Are we living in the end of days?

Sup Forums, do you think we will witness the fall of civilization as we know it on our life time? Do you believe we will go mad max style soon, or do you think that the world we know will remain as it is, and will just continue to shink deeper and deeper into degeneracy?

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not yet


Good thread.

Art Bump.

Yeah probably. We're losing the fear of global war in the west. Come 2050 when everybody that browses Sup Forums is actually holding the reigns of their societies we're all gonn be fucked

We're on the verge of collapsing. You should read some Julius Evola. I don't agree with everything he says, but his perspective on traditional societies versus modern societies is interesting. He doesn't view traditional societies as 'past' and modern societies as 'present', rather, he views both as part of a cycle, where one collapses and leads to another. We are living in the collapse of modernism.

I think it will be a slow decline. We'll be long dead before it gets close to mad max. We'll see more riots, antifa skirmishes with police, martial declared in some areas, national guard sent in occasionally... Never all out civil war though. People in the West are still too comfortable to get off their asses and take action against anyone, really.

>"History is only the pattern of silken slippers descending the stairs to the thunder of hobnailed boots climbing upward from below." -Voltaire

Though those boots are non binary gender libs with no guns who shout Marxist propaganda.

not THE end, AN end

fuck, you are greek, you should know this better than anyone. in your own lands are the remnants of a half dozen or more empires. eras that seemed like they would last forever, but all it takes it some bad luck or a stronger enemy. this really was a good run, eh?

We might be like Rome, where barbarians invade and establish their own kingdoms in our lands. I've been thinking about how we'd deal with this if that's what ends up happening

Unless a global disease or environmental shift kills us all, humanity will continue to grow until we evolve entirely away from what we currently are.
It will be near impossible to kill every human in the world.

Also, worst things have happened on our planet and we've survived.
Catholicism and Islam for example.

This is a clash of cultures. Europe will lose. North America will survive due to an ocean, not better long term policies.

We're entering the age of force-politics and caesarism.

Well it's not quite accurate to speak of Europe as a whole like that. But I'd say that whatever happens, both Europe and North America will be very different than what they are now

We are very close.

We have bred super animals and super plants. Now we need to breed super humans. Super humans will be our saviors.

Things seem bad but only because things were looking pretty optimistic until the 2000's rolled around. I'm not saying things are good only that they have the potential to get much much worse.

We are approaching a precipice that will force western society to look inward and rediscover the foundational aspects that will help us survive, or we will embrace the warmth of the sand and keep our heads firmly planted there as our world deteriorates.

I am often disgusted by what I see going on and it's hard not to be a defeatist, but then I'll remember that Spain was at war and ended up purging Muslim sultans up until like a decade before Christopher Columbus made his voyage. This should be a call to defend our way of life, as haven't even begun to see what rock bottom will look like.

>deeper and deeper into degeneracy?

Yup. VR sex bots, drugs, plugging into the internet with our brains.

Every day we become less human and identify more as robots, similar to mentally ill transgendered faggots.

Every day we stray further from god.

It certainly is in regards to the union and the damage unmitigated travel presents. Some nations may be larger losers than others in the end of it all but all will have lost. The Western structure that built it will be fairly unrecognizable due to laws that will regulate speech, detention and privacy. Classical Liberalism will have died and a Modern Western Authoritarian state will have emerged. Secret surveillance will simply be surveillance and hiding the scope of new powers will not be necessary.

Every nuke thread spawns this one, like a fucking clock.


Slow decline. Then super AI takes the reins.

This. We are witnessing the birth of a muslim insurgency in the west. Not the actual fight. This things just getting started.

One things for sure. We need natural selection to play a bigger role.

yep. it will happen any day now. all the other times they were wrong, but this time it's different. they didn't have our problems, and they were certainly not as important as us in the cosmic puzzle. The energy pylons are about to enter their maximum locus, have your chakras ready, for yaweh is near.

A random meteorite; a plague or a volcano are joker cards that can perturbate any done scenario.

They had the black pest during medieval times; WE have an intellectual black pest to deal with.

We mostly certainly are. Most people today have or will accept the spirit of the antichirst.. just look at the state of modern "church". I expect Christ will return somewhere around 2000 years after he left. That gives us about 10-20 years left.

considering that we are going to live for ~50 more years i would beg to differ

Your digits say 87.

Let's check mine.

Nice trips bro.

Also, check out the Blue Beam Theory. Don't fall on their tricks.

Like the old saying goes - "bankruptcy happens slowly at first, then all at once". Same situation applies here, quite directly too when considering debt levels worldwide. We are on the cusp, no doubt about that.


We will know whether we are living in the End Times, when there is a single global currency, and everyone is required to have a Mark of the Beast implant. We are probably not far from that happening.

Just at the start of the new president reign, so he recover the economy in the second term or sink.

He won't pay the debt, he's going for lobster on your money.

religiously speaking yes, civilizationaly speaking, just the pre-birth of the human space empire.

Once the whites die out, the Chinese will move up to top race in the world

And they don't have the weak trait of uncontrollable empathy even to the point of civilization suicide the way white people do.

Shit will be rough for all other races.

if id believe biblical profecies, i would shit my pants. So many are being on the point.

But in reality, i think humanity is now on the brink which has 2 ways.

Total collapse: more than 50% of populus will die in wars and system collapses and shiet and tech and civilization will have to start over from scratch and it will take more than 200 years.


Growing pains: after 25 years of coming hard times, human race will step over the troubles and rise into new future that is beyond even Star Trek dreams.

We are living in somewhat of a repeat of the 430s
Lets see if the 450s roll in sooner or later then 20 years this time around.


Bogdangrad on Mars right?

With nukes and god knows what secret Ragnarok Metal Gears are out there.

>Le evolution may may

Cell phone and credit; its finite.

Every single human society has thought they were close or at the end of times and they have all been fucking wrong. Except for the Mayans who thought time is cyclical I guess.

Anyways, we naturally have a tendency to think the apocalypse is near and /or we are living in the shittiest time ever.

We will run out of or destroy resources, we only have one source planet.

Kek at this point it takes more faith to believe in evolution than a Creator


What if the Mayans are wrong of a few years only?

Calculus mistake.

>be human
>wait for the world to end

what else is new?

No human society has ever had nuclear weapons before.


We will see cataclysms in the next couple of decades, but not the next couple of years.

nope, just waking up is all.

When Thousand Year will begin coming after the Thousand Year …
When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
The Gold is in the Blood
Look at the stars who will count the money
Will enter the Temple will meet merchants
Sovereigns will changers and usurers
The Glaive defend the Snake
But the fire incubates
Each city is Sodom and Gomorrah
And the children’s children become the pyroclastic
They will throw the old banners
When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
Man has populated the heavens and the earth and its creatures Seas
He will command
He wants the power of God
He will know no limits
But everything will turn
It titubera like a drunken king
It gallop like a blind knight
And the spur he push his mount in the forest
Down the road is the abyss
When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
Will rise at all points of the Land of Towers of Babel
This is Rome and Byzantium, it will
The fields will be emptied
There will act as himself and his band
But the barbarians will be in town
There will be no bread for all
And the games will no longer suffice
So people without a future
Illuminate large fires
When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
Hunger tighten the belly as men
And cold bleuira both hands
Let them want to see another world
And dream merchants who will offer the poison
But it will destroy the bodies and souls rot
And those who have mingled their blood poison
Be as wild animal caught in a trap
And violate and kill and steal and rançonneront
And life will become Apocalypse every day

In religious terms? Idk, I don't believe Abrahamic faiths to be true. Culturally speaking? Oh absolutely. It's all lost. Every last bit of it.

No seriously, Rome is falling.

When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
Everyone try to enjoy everything it can
Man divorces his wife many times he will marry
And the woman go through the lost paths (hollow) taking that which pleases
Mothering without giving the name of the Father
But no master will guide the Child
And each of the others will only
The tradition will be lost
The law will be forgotten
As if the Ad was not made and the man will return to wild
When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
The father takes his pleasure with her daughter
The man with the man’s wife with the woman
The old with the prepubertal child
And it will be in everyone’s eyes
But the blood will become impure
The evil will spread from bed to bed
The body rots host all the earth
Faces are eaten the emaciated limbs
Love will be high threat to those who do not know that the flesh
When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
Whoever speaks Oath and Law
Will not be heard
Anyone who preach the Faith of Christ
Lose its voice in the wilderness
But everywhere spread the mighty waters of the infidels religions
False messiahs will gather the blind men
And the unfaithful will be armed as he was never
He will speak of justice and law and faith will be burning and cutting
He will avenge the Crusade
When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
The sound of death given as the storm roll on earth
The barbarians are mixed with the soldiers of the last legion
The infidels living in the heart of the Holy Cities
Everyone will turn barbaric, infidel and wild
There will be no order or rule
The hatred will spread like fire in dry forest
The barbaric massacre soldiers
Slay the unbelievers believers
The savagery will each and every and cities perish


When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
Men will judge them according to their blood and their faith
No one will listen to the heart with children
They identify for as nestlings
And nobody will protect them from the hand stiffened gauntlet
Hatred flood the land who thought pacified
And no one will be spared neither old nor the wounded
The houses will be destroyed or stolen
Some take the place of other
Everyone close your eyes not to see women raped
When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
Everyone will know what is in all places of the earth
We see children whose bones break through the skin
And one whose eyes are covered with flies
And that which hunts like a rat
But the man who will turn away the head
For he will care that it
This one will give a handful of grains as alms
While he sleeps on bags full
And it will give with one hand he will take the other
When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
Man will all merchandise
Everything has its price
The water tree and the animal
Nothing will really set and everything will be sold
But then the man will be more than meat weight
Barters his body was like a piece of meat
We take his eye and heart
Nothing is sacred or his life or his soul
We play his body and blood as a carcass skinning
When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
Man has changed the face of the earth
He wants the Master and Ruler of forests and herds
It has dug the ground and sky
And traced its path in the rivers and seas
But the earth will be naked and barren
The air becomes hot and the water is foul
Life fade for man deplete the world’s wealth
And man is only as a wolf
To hate him

i dont understand. If you refer to the picture, i just googled "dark space" and picked one.

When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
The child will also be sold
Some will use it as a quintain
To enjoy his new look
Others treat it as a servile animal
The sacred weakness will be forgotten child
And mystery
It will be like a foal that stands
Like a lamb being slaughtered bleeding
And the man will be nothing more than barbarism
When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
The eyes and minds of men will be prisoners
They are drunk and ignore
They take the images and reflections for the truth of the world
It will make them what is actually a sheep
While predators will
Raptors in the herd will better guide to the abyss
And set them against each other
They flay to get their wool and skin
And if he survives man will be stripped of his soul
When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
Reign of the Sovereign without belief
They will order the innocent human crowds and passive
They hide their faces and keep their names secret
And castles will be lost in the forest
But they decide the fate of any and all
No part in the meetings of their order
Everyone will be true serf and freeman believe Knight
Will rise only those wild and sometimes heretical cities
But they will first be conquered and burned alive
When start the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand
Men will be so many lands
They look like an anthill in which the stick is pressed
They grouilleront and death will crush heel
Like insects distraught
Large movements push them from one country to another
Brown skins will mingle with white skins
The Faith of Christ to that of the Infidel
Some preach the sworn peace
But all this will be the war of enemy tribes

trips of truth

Wrong my dude.

THEY had, but we all know how they ended up

Don't want to spam. Read the rest here:

But yes. This is the end times of Western Civilization.

It seems like there is a tipping point in history where great civilizations reach an event horizon of degeneracy. Then they fall. Greeks and Romans come to mind.

not on our lifetime, unless youre one of those tinfoilhatters that think peakoil is coming.

16,810Days to the end of oil (~46 years)
58,756Days to the end of natural gas
149,925Days to the end of coal

And new sources of energy are being studied every year, like thorium reactors and better solarpower and stuff.

You know that with enough electricity (as in fusion power) you can make anything from thin air.

Like gold or uranium, one atom at a time.

What's so scary is that there isn't a 'rising power' to take over from the declining powers of the West. After the US and EU fall, that's it. There's no one left to carry the torch that these empires produced. It'll be an era of darkness. We won't even have the IQ left to rebuild civilization.

Well; it's better if you don't.

It's a meme related to other stuff. I was just ironic with you concerning progress on space; more precisely investments.

It became a secret military satellite mindfuck; just a few computer images for the plebs here and there.

Or even better a fucking selfie in high altitude.

Its fascinating; yet so much talk about primitive horseshit that nobody cares about.

We depleted the markets, the only excuse we have to keep selling shit to people it's that the thinks we give them broke faster than they should, so they have to be constantly replacing them.

We will get dangerously close, then a period of peace of indeterminate time, and only THEN will Satan's Antichrist subjugate humanity

>nice trips

nice singles mate

This exactly.
Things need to get bad first.

>We might be like Rome, where barbarians invade and establish their own kingdoms in our lands. I've been thinking about how we'd deal with this if that's what ends up happening

already is.

>muh le everything is always the same as it ever was nothing ever happens everything is always the same I'm so le rational because I don't think anything is ever happening

I hate people like you the most

There's not an ocean between you and your own blacks, as well as you and hispanics.

I'd argue our intellect is slipping, we cannot as part of the environment destroy it, with out destroying ourselves.

Also, strangely enough, the Omen had a very spooky prophecy....

When the Jews return to Zion and a comet fills the sky, and the Holy Roman Empire rises; then you and I must die. From the eternal sea he rises, creating armies on either shore, turning man against his brother, 'til man exists no more.

>Do you believe we will go mad max style soon, or do you think that the world we know will remain as it is, and will just continue to shink deeper and deeper into degeneracy?
Neither, the bubble will just pop.

Way way before it gets Mad Max bad women will be scared straight and back into their place. This will cause the other dominos to tumble and restore Western society.

Nice zeroes bro


But Appetite For Destruction is the only good album they ever released. Both Illusions are full of filler tracks.

When whitey start dying en masses and the gibs stop flowing we will reach the end of this era. The subhumans will rise up to ask for more gibs and whiteys will congregate to small enclaves like in South Africa.

Why? Never said I'm more rational than anyone. Are you that desperate for excitement in your life?


I believe it will get much, much more unfathomably worse unfortunately. We are witnessing the beginning of the end

We are in the calm before the storm of the last days, we will all experience it though, its horrors, its wonders and the ultimate choice in an epic struggle between the rebellion of fallen angel, the descendants of the old Nephilim bloodlines and the Most High God. A story retold in many mythologies around the world from a polytheistic context.

Secret societies of all kind actively work towards these goals in an open way, the funny part is that they can't keep it a secret, so they make it invisible in plain sight, constantly use Legominism to both passes on their knowledge to other future initiated members and to indoctrinate the symbol into the psyche of people to represent something else entirely.

The world will not stay on this path of secular materialism but will seek a higher spiritual purpose, once this time comes, the spiritual zeal locked within this sleeping giant of a planet will kick in and bloodshed will occur of those who will not support this new global religion which will come to dominate every institution, as even the elect will be deceived.

Christians know what is to occur, the final battle between the Rebellion of fallen angels and God and His Kingdom, the very entities which tricked the man into sinning and to this day keep us on the path of our own destruction.

Watch the Catholic Church and Israel as these times move, watch for more economic hardship, terrorism and government power increasing alongside an ardent push towards globalism.

Religion will unite the world, it will be mixed and combined with science and technology as both have been passed down from the heavens, both ordained and not ordained. This religion is Babylon the harlot, the women who mount the beast of world government and rides it as its influence causes the deaths of many Christians, the blood of saints she drinks from her cup like a drunken harlot. Anti-Christ will take advantage of this new global system and overthrow it the same way democratic rule has been

overthrown in other nations of history by charismatic dictators like the Caesars, Napoleon Hitler and Stalin. This spirit exists in all men and one person will come and take the reins of power over the government and burn the world to ashes with his ambition to be king of the Earth and to worship both himself and Lucifer the light bringer, in whatever form he is presented in.

Watch for the coming and return of Azazel, the angel who is locked in the abyss with the worst demons and other angels who intermingled with the daughters of man to create the Nephilim of old, the heroes old and men of renown, the opening of their seal will be felt by the entire world and it will bring destruction from that moment on.

And finally, keep the faith and love of Jesus Christ and His Father with you in these times, die if we must for the reward is far greater then what will come onto the Earth soon enough.

Religion is not about the traditions of man, but the spirit of man which connects to God and His Word, Jesu Christ.

let the higher power decide

(OP) The west has been through much more turbulent times than this, so no!

never has the future of the white race been at stake, this is truly the worst situation

Retarded people have platforms...thats the problem

But you can see it from here.

Judgement has begun. It's not too late to repent & call on Yeshua.....

>and will just continue to shink deeper and deeper into degeneracy?
No eventually the tipping point is reached and it all collapses, Rome, Athens, Byzantines, all fall when degeneracy reaches a point and it accelerates quickly.

History is a cycle of rises and falls. We are simply witnessing a fall. Given the destructive power of the modern military, it will likely be the worst fall in history, but it will not be the end. We will rebuild, as humans always have.

But if you believe this to be true and are not going full doomsday prepper to survive what's coming, you are a damn fool, in my opinion.

What if already has? I.e. Rokos basalisk