pics of Sup Forumstland happening
Pics of Sup Forumstland happening
NA far left
No fatties please. Turkish qts only.
y tho?
Where's the photo of me you said you'd post?
god what a fag
YEAH FUCK off shill
idc anymore sorry guys im derailing this thread mods will not do there job
Holy shit thats a league of legends shirt. Instant waifu
why is she wearing a motorcycle tire around her belly?
>All oc images
yeah fuck off shill mods delete stupid ass thread
noted, cuck
prolly looks better than you
chinese mead man was passing around the mead horn
Sorry, shill, but these pictures aren't the "cringe" you think they are.
In fact, some of these protestors look like pretty cool dudes. Also, diy Seth Rich shirt is baller
her heart is in the right place, but someone has to buy that girl a better pair of New Balance!
Eric what's Sup Forums?
pepe above wolf boy
god i hate you reddit faggots
Just imagine how her pussy smells like
Look at this based jew in a yarmulke
Can someone give me a quick rundown of what happened in portland? Missed the streams
funny looking people took to the streets to openly display their political opinions. i saw the grill i posted and a pair of fantastic cybergoths that i didn't get a pic of and that was it for fappable girls all day
proof that Sup Forums is pure fucking cancer
this was more par for the course
play that elephant walk
>be Jeremy Christian
>hold free speech rally in most liberal city in USA
>anti fa shows up
>anti-racists show up
>socialist unions show up
>police show up
>rally literally surrounded by protests and police
>someone tries to rush police, gets arrested
>2 hours of nothing
>rally starts, guest singer fucks up National Anthem
>speakers start talking about jesus and god and praise kek or whatever
>baked alaska talks or whoever the fuck these faggots are
>nothing happens. people are tame
>holy fuck
>flashbangs start going off
>aww yiss
>antifa getting pushed out of the park
>shit is flying around
>more flashbangs, more gas grenades, more rubber bullets
>be me
>be cozy in free speech rally surrounded by cops
>watch from a hill as anti-fa gets rounded up like cattle
>realize that all the fun stuff is gone
>try to get closer to antifa to watch the happenings
>police block everyone off
>am dissapoint
>drive home
>watch live stream of qt3.14 antifa-waifus i'll never get to be with
Fucking kekistani retards gas them all
did u talk to LoL grill?
this seems very intentional
>Chinese mead man
40 keks
She was really annoying, definitely from Reddit. Kept screaming the word "memes"
Also, she had tons of acne-- that far away photo hides it well
which one is LoL girl?
> chinese mead man was passing around the mead horn
> Opened the pic and laughed really hard.
> Read more thread, see laugh again when I open the pic again
> Go pee and come back and it's still open and laugh for a third time
I think I need sleep, but thanks user.
>gas them all
>a puerto rican thinks he can afford gas
Who you trying to fool?
Seth rich shirt, I'm proud of you fuckers.
fucking cringe. Fuck all you kekistan Reddit queers
nah didn't really talk to her
nobody who came over to the free speech side was attractive at all. bunch of old folks, older women, and pretty unnattractive folks
there was one cute Sup Forums girl with a pepe poster that i kinda talked to but she was really shy and i ended up just chatting with her equally autistic boyfriend and his friend.
i gave her a USA ball and she said she loved me.
free speech includes talking to other dudes gf
> cute
So much retardation all in one place. Can someone just drop a bomb, please.
>go to free speech rally
>too shy to talk to anyone
which portland is this in? aren't there like 2?
>>watch live stream of qt3.14 antifa-waifus i'll never get to be with
get off pol and join antifa. You're able to leave the house and attend this shit, so you're already less autistic than the majority of pol users.
Go where the grills go. Even a ugly awkward dude can work decent game at these things. People like people who believe shit. Pretend to.
Jew nose. Why is mossad pushing kekistan?
This place has gone to shit
thats california you dumb goose
Portland Oregon
He's a friend of one of my IRL friends. I think that he's legitimately autistic, and in a really friendly, un-self aware way :(
>that sign in the back
Is that the new trump hat?
Pick one.
>ask eric
and kys
Some of these fellas had some pretty slick outfits
Not gonna bother fixing the rotation. Fucking phones.
>these are the faggots representing Sup Forums
Nice job Sup Forums your memes have exposed yourselves for the cringy faggots that you are.
were you the guy with the kids who broke the USA ball?
>tfw no frogs to post
>i bet no one here even checked these post numbers
>i could be on pol right now
>my feet hurt
This is the biggest bunch of LARPing faggots I've ever seen.
BRB popping some popcorn, because pic related.
This is why neocons are not our friends. This is why we are not conservatives. Conservatives want to conserve the neoliberal world order, fascists want to overthrow it.
>Marine digital pattern
That guy really a Marine? I don't think they make pants in those size--they'd kick you out if you get that fat. Is this a case of "stolen valor" or something?
>Blackhawk! belt clip on, instead of drop leg
Sheeit, if you're gonna LARP as a former Marine, go all the way: drop leg in MARPAT.
>No gun
Why use a holster with no gun? Just some kind of virtual-signalling that he has a gun?
>Not sure if chest harness or just just something to keep his pants from dropping
probably a case of "veteran wearing the uniform even tho they're not supposed to" Saw a lot of that there.
Also it was federal property in a city that doesn't allow open carry of a weapon during a protest with tons of police. You would be dumb to bring a gun. It would get confiscated and you would be arrested for something.
the girl with the MAGA hat on the right was cute. She had a pepe poster.
Oh God, all the uncoordinated tacticool gear are coming out of the woodwork
>Tactical backpacks and slings with MOLLE (one on the right is probably from 5.11)
>Vest platforms, also with MOLLE (probably from 5.11 too)
>Camo pants
>Duty or tactical helmet, probably from an Army surplus store or military/police forces
There is Portland Maine and Portland Oregon you fucking inbred.
>ask Eric
Damn. That was actually pretty good.
This is literally the political equivalent of an anime convention.
This is cringe-worthy and embarrassing.
He probably has a concealed gun, or just some kind of posturing/threat. The open carry holster, with no gun, is the virtual-signalling part.
Wait, this wasn't meant to be a cringe thread was it?
pretty sure he was from out of state. OR doesn't allow concealed carry licenses from other states. Also it was federal property so weapons aren't allowed anyways (think: courthouse or city hall)
t.ANTIFA butt hurt that they can't bully people anymore
it was a federal park so they were usin homeland security police, antifa got btfo quick
Seriously, if you're fat and unfit, just stay home. You're doing more harm than good. Until then get fit, read books, and don't dress as fucking knights of the round table.
>that odal rune
The irony in this picture is incredible. Does reddit even realise where the design for that flag comes from?
>toonami hat
This kekistani and reddit larping as Sup Forumsacks is starting to get old.
Someone should wear antifa getup and shoot few of these cunts to spice things up.