums what a real populist looks like. The cognitive dissonance would be a right proper treat.
>Knowing anything about stable politics
This is what will need to happen. Either you take back leadership from a failed and false democracy by force or you become as corrupt and evil as those you fight. I don't know if we'll see a military coup any time soon but that is eventually what will happen.
A coffin is also stable but this doesn't mean you should make it your bed
She is intentionally losing so she doesn t have to deal with brexit...
This way once the UK vets assfucked by EU she can blame someone else
nobody cares, you already have no privacy and the mayor of your capital is a muslim that says terrorist attacks shouldn't cause alarm
hope you get nuked soon
Everytime I see that woman's despicably ugly and retarded looking face I go into a brief rage.
tbqhwyf i think its good to obfusticate our traffic- I dont like the guys over at Scott Group even getting the understanding of the percentage of their clicks that come from Sup Forums, for exaample.
They know what articles we're reading, and can do their psycho-analytical shenanigans of our user base.
You know what Im saying to you lads. Lets keepit tidy for blighty.
>slide threads
shocker, i know
>But people who attack the gaurdian need a reality check if they think it's a low quality source
Corbyn is going populist by attacking banks and big business, and that plays well with the majority of the electorate. May refuses to attack him for his stances on open borders and affinity for Muslims.
Basically, she's a basic bitch conservative who's blowing a perfectly winnable election and who will fuck up Brexit in the process.
Theresa May is our Trump, she bows down to Saudi Arabia.
Corbyn hates Saudi Arabia so much he thinks a nuclear holocaust is too good for them and wont commit to it, he wants to do much worse things to them.
I also believe this. Populists across the world have not won anything for over 6 months, when Trump won in November 2016
This. I really think that they are trying to dodge a bullet here. It's almost like they know that there is something bad coming our way and they want to see Labour struggle to deal with whatever it is. It could be another global financial crisis and they know that if Labour are in power when it comes our way, it will destroy labour for a long long time.
yeah this.
also shes blown her cover as a smooth operator at the negotiating table,
its became apparent that shes a robotic autist who has all the charm of a haunted petrol pump.
But the indians died of germs and shit, and were conquered for actual resources. What are these immigrants conquering, our kebab?
>the guardian outshitposting australia
how does it feel?
It is a meme poll. It predicts an 82% turnout for under 24s while other polls rightfully point out that is retarded.
Depends on whether you include opinion pieces or not.
Also I didn't discover this for a long time but people who write the articles dont write the headlines themselves.
if there is a crash due, its probably a good thing if coorbyn and macdonnel are a the helm, other wise the population would be molested once more.
it would give macdonnel the chance to meddle with some kind of neo-keynsian response, which is worth a bloody try after the hayek debacle of the last few years.
What the fuck is Farage up to? Each one of you bongs should be down on your knees sucking that mans balls begging him to save you. Not wasting time or energy on either of these clowns.
What are you on about? Have you read the policies???
Well said. She doesn't have the courage to speak on the things that matter, she doesn't have leadership quality.
Really sad Britain is probably fucked now because of the Conservatives incompetence
He's on a radio show, divorced, broke and unable to go outside with the remnants of his family without being harassed.
The absolute state of his day to day life makes me sad.
She only got the job because she was the sole remaining person far enough up in the Tory hierarchy who is both competent and not completely loathed by the general public (like George Osborne or Jeremy Hunt for example).
But, like Hillary Clinton, she suffers from being a chronically unlikable cunt.
Also, on the actual substance of her positions it seems like she's set out to piss off just about every person possible
- hated by Brexiteers and Remainers alike because she was a supporter of the Remain campaign before the vote, but now has the responsibility of making Brexit a reality.
- Has failed to address any of the problems with the NHS - either to defend the Tories' cuts or promise more funding - at a time when it's visibly creaking under the strain the Tories have put on it.
- somehow managed to tell senior citizens, the one demographic that was strongly in favour of her, a few weeks before the election that she was going to make them sell their houses to pay for their social care. Thus alienating anyone who is either geriatric themselves or is worried about their ageing parents (i.e. everyone over forty whose parents are already dead).*
- The only thing that she seems remotely passionate about is censoring the internet, thus alienating just about everyone under forty.
*she then backtracked, which doesn't matter because now everyone knows she wants to do that. She just managed to make herself look weak as well.
Basically the only people she hasn't pissed off are over-40s whose parents are dead, who weren't really sure about Brexit before but now think its a good idea, and who're healthy enough that they don't interact much with the NHS. Oh, and anyone with so much money they don't give a shit about any of that.
If Labour was fielding anyone except Corbyn, Theresa May wouldn't stand a chance.
May isnt that great but she's far better than Corbyn, she must win
Tories/May wants to go 1984 on the internet and censor the shit out of opinions, like the SJWs and the extremist left, but this time on the right. Also wants to ban porn.
Labour/Corbyn wants to get rid of our nuclear defenses because "other peoples fee fees might be hurt by total nuclear annihilation" and open the borders, allowing EVEN MORE rapefugees and disgusting mudslime terrorists into our once proud nation. Also Corbyn is a commie faggot.
The two biggest parties, and both of them stink like dog shit and vomit.
Dunno what the other guys want though. Haven't done my research besides that.
UKIP is the vote of no confidence party.
The Guardian are the assholes that got their 2 reporters to harass and prod that Nebraska Governor candidate Saul Alinsky style then tried to paint him as the villain in their recording saying "OH NO I WAS BODYSLAMMED HERE LET ME DESCRIBE WHAT HAPPENED IN DETAIL WHILE PLAYING THE VICTIM INTO THIS RECORDING DEVICE!".
Used to be decent, but now they're SJW garbage too.
mate Farage is a millionaire on multiple salaries who's traded in his axe-faced teutonic ex for a gallic cutie 20 years younger.
he does after all have to look the part when he socialises with his new bezzie, the Leader Of The Free World, and the lovely Ivanka.
So will May be censoring leftie views only? Also wouldnt mind her banning porn, would encourage more ppl to go out and get a gf
>after the hayek debacle of the last few years.
Explain pls.
Also hopefully Trump doesn't get economy'd.
>If Labour was fielding anyone except Corbyn,
Lol not really. Modern left doesn't stand a chance. Corbyn is surging again in the traditional Labour electorate, the working class, out of free shit and not being a complete sellout like Miliband.
The latter managed to lose an election he had allegedly won, because the working class is fed up with the New (Cuck) Left.