I'm a white nationalist.
What kind of alt righter are you
What have you accomplished in life outside of being edgy on the internet?
alt-right is a dying meme
Are you actually slavic or you just posted slavic symbol becuase it reminds you of swastika
Came to post this.
I am a proper pooping person.
i'm a shitposter
so an idiot...
I'm a traditional kinda guy.
Don't use the labels the mainstream media makes for you.
Slavic power!
>identifying yourself by a buzzword that clinton made up
The alt-right is an abortion and not a real movement and ideology. The ideas that define what people see as alt-right was cultivating in the western world for the last 10 years but they were never under a single political/ideological umbrella. The Clinton's camping directly attacking the alt-right actually created it, at least in the eyes of normal people. Alt-right is a loose collection of nationalistic ideas and views but because there are no core ideals, it is going to become a joke, a forced meme or worst, it will be co-opted and used against the right the same way the tea party movement was turned into a parody.
Theocratic Monarchist.
Racist democrat here.
Fuck the Alt-Right and Ctrl-Left,
I'm a Shift-Libertarian.
Have some OC.
Let's find out!
Which cuck media site are you trying to get material for your failing career, OP?
Disillusioned Leftist grappling with the shock of seeing reality for the first time.
traditionalist futurist
JIDF detected
Whoa you're edgy kid!
1 shekel has been deposited to your Shareblue account.
Familist and regionalist.
Any form of centralized power is bound to become corrupt, but so is anarcho capitalism.
Family-governed city-states are the answer.
>Richard Spencer coins alt-right
>Label mainstream media makes for you
choose one faggot
Im not an altrighter because Im not a dumb ideologue faggot who craves a strong man to tell me what to do and who to hate
Pathetic faggots quite honestly.
Damn this kid seems cool as fuck
It was about far before Clinton even knew what it was.
>alt righter
Please fuck off with this stupid ass label.
Being altright on this website is akin to being a tranny on tumblr. Nobody takes you seriously
just an expansionist business man or how our fellow south american neighbours call us: invaders
Atheist civic nationalist jude-christian suporter shitskin with conservative tendencies towards society in general.
nice guy national socialist
i live in newark new jersey and hang out with mostly blacks that know exactly how i feel and agree with me
i red pill niggers daily and they love it
I'm alt-altright.
Nice Guy National socialist
application of science and natural law to humanity
with a smile
this i base my day-to-day politics on my shitposting
Ethno nationalist.
I'm only here for the memes.
Fuck off shill!
It reminds me of a bike wheel desu
Get out reddit fag!
White nationalist.
you mean hwhite nationalist
White nationalist
my pusi hard
Audible kek
you don't need to use the term, but it's been around for years. Just search it on twitter and go back to 2014. The idea that it's something new created by the leftist media is verifiably 100% false.
I'm not alt right you fagat.
National Socialist
Your shrine to the loo witch is a 9/10
dont punch right
i'm a globalist free market eugenicist.
>racial reactionary
Xtremely accurate
Level 17 exalted cyclops
>global free market
The problem is that under a globalist free market, corporations will naturally pursue an expanded labor force and consumer base, which will encourage them to incentivize mass immigration and high IQ women spending their fertile years working and being educated. Hence, active dysgenics.
Even without the mass importations of low IQ browns working for 3rd world wages, just the fact that unrestricted capitalism would have women working careers outside the home and making their own money is enough to make any wise man cautious of it.
Unrestricted, no corporations would ever, ever, ever willingly ignore the female 50% of the population that could be workers and customers. Libertarianism is feminism.
I know people think this is a meme but I consider myself a meta-reactionary.
>Get out reddit fag!
Another meme for my collection, thanks.
JFK Democrat reporting in.
Well I agree with the statement...i just want to let you know...theres alot of us here...and I'll say this nicely LURK MORE...this is not a coming out party....this is a place for like minded people....not a Hooraaa...agan lurk more.
You can just say "mulatto", its shorter
Nazi larper here.
>identifying yourself with a phrase the kikes coined
>I'm a white nationalist.
you're a democrat, fuck off
It's a complete meme. A heavily watered down, flanderized Sup Forums that makes use of the most basic, not very controversial smoke-and-mirror babby tier redpills in order to draw in non/reformed liberal normies and ignorant and confused, prone to radicalization, whites. Throw in your occasional token spic or nog whose there to attentionwhore and so the rest of them can go "We're not racist! Dems btfo", and you're pretty much there.
And this giant "surge" against the leftist degeneracy only took what, 5,6 years after the SJW privilege tranny culture took over msm big time? Sharp reaction skills faggots, the globalists will surely soon be overthrown and the glorious state of le kekistan established
No such thing as alt righter I am a white nationalist
God, Family and the Republic for me.
t. germanistan
Roll for giggles
How's the 8th grade going?
That's the "alt-lite", multiracial civic nationalist cuckoldry of the highest order. None of those Milo- types you're describing have ever even indentified as alt-right.
Literally all the term "alt-right" was was a way to say "white nationalism" in polite society without triggering people's thoughtcrime defenses. Doesn't work anymore.
>t. neocon cuck
Reddit isn't sending their best folks, they're morons. They are bringing stupidity. They're shills, they're civil nationalists and they're massive cucks. We need to build a firewall.
I don't care about race, I care about a strong leader and government keeping everyone in line and safe. Blacks would not be committing crimes if they were brutally punished for doing so by police that truly gave no fucks. Strict immigration and quick and permanent deportations for immigrants breaking laws would also keep us safe from Muslims and Hispanics. Women would not be an issue if any disruptive and degenerate protest they pulled was shut down with near-lethal force.
Guess it makes me a fascist? Or maybe I just want a super authoritarian state to control everyone? I want democracy to work; I like freedom... but we've seen that it cannot work because there will ALWAYS be absolute retarded liberals in government preventing any true legislation passing that can help us as a nation. If Liberalized Democracy truly worked then why does every single one on the planet need to deal with terror attacks, rising crime rates and degeneracy destroying our moral fiber. If it DID work, I'd be all for it. I just want a nation that I can love and protect as much as it loves and protects its own citizens.
Definitely a Nationalist, and definitely authoritarian. Socialism can suck a fat cock tho. Not religious either.
I dont even think you shit in that.
I think you just admire it as a luxury item because you're afraid that shitting in it will make it lose value like opening the box of a rare action figure or something
does romish nashy fashy work for (you), brochacho
now that's a fashy statement, bromano
it bet (you)r shit smells like roses, broroma
JIDF here to divide and conquor.
Pinochetian minarchist
I'm an anarchist
surprisingly accurate
You want 5 Shekels? What do you need 4 Shekels for? I don't have 3 Shekels.
2 Shekels have been transferred to your bank account, and split them with your coworkers!
what could i possibly gain from this?
i wish i had hip parents like this
my mom is a converted devil worshiper and basically in a relationship with 1 of (((them)))
dad is cucked
although glad this happened recently im moving out in a month or 2
Kek has me down to a fuckin' T