Who here went from voting Tory to Labour?
What made you change your mind?
Who here went from voting Tory to Labour?
What made you change your mind?
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Tories' internet censorship.
May had it all in the bag but she's ripped it all apart, thrown it in a bin and set it on fire.
Nothing, I am still voting Tory.
Once Empire
Now Ruled By Shitskins
tory cuck
>support wahabbism
>support destruction of working class
>support fanatical censorship of internet
>support going after porn the day a shitskin commits a terrorist attack
>support militarism for israel
anyone who votes tory is a cunt. UKIP and corbyn are the only things to choose between
>UKIP and corbyn are the only things to choose between
Well no, because my seat has no UKIP candidate and Labour are treasonous cunts and always have been. So fuck off.
Once an American Country
Now Ruled by Jews
>voting labour
the BBC/guardian/indie are in their pocket too, the corruption runs deep
200k views in a few hours and the entire UK press ignore it, really makes you think
Sort of gone the other way after the last muslim attacks, Corbyn supported the IRA so can only image how he will deal with the growing muslim problem in this country. Was on the fence Lab/Con, now I think it's a Con vote June 8th.
Nothing destroys the working class as much as unrestricted immigration due to the low skill levels involved.
You Brits have no other choice but May.
Literlaly doesn't matter which one of them wins. Both are bad in different ways and neither will deiver a good Brexit deal.
Why is there some Dellusional delluded fuck tart brit supporting labour.
What kind fucking piece Dellusional biased bigoted ignorant scumbag liberal are you.
Your mad insane good luck
Who the fuck would vote Labour after watching this?!?!?
>dad dies
>goes to a debate to stick up for your corrupt leader
also, want a fucking cunt of a pastor. Look at Rudd so smug there, having to have other people to do her work. Typical fucking Tory, can't even say something to someone's face.
Voting Labour. Theresa May has proven she can't keep the country safe
Corbyn wants controlled migration, May's not even made a single comment on immigration, will probably increase it
This is memeing pretty hard...
Two party system is broken.
I did the opposite. Do the (((Tories))) have my best interests at heart? No they don't. Do (((Labour)))? No they don't. But I would rather have the flu and be in bed for two weeks than have HIV and develop AIDS 4 years later. I live in a safe as fuck (((Labour))) seat anyway, but you would be surprised at how many lifelong (((Labour))) supporters I know who now vote (((Tory))) and they all blame the same person. Blair.
It doesn't make a difference anyway. When your best choice is a literal Jewish party (coin flip at this point I know), who only have their own interests at heart (coin flip) and was started by a literal Jew (Disraeli) then you know that British politics is a fucking joke. The closest we have to a right wing party getting in office (minus a Farage led UKIP) is a Jewish centrist then you know the system needs overhauled.
But you literally voted an African Muslim in office in back to back elections.
What the fuck? It is the opposite way around. Read their fucking manifestos you uneducated retard.
You and your once proud cities are drenched in the blood of your countrymen on the daily now at the hands of shitskins. Your men are impotent and your women impregnated by the very cancer you refuse to fight. Drink that enrichment till the belly is full. It will burst soon after.
So you want a known IRA sympathizer and immigration enabler and non-patriot to rule your country?
fucking hell.
Tories and Labour make me sick to my stomach.
OK, now clearly decided, Tory vote June 8th
The Tory manifesto and the Tory intention aren't the same thing. The Tories fucking love mass immigration because it's a source of cheap labour. That's why they've done fuck all to stem the tide for the 7 years they've been in power.
sadly not much worse then the leadership choices in Germany or Sweden.
Does Schultz still have a chance btw?
Feels a bit sickening watching this.
It's just like every day you find something new.
The Tories won't reduce migration either you deluded retarded.
You do realise that when May was home secretary there was a lot she could not do that she wanted to do because of Cameron and Osbourne. For example in 2010 she sought to stop taking in non-EU migrants by suspending visa applications for the year as she said there was too much migration. But Cameron said no. Now she has a small majority, and faces a Cameronite wing of the party which would stab her in the back over anything like that. So she needs a bigger majority to actually deliver on it because of traitors in her own party. Got it? Try paying attention to politics rather than listening to memes on Brit/pol/.
It takes balls to fulfill the promise of your party even though you personally were against it and so many brexiters were jumping ship.
I respect her for that.
>Threatened a 7 year old child with deportation
This is bad, why? Corbynistas get the fuck out.
But who is better? The ones who promise to reduce immigration or the ones who outright refuse to do so?
Better take my chances.
unmummy no maternal instinct may only has her preserved power as head of a corrupt pedophilic unaccountable scumbag state. thats all shes got in this world thats all she cares about. she dosnt give a fuck about you or your kids
a vile ugly creature that oozes insecurity and contempt.
>unmummy no maternal instinct may only has her preserved power as head of a corrupt pedophilic unaccountable scumbag state. thats all shes got in this world thats all she cares about. she dosnt give a fuck about you or your kids
Neither does any other politician.
Is it even possible to ban encryption? They might force companies to weaken theirs or install a backdoor. But surely they can't ban P2P data. I can always download tor. I get it, it sucks. But there are no alternative.
my mum threw away the election letter i got in the post. can i still vote on thursday?
A formerly active IRA member is a Tory counsellor. Christ man, come on.
The party that want's to censor the internet or the people who wants to get rid of Trident.
>not voting labour to destroy their country earlier and born again from the ashes
Also May's proposal about censorship on the Internet is 1984, isn't it?
yaa right like this youtube.com
some user on here convinced me in a late night /britpol/
i just realised theresa may's offer to me was nothing.
Labour are renewing trident lad.
>The party that want's to censor the internet or the people who wants to get rid of Trident.
The party that wants to flood the country even more with scum or the ones trying to prevent it. As hard to swallow the loss of personal liberties is you brits have no real choice here.
>implying Labour isn't going to outright ban right wing opinions
honestly I don't get britpol sometimes. It's like saying you're going to vote against the Republicans here because their candidate doesn't want to reduce immigration, when he's facing a Dem that wants to double it.
May saying we need to censor the internet because of the london attack.
Fuck that false flag shit.
which one's trying to prevent it? neither are saying they will stop immigration, and tories have no credibility on that subject anyway
> wanted to
> sought to stop
Weak Weak Weak
I'm not listening to 45 minutes of the water filter salesman. What's the jist without any hyperbole?
Read the entire thing for context. A home secretary cannot overrule their PM.
Yes, if registered.
May is fucking terrible.
But I would vote UKIP, not this communist cuck.
Not a Brit, but the level of control Theresa May wants over the Internet is something that will affect Britain FOREVER. That would be enough to switch my opinion from Tory to Labour.
What a dumb bird, why she gone and done that, user?
What the matter cant you face facts
I think realistically they are both going to keep it at the same shitty levels desu.
May trying to shut down the internet endangers our only weapon against all of this.
Wouldn't you rather vote for a party who actually do what they say? A vote for a party you literally know aren't going to follow through with their promises is literally the behaviour of a cuckold.
Honestly, this should be the obvious answer rather than cucking to Labour.
>Vote for British Trotsky who you know for certain will destroy us all
>Or vote for May who might deliver on her promises or might not, but if she did would improve the country.
>implying May will be any better on immigration
>implying IRA was a bad thing.
I hope that old commie wins. I'd much prefer you guys having an awful lefty leader than a completely retarded cuckservative leader trying to go chinese on the internet. Better optics. He seems like the kind of commie who's bound to get everyone mad so that should be good for a laugh.
>Wouldn't you rather vote for a party who actually do what they say?
Not if what they're saying is the worst possible outcome. At this point of time authoritarianism is preferable to becoming a minority in your own country, at least you can try to better the former while in the latter case all is lost.
Based Corbyn is going to save Britain from the corrupt pedo zionist tories
I've asked for a brief summary lad. At least try and stop virtue signalling for long enough to give me a quick rundown because as I've previously stated, I'm not listening to 45 minutes of the water filter salesman and especially not in that audio quality.
>implying May will be any better on immigration
Theresa "It is impossible to build a cohesive society with mass immigration" May is far better than Jeremy "borders should not exist" Corbyn.
>implying IRA was a bad thing.
They were, fuck off.
Well, acceleration does look like the only viable way to get anything started.
May will keep importing shitskins.
UKuck is the party of puffy faced, varicose cheeked farmer's sons and special cuntstables.
Me. I used to be a Tory voter until I seen May's party crash and burn. Quite funny really.
But in all seriousness we can't let the Prime Minister use nuclear codes.
And labour will import even more.
Yeah, and as we all know: What a politician says, stands.
2017 and there are still people who think that their vote in any way matters.
Everyone needs to vote UKIP.
People just forgot about them after Farage left but they are still the only sane ones in the country.
The powerful people in this country want to maintain immigration at its current level. Nobody in power will ever stop migration because it's too profitable.
>a fuckin tin ay spesh
>no ay tin ay fucking super
luxurious cunt this so called working man's champion likesay
Just the overwhelmingly insufferable hubris of the sods right now. Anyone carrying on like that deserves kicking to the kerb.
UKIP is the only legit oposition party you have. Labour and Tory are the same and the others except for SNP are irrelevant
>hurr durr may will save us from mass immigration
that's not how it works. she works for the juden and does what the juden want. It's very easy to say things when in campaign.
Fuck off Irvine Welsh you commie faggot.
>she works for the juden and does what the juden want.
Muh Jewish boogeyman.
True, but what about accelerating everything? It may be the only solution for the UK. Sound tough, though. But maybe 4 years of labour make the UK turn far right
they arent even running in mine, and many folks constituencies.
Fucking irrelevant party, doubt they could even win a majority even if they got every seat they're running for
>2017 and there are still people who think that their vote in any way matters.
We have seen with Brexit and Trump that voting does count and no rigging is in place.
The goal is to change the overton window, a labour victory would push it more to the left which is the worst possible outcome.
>Labour and Tory are the same
Maybe when it was Blair/Brown and Cameron
Not with Corbyn and May
No such thing as accerlerating when you have an aging population and the migrant spawn comes to age and is able to vote. This is the main problem of france currently that shitskins formed an actual voting blog.
Look at the voting intentions. (((They))) are all voting for rotten womb Mummy.
>Does Schultz still have a chance btw?
He never had a chance. The SPD were the only people, who hyped Schulz. Most people in the media are hardcore SPD participants/voters. They litterally trolled themselves.
The absolute state lad.
We are fucked.
All optimism after Brexit is fucking shattered.
didn't the lad move to america though with all his money?
£1.35? Shit.