Think about it

really makes you thought


lets imagine if it was a WOMAN that lead the charge against racism!!

that would be soooo much more progressive!

omg, what about a black, thicc TRANS woman!!!!

WTF did I just read they live?

this is a progressive space please only serious replies and inquiries here we're trying to make the world a better place

If your kids looks up to fake character than you are a fucked up parent.

yet a whole bunch of you people here look up to hitler and racist figureheads like david duke

I don't, fuck hitler and all socialism. You dumb cunt.

>Real people are fake characters

Really gassed muh jews.

>People like this actually exist
Friendly reminder that capitalism is pure jewishness


2X is literally bluepill indoctrination
i would never believe anything posted there


also lol if you care about cape-shit movies


Good lord movies have been getting worse but you can still find a decent one every now and then. In a few years they will all be unwatchable

really murders my brain cells

You all are just jealous. That dude is going to be swimming in legbeard pussy whilst drinking menstrual cups of mead.

>The only role model for girls is a fake woman invented by a man.



Gas yourself.


>reads first 10 words
i hope i get truck of peace'd

This post and the one about the haggis are the most disgusting things I've read in my life.


>hitler wasnt real
are you denying the holocaust you bigot

Fuck me that guy is thristing for pussy so bad he goes on reddit

Fucking this
What kind of functioning adult gives one fuck about any fucking movie let alone one based on fucking comic book characters. The jews have already won; niggers do what they want, spics live off gov handouts, and whites are either muh racist/sexist/homophobes (functional) or overgrown, purple-haired, pan-sexual degenerate children.



I don't see what's wrong with this? A young woman deciding to have sex later in life is always a good thing.

Today on Sup Forums I learned that Hitler wasn't real

Her ovaries shrivelled up reading that. You can tell.

yeah but why doesnt the boy know?

This always makes me want to puke. Jesus Christ, everyone involved in that is pathetic.

*sips mtw dew*

Capeshit is the reason Sup Forums has become cancer recently

I just interpret this as satire.
Like, dude, you are so fucking lame man.

I'm going to show this to my wife for a good laugh.

That has to be a joke

r/twox is not a joke desu

This is my favorite.

>Women now have a role model

>It's a fantasy, work of fiction

My fuccxxing sides


>like im a dude

thats like a guy going

like im totally a girl... please tell me no one fell for this bullshit


How can Redditeurs all be so brilliant?

I wonder what company the shills work for. Shareblue for movies. I wonder how many jews funded this movie under the condition the star be a jewess

Dredd was decent. Blowing away scum is always entertaining

these fucking people honestly want to make me jump off a building
>if i did it id blame reddit

Wew lad, that's enough internet for the week

wow man good job


they also forgot to include inflation, so movies always make more because the gay ass records dont take inflation into account 90% of the time

kys nu-pol

Hitler never existed. Prove me wrong

As expected from plebbit. Bunch of cucks, they are.

Suddenly genocide doesnt seem like such a bad idea, eh?

>Hitler never existed and is actually just a boogeyman created by (((them)))

At last I truly see