Alhamdulilah, I've just started fasting half an hour ago. I will break fast at around magrib time, inshallah

Alhamdulilah, I've just started fasting half an hour ago. I will break fast at around magrib time, inshallah.

Ramadan Kareem to all, may peace and blessing be upon all of you, and may Allah have mercy unon the souls of those killed in the recent attacks by Islammic terrorism. Surely, they did not deserve death.

Brothers and sisters in Islam, Allah is most gracious, most merciful. It is not your duty in this life to Jihad, it is not your duty to kill.

The judgment of the Kafirun is in the hands of Allah, not yours.


Other urls found in this thread:

MashAllah, brother
I converted to Islam 3 years ago and I really love Ramadan

Have some bacon.

ITT: goatfuckers

Aleikum Salam, brother.

What do you do if it's cloudy and Eid gets a rain delay? That would bum me out.

shame on you

I hope Islam is treating you well, brother.
No thank you brother, peace be upon you.
May you find peace in your life, perhaps with a Muslim. In any case, I hope you have a blessed month, wether you are fasting or not. God bless.
Salam brother, your picture displays a Sikh, not a Muslim. Have a great ramadan.


England is an island so rain is inevitable a lot of the time, but its fine, indoors is always fun as long as the family is around. Have a blessed month bro.
My dear brother, I do not blame you for your views, your country has been the victim of many attacks by men of the same religion as me. I wish you peace in your life, safety, and above all, peace for the people of France, they do not deserve such horrible acts on their soil. God bless.

Nice larp Leslie. How do they know when Ramadan is over?

>My dear brother, I do not blame you for your views, your country has been the victim of many attacks by men of the same religion as me. I wish you peace in your life, safety, and above all, peace for the people of France, they do not deserve such horrible acts on their soil. God bless.

thats the french poster you are replying to that supports Jihad, he is mad you don't support it

*puts her mocha latte down*
*takes her poodle off her lap*
UM, excuse me sweety-pie. You think it's okay to just go around shitposting like you do? Maybe you don't really understand... *flips her hair* After all, you rural and suburban retards are uncivilized folk. Oopsie, did I hurt your feelings? *crouches down and undoes your zipper* ahahaha--you're blushing? How pathetic... I guess you Trumpkin farmhands aren't used to REAL women after all those hours you spend on the farm. What's that, honeybuns? No--let me guess. That's why you carry such big guns around, you tiny-cocked bigot-- *stares, shocked, at your thundercock* Ahaha.. ahah... hah... Er, listen b-baby dick... J-Just lie back and relax. It'll make it easier to accept your privilege. *strokes your cock up and down, then starts blowing you gently* It'll... mmph... all be over soon... mmm... snookems. After all, even your dick admits that female is the superior gender. Look how hard I've made you. You're pathetic. Now... mmmph... once we're finished here, we're going to go back to my room and you can atone for all those horrible years of institutional privilege by submitting to my vagina, which, by the way, has its own voice.


The arabic pointing to the man translates to Muhammad, and the arabic word for pig is pronounced "khanzir" (with the kh being a strong throat sound). The picture implies the Prophet of Islam having sexual relations with a pig, which is ofcourse upsetting to me, however you will probably be pleased to know that I am not going to blow anyone up over it, all I wish you is peace, my fellow human being. God bless, have a good month.



Hey look, it's your faggot islamic prophet.

You've done the hajj yet? What languages do you speak?

>all I wish you is peace, my fellow human being
Pretty gay desu.

I have no reason to larp man
That is sad, may he find peace, which is unlikely because those people are usually filled with a lot of hatred, often times, hatred fueled by their own failures in life. Anyway, the unneccecary violence needs to end from our end, for the sake of EVERYONE involved. God bless.

Alhamdulillah brother

Then how do you know Ramadan is over?

this thread is better than pagan LARP threads

that's like the most impersonal and fake response I've ever seen

there will be no peace in my country as long as they are muslims full of hate here, muslims are responsible for 100% of the terrorist attacks in France since 30 years and hundreds of dead

why exactly should we tolerate you

I'm not supporting jihad that's the point, I'm sick of all the terrorist attacks !

He's a faggot that is furiously googling how to know when ramadan is over, don't sweat that pasty nigel's larping.

defend this

How many 12 year olds have you raped?

>peace blessing mercy allah
This revives how many terrorism victims?

Thats an interesting photo, because although the Quran condemns gays, I really have no issue with their existence. That being said, it is my personal opinion, that SOME gay pride parades take it a step too far in displaying their "true self" or whatever they call it, I saw one where they were waving around a bunch of dildos and somehow that is supposed to garner positive attention? I don't get it, on the other hand though, there are plenty of gays who are private, loving, and just otherwise normal people, I met Tim Cook once in London during an event, what a lovely guy.
Indeed, it is not prohibited to marry, and consummate the marriage to cousins in Islam. Not a very good practice in my personal opinion, however it is not very wide spread across most families, including mine.
I can understand your feelings towards Islam, may you find peace in your life brother. Ameen, I'll pray for you inshallah. You are probably a decent person, you need not be judged by your attitude towards me on Sup Forums, god bless.
I've not dont hajj yet, inshallah soon. I speak Arabic and English, also how is it gay? Should we not be peaceful towards our fellow man? This is the ONLY way we are going to progress as a nation.

wtf now I love Islam

Christ you sound like youre choking on a cock

Confirmed satanist

How are white converts viewed?
Are they outcasts, and seen as weird by the others?
Why don't you people proselytize more? Most of that which goes on in Europe seems to be from some American christians sects.

Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.
And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others) is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram (grand mosque in Mecca) until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.
And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

Islam is not the way.. your judgement is clouded by your superiority complex.. break down and search inward.. the three major Abrahamic religions are all gnostic in origin and perverted through dogma.. search the origins of Christian gnosis.
May you find true peace and understanding brother

Rare pepe
I am really a muslim, but believe whatever you'd like. I think it may come as a shock to you that I am being chill, but please try to understand that violence between us is not needed.
I don't understand your question.
>why exactly should we tolerate you
You should be able to tolerate people like me, no? But jihadists, you should not tolerate. That is the only answer.
I'm not larping, I just don't get why you're asking me that, are you trying to prove I'm muslim? Nobody is forcing you to be in this thread you know.
My defence: I haven't read the full quran yet, truth be told. So I cant validate wether those are true or not.
Rape is absolutely wrong, also none. Peace be upon you.
You are delusional to think that a Sup Forums post will revive anyone. However just know, if I could, I would. They didn't deserve to die, and I have no doubt that they will be granted mercy from allah, inshallah, they are all in my prayers. Salam.

I don't care, its events like this that make me want to damn the whole of them and get all of them out of the west.

What is the indication that let's muslims know that ramadan is over? If you can't answer the question, you aren't a muslim dipshit. If you actually happen to be a muslim, I hope it's overcast all summer.

I found an overweight isis supporter from syria on facebook. what should I do, my niggas?

Let not believers take disbelievers as allies rather than believers. And whoever [of you] does that has nothing with Allah, except when taking precaution against them in prudence. And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination.

And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.

And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

WTF I love Islam now.


I'm sorry, I have a hard time believing that

Thanks for the support, I knew I'd get a lot of hate just making this thread, but I thought it'd be interesting. Peace bro.
Haha, well being an ass hole isn't really my thing. I prefer to make everyone happy when I'm around them, not the other way around. Peace.
Sheytan is not something I worship.
>How are white converts viewed?
I've met a ton across various mosques I've prayed at, they are treated as any other brother is treated, and are welcomed warmly. That being said, its really easy for converts to get the wrong idea, do you remember those british teens who feld to Syria to join isis? That was really sad to see, may allah guide them on the right path, either that or just destroy isis, they are no good for anyone, ISIS' actions are having a direct impact on the way British people view me, ME! Its so sad.
>Are they outcasts, and seen as weird by the others?
Not at all
>Why don't you people proselytize more? Most of that which goes on in Europe seems to be from some American christians sects.
Truth be told, most Muslims are just too busy with work and family to care lol. I myself find it really intrusive when people of other religions try to force their religion on people, I'm a firm believer that if a person is LOOKING to join Islam, then help them, by all means, but if they are not, leave them be, its none of my business.

>didn't deserve to die
>can't revive them
So apart from being a """peaceful""" muslim the leftists can point to as justification for letting in extremists who'll kill more people, what use are you?

im christian but i do ramadan with my muslim friends to lose some weight for the summer

>it is not very wide spread across most families

60% of Muslims are inbred, no?

Do you know ISIS was created by Israel to make Muslims look bad and to help destabilize the middle east? The Jews want to take over more land and expand into "Greater Israel" Is this common knowledge for Muslims?

Goatfucker detector just went off like a motherfucker.

Not Muslim. I don't like Muslims, but I'm smart enough to know they did not create ISIS. It's funding by the CIA and Israeli intelligence.

I've looked into other religions out of interest. It is a huge sin in Islam, to leave Islam. And I have no doubt that my family would be very unhappy. Its sad really, but its the reality. Most muslims who are born into Islam, die Muslims, but its their own choice, I'm happy with my religion.
Brother, I hope you're having a good month so far, I hope your life is filled with blessings!

Let me tell you this. Most muslims who are already in the west, or atleast, born in the west, were never going to commit any acts of terrorism, rape... you name it. It seems, that the attacks are happening from Muslim entering western countries from the Middle East. THE FIRST STEP IN SOLVING A PROBLEM, IS IDENTIFYING THAT THERE IS A PROBLEM. I am not going to deny that this is a HUGE problem, and I can only hope that the world leaders band together, with aid from Muslim world leaders, to solve this problem. It is truly sickening.
Well, I am Muslim, and now I understand your question. Feel free to ask me another, I'll try to answer if I know the answer. I hope you find peace in your life though, I'm not going to judge you over your attitude on Sup Forums, because I'm sure you're a great guy irl. God bless, have a good summer.
Thanks for the support, theres still bad Muslims out there, and unless out stupid world leaders pull their heads out of their asses, we are not going to get anywhere with that problem. I can only pray for success.
Its clear that you're baiting me at this point, but I don't care. I have never raped anyone, never mind a 12 year old (as you stated on your original post). Neither do I support the rape of anyone, its barbaric, it does not belong on earth, let alone in the west.

I really do hope you find peace, its not a good thing to hate. Hate has torn people like you and me appart, I'm sure at one point, if we met each other, we'd have a chance at being friends! I hate hate.

In Pakistan it is 75%.

I worship no gods, and i only judge by one rule; do no harm. I wish you and yours, and anyone else who abides this rule, peace and tranquility.


Ah brother. I can't respond to you anymore, anything I say is responded with even more of a demeaning response. I'll let you go with this. Mate, I really hope that Islammic terrorism comes to an end very soon, humans are violent, and even if Islam is wiped from the face of the planet, humans will always find another reason to kill one another, I just really hate that their are people out there, who use Islam, to slaughter innocent people. I was heart broken at the Manchester attack that happened recently, my sister who is younger than me actually wanted to go... she's also a Muslim. So its pretty clear to me that these pigs don't care who they kill. May allah destroy them, and may you once again, find peace. God bless man.
Information like that isn't proved, and unfortunately, even if it is true, what good does it do for anyone? All I know is, that ISIS is BAD and needs to GO.

Ah god Pakistan. Don't even lol. Lets put it this way, I can count the ammount of "good" pakistani muslims on my fingers. They pray salat on a Friday, and go to clubs on a Saturday. Sad really.
Thank you so much, thats a great philosophy to live by, I like it.
Please don't judge people by posts on Sup Forums. Although it probably reflects their true feelings, that they cannot express in real life, don't fuel the hatred with hatred. It doesnt solve anything brother. They are people, just like me and you. They have their opinions.


What would literally happen if a non muslim white american somehow snuck into kaaba and destroyed the black box structure.

Would WW III jump off? what would happen?

I pray for you and all Muslims worldwide that you be brought back to the light of the Lord Jesus Christ. Inshallah we will meet in the world to come. You are right to say that the judgement of heresy is in the hands of Allah. One of us is boned, brother.

>my sister who is younger than me actually wanted to go... she's also a Muslim
The kind of display at those concerts, the content of the lyrics, the style of dancing, the dress, it's sickening and it inspires sickening, damaging behavior.

Most of the girls going to that concert would live a youth of pointless hedonism and meaningless sex with tens of different men, before they have a (oftentimes half-black), sub-optimal (as a result of reproducing at too old age) child in their early 30s who they raise up to be a broken human being as single-mothers.
The west is suffering in a deep, deep crisis.

These are my posts so far if you wonna flick through them easily. This was an interesting thread lol.

She couldnt get fucked even on craigslist so she resorted to being a countrys cum dump.

What do you do for a living? How are you up shitposting in the middle of the night before a Monday morning?

Thats actually a really interesting question, because the Quran states that the Kaaba is protected by Allah, there are even Hadiths and stories that my dad used to tell me when I was little that back that up. So I am only to believe that the "black box structure" is protected.
That being said, looks like everything around it is all game, like that time the crane fell on all those people.
>you should act out the lyrics of the music you listen too
I see where you're coming from, and music is a big influence in young people (I'm 19 for instance) and I listen to rap a lot, but if I went around taking the image of rap music and applying it to my own life, I'd essencially be a jihadist who traps cocain on the side and fucks bitches on the daily.

I'm 19 and I'm studying engineering, finished all my exams and stuff so I've essentially broken up. Which is awesome becasue its ramadan and my sleeping schedule is fucked, which explains why I'm on Sup Forums at quater past 4 in the morning lol.

Thanks for the answer man, I wasn't tryin to be a dick.

Muslim people are actually pretty fucking cool dude. Work with a few that are chill as fuck.

I'm not relgious, but I wish you the best of luck in life. Hopefully everyone can get along

see, I never got how you guys call it fasting when you sleep through the whole time you have to fast. I worked in the Middle East as a contractor for a few years.

You shouldn't listen to rap. Really, it's devoid of any talent and is made in-part to influence people towards animalistic behaviour.

It's working in the plan of the global elites to turn people into unthinking, unfeeling, crude cattle.

Their goal is essentially global Brazil. An underclass of sex and drug-crazed mulattoes and niggers. They may appear to hold their hand over Islam at the moment, protecting it from criticism, but they'll turn on it as they turned on Christianity and nationalism and gender roles, to deprive people of any identity except that which can be bought and sold.

I'm enjoying some bacon,whiskey, and speaking against your death cult.