I'm with Hezbollah, AMA
I'm with Hezbollah, AMA
can niggers use the stargate?
Best girl: Asuka or Rei?
Are you a German spy?
Can you gas yourself?
who is your daddy and what does he do?
You're the Shia guys right? Fuck Saudis and fuck jews
You have internet in Israeli jails?
And you browse Sup Forums?
whats the next step of your plan
Do they accept christcuck applications?
Also Daraa gains when
can you show your dick?
my father was a truck driver
yeah, amen to that
do you consider the golan israel?
What they think of the Sunni groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS?
It seems as though your efforts are futile against such a powerful oppressor, what keeps you from just giving up fighting?
US and Israel funded imperialist proxies
stop larping mate, get another picture and i'll give you a high five.
Fuck sunnis though, if you are shia I don't mind you as much
why are you destabilizing countries. what are you trying to achieve?
golan is under israeli military control
or are you larping as undercover hezbollah behind enemy lines?
Why do you follow a gay ass religion that makes no goddamn sense?
What exactly is your end goal with Israel and Palestine?
Also obligatory fuck sunnis
do they know you;re a jewish spy?
when u gonna bring on some action again hezbollah-kun ?
Where's your jaw you beta cuckfag?
According to your flag it is.
I want christmas cakes to leave.
>wearing a skimask in the desert
Muhammad was a child molester and did not ascend into the sky on a winged horse. Your religion is absurd and murderous. I wish nothing but pain upon you and your radicalized friends. You are the scum of the earth.
Suicide bomb a Jewish school.
You will get eternity in heavan I swear.
why does your organization pronounced
"his balls uuh"
Protects your mouth and nose from the sand and dust
>skiing goggles
you're gonna get shwacked so fast m8
Why do you worship satan?
whats up afghanon
i met this chick that gave me her number. should i call her right away, or wait a day or two and play it cool? hey thanks for doing this ama man. praise allah
have you in your lifetime played any sort of pokemon video game?
the end goal of course is to get european israelis the fuck out of the middle east and return the land to the palestinian arabs. it's really the same struggle that's been going on for the last few hundred years
depends, where'd you meet her
no although a few childhood friends used to
How smug are you?
what do you think of hentai mate? I'm sure even jihadis love it.
Are you looking forward to your mate Jezza being the next UK Prime Minister?
Tridents on Israel when?
>do you consider the golan israel?
Fuck no.
Drive Israel to the sea!
So my country can be free!
You must grab it by its burgers,
Then we have a big party.
Are you gay?
Do you know that I fucked your mom's asshole raw back in 1983? Shit ripped and she had to get some dumpster surgery on her gushy gash if u kno what I mean.
Oh look a Jew false flagging pro tip the mask doesn't hide your giant ass hook nose
How many American soldiers in Syria working for the US shadow government are you going to kill?
Are you all aware mahdi is going to shit bricks when he sees you've become the antichrost?
you like germany?
Why do you wear the mask?
Have you killed any Jews?
all of them, inshallah
fuck no, Germany sided against the Jamahiriya as they have against Assad
Why are you wearing winter gear in june?
Why does your location say u are in israel
because he's gay
>Germany sided against the Jamahiriya
LOL LARPer confirmed, Hezbollah HATES qaddafi. This reminds me of /sg/ when a guy claims hes a shiite Hez living in lebanon but LOVES Saddam (who is basically equivalent to Israel in their worldview)
0/10 delete this thread faggot
Jew larping as hezbollah. That's new
Posting in a JIDF honeypot thread. Or one very bored kike
We'll get you first, scumbag
Far right groups in the west tend to like Hezbollah. Is Hezbollah in contact with these groups on a regular basis?
If Hezbollah is anti-Israel and ISIS is anti-Israel, why fight each other?
How does it feel knowing that one day you might just be killed by a man who never even looked you in the face
>If Hezbollah is anti-Israel
>and ISIS is anti-Israel,
>why fight each other?
Question answered.
Nasrallah is not right about everything. I would have given my life to protect Qadhafi's Libya. The fall of the Jamahiriya was the greatest tragedy facing the Arab world in recent memory
not to my knowledge. Hezbollah does not consider itself a right-wing group and I see no reason why we would be in contact with these
Daesh is little more than an Israeli proxy
He is a coward and imperialist pawn and at the very least I will die with honor defending my homeland and my people
>in israel
Nice LARP faggot. Maybe if you were posting from the West Bank I would believe you but you're no Hezzie. You wouldn't be daring to post this for the fear of getting in trouble by the Israelis. Anyways fuck off Jew LARPer and fuck Hezbollah. Christian Leb who hates hezzie shills here.
pick one
ISIS is not anti-Israel? Do we have proof of this? The narrative seems to be jihad is against any western influence including Israel.
>Christian Leb who hates hezzie
Ungrateful infidel. Hezbollah has been protecting Christians in South Lebanon since our inception
como to /sg/ friendo, you wil have competent questions there
>Nasrallah is not right about everything. I would have given my life to protect Qadhafi's Libya. The fall of the Jamahiriya was the greatest tragedy facing the Arab world in recent memory
Top kek, Hez WORSHIP Nasrallah. dont double down on your idiocy just admit you were bored, and needed a break from fapping so you made a LARP thread. Its ok we've all done it at some point, just do your research or make it a LARP about something youre knowledgeable about. Hez followers have been brainwashed to hate qaddafi for decades. What youre saying is like a Jew praising Hitler
And then there is this one as well.
Do you think it would be hypothetically possible to convert Muslims in western nations into noble Jew prioritizing Hezbollah warriors who will prioritize targeting non goys? Via memes and subversion.
also, are you a maronite or an armenian
>Hezbollah does not consider itself a right-wing group and I see no reason why we would be in contact with these
He's actually talking about naziboos I think, which are sometimes called "far right" by the media
He's probably asking is Hezbollah has links to any kind of Neo-Nazi groups
The Israelis might be strategically playing them off one another for its own survival, which has happened elsewhere throughout history, but they, like all civilized people, want peace.
There's actually infinite if u care to look. There's been like one Isis attack on Israel in its entire existence. And oh yea...they apologized for it because it was an accident LOL
Hezbollah's quoted western right wingers a few times, usually on anti-Israel pieces so I was curious. How about western Shiite Muslims? I'm just curious how much international outreach Hezbollah actually does and who it sees as friends and enemies beyond the obvious ones like Iran.
Why did your prophet fuck children?
>bunch of garbage nigger-tier Palestinians are given refuge in a neighboring country
>refuse to assimilate, use the country as a proxy for their petty wars against the kikes
>pallis and other muslim scum unite to declare war on Christians who rule the country (and who are 100% the reason the country is livable)
>slaughter Christians
>create a militant group funded by an Islamic superpower (Iran) and use the country they're essentially occupying as a battleground against a Jews for bullshit "liberate palestine" agenda
Yeah fuck off pal
Maronite AKA true lebanese
Neo Nazis are part of it although they're not the only ones who has expressed support for Hezbollah, especially when Hezbollah defends Assad and shits on Israel.
Show penis.
Ok, so if Hezbollah/Hamas/Palestine want to destroy Israel, who is blaming them for using Islamist fanaticism against Islamist fanaticism?
Hezbollah has diplomatic relationships mostly with foreign national liberation groups that would be considered "left-wing" in the West. Nothing in the US though
Why would Hezbollah hate Qaddafi?
Fake photo but enjoy getting your door kicked in
1.what do you think of the kurds?
2. what would it take to reform islam?
Dude it's literally just tolerating one bully because the other bully is worse. You better believe if Hezbollah was anything other than a paramilitary force and had control over lawmaking in Lebanon that Christians would be paying Jizya
You can sympathize with their cause against Israel for whatever autistic reason but never trust a Muslim because one seems nicer than the other.
Post a timestamp with an AK47 or you're LARPing.
If he is LARPing he would be wearing a costume and have props like an AK-47.
flag and numbers check out