IIT: experience with shitskins

>be me fresh from elementary school
>go to high school
>tfw 80% shitskins
>class was 90% shitskins
>first few years before puberty went okayish, nazi here, "fucking german" there, nothing really special
>puberty.exe for the whole of the shitskins in the class but me
>165cm at the time, aged 13
>turkish hairy yeti looking like a 40 year old homeless in class that is 185 at age 14 with full beard almost
>starts kicking my shit over
>starts kicking me and pushing me
>go in full autistic german kid mode and tell them all that they are dead after school
>somehow this frightened them and nobody got near me
>next day they all jump me in the toilet empty my bag and hit me
>tired of this shit.png
>stop going there and become wow addicted
>miss 3 years of school, resulting to finish hs at age 22

they robbed my of my precious teenage years, and they got me social anxiety which i still have

I was innocent when i came there, i was a life loving, happy child that enjoyed everything.

And the most disgusting thing is we put so much money into these subhumans, and if i look them up on facebook they just look like the average drug dealing subhuman that was at least 5 times in jail.

I was willing to learn, they never were.

What are your stories with shitskins Sup Forums

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"However by the time of the arrival of the Inca and later the Spanish, the Mapuche had begun call Butalmapu (assemblies) of their leaders to elect a Toqui to provide a unified command for their armies.

In case of such an invasion, or later revolts or wars against the Spanish the instigating Mapuche Ulmen would call a Butalmapu by "sending around the Pulquitin". This special pulquitin (arrow) was an arrow stained with the blood of llama's heart with knotted red threads indicating the place and date of the Butanmapu to decide whether to go to war and if so what the plan of campaign would be. Sometimes the heads of slain enemies would be sent to these other clans as incentive or gifts to inspire them to join this alliance.

The Toqui was chosen in a Butalmapu, of the Lonkos (chiefs) of various Lofs (clans), or Aillarehues (confederations of clans), allied during the war in question. The toqui had the power to enforce obedience of the troops, organize them, and appoint leaders to them. The command position would continue until the war in question ended, or if in an assembly the Lonkos decided the toqui to be incompetent. In the event of death, a new toqui would be appointed.[2]

The Mapuche were already well organized, upon the arrival of the Spanish colonists. In the previous century they had fought against the expanding Inca Empire and had stopped their invasion at the Battle of the Maule.[3] They could in case of invasion, summon large, organized bodies of warriors and from at least the time of Lautaro’s revolt were able to build forts and complex defensive works to defend themselves from the invaders."

Welcome to the war, soldier.

100% pure bullshit, germany didn't had that many shitskins back few years ago, so stfu hans.

I once saw a Pakistani homeless man doing crack.

write your manifesto, get involve politically, go to prison, get out of prison and rise. become a legend.

In my city it did, trust me.
Know solingen? Some neo nazis burned a turkish family even there.

I moved away in 2015, got unbearable, most disgusting city in the rhineland in my opinion.

Once a great city that forged swords and knifes, a white homeland of beautiful nature, absolutely disgusting what happened there.


germany (as well as france) has had shitskin problem since the 90's

nah, depends where you live
big cities are sandnigger infested

He's probably talking about Turks. They're not that new.
What's more important is that the gist of his story is correct, that's what it's like going to school with them whether they're 20 or 80 percent.

start lifting

How is that a bad thing again?
Fucking Vācieši man.......
Yes i can agree that shit like this woun't change anything, yes kill that family but then it gets on TV and people get sad about the shitskins, best option is to drive them out politicaly and with no violince, but ofcorse western europeans are to cucked at this point.

im certainly not doing an brevik, thought of it tho when i was 14, even written out plans on what i need for a flamethrower.

I will do it likely through propaganda.


I know, i just mentioned it because you thought there were no shitskins where i live.

As you can see, the situation was always bad in my city.

>Be 19
>Working at starbucks inside a grocery store
>(I was in college and NOT redpilled at all)
>Work with other whites
>One day they hire a nigger
>Nigger acts nice
>Says he can't drive to work
>Me and other Whites take turns driving him to and from work
>Think we're his friends
>He treats us nicely
>Feel good helping someone out
>Nigger eventually asks me for money
>Says he can't feed his babies
>I give him $50
>Tell him God bless
>Eventually nigger moves in with an asian girl
>Asian girl is not attracted to him at all
>Just renting a room out
>Nigger defaults on rent
>Asian girl tells him "you bad parent!"
>Nigger chimps out, steals $700 of her stuff, and scrawls graffiti on all her shit.
>Flies to Denver the next day.

Learned my lesson.

Lifting will just make you seem stronger, i sugest him to start learn some martial art, boxing would be best option since it's so easy, here we don't have shitskins but we have Russian problem i was beaten up in school as well by russians but then started to learn boxing and in 1 year or so beated all of those who beated me, and still wasn't to masqilant looking.

Why? So i feel better about my body, approach a shitskin and he just knives me to death in a savage fit? No thanks. I watched a knive fight once, and trust me, shitskins have ALWAYS a knife with them.

They just charge out of nowhere and do such feral savage attacks that not even Ip man could pary them. Knife attacks are truly the most disgusting things there are.

Start getting your gang together bud, there needs to be a lot of you.

Nah i gave up, i moved to the countryside.
I just spread propaganda online now, befriending normies on facebook, slowly redpilling them etc.

I'm prepared for the race war tho.

>there needs to be a lot of you.
Hans should make a cloning machine.

What the fuck did you learn? Not to give money out.
Wrong, lifting will make you stronger, it just won't teach you how to fight. i personally see no point in lifting alone. only if it accompanies a sport. like sprinting or a form of martial arts.

I learned my lesson after it was over.


What you're doing is important. Please prepare some infrastructure in the countryside that our troops will find useful when the time comes.

If you get to tored you can allways move to Baltics hans.......
Yearly nazzi marches on mart 16th foreigner hating population AND old german architecture from teuton times, you can feel like home hans.

>play povo team of sudanese and leb fucks
>punch the cunts in the head in every tackle
>go back to nigeria
>watch foam drop from their mouths as they staunch but dont attack because there are even numbers

Question it's a rondom one but can i ask it?

>be me
>be american
>literally never seen a shitskin
>if one showed up and wanted to fuck with me I'd just shoot it
Feels pretty good man.

You didn't know niggers breed like vermin. you are either a blind man or just stupid. You are not invited to fight alongside the aryans.

Yeah it's beautiful, but no place in Europe is protected against societal decay and collapse. Soros started with the West, now he's starting to work on Central and Eastern Europe. Watch as you get feminism, rapefugees and societal collapse. I know this danger seems remote to you, but that's exactly why it's dangerous.

>fail alpha test
>blame others

same shit happened to me when i was at elementary i got bullied "loool fattie lool fattie" by 2 spoiled rich kids. i beat the shit outta that 2 pieces of shits and punched until i get tired and rest, and keep beating them again. nobody bullied me after, had good hs and uni times, im 191 72 kg atm

man up faggot, that's why you whites are getting bullied at young age.

>m-muh uncivilized
it's an excuse, be a fucking man teach your son to be a fucking man.

fucking kek

Consider implementing the Aussie's strategy.

What state? And city? you seem to be living the dream. I'm jelly.

>be me
>be 12, starting jr high
>riding city bus to school with high schoolers
>sit in back of bus with paki friend surrounded by shaved head lesbian rave jew, black female jew twins, all seniors
>only white blonde kid
>black kid my age has turned a harmless prank item into a crude weapon, you take the top of a Gatorade lids attached plastic, minus the cap, and attach a balloon to it then place cut off crayon tips into balloon and you place the ring against someone and just sling shot the crayon into them
>leaves paintball sized welts if done right
>(way later in life I became friends with the Portuguese kid who made it and said nig stole the idea, originally it was a soft eraser tip ammo and meant to just be a flick for a little ow and a laff, not paintball welts)
>black kid running around hits me on shin, leaves huge welt
>tell him to fuck off, he does, hitting multiple people
>hits skinhead hs senior
>skinhead throws him to other side of bus practically
>high school niggers stand up
>nigger ass hand goes over the bus security camera
>full blown, spitting blood fight occurs, massive headshots
>paki friend and I cower in back corner of bus
>fearful I will be beat for being white
>fight lasts long enough that the bus driver breaks it up, kicks them off the bus, we ride off looking back as thr fight continues at the stop
>go to school
>school knows shit happened
>no counseling, no nothing
>laugh it off, "haha crazy shit happens going to school for everyone right, haha wew"
>eventually give up on school, wow addiction/ depression
>later math teacher in shitty class because i gave up has to teach me who sleeps constantly and a bunch of nogs and spics
>thinks she can bully me by forcing me to sit amongst the nigs
>changes seating so I am literally a single white kid in the middle surrounded by desks in all directions filled by nogs
>plan backfires
>they all know not to fuck with kid who looks like he'll go berserk
>continue to always sleep in class

>see that I got a (You)
>excited to see that someone got the joke so soon
>it's just someone wanting to ask a question
okay go ahead

Well so far we are doing preaty well desu.

i got to spend most of my freshman year in lunch detention because a nigger said i was racist and insulted her, which I wish i did, and they didnt even look at the case, just gave me fucking punishment.

I got the joke iceland user, it was pretty funny too desu

Made me sad though

Can we anex you?
I mean you have litteraly nothing to lose just gain, we are more blonde then you AND you can join me on next 16th of mart on nazzi parade desu.

Sort of, but these things are introduced subtly at first, through women.
You will be doing worse and worse until you find yourselves in the same predicament as the rest of Europe, tust me.

Once had an indian kid try to pay me to be in his queer fantasy entourage which included the likes of a "guru" and a "yoga teacher" that would just follow him around everywhere.

Obvious answer for a person who has dignity, a job, is white, and doesn't have a lot of spare time was no, which is what I told him, but it just baffled me at how retarded this guy was vs how much of mommy and daddys money he could spend (seemingly infinite)

Beautiful, also one of the last countries that got christianized am i right?

Need to learn that language tho, sounds pretty hard.

But i won't fuck off til the apocalypse or i really get fucked by the state.

Germans always have a small dick from the state in their butt, every time, every second, but once they detect you as (((thread))) the dick transforms into a mammoth cock that rips you to pieces.

Will probably go there then by foot or bicycle.

You got nobody to blame but Comrade Merkel.

Had enough yet?

come home white man
if it comes to that, Denmark will probably beat you to the punch

>late puberty cuck
>165cm at 13

Why is anyone surprised that modern German men are weak losers who are repulsive to their own women?
Most of the strong, brave German men died in WW2. Millions. The same thing happened to Japan, and you can see the results. Isn't it great that the rest of the West removed your best men from the gene pool?
Meanwhile, the imported third-world women have been supported by the state and have no need to reproduce with beta males as they're already provided for. They've been reproducing with the men who are sexually attractive, not intelligent or responsible. Women are sexually attracted to men who display signs of high testosterone. The kind of men who are good at war, conquest, domination.
Even if the current German ""men"" were to actually fight back in the coming years, wars are fought by young men. Who will have the vast advantage in numbers of young men in major cities (probably the whole fucking country) in the coming years, if not already?

You're already fucking dead.

That's you parents fault for sending you to that school

Even in places like Brazil white people still don't send there kids to shit skin schools or live around shit skins. Your parents are miserable self hating baby boomer new age cunts who used your life as their own little twisted virtue signaling experiment

You underestimate eastern europe tho, we have 2 stage defense, nor only people are ''xenophobic'' but also we unlike western euros don't have any good form of weltheare sistem, we took in 60 shitskins i beleave, and gues what all of them left for germany.Untill we get ourselves weltheare sistem like western euros there is no chance shitskins will come here more so when ''muh racism'' shit dosen't work here, if they will get beaten up no one will give a fuck.

Once again; I am here to correct my OC that some fucktard re-arrainged.

Whoever the bonehead is who changed the sequence just didn't fucking get it.

getting that kinda school could be best thing happened to him. all he had to do was network some kids to side with him and beat the shit out of them, he would gain following skills after completing his quest.

>ability to lead
>ability to convince
>ability to socialize
>ability to stand up by himself
>ability to solve problems
>self confidence
>not ending up quiting school and be WoW addict

im not defending those subhumans, but you guys need to change your view.

>Live on my own for the first time
>Comfy appartement
>One night, hear something at front door, 2am
>Get out of bed
>Run back to bedroom, grab baseball bat
>Burglar runs away outside, stole my bike + wallet, watch and some money laying in my living room
>Call cops
>They respond fast, actually catch him
>45 year old nigger

Trouble sleeping for three months and he made me hate niggers.

>Beautiful, also one of the last countries that got christianized am i right?
Preaty much yeah, teutons deus vulted our asses but becouse of the fact that they where germans we are Lutheran rather then catholic or orthodox as moast of eastern euros.And that is why we have all that sweet sweet german architecture.
By the way you would know more about baltics since so many of German history happened here, but since your goverment is teaching you ''safe part of history'' you can't be tought about Historical regions of germans.

Whites are getting later first into puberty, that is normal here and always was. My great grandfather told me he didn't grew a hair on his sack til he was 14 topkek, and he fought in the war.

I'm 22 now and 185 btw.

Idk why shitskins go so early into puberty, must have some weird evolutionary advantage in their region, but not in ours.

>Implaying denmark would win us
Don't wory we will put you in safety, will gass all the feminists and faggots you will have to embrace our culture tho, you will have to start drinking alho every friday.

80% shitskin school
20% germans

sure, the overwhelming majority of these subhumans made it impossible to create an army

I love your story, because it is common one. Truth is, most whites have changed, and are like you. I agree that whites are more soft and "beta", and that's why we have succeeded as a continent. A mix of alpha men, and creative beta men who know when to step back and let someone else lead.

Western Europe whites have always been kind and gentle. They were only violent when they absolutely were forced to be under threat or invasion usually. I believe most at heart were always much weaker. Germans in particular have always been a people that love order and society, and are against alpha aggressive behavior. Most will call this weak, and it is, but it is also a prime example of a superior being. Many white men have evolved beyond violence and have very little aggression within themselves. That nature has been all but bred out, because our intelligence and adaptation has rendered it useless. Problem is, bring it sub human chimps and it destroys all of this high trust - weak male society. I love your story because it reminds me of myself. Though I am still extremely kind and friendly, I have trained myself to be angry and potentially violent when needed. It isn't easy when your entire nature says not to, but I consciously have to fight my instincts to behave if I want to be defensive or aggressive.

You can become strong if you train your mind to be. It is very difficult and takes a lot of practice, but you can do it if you really want to. Stay strong and never give up my German brother, I know your feelings all too well. Much love to you. You are not alone.

Sterilization of shitskins is the only answer.

Start cutting out reproductive parts at a young age like we did to the feeble minded in the 20's.

Watch them thin out with time. Only to slowly eat at each and every one of them and watch each nation and economy change for the better. So they can watch it unfold in front of them and let it dawn upon them that we were right all along.

The only time we learned about the baltics was in geography. After 8th grade everything in history was basically hitler here, hitler there, poor jews, bad italians, racist, racist, hitler

Rural East TN, along the Appalachian mountains. I was like 11 before I even saw a non-white person, much less a dirka dirka goat-fucking shitskin.

Ironic tho, we got fucked by Ivan eaven more then you did, but people here seem to prise Latvian warfen SS.If you move, move to Riga.
I know one german guy who moved to Riga he says it's preaty comfy.

Give constantinopel back to greece.

well the thing is they cant kill you anyway, just getting beaten is still okay. also trust me, if they see you being "scared" or "weak" it becomes worse. even if you are a 30 kg manlet skeleton you should pretend like you are scarface or badass shit to avoid getting bullied further.

if anyone need advices to deal with that subhumans in their school, there are 2 ways. 1. just pretend you are badass, keep talking shit without losing eye contact or without showing ANY signs of fear(having "i can get beaten but they wont kill me anyway" mindset is best for that). 2, have friends to fight with them. even it's 80% shitskin 20% german school, try to be friends with some of those shitskins to stand with you to equal the number vs opposition. you can dump them afterwards when you are done anyway.

even i get fucking annoyed when i watch some immigrants beating an alone scared kid in their school. so i actually wish i could help you back in that time

its too fucking overpopulated, even isis wouldnt want it right now

>come home white man
Don't tempt me, I look kinda like this (not kidding) but I'm American, will I fit in?

Greatest pic

>Be 10 years old in Ft McMurray AB
>Go to public swimming pool
>Swim have fun etc
>Go into locker room to get dressed
>See a group of redskin imjim chugs all jacking off
>They motion for me to come over.
>Grab clothes and just leave
>Follow me out of locker room into parking lot.
>Manage to unlock bike and ride off scared as fuck

Real shit