ISIS destroys a Catholic church in the Philippines

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Duterte will go ballistic.

fucking waste of human flesh they all are. they won't accomplish anything in the end. they're going to burn hot for an instant and then die.

Duterte hates catholics and the pope moron

I'm pretty anti-religious myself, but what they're doing is horrific. Why destroy beautiful art? Why destroy culture and heritage?
These cunts can really fuck right off.

Not surprising, I'm sure you smoke weed as well

desire to crusade intensifying

>Why destroy beautiful art?
to be fair, before they burned the place down they did about $200 of damage. plastic statues and patio chairs in a church you gotta be kidding me


Stop sucking Jewish dick and say MUSLIMS

Share this shit on social media. It is going to redpill a lot of catholics.



And he hates islamic terrorists even more.

LOL, one fake religion hating on another fake religion for being fake.

>Not mentioning the leaf's bull

don't be racist this has nothing to do with relig... oh

Your pic is wrong, OP. I couldn't care less about burning the mosques. Burn the fucking Muslims.


That long haired faggot could barely rip a piece of paper

I agree with you man. Like I posted in a different thread, I'm not religious at all and organized religion is pretty much bullshit but the way Christians are attacked makes me want to side with them.

I was wondering why she wasn't wearing a burka

Church in the Muslim-infested part of a third-world country, what would you expect?

How come ((they)) never destroy Jewish temples?

Because there aren't many synagogues in the Philippines, Syria or Iraq. Hamas did some attacks on synagogues and maybe even destroyed some (too lazy to google), but they are not Israeli pets like ISIS.


I'm tired of passive agressive shit, kill the saudis.






YOU PIECE OF SHIT we ill take your shitty rock, mr Picardo



Dont listen to this Poo in Loo; burning mosques will only give the MSM and fake news more reasons to villify western men and "wHiTe SooPreMAcy"


right after argentina takes falklands
>god save the queen






If one behaves like that when meeting controversial opinions, this person isn't fit to live in the 20th century.

"Fortunate Son" starts playing

>watch video of ISIS destroying church
>feel anger and pain, hope they get what's coming to them
>realise a church is just a building and pictures are just material
>realise a church can be built anywhere
>realise a church is wherever faith is
>realise even ISIS can never destroy actual goodness
>just feel bad for them for thinking religion = "smashing the pictures we don't like"

christians are cucks who deserve it anyways

>turn the other cheek
lmfao bitch boys deserve it


Hello, two months ago.

the song is called it aint me dumbfuck the fortunate sons is the band


Coming to a town near you!

They do this shit to incite islamaphobia and make other countries uncomfortable for civilized muslims, and create more terrorists

And the idiot foot soldiers think it's about religion, but the leaders know the real reason

Whelp I see the religious D&C shills (this time pretending to be an atheist) are here.

If all it takes is criticism of their religion to turn into a terrorist, they're too lost already.


They're just mad because they took credit for the casino fiasco a few days ago. Now they look like retards when the guy who actually did it was identified as some schmuck who had a huge gambling debt

So how is it all progressing? Marawi under control yet or nah?

Government asked one of the other Muslim militant groups to tell the Maute fighters to stop shooting so that they can evacuate the civilians still trapped inside. Military said fuck that and didn't agree to the ceasefire, so the shooting and airstrikes continue

Whose gaining the upper hand so far?

>bible literally says you can't worship statues

Mfw ISIS corrects Catholics to follow their own bible

most catholics hate the pope

The military for sure. Maute fighter casualties are already in the triple digits, so now they're relying on typical mudslime tactics like hiding behind civilians. Even other Muslim terrorist groups in the country are telling the Maute fighters to just fuck off already, especially since the muslim civilians they hoped to convert are now mad at them for causing trouble.

Well memed my friend

This. That's why it's important to show love and support and acceptance to regular Muslims in your area. If you treat them bad, they might feel alienated and resentful and join radical terrorist groups.

It's the same reason Sup Forums are radicalized to the right. You're marginalized, alone, lonely, no gf, no social life, and you become resentful and blame the left and spend all your days turning memes into reality.

Do you think if people showed you more love and care, if girls smile at you and invite you to their parties and accepted you, do you think you'd be as radicalized as you are now? I don't think so. You'd be too busy enjoying life and spreading love.

No one gives a shit about regular muslims. Regular people on the other hand is a different story. And if they know that its their own religion thats causing this shit then they should just convert or stop believing. Quite simple.

veneration is not worship

Bump. From Sup Forums boards to reddit. Post it everywhere. Make it go viral. Make people see. Take it to the comment boards

>its their own religion thats causing this shit
It's not. Someone is manipulating these terrorists. They are useful idiots of the elite. The elite top 1% are dividing us bottom 99% so that it's easier to control and exploit us.

The real fight is us 99% versus them top 1%. That's the real fight. It's not Christians vs Muslims, or Men vs Feminists, or Whites vs People of Color, or Right vs Left. No that's just a divide and conquer tactics used by the real enemy, the top 1%.

I say, they will not divide us! Time to unite. They know that if we 99% unite, they don't stand a chance because there's only 1% of them.

Not, you're only doing what they want to happen, that is to divide us even more. They will not divide us! Spread this message everywhere: They will Not Divide us.

this is horrible, i wish i could go defend these cathedrals.

>literal class war argument

>You're marginalized, alone, lonely, no gf, no social life
That's a strawman plus probably projection

>If you treat them bad, they might feel alienated and resentful and join radical terrorist groups.
If that's all it takes they were not good people in the first place, historically there have always been minorities who got resented and shit on by society and they still did not turn terrorist, there is always another factor


>date given in Jesus Years
hahahaha islam btfo