Puerto Rican Master Race

Chris Ray Gun officially fucked the feminism out of Laci Green. Are the Puerto Ricans the best Spanish speaking people?

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No Spaniards are because they're white

Puerto Ricans are Asian

Nice meme

Damn, he must really have a big, fat, veiny, shiny, delicious, throbbing cock on him. #NoHomo

Nice meme.
He's basically Carl the Cuck's cooler older brother. He moved in with two black guys because he realized he could cut the alimony/child support bill out of the picture and keep the molten hot mahogany man molasses to himself.

Is this cuck white, Asian, or just a beaner?


>right wing
>has a rise against tattoo

Puerto Rican here: can confirm we are Red Pilled and an ally of white men

>right wing

He's not though, he's another left leaning piece of shit who just happens to not like social justice but agrees with the left on everything else.

We got you senpai.

Chris is not "right wing" by American standards. He would've voted Bernie, almost guaranteed.

Damn, Chris "Why the fuck do you have so much Halo merchandise all over your room" Ray Gun looks like THAT?

Thank you hungry skellington

And Trump would've lost without guys like him. Go figure.

You misspelled Cuban

Great chest. FOR A BIRD!

Famalam, most Puerto Ricans at least main island ones are a bunch of leftie bluepilled cucks, don't lie to the nice anons.

puerto rican here to represent

How do you figure? He didn't vote.

no we are not



I came across this faggot in the comments


How do these people get so retarded?

Left-leaning anti-SJWs. Not Chris specifically, that's what "like" means.

Not really. Real talk, if birds were like people, they would have massive chests and blow world record benches out of the water. Bird chests are no joke.


>that bod
He could fuck me anytime.

chupacabra leave this place

Ricans are borederline nig nogs. Take it from someone who grew up 5 min from the Bronx and saw these savages in their natural element. Every year the Peurto Rican day parade would make the mass rapes in Cologne look like a lawn party at the royal palace.


Dunno if I'd credit them with it.
Michigan, Wisconsin, and PA are the ones that Trump pulled out of the hat to win, and the SJWs are probably the last thing people in those states care about. Florida was his just by virtue of that whole Zika scare it had.

So basically...smart.

Well all this new "conservatives" were the atheist community fragmented into anti Sjw to pro feminism

Honestly, Puerto Rican dicks are usually pretty nice.

Tanio people are Mongols nice try Wong

I live in the middle of the Canadian prairies and I've never seen a real SJW in my whole life. Still one of my biggest concerns. If Islam wasn't a threat they were vouching for, I'd probably let them slide a bit further down the list.

White guy visiting Puerto Rico here; can confirm.

They are indoctrinated shills,and useful idiots, trying to push the usual agenda.

Yeah fuck that shill. How convenient that this video he speaks of was deleted, and he seems to be the only one to see it, and there are no other copies on Youtube.


I'll just leave this here.

>Posts skinny midget with no muscle mass and rib flair from bad posture
>a life of video game marathons has left him malnourished and pale
>fucked a chubby drug addled YouTube feminist
>calls him master race

We have different definitions for master race apparently familam

He supports keeping Europe White

hey that's pretty good what are you fucking gay?

Holy fuck. This again confirms that women base their entire world view and their political stances around what their peers think. Good riddance, Chris.

>fucked the feminism out of Laci Green

Doesn't she have herpes?

Chris Raygun's a fucking PR, on the real?

Chris Raygun gave the D to Laci Green, on the real real?
Any of this legit?

She confirmed they were dating


>Fucked Laci Green.

Just woke up lads.

Someone bring me up to speed.

How do we know that fat lesbian fucked this guy?

K stew lookin full dyke these days

Chris Ray Guns last name is Maldonado
He is of Puerto Rican descent and he is officially dating Laci Green

Where did this come from in the first place? I always hear she has herpes...

How the fuck is this guy puerto ricans?

I know ricans, he doesnt look like one.

she confirmed on Twitter/ask.fm

Puerto Ricans are white

>Chris "let me copy idubbbz and say please just fucking kill me ironically in every video" Ray Gun

How fucking short is Laci Green? I know she would not date a man shorter than her and Chris Ray Gun is legendary levels of manlet status.

The other is jew

Bull fucking shit. Puerto Rico would've voted Hillary into the presidency had we been a state.

Looks like Jesus trying to pass as a French mousquetaire.

He looks like he weights 40KG and is only 4ft


What's up cunthunt lookin good bro

>can't pronounce the letter "R"
remove the eternal mofongo

>not white

> t. Juanito "el cholo" sanchez

those nipples.

>best Spanish speakers

Those would be Cubans

They know first hand the dangers of communism

>Woman dates someone of a different ideology than her

>Immediately she changes her ideology to be closer to his.

Damn, really makes me think.

I don't think fucking her makes you out to be a master race of anything.

Pic related.


Puerto Rico is now part of the united states, why not?

Yes sir.....Puerto Rican here / Red Pilled / Ally


actually dropped long ago..

Poor little cholo. He's got six months, tops with the number of STDs floating around in that chubby vag.

Is it true that Puerto Ricans hate Mexican?

Puerto Ricans are better than Mexicans.

He fucked Laci Green?

>be me
>Still look mestizo as fuck
>This scrawny anarchist faggot looks whiter than me

What did God mean by this?

Women are translucent in belief, they will for the most part reflect their partners. For those of you who've been in relationships it's quite noticeable that when women begin to feel strongly they begin to take you on persay and change behaviorally.

This can be for better or for worse but the most prevalent and importance of third wave feminism was establishing legitimate dislike for the masculine nature of leadership roles, essentially associating men in a dominant role as repulsive or offensive through muscle memory and forming a mental block on relationship values beyond status/sex. Without a man in the dominant role, women will typically inherit the popular movement.

In short, fucking laci probably wasn't hard, sticking around long enough to have her develop emotions despite being a feminist. Insane. She won't be a keeper anyhow, women that damaged just periodically relapse into whoredom.

When will we start banning every faggot OP that posts about this diseased whore?

"Chris beta glasses welding cuck ray gun"

gotta love hard he tries to fit in the alt right or anti feminism he needs to fuck off and go back to blaced.com


>fucks the SJW out of Laci Green and indirectly changes the mindset of a million other people
ENFPs like Chris Ray Gun are truly world changers.

I am half Puerto Rican. Don't associate with Mexicans, but the one I used to work with in retail was goddamn weasel.

Never really worked. Always drifted off to talk to a coworker. Going to the bathroom was almost like a second lunch break. I guess the siesta thing manages to always be prevalent in a Mexican's life in some form. Ignored direction to the point of pissing people off. Apparently was a part of the reasons why a manager left.

Even if he wasn't an annoying liberal (he is), he's still a cunt all by himself. Fuck 'em and fuck Mexicans if they're really all like that.

>Are the Puerto Ricans the best Spanish speaking people?
It depends on how you define people? i mean Mexico has plenty of native apes, Haiti is ape central and Puerto Rico is only partially ape.

The only thing is we are more human then Mexicans are.

You look like a Spanish conquistador or a someone from the Renaissance

Literally who?

Looks like a skinny beta cuck.

Can someone remind me why women go for men like this these days?

>muh Christianity is 2 extreme
>muh parents practiced neutered christianity
>hangs out with an sjw
>fck drumpf gf

He hardly resembles Puerto Ricans, and at best, he's stuck between choosing the red or blue pill.

She made videos about how she has every STI available, something like that.
Herpes and HPV at least.

It's changing because as more of our compatriots leave the assholes remain in place, believe you me when I was in uni studying engineering most of us were white and were racist as fuck another friend is on it now and he says that remains so. This island is lost however, they still think even if statehood win congress will move forward in making PR a state ,delusional fucks they'll sell the island to China before they give us anything,heck we have a better chance of becoming a Canadian province than a US state.

sup mein ninja

He's 24 and the more the left gets regressive the more he moves right he already talk to Jordan B Peterson


The one I know hates Mexicans with a passion. Don't even see why, they're both a bunch of brown manlets.

That the negress

Is that your case? Most Puerto Ricans I've seen have distinct Spanish features, most likely due to being one of the old Spanish territories that actually had little involvement with Native Americans and slaves.

Few Taino inhabited the island to begin with, most of which died to diseas. Spain felt better pumping the larger Dominican Republic,l with slaves, which is why they're all half niggers by comparison.

>Puerto rico is just one guy

He is just one among millions (like me)