You're all fucking mentally retarded and subject to mainstream thinking.
Prove me wrong Sup Forums
You're all fucking mentally retarded and subject to mainstream thinking
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Also I'm drunk bumping.
Zeitgeist motherfuckers. Long live Venus Project. You're all stupid.
is a religion of laymen. It has no hierarchy, no clergy, no sacraments. There are only groups of Muslims of varying size who agree on what Islam and most especially what Islamic religious law (sharia) is. This process of forming consensus (ijma') groups is endless and inevitable. Some will say that Shia Islam has a hierarchy. It does not.In fact, The howza ("college" of Shia scholars) is merely another expression of consensus, in this case of consensus among scholars "elected" by acclamation from among their fellows. The "authority" created by such acclamation is fleeting as each man's opinions are automatically disregarded after his death. Much the same thing is true of the great Ulema (scholars) of Sunni Islam.
Therefore, for one group of Muslims, however large, to say that the consensus of some other group of Muslims is invalid or "un-Islamic" is merely vanity on a grand scale. All are practicing "real" Islam.
I watched Zeitgeist. What does he believe the endgame is, world domination?
Man's real freedom.
Nice pasta.
I believe in man focusing only in mankind benefit, working on health and technology development.
No i mean the endgame of the Banks.
Obviously a human farm. Free slaves that want to be slaves, "entrepeneurs" that are happy serving the world economic central banking.
So how will this world look like? I mean is there a picture or movie because i have a hard time imagining what this world would look like. Because today most resources go back to us.
A new world ward will kill like 70% of the world's population, direct and inderectly. Taking us back to a new wave of capitalism that is bringing us to a quiet society.
So how will society look. Like will everyone live in a communist block?
Not quite a communist society (i know there's no state or currency). But a society build for the development of a better society, more efficient and with less weaknesses (diseases). That's my guess.
So it's a good thing. So we should support the banks.
I came here to say
I agree.
I was talking about The Venus Project.
This is what World Banking System wants. A fucking easy to control society,
If we all really want a better society to all our offspring let's all unite against capitalism towards The Venus Project. It's the only solution. Everyone's vote for a better perspective of our whole society. It's like a dream utopy that we all can achieve.
Man is inherently evil, it wouldn't work. On paper it's legit but IRL it falls apart
No. I'm talking about the end-game of the FED and the CIA and all the guys peter joseph hate.
I don't agree with you. Man is inherently influenbieable by its surroundings.
CIA won't exist forever. Humanity will prevail after CIA's evil plans.
>You're all fucking mentally retarded and subject to mainstream thinking.
You're absolutely right.
>drinks alcohol
>calls others stupid
enjoy your destroyed liver and dead brain cells idiot.
Answer the question. What is the ultimate world the NWO wants?
>implying our brain cells don't get destroyed every second we live.
>not drinking alcohol
Idiot, it's good for you. Otherwise your stressed out all the time.
Society won't progress until people get over their greed and compulsive need for affirmation.
Do you think I work with them? What I think isn't really relevant. I think they want a society like a flock of sheep.
People's willing to live is stronger than any secret society's plant.
>Our brain cells get destroyed already
>Let me accelerate the process by 10x the speed
I can see you don't have much brain left
>Guess what: I'm a nigger
>I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I'm voting Trump. I'm not a BLM activist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.
>Wether you like it or not, niggers are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father stuck arounds and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.
>I won't show you muh dik, I'll be your CEO one day, and you'll beg to be my beta provider.
So you're saying you never get drunk? Or are you as stupid as me for getting drunk sometimes?
Exactly. We're all guilty of it too, to some degree or other.
Don't see it changing anytime soon
I love you, but please, contribute to this thread, I'm being serious.
Russian revolution worked ant bolsheviks were a minority.
Can't be subject to mainstream thinking
if you dont think
I'm 23 now and i've never been drunk nor have I ever smoked
I value my time too much to do either or and I don't believe im some sort of super genius who can spare the death of my brain especially considering in a field that forces me to be creative in my approaches
Well you'll be stressed out all the time without it.
I get most of my information from links posted here, so I am not subject to "mainstream" thinking.
I graduated from a private university with honors, so I am not retarded.
Checkmate, Fernando
Sometimes I think the average Sup Forumsster trusts FBI statistics too much, considering how corrupt the organization is.
I wonder if the "3 to 12 percent of the population commit over 50% of the violent crime" stuff is a PSYOP.
>we get closer to dying all the time so everybody should kill themselves
nice """"logic"""" you have there
t. alcoholic
get yourself some treatment and help please
If you're so much of a genious why the fuck are you on Sup Forums?
I don't even browse Sup Forums.
I hate niggers, I think murder should be excusable, drinking and driving should be legal at all limits, and jews are the cause of every problem
Society is nothing like it was back then. Nowhere near. The masses are sheep now, and they will go wherever their governments take them. And, I don't see any countries looking to implement something like the Venus Project anytime soon, or ever.... Can you, honestly?
flat earth.
Whatever dude
>ad hominem
Come back when you can actually discuss.
Dude I'm drunk and I can debate better than you, what a shame.
Humanity as a whole is built for hardship
If you need that much escapism where you deliberately destroy your life to get through a day or a week you might as well reject your humanity
Either way being stressed is about your world view
I've flunked out of classes and been completely fine and apathetic to it even where others in my situation would probably kill themselves like a friend I knew
I know right? I have hope on humanity, is it so bad?
First I don't claim to be a genius, in fact i've failed enough college classes to know i'm not, but that just proves to me that I don't have the brain matter to waste on alcohol escapism
Also I like to keep up with the news and practice my writing skills
>Humanity as a whole is built for hardship
Actually, humanity is built to survive successive generations. That's it.
Since life isn't particularly difficult (if your goal is simply to survive) there's no reason not to spend your free time enjoying all the things you have time for in your life. Even hardcore drugs like opiates I consider worthwhile once you're at the end of your life and have accomplished as much as your body is willing.
>I have hope on humanity, is it so bad?
No, it's admirable in fact lel
your brain is so destroyed by alcohol that you dont even know what an ad hominem is.
Here's an actual one, youre a burden to your family
So you failed on college and you critisize people for drinking alcohol.
I agree with you.
So why can't all we be friends?
Well thats true for you since you have an important job so you need full concentration. I already ruined my life so it doesn't matter.
I have no job
You're a spic
I'm a spaniard and you're so ignorant, next.
Is survival not hard?
Is your means to survive to leech off of someone else?
Is your goal so small that you don't wish to strive for more then your destiny wills it.
you are correct and I will leave this place to get on with my life...
Pic reminds me of a mid-1990s/early 3D era PC game
I've got a good career, a great partner and enough money to cover all my bases for the forseeable future. All my friends are the same. Yes, surviving is easy. Thriving is hard.
When your society has all the needs to survive within reach it can't be called "survival".
Ok but WHY?
Friendly reminder that you're debating with a drunk guy.
I mean maybe for you, but I had to dig myself out of a backwoods farm in Russia and do better then the majority of my peers to then excel and strive
Maybe I simply don't understand the boredom that comes to people who are given
If this society'd be focused to fulfill the needs of most, then you wouldn't have to take some of those decisions. That's my guess.
Men, this was a good discuss but I need some rest. I'll see you in some other thread. Remind me, I'm Vatman.
Do you believe you will always have these same circumstances, always the same fortunes
Do you believe that no matter what the future holds you will always hold these great assets
That your world won't change because someone else wills it
That you can be so content with the knowledge that there isn't someone trying to fuck you over at this very moment for the sole purpose of taking all that you have
You're naive to believe that in my opinon
lol whats that cage designed to keep in?
the holes in it are the size of continents lol nice image faggot
>>drinks alcohol
>>calls others stupid
>enjoy your destroyed liver and dead brain cells idiot.
Lmao, fucking neet virgin.