Another normie attack

Some communist professor is giving this assignment be aware

Does it occur to any of these people that feeling the need to "silence and shut down" is a demonstration of the bankruptedness of their ideology? Why can't they just debate?

even if true, they will be assimilated. They all will. As it happened to the rest of us

Just debating and finding the logical source of all our problems led to the rise of Hitler. (They) can't let another 6 gorillion die again.

>Sup Forums
>online hate community
I thought this was a board of peace?

I wonder if they realize that we recruit them far more often than they recruit us.

Good, more children for the flock

Goddamn it. Fucking reddits

This is real but not new -- I've seen it posted around elsewhere a few times in the past and verified with sources.

To put it more simply, OP is a faggot.

Why is Safe Breaks capitalized

>non-documented citizens
Day of the rope can't come soon enough.

>blocks out support email and school

this is old af

atleast link the tutorial video

>take a safe break, kids

>non-documented citizens

they never will, their narcissism is what sustains them, if they lose that they'd kill themselves.

This, let them come

How Jews Control Societies, 101

>feel free to take Safe Breaks
If these people are our future we truly are doomed.

Tells lot about the education, when they try to promote removing "reasoning". Its like reasoning is dangerous thing, as it might reveal holes in their cult doctrine.

>verified account

which university you dumb fag

>You may feel free to take Safe Breaks while discussing activism on this website.

Top fucking kek they can't even handle Sup Forums

How the fuck do these people even function. I don't even mean in the real world but just in fucking general. Even in their college kindergarten classes they get triggered.

pol cannot be derailed, for 30 seconds maybe..


hopefully some 100 liberals around the world will be forced to sit through 10 nigger hate threads and eventually get red pilled themselves

>sending impressionable young minds to Sup Forums


So in essence, this dumbbell professor is telling these droids to come here and stick to an empty script, without offering any solid points, supporting their arguments.

Our numbers are only going to keep growing.

I basically came here to shitpost at first, but anyone with even a shred of critical thinking will be "turned"

this is old but

>windows and mac are the only two operating systems

I'll take a safe break

>blocking out the website name
yeah.... totally legit.... haha...