This is a photo of a police officer who changed into camo pants shortly before the "terrorists" were killed. notice anything similar????
Sorry for the quality of the photos, they were zoomed in from shitty cell phone photos.
This is a photo of a police officer who changed into camo pants shortly before the "terrorists" were killed. notice anything similar????
Sorry for the quality of the photos, they were zoomed in from shitty cell phone photos.
Do you have any timestamps on those pictures?
The shirts aren't the same, but the beard is strikingly similiar.
cnn then makes a fake muslim anti isis protest
Look at his arms, seems the 2nd picture has a tatoo first one doesn't? These are not the same people.
ive been trying to find the original photo
it looks more like blood
beard does not match, neither does shirt.
Nice fake news antifa
black beard vs. red beard beard.
Of course not.
The guy in the second picture has darker skin, darker hair, shorter hair
>notice anything
Yeah I notice that you are an islamic apologist trying to draw attention away from the source of the problem.
Black T-Shirt =/= Blue shirt with sleeves rolled up and black vest
fuck off shill.
london was not a false flag.
i have friends who were actually there.
You're a nigger, aren't you? Admit it.
Different camo pattern. The police officer is bald or has a very closely shaded head. The perp does not.
The police officer is also more heavy set around the abdomen and clearly has a higher bmi. The length of his limbs in comparison with his body length would suggest he is shorter than the perp.
>Beard is strikingly similar
That's debatable. They don't look that similar aside from the pants.
The ONLY conspiracy I can see here that is plausible is globalists/Saudis giving ISIS a go to attack to distract media attention to London away from their election and other things going on in the states. Given climate and mAh russia got royally BTFO they were probably running dry on distraction. But that's it. No inside job, no body double shit. Timing really doesn't matter either, this attack finally caused a tip in opinion. Now wether they anticipated this to prime us for global conflict against Muslim is anybodys guess.
I hope they kill you next you fucking autistic faggot
If you think these two are the same persons you need to see a doctor, inbred.
some of you guys are legit mentally retarded kys
I'm not sure what's worse.
That you can't tell that those are different people or that you can't tell those are even different pairs of bloody trousers.
Hang yourself.