>Arrested for being a racist asshole
please fuck off
You can't just berate random families on the street
Better than violent Antifa scum trying to kill people.
anyone else given up hope for the braindead society?
Fuck off he was arrested for public intoxication
Fact: antifa are violent criminals. They actually try to kill people.
Pic related: Antifa planned to attack Trump supporters. They got arrested.
C'mon man, you're sounding like one of those passive baby boomers. Put some Pepe in you're step and don't lose hope.
He didn't get arrested for being racist, he was arrested for causing a domestic disturbance with strangers. He clearly has emotional issues, no surprise he's terrified / crying in the 2nd pic.
So now liberals are basically making fun of mentally unstable people and saying that Trump's to blame, not whatever the guy had going on in his life that got him to that point.
islam isnt a race
Ya, fuck that guy. And fuck the Sup Forums trolls that will come to defend him.
obviously the "snowflake" meme booty-bothers the fuck outta leftists... Weird.
>Trying to paint the aggressor as the victim.
Oh yeah hes totally a nice guy, just expressing his thoughts, the real aggressors were the brown people because they were around him being brown just to antagonize him.
You are a retard mate.
remember when that happened in Portland? three cucks got stabbed
What's the guy's name? this stinks of false flag
i guess its legit
Antifa actually tries to kill people.
Drunk and disorderly is what you choose to hate?
hes crying because (((they))) are wining
>68in tall
whew lads
Oh so what one member of a group does...
....is a reflection on all members of that group!
hey thanks man! sage
Friendly reminder...
If you're too fucking retarded to resist replying to an obvious shill thread like this one, at least have the fucking agency to type "sage" in the Options field.
Thank you for your attention.
Irrelevant strawman argument, no one said he's a victim. For sure he's an asshole but he's mentally ill. Nothing to do with Trump.
Lots O'tears ITT
~ just saying
What proof do you have that he is mentally ill and not just a little bitch?
Muslims taste like chicken. Theyre really too dumb to be used for anything other than their meat.
Digressing, hows it going op?
You can in MY country, Mikhail.
I hate memes with more than 5 words they are always terrible
You just gave us proof that you suck nigger dick.
Too greasy.
What kind of mental gymnastics did you have to do to interpret his comment in this way?