Ey man can i borrow yo phone
Context: you are in public and you dont wanna look racist
Ey man can i borrow yo phone
Context: you are in public and you dont wanna look racist
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Tell him I don't have a phone
>and you dont wanna look racist
Suspension of disbelief only takes you so far, leaf.
na bro my battery is almost dead.
i don't own a phone
>you dont wanna look racist
why not?
quit being a faggot, faggot
No, fuck off
You guys are such fags
I had this happen to me. 2 feral nigs approached me in an alley and said
>hey cuh' can we borrow your phone? we tryin' to call our mom and shieeeet
"No you can't. There's asupermarket half a mile down the road though, feel free to walk there and use their phone."
>cue monkey noises and chimping out
P. sure they would have tried to start shit had I been smaller/looked less crazy
some people don't care about "looking racist"
No, get your own.
I keep my Expensive phone at home, and I use a welfare tier smartphone when I'm out and about
"No. Move on right now."
Some shifty looking faggot asked me for a light today and got yhe same response. Feels good to live in an openly racist country.
Fuck off, nigger.
sorry its dead
Fuck off cunt.
Sorry nigger I'm busy, surely you can afford your own? You people aren't indentured anymore as I recall.
I don't owe a stranger the time of day, much less a nigger my phone. I just keep on walking.
"No." Then ignore. Whatever conclusions some chimp comes to about it is none of my business.
so I don't care about the outcome either way
"no man fuck off" and proceed to be a dick all around to anyone
Fuck you, asswipe
Get your own phone
Am I your fucking father?
Why the fuck do I have to take care of you then?
>mfw only carry old nokia 3310 when traveling
Good luck my dude
darkies often will ask whites a question to get them to stop and be off guard for a moment. then they'll bash ya and ruffle through your pockets.
Fuck no.
"Im racist, so...."
No. I also wave my hand in his face.
sorry im out of minuets...still works even if its super outdated. other people just assume your poor and dont say anything.
Has to be three nos because they'll invariably ask if you got change fo da payphone and then have you got a cigarette.
Scrounging bastards.
"Yeah hold on I have to make a call real quick"
"Hello 911 there is a black man stalking me and asking me for my phone I am very scared"
Good one. Will use
no I don't let anyone borrow my phone. Back in the day when the phone was still just a phone sure but these days no.
Hell no Fuckoff
once a nigger approaches you, you just say "No"
don't even allow them to entertain their bullshit
>Tell him I don't have a phone
>get text message
>phone chimes audibly
That's uh, the sound my phone makes when it's dead.
autism the post
oh yea ?
>stabs you
oh yea ?
>stabs you
oh yea ?
>stabs you
oh yea ?
>stabs you
oh yea ?
>stabs you
>and you dont wanna look racist
I don't care what strangers of think of me.
No, stay away from me nigger, you're not stealing my phone.
fuck off nigger get your own damn phone OOH OOH AAAH! SCREEE SCREE
Pic related
I wouldn't let any stranger borrow my phone regardless of their race
therefore I am not racist
yeah, sure, no problem.
oh, yeah the security pin is 0911.
heh yeah that's my cat.
ah, no problem at all.
yeah, just got it, its really good.
uh, sure they can use it too, hehe.
not at all, take your time.
sorry, which one of you had it?
sorry, oh, hey, uh.
oh, but, sorry, can i check a setting real quick?
sorry, can i get that?
What phone?
yes, then bring him to a private place and sodomize his anal cavity with a metal rod
t. pussy
one nigger asked me at a mental clinic and I let him use it because he seemed genuine. He gave it back. I kept near him though
Sure the password is fuck off you stupid nigger
oh yeah ?
>missile to the gut
Reminds me of the time I went on vacation in the Bahamas.
I was walking on the beach and some gangly nigger approached me and said hey man you wanna buy some ganja. I said no I don't smoke. He said, oh well can you give me money for some? I have a small high right now dats teasin me I need to get high. His exact words.
I said no. It was hilarious because he was obviously gong to scam me if I did want weed. He would have taken my money and disappeared.
"Sorry i dont have any spare change"
But I do want to look racist
Happened to me when I was with my gf in an unknown rough area.. It was to 'ring his mum' apparently..
'Don't have one sorry mate'
'You sure?'
Kept walking and acting calm. Now entertain the though I am a 5'7 master race and be was atleast 6'2.. just be konfident bro *dabs*
lol leafs think people stop, talk or even look at niggers. You just keep walking.
*teleports behind him*
Heh, nothin' personal, nig.
*cuts him down with katana before he can pull his dishonourable gun*
I've done this before, its not even that big of a deal. It's not worth it for them to steal your phone in public in broad daylight. If you have time, just let them use your phone real quick. If not, just say no and be on your way.
>Nah man, I don't talk to niggers.
>you are in public and you dont wanna look racist
Then I wouldn't be me thus the entire question is invalid. How can I say what I'd do if I wasn't me?
"Nah man, you cant. Go use a pay phone or *draws .45* be fucked."
a nigger did this to me one time.
>walk into a Chinese restaurant to pick up some dumplings
>nigger fallows me in
>I order and sit down with one hand in my sweatshirt pocket waiting for it to be made
>nigger doesn't order anything
>walks over to me and asks if he can use my phone
>look straight into his eyes
>they are twitchy and blinking
>"No, you can't"
>we stare at each other for a moment
>he's thinking about if I have a weapon in my coat
>he looks annoyed and leaves the restaurant
Honestly what did he expect? I would hand him my phone? that I wouldn't judge his character? That I wouldn't kill him if he tried anything?
Had this happen to me before
Literally just stand your ground and firmly say no if he's alone. If he's with others run the fuck away cause youre about to get DINDU'D
you owed him that phone and that girl
>8% of Toronto's population
If a nigger ever asks to borrow your phone, he's either planning to steal it, or he's trying to get you off-guard so he can sucker punch you and steal your wallet. Never trust a nigger. Never relax around blacks.
This actually happened to me at the east new york lirr station at 11 pm. Nig showed me his busted phone and he said he had to call his girlfriend for a ride. Told him i lost my phone cause i know nigs pull this trick and run with your phone. Also, There were 3 other nigs on the steps to the underpass that i thought were gonna jump me but the train came and i got on. Pretty sure if the train came 5 minutes later i wouldnt be typing this
Don't want to look racist.
Keep phone.
Pick one.
>and you dont wanna look racist
Why would I want to do that?
Whaaaaaaa? I didnt even use a racial slur.
>I have to go my mommy is waiting for me
o-okay here you go
Nah man, just found me a Charmander!
Happened to me a few times. Always black guys. I just tell them no and that's it. I think I let a white guy borrow my phone once. Thanked me and gave me 5 bucks.
No, mine got stolen from one of you last week
Whats her number I'll call her.
say no
this nigger tries anything, have him know im military and always carry my flip knife around
"where's your trump phone at, nigger?"
Say to him, "I was just gonna ask you if i could use your phone".
Who the fuck even acknowledges randoms who come up to you in public? Idc what the fuck color you are, I don't KNOW you. Why in the fuck would you think I am open to strangers approaching me? *Walking away from your crazy ass now*
I let him use it, you are a retard if you steal a cell phone
"Sorry man I'm in a hurry"
Hahahahahahahaha, either America is a war-ravaged wasteland ruled over by black urban warlords, or you're paranoid to the point of mental illness.
It's dead
>Ey man can i borrow yo phone
"Fuck off nigger"
Put hand in waistband and grab handle of Glock 19 because I live in state that celebrates my 2nd amendment rights.
No, fuck off
This is the only true course of action to be taken in such a situation.
I don't carry a mobile phone, tell him as much.
Fuck off nigger
Nope, sorry bro.
Just tell him no, lmao.
>Don't want to appear racist
If I was racist, I wouldn't be in an area anywhere near them to begin with.
>busy gas station, filling up the truck after a day at the range
>melanin enriched crack head says he needs some money for gas
>offer $5
>nah man, see um, i need $20, i gotta get way downa road to get home
>my friend grabs an AK mag off the floor board
>shows it to crack head and asks him if he wants to see the rest
>crack head evacuates
Ban assault clips now.
Not today where they are worth $800+
No, nigger.