You going to make fun of us and say poo in loo now, motherfucker?
Poo in Loo?
I Poo in YOU.
You going to make fun of us and say poo in loo now, motherfucker?
Poo in Loo?
I Poo in YOU.
Oh fuck, they did what now? This is fucking awesome.
stop make fun of us and we will help you destroy muslim threat!
Indians are most redpiller country nation to hate islam and produce extreme redpill count every day!
that's just weird and gross
These guys were smuggling cows to a slaughter house. Cow slaughter is banned in many Indian states but fucking Muslim will try to do it anyway. This is the standard punishment for a cow smuggler in India..
>us indians
It makes sense
immigrate on vacation
shocking that they wuold do such a thing! very deserve
lol why does everything in india seem to revolve around poo?
It should have been from a pig...but seeing has how the indias have a thing for cows i guess it works. Really fucking good to see people attack mudslimes for once.
All leafs are either poos, chinks or frogs.
Are they actually Muslim or is this video about something completely different
i luv u will u marry me i fuck ur pusy so hard
Making people eat cow shit sounds like everyday indian antics to me.
Kali Poopa
Hey you mother fucker son of a bitch i kill you u mother fuck son of a afuck
This is why Pakistan exists. Being surrounded by 1 billion cow-worshiping serial rapists has it's downsides.
Shitskins torturing shitskins.
Are we supposed to be impressed?
>I Poo in YOU
okay, yes very much
you will end around your anus, mOTHERFUCKER!
i would be so happy if shit-tech-support indians and pedo-rapists muslims went to war and killed each other off
>video showcasing indian alphaness
>poo is still the main theme
like clockwork
No disrespect... You next!
>those comments on jewtube
Fuckin cringe
They come to this country and refuse to assimilate. There was some propaganda video a while back where some fucks went around and asked these immigrants 'what are you?' and the responses were all "I am Indian, I am Muslim, I am Chinese", etc., the video ending with "That is what it means to be Canadian" or some other asinine shit. Apparently that's supposed to be a shining example of our diversity and tolerance.
Poo in Lut
What else is there?
NO! mothwrfuck, I will rain down onto your home!
I always rip on poos, even today I have a lot, but this is fantastic. Cheers to poo bros
Nice one Pajit. Does this mean you will be superpower by 2030?
Next time make them eat bacon-wrapped pig shit and serve it to them on an open Quran.
>Hindu Nuffin
fake vid for clicks
I'm not any of those..
How is it punishment if the cow is sacred, leafpoo? This would be like baptising a Muslim that bombed your church. Eternally cucked
i like you.
They don't seem to be under any duress.
My bet is they just wanted to.
ahahah wow little brother on phone browse, no idea is same ipee dressing wow ahhaha
>implying they were forced
>implying that isn't just regular indian cuisine
>stop make fun of us and we will help you destroy muslim threat!
Stop trying to be a house nigger for the white man.
Fucking hell you have all that butthurt about aryan invasion and british rule but you have no problem with appealing to the folk who just hate you for your skin color, regardless of religion
No people will not accept you just because you hate muslims.
>this thread
it is to purify them of their sin for eat large thick slabs of beef meat in their mouths
wtf i love poo now
Based Hindus. But for real I doubt it was Hindus and Hindus dindu nuffin
Poo in Paki
Poo in Jews, Pajeet.
>checks flag
makes sense, taco bell
Muslims dont belong in india
If you live in Canada you better speak English (or French but french Canadians aren't really Canadian)
pajeet pls.
like explain I am immigrate on vacation to surrey with family
You will always be considered subhuman, no amout of 'p-please accept up white sama we are not muslims we hate muslims too' will get you accepted.
It is pathetic, you don't need europes or americas acceptance, whats up with this non muslim 3rd worlds inferiority complex.
I'd still bang one of her folds.
poo in abu!
>pajeet pls.
juan, please
I take back everything i have ever said about indians. Thank you for your service to mankind
but those are other poo's
You forgot Germans, Irish and English. You know....the ones that created the place.
Wtf the final color is 12% to 99% this is the worst map
talk shit about indian one more time motherfucker, I dare you and I will shit down your throat, okay motherfucker?
You are inferior race, die of cancer, die of aids, die of muslim bomkock up anus explosion when we have cure for all such ailnesses!
Try drink holy cow urine, will save your life!
Lol so it's just like baptising someone who burned your church down.
>Certainly nobody will make fun of poos now guise!!
Where is this from?
What's up with Muslims thinking anyone likes them? You're pathetic Ahmed. Society is turning on you. Kys baby fucker.
come on, pablo
you have to learn to read english one day
Agh, what's up with you people and living in shit ?
they are unfortunately very deceive into thinking that holy divine objects of cow anus are foul... very disgusting to think
They may not be punished for truly, but their minds and heart are hard against the erection of poo inside, so is great spank ass of the mind
I am someone that STRONGLY hates muslims and find their entire existence incompatible with western life. Having said that, this is incredibly stupid. Yes, they deserve to be kept out of our countries, including deportations, but making them eat cow shit is going too far, and accomplishing nothing.
The link said they were transporting beef, which I know is gravely frowned upon in that area. But if their crime is the beef transport, then make it "Cow killers forced to eat cow shit", not "Muslims forced to eat cow shit".
THIS allows muslims to excuse their ceaseless terrorist attacks. Every time some guy blows up something, retards say "Its ok tho, becuz some dudes ripped hijabs off women a while back".
He actually looks better now. He looked like metrosexual faggot back in the day.
>There was some propaganda video a while back where some fucks went around and asked these immigrants 'what are you?' and the responses were all "I am Indian, I am Muslim, I am Chinese", etc.
Let's be honest, if a black man called himself German then most people would be quick to correct him. Most other non-whites know that they aren't ethnically what's considered Canadian.
Did someone mention the history of islam in india?
I'm not a muslim, nor I hate Indians. I consider them to be equal I guess? I don't think they are subhuman or I am superior
My point is white nationalist will consider you subhuman, always, no amount of your education, your hatred of islam etc will change that fact.
So rather than acting like a house negro as if you are trying to appease your white masters, be proud of being indian. You don't need white mans approval.
I sene this a lot. I mean serbs hate muslims too but they don't go around creating threads such as yours 'look we remove kebab please consider us to be one of you'. They don't give a damn (as arkan says) and thats what I like about them.
You guys and some other `3rd world`ers always desperate to fit into white/european domain, please stop this. You are accusing me of being a muslim because you still want to find camaderie with whites, please forge your identity independent of their approval
>blacks stay relatively the same in 2060, because presumably they just kill each other nonstop
>Can't afford to feed family
>Have an iPhone with great pic quality
>Won't eat pigs that are clearly plentiful
>I Poo in YOU.
I have to admit I kek'd with that.
Throw some bacon in that traditionally made curry next time you forcefeed a slime, pooboy
Why is India so advanced?
You are not even in your country, just stop trying.
>Most other non-whites know that they aren't ethnically what's considered Canadian
if you think white is christian then you are a kike not aryan
dumb fuck american we are cleansing them from their crime, very lucky we did not perform anallingusher enema of special cow urine and dung mixture to cleanse cowmurders and eaters
very common punishment for cow defiler criminals, must be punished severely and cleanse, yes? You will receive the same if you open motherfucking mouth against india one more time understand?
We shove so much up your ass you will be shitting out your mouth, okay?
You shouldn't eat stuff that's consumed human flesh.
>French are french
>English.are English
>Pretend to live in harmony
>Boer is kill