The last time we crusaded against the Islam was 922 years ago, it's time we crusade again!
Our marching man should yell ''Deus vult!'' as they're approaching the muslim filth, and kill every single one of their pork-dodging sandnigger demon-loving rapists.
It's time for the Islam to end, there's no place for them in this holy world.
So when do we start crusading again?
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We are not going to kill every single one of them.But we are going to invade them. We are going to Occupy them and then we are teaching them. We Teach them every single Thing wrong with their Religion, Culture and Way of Life and why it is wrong in utmost detail.
We are not going to get down on their level. That is beneath us.
Fuck you faggot. Stop invading and colonizing people. That is precisely how we got into this mess. Every non white needs to get the fuck back to their lands, same with whites in other lands. Fuck off with this failed multi racial experiment.
Stupid larping cunt
That won't happen.
At most we'll simply, quietly, but firmly, deport them all.
Oh please shut the fuck up.
The more earth gets old the more Christianity gets lost.
The west is supposed to be the homeland of Christianity yet Christian faith is dying at an alarming rate.
Stop being cringy with the crusade meme.
>when you kill the Pope
Mossad, the paid Catholic shills, and the Paid Russian Orthodoxy shills push this... All of these groups = the Alt-Right meme.
The "elite" is code for Jews and their blackmailed sociopath pedophiles (Hillary's mom was a Jew). Because Jews run a child sex slave ring out of Ukraine/Israel and sometimes South America (see Hatti and Clintons) and use pedophiles as their boot-licking goy politicians/celebrities.
They use the symbolism of the occult because it's a marketing campaign to cover up for Zionist and Jewish Communist crimes/power moves. The occult became degenerate as fuck ever since Thelma (Alestor Crowley), Anton (((Levy))) of Hollywood Satanism, and Navy Intelligence groups took over the scene; although it was always a place for scam artists. Freemasons became corrupted after being bought out by Jews in the mid-1800s -- thanks to Napoleon emancipating the Jews and the Rothschild take over Britain with the fall of Napoleon (See Rothschild's run on the stocks after Battle of Waterloo)
Catholics and Russians are both pro-Communism and therefor cover for them too by telling you it's "Satanists" and not Jewish Communists and their Zionist mafia allies. This is something the John Birch Society did when re-inventing the "Illuminati" meme (see Alex Jones connection).
Moloch = word meaning KING (Assyrian)
Moloch propaganda = Jewish hate of enemy king, like they do to Assad
's'atan = Aramaic word meaning "adversary", any adversary, or many adversaries.
Satan the character = Catholic meme to demonize our ancestral gods and dumb down Bible references for stupid plebeian audiences.
Synagogue of Satan = Pro-Roman Jews. Jesus was a Zealot.
Lucifer = Morning Star
Jesus = Morning Star
Luciferians = Christian monks who pissed off the Pope
Judaism = pre-Christianity
Marxism/Communism = Post Christianity Judaism
Cultural Marxism = critical theory, aka strategy to demoralize the Jew's enemies.
Why the hell do you people always do this? you shit talk Christianity like its nothing but bend over backward for blatant savagery. go neck yourself.
Start learning how to crusade for one
Get a gun
Get running
Get lifting
Learn how to do a lot of shit
Otherwise stop LARPing
why is france so cucked?
It stuns me how a retarded religion which people call the Islam is still alive this day 'n age.
It just shows how many fucking brain dead retarded people are still alive.
They took the holy Christian lands around 600, and till this day its still theirs.
We have the right to Israel since those faggots stole it all from us.
The Middle-East is out property with crackhead sandniggers using it and pretending they claimed it
We have to conquer it all back and kill every muslim alive.
They believe in a thieving and raping prophet, they're completely brainwashed, and we can't use them in our great Christian society.
Maybe we could slave some, since they enslaved millions of Europeans too.
Raping their woman is a sin, we dont fuck their whoring woman.
We kill their muslim children and we kill their whore wifes. None should survive.
Have guns.
Started running.
Started lifting.
Know how to do some shit, trying to learn more.
Can I still LARP?
Christianity has been cucked to its core by the West.
Muslims are savage but at least they don't allow gay marriages in their religious places, they don't allow jewish degeneracy and don't embrace it like the Pope does.
start planning shit up. Kill the Pope so we can have the new anti islam pope to start a crusade
We are ready to crusade again brothers!
We are templars by blood! We follow God!
Let us waste this human scum out of this earth, so that we can finally gas the jews once and for all and FREE OUR PEOPLE!
>We are ready to crusade again brothers!
>We are templars by blood!
not larping
I have been doing all of these things.
I quit smoking
I quit drinking
I have been hitting the gym 4-5 days a week
and I started my own business, working with my hands.
I married a beautiful German girl who grows food in our garden and raises chickens.
I can't believe I live like such a nigger for so many years. Red pills are so tasty!
hmm sure its all a meme
those dick sucking lips tho
>The west is supposed to be the homeland of Christianity
Surely it's the middle east.
dumbass nigger loving american never heard of reconquista or the templars moving to portugal. typical.
this vid tells how it all happened
how we killed thousands of jews on the way to jerusalem
The Middle-East is huge part of Christianity.
Tho these shitskinned retards took it from us.
We will take it back, We start in Israel and will expand
I feel like killing Jews right now ... damm
>I feel like killing Jews right now ... damm
start here
My man, how old are you? I want something similar to what you have, I just need a gauge on where I should be in life by now
Jews are liars and thiefs literally the spawn of satan... Our ancestors tried to get the world rid of them... now its our turn
>christianity is in the middle east
Yeah, not anymore tho
Why would the crusaders start again, the holy land is already in the hands of God's chosen people?
>satan was a cool dude
>hes name was Seth
>he pointed what the jews were doing wrong
>he tried to convince christ
>jesus was a pussy
>2000 years of distorted interpretations of bible
>now satan is the bad guy
>christ the bottom submissive that was into traps is now the meta hero
>jews did 9/11
christianity is kikery it's not Aryan
it's Semitic nonsense
so any attempt at "deus vult" against Aryans cannot win
if it really was in gods chosen people hands
the rapture would begin
and the end of days would be upon us
doesnt seem like that
matter of fact
the resistance keeps getting stronger
the logos resonates stronger
these are great, saved
There were several crusades after the first one. That's why they're called "the crusades," not "the crusade."
Last real one was the ninth, though it kinda was still part of the eighth, and was declared in 1271.
I'm not disagreeing, I'm just saying that it's been 746 years, not 922. I wrote my bachelor's thesis on the crusades but never get the chance to talk about them because my friends and family don't care, which is why I'm even bothering to be a dick. Carry on, Deus Vult, et cetera.
Does anyone have the video from the bridge?
>You keep going
>You keep going
I need to redpill normies please send help.
Your gay pope supports the flood of mud people that threatens to destabilize the west.
Christianity is quite a degenerate religion, race mixing is totally ok as you are all one in a dead kike on a stick
they actually believe jesus is आर्य ārya because they are all demented
gods chosen people kek you fuckking normie, go get butt fucked by jews fag
indeed Deus vult
*wakes up*
I heard CRUSADE.
They are Yahweh's chosen people. That's what Jews and Christians believe. I don't believe is this kike bullshit though
ah, are you off to go sack constantionople and pave the way for turks conquering all the balkans and mongrelizing it up to 20% in some parts?
what if the gods chosen people are actually the believers of Kek?
once we get rid of all normies (((the true infidels))) in gods lands then we will restore the sacred covenant
>once we get rid of all normies (((the true infidels))) in gods lands then we will restore the sacred covenant
fucking Christian man, their ideology is a fucking joke, muh Semitic holy desert. BAKA
You sound like a scholar so you can have a rare scholar select choice.
they cut dicks
thats some barbaric shit
why would we in 2017 still allow that shit
attack this