Give me one good reason why you think you're better than any person of another race without using "muh inventions" because you didn't invent shit or colonize anything
Give me one good reason why you think you're better than any person of another race without using "muh inventions"...
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I don't think i'm better just because i'm white. But whites are better because of their high IQ, innovation, creativity, and culture.
i haven't been to jail
i dont have a child out of wedlock
The guy on the left is an adviser of the POTUS
The guy on the right is a stock photo model
>this thread again
How niggers still manage to have self esteem despite their breathtaking lack of achievements as race is beyond me.
one is a high level advisor in the white house the other a mid to high level drug dealer whats the problem here?
He said genetically you fucking inbred
>you didn't invent shit or colonize anything
But we all had slaves, right, Tyrone?
Fuck you and your reparations. NIGGER!
Can grasp the concept of delayed gratification, am not a sociopath.
>Give me one good reason why you think you're better than any person of another race
Because the "persons of another race" are literally dying to get into my country while it would be punishment for me to go to theirs.
Liberals have to flat out lie to make their """point""
Hmmm, guy on left has attained a position only few have ever or ever will hold, guy on right portrays personalities on tv for mindless drones.
If you think genetics is all about physical attributes, well, you should keep thinking that way and make our jobs easier during the upcoming civil war. Thanks for being a dumb shill.
This. Pathetic niggers need to sit the fuck down.
what do you think took him there you buffoom? it was his genetic talents. intelligence.
>The guy on the right is a stock photo model
It's Stringer Bell crack kingpin of Baltimore.
Bannon is a civic/economic nationalist. Where in the fuck do you faggots get this shit?
Bannon has done more for the west and for sovereignty than any of you.
You said the main reasons why they are inferiors and you imply the right one is human
Yes? Your genes are a huge influence on what you achieve in life. Getting white genes means there's a 90% chance you'll manage to live at the very least a comfortable middle class life. Getting black genes means there's a 90% chance you'll get shot by the cops while trying to steal a bottle of watermelon flavored cola from the local 7/11
What's the problem here?
and vice versa, retard
reminder that all races think they are inherently superior
Because most of them just don't have the capacity to be aware of their animal-like nature. And the ones that do go into an existential crisis and claim that Egypt was black.
Low IQ is a huge factor from genetics too
Has Bannon ever said fucking ANYTHING that can be construed as racist against black people?
I'm white
Nigger don't have comfy countrie
Plus I'm white
(OP) #
You fucking white people look like pigs with cum all over them. Fucking pigskin cumskin. You guys are too pussy to fight anyway. GTFO of pol and do something productive for once. Fucking lazy pigskin cumskin. Good thing the Jews are pushing white genocide. I don't wanna see anymore cumskins like you and your pigskin family. We can keep the white women. They seem to hate the white man.
Crime statistics.
Or just look at the state of sub Saharan Africa.
Here, have a coke. Take your daily handout from the white man and leave.
(OP) #
You fucking white people look like pigs with cum all over them. Fucking pigskin cumskin. You guys are too pussy to fight anyway. GTFO of pol and do something productive for once. Fucking lazy pigskin cumskin. Good thing the Jews are pushing white genocide. I don't wanna see anymore cumskins like you and your pigskin family. We can keep the white women. They seem to hate the white man.
His position has little to do with intelligence and a lot to do with connections. Which is very easy to get when you're a white male in America
>any person of another race
It's impossible that I'm not better than plenty of other people at lots of things, purely statistically. What are you getting at?
This would be a lot easier if we didn't had to explain people over the most basic prejudices.
Who the fuck said I think that?
I'm not really into the whole white supremacy idea
I just want europe to stay white and people to start respecting white culture and white males again.
(OP) #
You fucking white people look like pigs with cum all over them. Fucking pigskin cumskin. You guys are too pussy to fight anyway. GTFO of pol and do something productive for once. Fucking lazy pigskin cumskin. Good thing the Jews are pushing white genocide. I don't wanna see anymore cumskins like you and your pigskin family. We can keep the white women. They seem to hate the white man.
He is
Never lost a fight to a nigger but it's understandable that this kind of thing is important to you since your IQ is 30 points lower than mine.
just a reminder that the guy on the right doesnt have the ear of the president and the guy on the left will be written about in every american history book published after 2016
Crime stats
Genetic potential
Your virgin ass won't have a child ever.
This is what brainlets tell themselves to feel better.
>I-It's not about intelligence! It's about connections! That's why I'm a poor NEET even though I think I'm top 10% in IQ!
And an ooga booga to you too, sir
And you lot look like whites with shit all over themselves
I don't think I'm better, I just think I'm white and should stick with other whites because society jives together better when it's racially homogeneous.
>muh whitey oppressed us
>you didn't invent shit
I guess I just imagined the stuff I designed.
Nigger aren't of our tribe
Why should compromise for them
Normie's are a lost cause,unless you have redpill liteā¢ with you
If you know intelligence is largely genetic I don't see why you don't understand the answer to this question. Western civilization (and Asian cultures) organized themselves to make intelligent men more powerful and more attractive mates. That dominance hierarchy based on IQ doesn't exist in the chaos of the third world. Do like 2 minutes of thinking and this is pretty obvious.
It's not about individuals; it's about the type of societies that large GROUPS of individuals are capable of creating or even just maintaining.
Not all groups appear to have the same ability to maintain advanced civilization.
>genetics largely determine your intelligence
>you can make up with hard work, which again comes back to genes
>being good at running forever is useful in modern day society
>Give me one good reason why you think you're better than any person of another race without using "muh inventions" because you didn't invent shit or colonize anything
Because mentioning these things would give you an unfair advantage in the discussion of hereditary advantage...
Why even bother arguing at this point?
"give me one reason, other than the valid reasons,"
So argue for the sake of arguing?
"but imagine if 1 was not really 1, what's ur proof".
You're a dumb female nigger.
Shill detected.
I wish you could hear what actual people think when they look at you
Why do niggers have yellow sclera?
Guy on left - part of a group with a mean I.Q. of 100.
Guy on the right - part of a group with a mean I.Q. of between 80 and 90.
When you play the identity politics game be prepared for whites to win.
Now stop being a racist.
Also - saged.
I think you had a brief realization of your massive inferiority and your instant reaction was anger and denial. It's ok, have a moment of clarity, realize you're closer to animal then human, and your place on earth is slave at best.
Not racist, racialist
>didn't invent anything
I hold 2 patents, so speak for yourself.
Your assmad is bleeding through, Shariablue/CTR
Bannon is superior to Elba. Have you seen Elba's spelling and grammar on Twitter? The guy is an idiot.
Really? About what? I have plans too but too poor to patent
the guy on the right is a beautiful actor
The guy on the right is a nigger, so obviously the guy on the left is superior.
not necessarily "Better"...
>live in a steel skyscraper
>be a minstrel for white people
really makes me think
Why I'm better as an individual than the black people I know:
-I make a point to be polite and respectful of boundaries.
-I care about job performance and self-improvement within the strictures of society.
-More well-read and well-rounded.
-I don't make impulsive decisions that will lead to struggling in the long-term.
Same reason apes do
thats barack obama kiddoo
You live in the Northern Hemisphere you fucking retard. What do you think makes human white?
>anything ass
dumb nigger detected
>fuck niggers where the black women at?
Said no Nazi ever.
You don't mind getting with white girls because your own sheboon negresses are absolutely disgusting. Just confirms for me that nigger men all have mommy issues. Big gorilla momma kicked your asses out of spite because you interrupted her lottery scratch offs and tv n Shyt. So it's no surprise you would not care or love your own females and treat them like the qwaens you say they are.
Not at all worried about you honestly. If we cut off EBT most of you would fucking die. That is how pathetic your people are.
guy on the right doesn't understand that intelligence is linked to genetics, and by proxy, societal standing, in which bannon is clearly winning.
Not better, but certainly different. I acknowledge black are generally stronger, but at the same time they generally less intelligent and emotionally stable. But this doesn't mean I think they should have less rights, as long as they are capable of taking care of themselves not functionally retarded I don't mind. By accepting who we are we lay the foundations for self improvement. Blacks refuse to see their defficiencies out some misplaced sense of pride so nothing is done about it. I simply want what's best for both races. I'm not even completely against racemixing as long as its moderated so one race doesn't displace the other.
a guy who reads lines in fake shows and fake movies VS a man who is basically second in command of the US?
get the fuck outtah here.
You fo realize that boi is an Oreo, right?
White build civilizations. Other races have their own skills but we are the most well rounded and able to adapt to hardships, plus we have a desire to constantly improve our situation.
We're better but not because others aren't valuable, it's just we are the best.
Steve Bannon is definitely genetically superior to that roody-poo on the right.
You must be the autistic Mexican at the fiesta who can't finish his corona. Sad!
They're for plant cultivars.
Obviously don't want to be more specific.
Working with multiple nursery's to bring them to market. Plant patents only las for 20 years and they each cost nearly $17k each over the course of 11 years to retain the patents.
They're flower hybrids I've been working on for years (natural crosses, not gmo's- although technically all hybrids are gmo's but let's not get into that. This isn't Monsanto grade fuckery).
Hmmm? Lets see? Crime, responsibility, laziness, chimpouts.....I don't wanna make a post the size of an encyclopedia britannica collection but the guy on the right is a piece of shit and everyone knows it, even other guys not in the picture who would also be on the right.
I don't think anyone really judges on skin color (except people like OP) only conduct and behavior. But even so the guy on the right who makes you so hard is still a POS.
if whites are superior, why are they getting cucked?
>that's because they're altruistic!
would that be an admission that it's good for society to help the browns?
Being of one race or another does not make you inherently inferior/superior, it just makes it probable/improbable.
Just a reminder, these aren't the same species.
And you just started a bait shit-storm son.
You sound like a huge faggot.
Best posts in thread
I wish you success, me it is about trucks' (10 wheelers) - Something I can hardly believe is not existing yet
Niggers don't understand what genetics are, what a surprise.
Drove one in the army.
PLC hemtt
How does it feel to be a member of a pitiful race of mostly savages which have accomplished nothing of importance over the course of history? Without the white man, you would die, because everything around you was invented by white men. Lynch yourself, disgusting nigger.
but Sup Forums told me that homogeneity is conducive to a high-trust society?
>why I'm better (off)
the will to win and a currently good life, with a foreseeable future of happiness.
Inherently I have few allergies, few genetic predispositions to illnesses (few people in my family have died to cancer or heart disease, especially compared to the average).
And I think much of that has to do with my race. I was born with decent genetics, and had a shit childhood, which I've used as a source of motivation to be a decent person. I've been bullied for being a smart white nerd, but I'm not (necessarily) terrible looking anymore, and got a 10/10 wife. I doing managed services for money and investments so I'm financially stable and likely on the path to being the top 4% (millionare, only 1 in 25 are nowadays).
So eat me. Also I am actually working on apps for advents and want to push esports to a new level.
Give me one good reason you're not a racebaiting asshole.
He is better than you