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*teleports behind them*
*stabs them with a lamp*
Why did you blur out her instagram page?
>vargsucker leaf appears
Is that his oldest daughter?
I'm just wondering what her instagram account is. No need to be so rude.
kek, this is the power of paganism I suppose
she looks so much like varg it's almost as if he's got BLACKED himself
I wonder if varg would watch her BLACKED videos
No way, he has an older daughter?
I though he only had young kids, does she have the same mother?
are you sure that bitch is his daughter?
ha I fucking called it back in the thread about him sword fighting with his kids. This fucking weirdo trying to get back to (((paganism))) was alienating his kids from the real world and they will all long to be blacked out of curiosity and revenge for the weird life he forced them to live.
I heard he got a girl pregnant when he was 18 or something
damn he's cute VARG BTFO
Women always follows the power.
And today's power is degenerated.
Women's force is treason.
He looks like an engineer, or a doctor.
I don't think this woman in OP falls under that category. If that really is his daughter, was in prison for most of her life.
He had a kid with some chick before he went to jail
yes, 100% sure. she makes shitty pop music and varg used to leave sad comments on her youtube channel before people found out and spammed her channel with varg-related stuff
quite depressing desu
That's sad
Shes everything that he hates, must kill him inside
what's her channel?
Her mother probably brainwashed her.
hope they're not planning on getting married in a CHURCH! those things have a funny habit of burning to the ground
or perhaps she just didn't raise her in some french backwater without toilets
all women become sluts unless they are in some kind of anglo-american jesus freak sect or something. those people really know how to brainwash their kids
>wedding day
>everyone gathers into church
>it begins
>groom and bride walk in
>usher about to speak
>out of nowhere a loud guitar noise noise shakes the church
>song starts playing
>people start smelling smoke
>panic ensues as all corners of the church ignite in an inferno
>entrance collapses
>song continues to play as church burns to the ground killing all inside
damn. she could choke me to death with those legs any time she wants
She is apparently a pop artist which means she follows every shitty trend and dating out of race is cool.But the reason i said that her mother probably brainwashed her because her mother hates Varg,maybe this is some kind of revenge.
>be Varg
>be an idiot & get a girl pregnant at 18
>burn down churches
>murder a guy
>be in prison for the entirety of your daughter's adolescence
>she becomes a slut
why should i feel bad for Varg again?
The fruits of paganism, right here.
Go with Christ you faggots.
he's a LITERAL snownigger LMAO
complete with WE WUZ antics
it's probably because he wasn't there when she was young and was in jail
>do all those things
still create a big happy white family where they live off the land and play vikings and explore the country side
What is your excuse?
she looks just like him here
You faggots are deluded thinking anything bar luck will lead you to raising a family you're proud of in this culture.
>a woman raised without a father turns into a degenerate
every time
>revenge for the weird life he forced them to live.
Are you people fucking retarded? They're probably having a much better upbringing than most people in this thread.
Since when did people on Sup Forums start hating on kids being raised in a conservative way? Are you all just christcucks who get so fucking triggered by this one thing about whether he has a hammer or a cross around his neck?
>varg thread
>Sup Forums becomes 100% against killing
>Sup Forums becomes anti-homeschooling
>Sup Forums becomes anti-outinawoods
every time
You missed the part where the white family gets BLACKED
Either way, Varg was a mistake. I would think that he is majorly or a significant influence on the sheer amount of Pagan/Christ D&C bullshit that goes on here lately because he would rather burn down a church and kill a man rather than coexist in some form
>go with Christ
>licks nigger feet
>"we are all one in Christ, brothers and sisters"
>worships dead Jew on a stick
He's got like 8 fucking white kids dude
shame she burns coal instead of churches
Fake news.
She has been confirmed to not be his daughter.
at least he has the balls to make you tube videos defending our people
his family didn't get blacked, some sloth single mothers daughter got blacked
Varg is judeo-freemasonic controlled opposition.
you're retarded
I bet you also believe the self-defense meme and the 99,7% neandertal meme
Tried to post link but the faggot ass system though i was spamposting no matter how i edited the link/post.
Google rebekka sivertsen varg vikernes
Is this the same girl? I think you're right anyways
nope, just dont believe bullshit people shitpost on 4chum
Women are shameful
yup. Germoney is mad his lie was called.
Was just about to post it. Retards itt will say that its bullshit so they can imagine Varg's "daughter" being blacked.
There's the problem
>no dad around
>never tries to be in her life
That's just begging to get fucked up kids.
that's not an official page you fucking tard
why did varg leave side is comments on her videos?
>claims to not have a facebook account
>uses his non-existent facebook account to lie about rebekka not being his daughter
he has reached a level of meta-lying scientists thought didn't even exist until now. and his teenage metal nerd cultboys still believe every word
you sure?
you're retarded
I bet you also support muslim immigration and the narrative of the post-modern german nation state.
stop being a fucking cuck
No. He speaks about it on the Burzum site.
That's what he gets for LARPing inside a van in the woods instead of raising his daughter.
i really cant stand germans, or europeans in general who try to wear american/nog inspired streetwear.
it looks like shit and is cancerous.
5/6 good ones aint that bad
he just likes her music dude. he blasts "better off without a man" as he autistically drives his lada through some gay forest
No, "blacked" is an American thing but they'll definitely turn against him in some other way
You are Turkish, so your opinions are automatically invalid.
There's nothing conservative about it. He's raising them in an isolated compound far away from his own country, it's much more like a cult
fuck me that's good
This made me very happy user
Time for an honor killing
Which people? He shits on white christians and
has a definition of whites that is so narrow the there
would only be a few hundred whites anyway. He is more divisive than anything.
Yeah cause growing up on the French country side, playing with all your brothers/sisters and playing outside all days usually turns people into adult onset mental illness.
>b-but he thinks ancient Italians were Nordic!
i'm willing to bet his children haven't given it a thought
*casts lamp block*
*equips diversity +12 ring*
Top fucking kek
The Amish family down the road from me has 14 white kids. Varg is an underachiever
>He's raising them in an isolated compound far away from his own country,
So basically he's raising them like thousands upon thousands upon thousands of peope in North America
Only exception is he wears a hammer instead of a cross and he thinks Europeans are 98% neanderthals
my first oneitis was from podogrica
>store captcha
Bbc is a myth. They use prosthetics in porn.
What community do they have? None. You think they speak to kids outside of their family? I doubt it. Varg wouldn't let them realise how fucked up they're being made. You think they speak to their extended family? Highly doubt it, cultists often isolate themselves as much as possible. Do they even have a community that they COULD conceivably identify with or have something in common with? Nope.
Once they have to actually interact with the outside world, they'll be fucked and there might even be suicides
>at least he has the balls to
This. Do what you can.
>So basically he's raising them like thousands upon thousands upon thousands of peope in North America
I don't understand this
He make YouTube videos.So does a bunch of kids in the 5th grade.
this is scientiffically true. BBC is a jewish psyop. incredible how pervasive the myth is too. fucking kikes.
source: look up any legitimate studies, literally any, on penis size and race
it's going to suck for them when they're in their teens. teens don't want to spend 24/7 with their parents/siblings.
what are you some kind of bushman autist?
They keep contact with other people.
Varg used to larp with some locals. Check his older videos
>he has reached a level of meta-lying scientists thought didn't even exist until now
Yeah. Hungarians are actualy the big dicked people.
You are leafing out too hard. Kids are resilient. They aren't being physically or sexually abused or allowed to vegetate in front of a tablet all day like many normal kids. Why does their isolation and homeschooling offend you so much? Worst outcome is they're weird, and that was going to happen either way with Varg as dad.
>he interacts with nerds who agree with his cultish ideology!
But what happens when they go further and find all these French Catholics in the countryside?
Community? They have their entire fucking family. His kids probably have more socialization than you had when you were their age.
>implying you spent most of your time when you were that age around 4 other kids around your age
>You think they speak to their extended family?
No idea, wouldn't be surprised if they speak to their French family
>Do they even have a community that they COULD conceivably identify with
yeah, their 7 man community, probably bigger than your community was growing up
>Once they have to actually interact with the outside world, they'll be fucked and there might even be suicides
so much projecting, there is nothing that indicates home schooled kids are any worse than any other
This, it's what happened with the Prussian Blue girls, who were raised listening to white power music, playing ethnic cleansing and turned into weed-addicted nigger-lovers.
Acting like everyone else is not necessarialy a good thing
It's not his daughter.
Teendom is an invention of American capitalism. In old days people went straight from being kids to working and having families.
North America is big, lots of people live remote.
Many of them are homeschooled.
Most of them only have 1-2 siblings.
>it's going to suck for them when they're in their teens. teens don't want to spend 24/7 with their parents/siblings.
They live on the French countryside, not Mars.
You're all projecting so fucking hard, really don't get it.
Because he is a Nordicist? His kid will have thought about that around a combined 47 seconds by their 18th birthday.