You'd rather have your kids grow up to be whiny self-entitled faggots? Literally all of the SJW cringe compilations of today is born out of a lack of getting beat as a child.
Why is Sup Forums so against corporal punishment?
Where did you pull this assumption, out of your asshole?
Put it back.
>why is Sup Forums so against [thing that Sup Forums has never expressed strong opinion against]
sage goes in every field
Is Sup Forums that opposed? Must be Molymeme.
You are neglecting your duty as a parent if you don't slap your kids for misbehaving
A lot of posters here seems to side with Molyneux and his pretentious elitist "I never hit my kids" attitude.
Have you ever gotten the shit beat out of you with a switch when you were a kid? I suspect you haven't.
I'm pretty sure a good portion of SJWs got beaten or raped as a child. Especially the women.
The fire rises take the ultimate red pill
Lots of homos like to get their asses brutalized, mainly due what happened them at childhood.
not anymore
Remember when they flipped this shit about this. But there is no anger when it comes to muslim terrorist attacks. Fucking media. We need the images and videos of the attacks. Only then people will get angry.
>Why is Sup Forums so against corporal punishment?
We are?
it promotes degeneracy
I'm a sergeant.
oh fuck. I thought we were talking about snowflakes
Kids used to get beaten much worse in the old days. Why wasn't there more SJWs and faggots back in the day?
It's too late with kids as young as 9 carrying knives in schools.
Can imagine teenagers these days saying to tge teacher "spank me harder sir"
Albert Fish received severe corporal punishment as a child and he turned out fine.
talking all that slick this the same way these bitches do.
wonder what my secret is? niggaz will move on you only if they know what your weakness is, i have none
you shouldn't beat up kids, you should beat up people who beat up kids.
also if you do it and don't expect to be shanked in your sleep by the kid your pretty dumb.
I don't think it's because of corporal punishment, but rather because of weak nu-men that cannot put firm limits to their kids
>teaching your own children that when people do something you don't like or disobey you the proper response is to physically hit them
subhuman thinking
>why don't you go to town on little kid asses, Sup Forums
gee idk
>the only way he can keep his children disciplined is beating the shit out of them
Holy shit you are a literal nigger.
Man, my parent blistered my ass frequently as a kid and I thank them for it because I turned out alright.
Because they didn't have the internet and weren't as coddled. That was a time before cultural marxism took over and brainwashed the public into degeneracy. Stupidity was a lot more fatal back then, and much less tolerated, so kids straightened the fuck up quick if they got out of line.
Yeah, because Albert Fish only received minor spankings and wasnt full on abused...
Hitler, Stalin, and Churchill were all beaten as children.
Only one thought he turned out all right despite rather than because of it.
yes, it was the one who was neither half-jewish or a commie.
gas yourself, kike.
>teaching right from wrong and consequences
>subhuman thinking
it all makes sense
Violates the NAP
I wonder how spanking came about
>wtf are you doing?
>uhhh, I'm disciplining my child
yabba dabba doo
Spanking literally doesn't work, lowers IQ, and makes your child more likely to be a sexual degenerate.
Why are you obsessed with sexually punishing your children?