In order to stop terrorism all you have to do is show the terrorists love and compassion
In order to stop terrorism all you have to do is show the terrorists love and compassion
Other urls found in this thread:
>love and compassion
I guess I'm not the only one naming my guns.
The grinch didn't smear the guts of little kids across pavement
Fpbp by a
i hope she gets blown to fucking shreds
This isn't the ducking Disney Channel you dense bitch
Kill them with kindness.
Real life =/= fantasy|
See zootopia
There's a reason why the genre is fiction.
Don't these faggots hate Christmas?
Try holding hands and singing songs with your guts smeared across the street while the people that didn't get hit by the truck are getting stabbed to death.
....but what if he DID?
>and Achmeds heart grew 3 sizes that day as he detonated a nail bomb strapped to his chest
if you notice she used a jewish childs movie. Dr. Seuss had to die before they could steal his legacy from his shitbag wife that wanted money. He refused to let people make his books into movies once he read the scripts they wanted to use.
there were probably peoples back in the 8th century who did exactly this in the face of muslim onslaught but they are lost to history
>Comparing every single terror incident with a fucking movie
>Jodi Picoult
Who the fuck is Jodi Picoult?
Yet another nobody with blue checkmark making the rounds and spouting sjw bulletpoints.
Virtue signaling idiot.
A beaten housewife doesn't get angry at her abusive husband, she fights back with love and it works 100% of the time.
This bitch thinks you can use grinch rules on jihadists
I missed the scene where cindy loo who gets a clitorectomy
Let's all hold hands and sing, and let our love spread
All's well that ends well, until a Muslim has your head
Literally Whos?
That's what you been doing for a year and it's been increasing. The Muslims sees this as a weakness.
what if the west not being on guard after being attacked is what the enemy wants, maybe they'll be taken back from their attitude that's from a fucking childrens book when they kill them and rape their children
>not naming your guns kindness and cancer
>comparing real life to fiction
Why does this keep happening?
Maybe if we clap those murdered will come back to life. It worked for Tinkerbell.
kek. the funniest part of how retarded, childish, and naive liberals' ideology is that they consciously know how childish they're being and continue to act in such a naive manner.
What would Harry Potter say?
omg it's sooo simple just #HugATerrorist guise xDDD
Holy fuck, that is so delusional. I can't believe people actually believe that.
>Jodi Picoult
She writes movie scripts for the Hallmark Channel.
NPR agrees. Your tax dollars at work.
i wonder if, like Lolita, the Grinch is popular in the Middle East for completely opposite reasons
>failing to realise that it's all dopamine
>that dopamine release is initiated differently for coprophiliac than it is from a paedophile
With that same logic, all the Left has to do is love Donald Trump more and then he will change.
>Wow, the reality of this situation could really make people see the truth about what is happening in this world...
Is anyone actually getting fooled by (((their))) tricks?
Are the Whos white?
Can leftists stop fucking turning to fiction to critique politics? I understand quoting 1984 or Brave New World, but people are literally quoting Harry Potter.
>Willie Parker
Yeah, he's parking his willy somewhere alright.
if u hate ur enemies, they win :^)
Did she delete the tweet? I can't find it.
like this op?
I hope JK Rowling and George Takei commit a lovers suicide.
Be careful friend. You're on the edge of a dank psyop.
shouldnt the meme be
hey liberals, when you say hug a mislim after an attack arent you saying their all terrorists? wtf does an uninvolved muslim care
This dumb cunt can't even write tweets let alone shitty novels and comics. She fucked up Wonder Woman worse than that landwhale Gail Simone.
>woman's opinion on domestic security
Rowling has a massive hard-on for her work being used as real life political commentary, because it keeps her relevant. That's how embarrassingly FB flopped. Fucking sellout whore.
Could be a fake. This place is full of fake tweets.
yes but they love Xmas. make sure you capitalize it like its a real title.
they use politics to critique fiction, so no
They got plenty of lovin' from the 1500+ prepubescent girls that were gang-raped in Rotherham.
This checkmark bullshit is getting out of hand, and none of these faggots have to live with their virtue signaling consequences. How many levels of slide threads are we currently on, and is Jaffa ever gonna call us again?
>women and politics summed up in one tweet
Underrated also checked
Why do leftists keep using children's media as a way to justify and explain their political correctness and virtue signal?
First it was Harry Potter, then Disney, now this? How can they be so detached from reality, Sup Forums?
Here you go faggot
do you really need to ask?
It shows their level of intellectual and emotional development. They are adult children with severe arrested development and are unable to process real world events without ensconcing their analysis in safe, comfortable, immature, poorly written fantasies.
The only reason pacifists exist is because other people are willing to protect them. Imagine what would happen if all the governments of the world said that you could do whatever you want to a pacifist, it won't be a crime. One way or another they'd all be gone in a week. Sad!
Except the Grinch ended up returning everything he took away
When was the last time a muslim returned a life they took away?
Leftists truly are children.
And what happened then, well in England they say, the Jihadi's heart grew three sizes that day.
Those cunts have no idea what's actually in the quoran and how Islam is a war religion, difference between shia and sunni, how saudis and qutar and such sponsor terrorists, how USA with help of Germany France and the no1 US dog Britain bomb the shit out of civilians and use chemical weapons, the global power politics games, Saudi lobbying and mosque building and so on....but hey just think of a childrens story and wish for love, this surely is the answer
> now, imagine the grinch doesn't give a fuck, sees the moment of weakness as an opportunity, more grinches show up and suicide bomb thier impromptu concert
I wish they'd apply that to fucking white males
They dont believe in win-win outcomes where both can live side by side. Thats a western idea. They believe in win-lose. Try making a business or political deal with people from this culture.
>Not hugging people who are trying to stab you.
wtf is wrong with you goyim.
I just realized what the sjw movement is all about. they have been rejected by all white men for having toxic personalities.
What the fuck is that shit?
Only ever heard of CHRISTmas
libs are kidding themselves if they don't think the who's would have had a public lynching if the grinch was a killer.
A perfect little town with zero crime?
come on. When does that happen except when criminals are given helicopter rides.
I can't find this fukkin tweet