That feel when

nothing real makes you feel good
when the 2% of phenomena that trigger your serotonergic systems are chaos-enforcing, fantasy-embracing handshakes with the devil
and when the 98% (an estimate, obviously) of your phenomenological surroundings that make you feel bad are basically everything that is real and you can't even imagine a path to correcting that situation because it a self-sustaining downward spiral toiletbowl flush into malaise, resentment and existential dissatisfaction
and when even your family members who are the closest people in your life have given up entirely on understanding you, relating to you, empathizing with you, and have ceased to care that you feel bad all the time.
when no one in your life can stand to hear your shit, well, ever.
when you go for months, maybe years, without having a mutually genuine, meaningful conversation with anyone, when the world seems empty and pointless everywhere you look
when the frustration from these difficulties turns you into a depressed husk of your former self, and when conflating this realization with the bleakness of the world around you, you'd rather embrace the decay and eventual death of whatever desiccated flakes left remaining from that former self than to do anything to try to reconnect with whatever once made you happy (the nature of which you can't recall if there ever was such a thing)
when you can't even read for 20 minutes anymore because your brain is clouded with anxiety over nothing in particular, or, more particularly, everything in general
when you think about death as a vague concept and the anti-living, anti-good, anti-human nature of the infinite every day
when suicide (in the more personal sense) doesn't sound so bad but you're keeping your meat vehicle in motion for the sake of people other than yourself

Do you guys know that feel? I feel like most of Sup Forums would know that feel

Taking the black pill as a mistake

I didn't take it on purpose, how do I untake it?

You're almost there OP. Keep living. Let your old self go. Let the people who "care" go. They are children. You are about to become a human being. Something many have forgotten, but you will be a reminder.

>Do you guys know that feel?
I don't think most of new/pol/ can understand half the words you wrote.

>You are about to become a human being
I feel less human than I used to, though. I feel like a fleshless skeleton in Hell

It doesn't get better, does it

Aren't you tired?

Clean your room, user.

i said that as a thief once

from what I've read its sort of like swallowing bubble gum it just sort of sits in your gut until maybe you pass it.

Just kick it and laugh. Get a monotonous job, hit women up and make fun of them to their faces. Just keep shit going mane. Save some money and travel.

You think the world is hopeless because nothing is working right, just like how nothing is working right with Trump. Look everywhere in America and you'll see black and brown people's numbers increasing drastically. You'll also see degeneracy on the rise as well, Trump simply isn't enough to stop this. The whites of this nation must do something, or risk disappearing forever into obscurity!

Clean your room

it doesn't get better, but this feeling passes as well. Eventually you find acceptance with it, that then passes and the whole thing continues like that. Things don't improve, but they don't become worse at a rate that you can't adapt to.

i did like 90% of it fuck off

You sound as though you may have multiple vitamin deficiencies. Start supplementing with fish oil, zinc and Vitamin D. If nothing else it'll make you do BIG CUMS, and it may also relieve your depression, anxiety, and any minor physical health problems you may have

>not doing big cums

the "clean your room" imperative is an idiom that means "bring order to and enact moral structure within your phenomenological environment." Now that your bedroom is clean you can start "cleaning" other "rooms"

You have been fed a paradigm of humanity that relegated us to little more than passive cud chewing cows. This lie is easy. It makes us feel safe and pacified. You are simply rejecting this lie. You are discovering that being a human is not a job for a cow. It is the calling to face the terrible truths of existence and to run headfirst into their darkness with swords drawn and lanterns blazing. Welcome brother to the land of the living.

>You have been fed a paradigm of humanity that relegated us to little more than passive cud chewing cows. This lie is easy. It makes us feel safe and pacified. You are simply rejecting this lie. You are discovering that being a human is not a job for a cow. It is the calling to face the terrible truths of existence and to run headfirst into their darkness with swords drawn and lanterns blazing. Welcome brother to the land of the living.
This.... Yes....

I'll keep this in mind, I don't plan on jumping off a cliff quite yet so we'll see how it goes
thanks dude, actual advice is totally welcome. I very well may be deficient, my diet isn't very diverse. Do supplements actually help, though?
>2017 not doing big cums
the shame...



Thanks for saying this dude, the sentiment is actually very encouraging. I appreciate it but how do I keep from wanting to die if my work-a-day occupation is monotonous/soul-destroying, and exposes me directly to the abovementioned modern external reality that feels so alien to my "humanity?"

YES THEY DO. I'm going to have to make a fucking health pasta god damn. READ -> "Ultramind Solution", exercise (cardio+strength), meditate (mindfulness + inner smile). READ "Gorilla Mindset".

If you need to study femme psychology so you can get your dick wet, read Krauser blog and buy his shit.

As per normies not giving a shit about redpills, it's natural, ppl want to keep their buzz up, etc, etc. You can laugh at them when they don't get redpilled so they don't prep so they get killed in the coming civil wars.

WAT? Black pill is liberating af!

Ya just gotta live through it brother.

If Its a field you want to be in and you are in a drone job any bit of alpha behavior will get you out of there. The world is full of paper lions who will crumble at the slightest sign of strength and you will be promoted out of there if you choose your battles wisely.

Otherwise get out of there asap and start creating the life you want. The terrible truth is that YOU are responsible for your life. No one else. You make it, you live it and you will etetnally own it. Now get the fuck out there and make it a great one.


but I decided a long time ago that I'd bear witness to whatever fresh earthly hell is imposed up on us 21st century denizens

so im just here for the happenings and the eventual wars

I'm glad to have a family who cares about me, but for the most part they don't understand a damn thing about what's going on. I want to destroy this wretched world and build something so new, so glorious that nothing has ever compared. But my dad is in a kind of pseudonihilism where he doesn't really care about anything that's going on in the world and my mom reads weird shit about the illuminati and end times and stuff. We are at the end of the Kali Yuga, the death and decay that we see now is only going to start to grow, yet all the millenial, Gen X people care about is sportsball and Stuff^TM.

I have been growing out of this shitty slump OP, and you'll get there too, I'm sure. The first step is denial but depression is like the third step or something out of five steps, so you're at least halfway there. That's how I look at it. We will be the first generation of europeans in 80 years to truly be human and not robots programmed to chase after the physical and material.

As for death. Death must be accepted before you can pursue Life. The only way you can accept death is if you have something to live for; otherwise, you're nothing more than a hunk of flesh, bone, meat, and blood going day to day waiting for everything to go black

read steppenwolf

you are not alone user. Try exercise and deep breathing it should align your mind body and soul

Famalam you will not believe how much supplements can help if you have a deficiency. I once was a typical normie about nutrition - ate way too much carb-heavy, sugary shit with no nutrients in it. As a result I was extremely deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil. I felt tired and depressed all the time, had horrible skin, the works. Taking fish oil supps completely changed my outlook. I regained this urge to do things and learn things that I hadn't felt since middle school. I wake up much earlier and go to sleep at a more consistent time of day. Nothing discourages me. I even had a few lucid dreams. When I was deficient I didn't dream at all. It's crazy.

Omega-3 is one of the worst and most common deficiencies to have. Iron, zinc, and Vitamin D deficiency is also very common.

I'm not saying that fixing your diet will fix all your problems or alleviate your existential concerns. It didn't do that for me. But if you DON'T fix your diet, you're a lot less likely to fix the bigger shit.

Remember, the smaller your problems, the bigger your cums

Vitamin supplements are just a meme.

I took a nutrition class and had to know all what each vitamin does. OP has some hormonal problems, not a vitamin deficiency. Probably a deficiency in serotonin and testosterone to be quite honest. These are pretty easy to fix. Just find foods that can bolster serotonin like eggs or turkey. For testosterone, avocados are the primo thing to eat. Also, you can boost both by living a healthier lifestyle. Definitely work out regularly and that'll increase your testosterone. It will also indirectly effect your serotonin. For example, when girls notice your new physique you'll notice them noticing, thereby increasing serotonin. (Serotonin is the anti-depressant chemical in your brain if you didn't know.)

Yes i feel it. We are living in a historical museum looking backwards today, and not looking into the future as they used to do. The state is making it's citizens not the other way around. Diversity is being preached, while every aspect of difference is shunned.

I've been thinking on Yuri Bezmenovs explanation of subvertion. We are heavily into the demoralization stage, we are being pacified, before they will show us the final order.

Anyone actually love living but hate life? I could spend the rest of my days living in a cottage in the middle of nowhere if I didn't have to see a television or go to the grocery store ever again.

any more info? fascinating and helpful

It is not hard to live, even the smallest cell is able to live without much effort, however without a purpose it is nothing.

It's modernity. You are not alone. You are not crazy. And there's a chance we'll get to see the other side.

Living is a purpose in and of itself.


i have a very good friend who, while he is more distant from me than he was in the past, has come to understand and appreciate my perspective and is no longer "bothered" by it but rather accepts it even for himself

but nobody outside of this godforsaken board truly understands me

You need to get over yourself and start living. Your symptoms are consistent with being an edgy teenager.

Yes. So much bullshit in the world. I just want to go horseback riding in the midwest and live on a farm at time but I love civilization and all the wonder it brings too

trips don't lie