Thoughts on Lauren Southern? Is she a roastie?
Thoughts on Lauren Southern? Is she a roastie?
obvious cointelpro is obvious
a dumb cunt who doesn't follow what she preaches and just does it for money.
would shag
She despises all of you beta orbiters.
She's an American woman, what do you think?
She terrifies leftists. That's why all the shills resort to character assassination by calling her a jew, despite no evidence.
She will learn eventually.
shes canadian you stupid cuck
Moron. Obviously a bong
Is there a difference beside a variant accent?
how dare you
shes an attention whore like every other female. in appealing to alt-righters and poltards she found her niche.
>cant find gf in real life because racist
>tries to find an e-gf
just stop, get some help
go to /bant/
Stick with her
Appear in the vids
Gain status
If she betrays you step up and carry the real movmnt
She is from Surrey BC. All white girls from there are roastie drug addicts
>Thoughts on Lauren Southern? Is she a roastie?
all women are
She literally has a man's face.
She's unattractive but since virgins get thirsty she appeals to them for free money just like any other whore.
Meh, she's okay. Seems pretty down to earth. Would probably shag her brains out.
She's an old hag around my age but looks like she's 35
She's cute and smart for a woman.
But if she's a roastie, I'm out.
Absolute jew. Her real last name is simonsen which is a common danish jew last name.
She be our girl whiteboi
Daily reminder that these people are either Antifa or useful idiots for the left.
Lauren fucking terrifies the leftists. They can't use the "angry white male" stereotype against her. She's young, attractive and making fashy ideas mainstream. The left can't handle that. They're putting a lot of energy into character assassinating her.
is that the annoying thing from ice age movies?
The vapid whore faces she makes in all her selfies are so irritating.
she has great thighs
Ever since she left Rebel, she has shifted further and further right, and now she's openly promoting identitarianism, which is interesting. Definitely much better than the "cultural libertarian" shit she used to push. I don't care if she's just doing this as a ploy to make money off the rising nationalist sentiment, she definitely makes these right wing ideas more palatable for normies. Fuck buying her book though
Also this
She's actually a virgin and is waiting for marriage, so no.
awwww :3
hope my kids are this cute
Her obvious lack of intelligence suggests that you are a brainlet for believing this
shes so based, shes the ideal woman... so fuck i hope she doesnt have a roastie
I hope she's into vore.
>implying tyrone didn't black her, tell her to fuck off, and set her on her path of revenge
Hell yeah she is
One day I'll meet her, and she'll think I'm cool and stuff.
...and then social anxiety kicks in....
She's probably not wife material but I would wife her anyway.
Jesus Christ why would you be into that fetish?
It's like you want to be gassed for degeneracy! What's next, you going to tell us you like pony porn?
That's what I think is wrong with a lot of these "roight wing" female youtubers. For example, dreamydiglot acts like she's against race mixing, is all for white nationalism, doesn't believe in premarital sex, and is a traditionalist. What got her to that point I wonder? Was it seeing the degeneracy of those around her doing the opposite that disgusted her so much that she decided on her views? Or was it the fact that she did all that and now feels gross about it and wants to atone for it? You really got to wonder when it comes tro these young women.
I agree.
Pretty sure she said her family was danish jews that ran away from the nazis like cowards.
>but I would wife her anyway.
>...and then social anxiety kicks in
Please Hans, don't remind me.
do you think she would fart on my dick if I asked her to? she seems like the kind of girl who would.
Out of curiosity, what makes her not wife material?
>far right
>solid 9/10 blonde
>sense of humor
What more could a guy ask for?
Why are you spreading seeds of confusion and distrust if you don't have any evidence? Are you a kike?
My mum thinks I'm cool tho.
That was a pretty good vid, relevant & concise.
She's a moron.
Gross, this just made her like 10x less attractive.
No chance of ever getting my dick wet, not trying to get scammed into (((marriage))), fuck you Lauren
Her family were not Jews you dumbo, they lost their trucking business to the Nazis. That's why they left Denmark.
I think she would coat your whole body in her stomach acids.
She wipes the floor with Steve the cuck in that debate.
That's my future ex wife I'm gonna have 1837462528 white babies with if it's catch you oogling her again I'll cry in. A corner like a beta autistic and commit suicide!!!!
>my mom thinks I'm cool
You must be the most lamest fagger around.
Carry on
Isn't there a pic of her on a date with a nogger?
She looks fertile as fuck.
So instead of fighting they ran like cowards, I personally dont care if shes a jew or not her family should have been killed by the nazis.
(((Lauren Southern))) is (((controlled opposition))). She is a skinny girl with cellulite from hormonal birth control because she burns coal. She is surrounded with White Knight beta orbiters and Proud Bois.
However, she is great at redpilling normies to the alt-light.
I'm gonna have to confiscate those digits.
You mean with that based Starcraft analogy and all that hardcore anecdotal evidence?
Yep, fucking destroyed him.
No, the whole Starcraft discussion was retarded. Steve lost when he ignored the muslim poll data.
Which he then countered with the fact that you get similarly extreme polling from Christians too.
That's a complete lie though.
Hell, you could probably poll this very board and get similar answers when it comes to gays and women.
>trucking business
So they were merchants?
Okay, do some strawpolls then, not in this thread though, but try asking similar questions. Things like should gays be killed, ect.?
Could you make it any more obvious you're a leftist? Jesus.
Yes, if you asked Sup Forums they would be very anti-woman and anti-gay, you are not some kind of genius for noticing this. That doesn't make muslims any less barbaric.
If we cannibalize each other because of minute shit, then we risk running the same route as the leftists and the Muslims. However much you may dislike her, or desire to disregard her because you think shes a roastie, she is undeniably making an impact in popularising the right and fashy ideals.
I doubt anyone here is as righteous as they claim to be, so dont be so eager to punch right just because of a slight difference of opinion. Everyone plays their role
Why are you spreading misinformation? "Simonsen" isn't any more of a Jewish name than "Johnson" is you lying rat.
Did I claim Sup Forums was more tolerant than muslims? No.
Seriously fag? Is this your first day on Sup Forums or are you just completely uncreative and inept of making an original thread?
I don't know if I'm a leftist, I'm just not a mouth-breathing idiot.
So let's break this down: if you can poll this board and you find out that the majority of people here actually hold similar views on social policies as Islamist, that's just...okay then? How is that not a double standard?
You know, maybe people here should consider joining ISIS. I'm getting the feeling you might actually have more in common with them than you'd like to admit.
Well even most of the people on here would not agree with the most egregious Islamic rules like killing people for apostasy or stoning women to death for getting raped. Some might think that women shouldn't be allowed to vote and gays should not be allowed, but that is beside the point.
Regardless of that, even if you were right that would not make Lauren Southern incorrect when she was discussing muslims, which was the original point.
>when you so jealous cuz yo mom don't think you cool
I feel this way more every day, that Sup Forums might as well be a bunch of jihadi sandniggers.
Another Lauren Southern thread where the predictable trolls come out:
>some fag tries claiming she's jewish
>another cuck projects his disgusting interracial/blacked fantasies on her over a photograph taken
Rinse & repeat.
Every single fuckin thread about her.
I love her even more desu
1488 we must secure all the lays potato chips
I'm just here for the pics because I'm very lonely
Oh shes definitely a roastie. Lauren has seen more dicks than the urinal at a cheap truck stop.
go away muhammad
crash a van into a mosque pre school or something
They spend a lot of energy trying to discredit her. The leftists are totally horrified by her success and they're panicking because they can't do anything about it.
Obligatory squeaky toy noises
You've still not countered my point. I don't know why this is so difficult for you. You've already more or less admitted that I could probably poll this board right here and that a lot of people here probably do believe that gays should be killed and women should be property, just like these Islamist polls.
The broader point is that even if most people here DO believe those things, most people are never going to act on them. If we're judging by those standards, literally the majority of people who post on this very board would be branded as extremists too. You're basically arguing in favour of a kind of authoritarian-liberalism, even if you don't believe in liberalism as a value in the first place.
I believe in free thought and free speech, but I don't know what you believe in.
After she went black, she never came back
>Referring to Lauren by his proper pronouns
How dare you shitlords. He is even legally recognized as a man on his ID.
Cleavage is her specialty