Can we settle once for all that IQ is the single most important thing in our lives?

Can we settle once for all that IQ is the single most important thing in our lives?

It pretty much determines how our life will turn out, my iq was professionally tested several times and I scored 136 in average.

I'm neet at the moment but I know (based on HARD data) that I eventually be very wealthy and happy. It's just how it is, IQ will make me successful no matter what
>but but IQ doesn't matter because it's not scientific
>but but muh willpower
>but but whatever
Brainlet excuses, you are either gifted or not, if you deny the veracity of IQ tests you are clearly a jealous bainlet who will never understand us.

Prove you guys aren't brainlets, non-whites need not apply.

Not really, who you know, and how good you are at a specific skill that you earn a living for tend to be more directly correlated with your income and your quality of life therein.

only a moron would deny the veracity of IQ tests, it clearly shows a trend (not a hard fast rule you dumb sweed) that supports lower iq with less quality of life and wealth, to higher IQ with more of the latter. What you don't seem to get is that to a very significant extent IQ is innacurate as fuck due to will power, and ergo, it is not fate acompoli. IQ variance is a combination of things including how well you do with your brain, to how much you think testing is important, to your self doubts, to many other things. you are not either gifted or you arent. you can get a shitty low score for any number of reasons, and have your score influenced by outside factors. adjusting and accounting for these difficulties is one of the most annoying thing for people who do studies on IQ, and if you knew fucking anything, you would understand that the people who give IQ tests know this, as it makes reference to the potential variance of your true score with more testing.

>Not really, who you know, and how good you are at a specific skill that you earn a living for tend to be more directly correlated with your income and your quality of life therein.
These are both the result of my IQ though, so that doesn't contradict anything.

>non-whites need not apply.

but ahmed you just did.

you still live in sweden so whats your fucking point

I'm a Slav btw

>IQ is the single most important thing in our lives?

The single more important thing in your life is what class you're born into.

It's better to have a 95 IQ and be born in a mansion than to be born with a 150 IQ in Section 8 housing.

>What you don't seem to get is that to a very significant extent IQ is innacurate as fuck due to will power, and ergo, it is not fate acompoli. IQ variance is a combination of things including how well you do with your brain, to how much you think testing is important, to your self doubts, to many other things. you are not either gifted or you arent. you can get a shitty low score for any number of reasons, and have your score influenced by outside factors. adjusting and accounting for these difficulties is one of the most annoying thing for people who do studies on IQ, and if you knew fucking anything, you would understand that the people who give IQ tests know this, as it makes reference to the potential variance of your true score with more testing.

What the fuck are you babbling about? This just seems like some cheap cop out for your shitty IQ result, deny till you die nigger it won't change shit.

>but muh socio-economic factors
>I was just doubting myself, honestly, my mom tells me I'm special after all so it must be true.

no. i think love is the most important thing. and food.

> I scored 136 in average

If you want to consider yourself dumber than Ahmed then go ahead, I don't care.

Good argument

KEK!!! Literally the
>muh socio-economic factors
In action

Seriously what the fuck is going on with this board. I didn't know the Reddit invasion was this bad, a shitload of these Redditors seem to be niggers and shitskins too which unfortunately is lowering the IQ of the board.

This plus looks.
Being "cool" for lack of a better term is absolutely the key in the present era of either getting a make work job in a bureaucracy by convincing a vapid cunt that you're fun to be around or being completely fucked. Some exceptions apply but not really.

118 nigger
try actually reading your fucking results, you know what I'm talking about is real or you wouldn't have taken more than one you dumb nigger. if outside factors cant influence the outcome, why in the ever loving fuck would you take multiple tests you dumb sack of shit?

OP completely not taking into account emotional maturity, social skills and 100 other factors.
I know people who didn't make it out of jr. high who've made millions.

I dug out an old image from my phone, I'll be back home in 5 hours. I'll probably make a new thread with an updated timestamp by then.

Tested at 142. Damn I love being white.

is that all the documentation you got nigger? because if so then you've been fucking scammed.
you should have a fucking array of the different IQs with your scores in each you fucking sweed

i know (i don't know) a nigger that is smart.

>I'm neet at the moment but I know (based on HARD data) that I eventually be very wealthy and happy.

I've seen this exact post 2 weeks ago word for word from a sewed flag as well, 132IQ, 58% recall. sage

Are you Forsen? Is Forsen shitposting on Sup Forums now?

Well of course they can to an extent but still not to a really significant level unless during certain extreme circumstances. What I don't get is why you felt to even mention it to begin with, unless you had a personal stake in what you mentioned. Maybe you wanted to reduce the impact of whatever score you received the last time you took an IQ test.

If you are worried, just take an official one, they take things like that into consideration.

Over 125 is a detriment to wealth and happiness

t. 144 IQ neet

>I'm neet at the moment but I know (based on HARD data) that I eventually be very wealthy and happy. It's just how it is, IQ will make me successful no matter what

Okay, I'll bite. Could you tip your fedora any harder?

>Prove you guys aren't brainlets, non-whites need not apply.

someone with 136 IQ should know how statistics work.
there is a bigger change meeting your equals in asians rather then whites when your IQ is 136

It's true you'll have a far easier life if you are born into an upper class family. However, with a 95 iq you are unlikely to accomplish something that demands high intellectual capacity (he could succeed in other areas, like sports, maybe tv).
Someone with an iq of 150, while struggling during most of his life, has a much higher chance if he overcomes the initial obstacles.

>Well of course they can to an extent but still not to a really significant level unless during certain extreme circumstances. What I don't get is why you felt to even mention it to begin with,
because you made a post shilling a bullshit lie that theyre objective results and cannot be influenced by outside factors when its a fact that they are and there is massive evidence to support that morale and dedication to testing, as well as self perception of intelligence, and personal perception of the value of education, all are known to influence the result of the score.

I have taken an official one you dumb nigger. WAIS IV

High iq and high eq is what made Europe and America great and safe countrys. I'm around 120, smart enough to now my limits. I dropped out of school at 16 due to adhd. I might also have aspergers kek. Only thing i ever had sucess with is women. I'm poor!

>using a test to justify your arrogance


I personally think accomplishments speak louder than whatever IQ you tested at. I however do concede that accomplishments do correlate with higher IQs though.

the single most important thing is the family you are born into.

Well I do have all prerequisites for being successful.
>normal body weight
>very high IQ
>white genes for good work ethic and socialization skills

Most Asians and their IQ are most likely highly inflated, for example the Chinese probably only test highly scoring educational institutes and "forget" to test the rural peasantry that they have in abundance over there.

still waiting on real proof

>"high IQ" society allows itself to be eaten inside out by invading savages
>"high IQ" society promotes the death of the family
>"high IQ" society supports destruction of Libya for no reason, other than fucking Barack "black jesus" Obama saying Gaddafi is the bad man

I scored in the 90s on the asvab

That's an IQ test right? Bow before me

no its not. youre just a fuck up. unsurprising given that you only wrote two sentences and one of them was trying to evade responsibility.

Online tests like that aren't very accurate.

>"high IQ" society allows itself to be eaten inside out by invading savages
>"high IQ" society promotes the death of the family
>"high IQ" society supports destruction of Libya for no reason, other than fucking Barack "black jesus" Obama saying Gaddafi is the bad man

Yeah, okay.

Fuck no, I refuse to believe it. I can't take this NEET lifestyle much longer.

>white genes for good work ethic

then, do something with your fucking life. start by taking a REAL IQ test. not one that hands you a fucking fancy piece of shit certificate

> Be Neet
> Muh IQ will do the work for me.

Get off your fat arse first. You have accomplished less in your life than a 25 years old portuguese plumber with 60 IQ Points and you come here to brag ?

Fuck off.

I was fucking tested at Mensa, how is that not legitimate?

>Your IQ lies outside the area that the test is able to measure



I'm enslaved by the filthy American government. They are doing human experimentation with directed energy weapons.

No IQ testing saved me from that shit (above 100 btw)

Testing is unnecessary exposure, making you a potential target.

you still don't understand how statistics work if you want to hear from a singel group that goes from white-trash rednecks to geniuses to "geniuses" such as "yourself", dismiss other groups because of a
>"most likely" highly inflated" hunch
ignoring jews ect.

The whole point of IQ is that its a predictor for intellegence, but you seem to miss basic knowlage. Im sure its easy for you to learn it tho.
Glad i could help such a "genious"

This fucking thread again.... f
>Can we settle once for all
yes, stop posting it.

What tips me off the most is you are ignoring posts asking for real proof rather than a shitty certificate. do you even know anything about IQ? they don't just hand you 1 number and shake your hand and give you a worthless flashy piece of shit.

>Your IQ lies outside the area that the test is able to measure
You must be really, really stupid.

>waah the white man is being arrogant about the fact that his race is superior to mine
Literally your argument right now.

Back to /r/feelthebern

I said I will make a new thread in about 4-5 hours when I'm home.

>Can we settle once for all that IQ is the single most important thing in our lives?

I have an IQ of 132. I also have autism.

IQ is not the only thing one needs to succeed in life.

You actually have to work hard and get educated in something useful, or else IQ won't help you make money.

There are two extremes here
I'm content with either
You two are bitter at one

>make a new thread.
where presumably you'll post your actual documentation?

>Can we settle once for all that IQ is the single most important thing in our lives?
reads like a pretty retarded assertion to make, sven

...but still a better option than brooking the brain-dead for any longer

>single most important thing
That's a pretty difficult statement to support but from all I've read it's a pretty awesome indicator of how most peoples' lives turn out. Learning about IQ and race was the start of my "red pilling." Learning that black people are in the shape they're in, not because of "systemic" biases and prejudice but because of their own individual failures. IQ is truly an eye opener.

Why are you so autistic? I've clarified like 5 times just for you alone. Yes I will update the timestamp when I am home and can actually physically interact with the certificate.

This thread is literally just an above average intelligence neet trying to convince himself he's not a failure.

IQ is very important for individual and group success.

pic related is a problem, especially because they act as agents of a foreign nation while in America

>Durr de certificate
I didn't ask for a new picture of the same fucking piece of shit you just showed me, I asked if you had real documentation that proves you didn't get handed a fake score.

Just your average useless nigger here. Somehow using secret ninja nigger tactics to have an above average IQ. Though I do agree with user saying that these tests aren't worth shit due to high variance, willpower, etc.

IQ tests are about as accurate as a polygraph test.
Weighing either of these heavily in your opinion of someone is damn stupid.

good goyim

it really ought to be obvious to anyone who takes one, especially when they end up with a high score. It feels so easy to fucking quite the whole time, the longer the test drones on the more you feel like an idiot for not being able to repeat a string of random letters and numbers backwards from memory

135 IQ here, but mentally fucked by the GATE program. Now a STEMcuck making $100k a year in Silicon Valley. Pretty sure I have two personalities:
> the depressed rule-follower with no feelings
> the smart and charismatic winner with a bright smile
Guess which one the school system created.


How though. I scored a 60 on the practice asvab and I'm taking the real one next week

Agreed. A lot of success in life comes down to the choices people make.
>not having a kid on accident
>staying in school (especially public school where simply showing up earns you a passing grade)
>two years of community college
>two years at an in-state public university
>accounting degree
There's no reason most people should be poor. Just make a few basic choices in life and the rest of us will make sure there's a place for you.

Holy fuck, you are one assblasted nigger! Just for the record, what did you score when you took that IQ test that was "negatively impacted by other factors"? Alright I will dig something up just for you.

I already told you my score you dumb sweed

Professionally tested twice IRL
A higher IQ will absolutely help you reach success, but it alone is NOT a sufficient determinant of future success and happiness.

I've certainly fallen short on "success" and "happiness" relative to my IQ. I dropped out of grad school because I realized I hate my major after I already got my Bachelor's degree.

I'm also pretty blackpilled about the future from what I've learned here. I've let most of my friendships wither away because I made "cool" friends that I simply can't relate to anymore. If it wasn't for my fiance....I might've an-hero'd by now.

Sure my IQ level means I can probably turn it around, but life hasn't been easy at all desu....and it doesn't look like it's getting any easier soon.

Oh yeah you did, my bad actually. It's 4 AM.

the GATE program?
you mean the program they round up the smarter shitty little middle schoolers into? Being forced to take English Honors I in 8th grade made you a submissive psychological wreck?

never to late to make meaningful friendships faggot.
if I can unironically be close friends with someone who thinks my entire gender shouldn't vote you can fucking find someone to make a meaningful companion out of.

> The result is given using a standard deviation (SD) of 15.

Must I also say that this standard deviation seems pretty high? I could understand an SD of around 5 maybe even 10 but 15? That makes a world of difference...

>I've got an iq of 135
>sit at home wasting it
>provide nothing to society

You're a living example of why IQ isn't everything. If you actually had some motivation maybe you'd be something.


As a man who followed a similar path, then got cheated on, then dumped, let me tell you about women. The memes are true.

> like men without reason or accountability.
> only respects power, a good time, social status, and clothes/bling, and will quit if it gets hard, just like a nigger.
> still, required for White babies
> lurk theredpill for more
> tl;dr: looks, friends, and money -- if you don't have more than she does of all 3, then a timer is ticking down in her head and when it hits zero she WILL start cheating on you.

Good luck bro. You're gonna need it. Remember, make at least 4 White babies.

It's not a hunch. Chinks have literally contributed jack shit to the world in comparison to the white race. Even today they are miles below whites, just look at all the shit that is posted to liveleak DAILY of them shitting in the streets, their god fucking awful infrastructure and their subhuman behavior and attitude towards violence.

But yeah that's still just the Chinks, I'm sure the Japanese results are actually fairly accurate.

I have motivation but the filthy American government won't let me do stuff.

I wish I had physical evidence, but what can you really obtain for a directed energy weapon?

At least when I sit near strong electro-magnetic fields I get tired and can sleep without interruption.

Alright then, I'll bite. How do I get motivation then? I used to think I wanted to work in IT but I found I can't really lead a life where I work in front of a computer for 7 hours just to come home and sit in front of my home computer for the rest of the time.

Agreed. This is the argument I have all of the time within the black community. Within my own family I've seen family members on both sides fail or succeed based upon the choices they make. Even in cases where family circumstance is the same. Sadly it has been instilled in the black community to autistically screech at any black person who dares to say your choices in life are what determine where you end up.

Good point. It's probably my narcissistic mother's fault, for controlling my entire life with military discipline to overachieve. Oh, and Cultural Marxism.

This is exactly how I felt. You can easily imagine yourself just randomly clicking shit and purposely getting a lower IQ if you wanted to. It really would vary depending on how serious you feel about the test.

You need to get all kikes BLACKED they cant run banks if they cant get a job

How about instead of sitting at home pouring about all the stuff you could be doing, you actually go out and do something.

You remind me of these eternal students who sit at uni getting degrees they'll never use, and then bitch about how they can't find jobs for their gender studies major.

Join the fucking Army and go into Intel.

>not moving to Israel when the negroes are legion

I suppose we'll just have to fight for America all over again.

retarded chad here,

just got back from fucking my harem of rich 10/10 high-test stacies. we all just got through lifting at the country club my rich uncle owns. Did I mention I'm rich? hahah.

Anyways, I gotta go to work tomorrow. shit sucks desu. Im only getting paid 400$ an hour to do literally nothing but my admire my genetics in the reflection of the window of my father's office. When he dies I'll be the CEO of the company, hahah.

Being rich and beautiful is such hard work. Talk to ya later bro.

>P.S. do my homework? if i get an F on this test, my dad won't let me take the yacht to Cara Delevigne's party. (I'll have to take the jet. Yuck.)

I always considered myself to be about average so I guess I'm not that surprised with my score. Just a little short but not far off.

tesla was broke


Bumping my quads

Has anyone here done nootropics?

Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.

Haha. Retard.

>raises finger to shit on retarded misogyny and reddit shilling
very well, kek wilst it.

IQ is a bullshit metric

I was "tested" too, and scored 176 on the S-B. Guess what? It's a subjective test where the individual results are less impactful than large subgroups/demographic results.

It's like measuring body temperature. 98.6f is the average, but your body ranges from 80f to 102f depending on where it is measured and ambient temperature. If I measure the temperature of your hand, and it is 82f, should I call an ambulance because you're suffering from hypothermia?

IQ is bullshit

> still, required for White babies
Not for long

No, parents who give a shit are more important