There are people on Sup Forums right now who would unironically vote for a socialist Jew who wants to increase immigration
I implore you to reconsider!
Don't vote for this cunt
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I'd vote Lib Dem but I can't stand their degenerative legalisation of drugs policies
Because Theresa May is doing such a wonderful job.
May's psychoactive substances bill and blocking of sites like T.P.B have been ineffective as fuck, what makes you think this will be any different?
>pol: I love fascism!
>someone does something fascist: GAH DONT VOTE FOR THIS!
There are only about 70,000 people who CAN vote for or against him.
I would vote for him just to accelerate the fall. I also don't know that much, but he looks a bit better than the (((tories))).
And immigration wouldn't increase under the Conservatives? Saying you want it to decrease to tens of thousands but not putting in an actual cap or a timeline for when you want to achieve this by is the same as doing fuck all.
Neither the Conservatives or Labour are going to do anything one way or the other. Might as well fuck it all off and vote Labour for the extra bank holidays.
Vote for UKIP then you fucking dunce
>Sup Forums is one person
You know this board used to be libertarian, right?
>a socialist Jew who wants to increase immigration
He and his family are working class English, which is probably why he looks like an alien to the Tory upper crust.
One reason Brexit passed is because Corbyn was very lukewarm in being anti-Brexit. Why wouldn't he be, he denounced the EU for decades.
It's a funny game being played - this guy says Corbyn is a pro-immigration/pro-EU person to a crowd against that.
Meanwhile, Corbyn is portrayed as an anti-EU person to pro-EU types.
May is the establishment candidate which is why the establishment is pulling for her. I mean how much more establishment can you be than a Tory?
Labor supports a land value tax
LVT is not socialism
Pic: When Corbyn was hard against EU regulations
May - fighting the EU and its regulations!
what mummy said
Why not vote for May? she is the better of the two until a better alternative come about
Yeah, this cunt is just like Brazillian Ex-President Lula, don't trust him
I would unironically vote for Corbyn before i would vote for sharia may.
jew huh?
He is just a fucking commie, don't vote for communism, never vote for communism.
but yeah, May is also a piece of crap.
>Voting for a guy who has supporters that call Terrorists ''FREEDOM FIGHTERS''
>anons in pg think he's against immigration
>(((Jeremy Corbyn))) do realise that zionists have spent the last two years deliberately trying to undermine Corbyn and major Labour party figures with accusations of antisemitism, right?
Sorry, but people are growing wise to your shilling tactics, burger. Corbyn4PM!
No she's not. She wants to regulate the internet and spy on her own citizens.
Also, piss off.
if the antissemitism claims were valid maybe I would respect them, but he is actually just a fucking commie, never vote for commies.
The fact that they're not valid should be more telling. Also, I don't even think that's not even true. I've read their manifesto and it looks like a fairly ordinary social democratic platform.
Can somebody point out all these big scary communist policies?
social democracy is gay communism to me, fucks the economy big time + lot's of faggotry + niggers + muslims
Are people like you the reason Brazil is such a stable, prosperous economic powerhouse right now?
They can't because they're not there. May is the clear neolib/neocon establishment choice, only sheep will vote for her. Even if you don't agree Corbyn on everything you have to admit he will disrupt (((their))) game.
Let's be clear, even if you don't support Corbyn's policies, you should still vote for him for the sake of breaking a smothering political stranglehold in Britain.
A vote for Theresa May is a vote for crooked, corrupt establishment which needs a good boot up the arse.
Vote FOR Corbyn
What you get is
>rapid conservative conversion of the UK population
>no ban on free speech online
>the murder of normal regressives
Sounds like a big fucking win to me
>Jeremy Corbyn faced outrage last night after it was revealed a leading supporter had described Islamic terrorists as ‘freedom fighters’.
>Activist Barbara Ntumy tweeted the astonishing claim that ‘one mans [sic] Jihadist/Terrorist is another mans Freedom Fighter’, adding ‘#JustSaying.’
Love how you ignore stuff then randomly ask to be shown stuff.
nope, but we do have some communist experience to pass to you britcucks, don't vote for communism, even if it calls itself other names.
Don't worry, next shit that happens they'll come here and wonder again ''but what can we dooooo''
Vote Corbyn gogo
If I was a britcuck I would probably vote for a candidate who would allow police to have guns. You know, maybe when your country was white you guys could have this no guns police thing, but since London became a caliphate things changed quite a bit.
Theresa May wants to censor the internet and is a Hillary Style warmonger.
Also, she is the jew clearly, its funny you call Corbyn the Jew when Theresa May has been stirring up shit calling him anti semitic
britian now has more surveillance than any other country and that was her brainchild
>implying they aren't both
>what is controlled opposition
I thought bongs are not amateurs in politics
oh and another thing burger, Corbyn is a REPUBLICAN, who supported the IRA. May is a Monarchist. What more do you need to know? She is a free expression hating monarchist, pretty much the opposite of freedom is it not?
well for whatever reason, they want May to win. And that is why she cannot win. The only change she made to her snoopers charter law, that gave Britain more survilleance power than any other country over its citizens? She amended it so that MP's emails (hers) cannot ever be read. Fancy that
You guys already have no right of free expression and I as a traditionalist have some respect for the monarchy.
And don't pretend they weren't already spying on all of your data in the first place
It's mostly shills. One of them is at least Scotish.
she wants to get rid of encryption, thats not even about freedom, thats a national security risk
a republican that has backers who call terrorists 'freedom fighters' ? a republican with a party teeming with communism bits and bytes? yeah ok. I guess there's many ways to see things
fuck May. Bitch supports Islam and wears burkas and shit. Yes you're faced with impossible choices and yet again you fall for the two-party pol meme.
Don't expect change any time soon.
Could... could fascism not be so great after all?
Corbyn: "We do need to have some difficult conversations starting with Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states that have funded and fuelled extremist ideology."
May:She also defended the drive to strike new trade links, saying the UK had "long-term and historic relationship" with Saudi Arabia.
The country, she said, is "important for us in terms of security, they are importance for us in terms of defence and yes, in terms of trade.
"But as I said when I came to the Gulf at the end of last year, Gulf security is our security and Gulf prosperity is our prosperity."
>Home Office may not publish terrorist funding report amid claims it focuses on Saudi Arabia
Really makes you think.
I hope they do. The more Europe fucks itself the more redpilled the U.S. becomes. At this point if Trump delivers on wall and run in 2020 on closing the borders it'd be a fucking landslide. We'd be begging Congress to end Presidential term limits.
Corbyn: not a Jew
May: not one either but adored by them
Good luck, UK.
>and yes, in terms of trade
I really hate this coy crap. ''Trade''. Call it what it is, OIL. Middle east, the worst hellhole, is made important because it produces all the fuel in the world. fug
We need to invent an alternative and more efficient form of energy fast.
Fascism is good if it protects the national interest. May's convoluted suggestion of "regulating" the internet after a terror attack perpetrated yet again by mudslimes is WILLFUL IGNORANCE of the national interest.
North America could be energy independent for 1000 years but we are stymied by regulations and (((foreign influences)))
Jezzer will save the UK and the queen. He wants to unite muslims and non Muslims to be at peace and all love each other. He seems like a really honest genuine guy, I've seen the other candidate and she seems like a cold lump of dirt.
Canada is cheering for you Corbyn, good luck to you Brits. Hopefully you can finally break away from these far right extremists that want to take away all your freedoms. Maybe Jeremy will even let you stay in the EU, that would be terrific!!!
Corbyn is a common mistake sympathising cuck, which is why you should vote for him. Accelerationism will only benefit the far-right.
>If you beat your opponent, they win
Get out of here with this Cuckdeau bullshit