Even the homeless hate ANTIFA
Even the homeless hate ANTIFA
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Antifa are gay.
antifa pepper sprayed a bunch of hobos and they then threw bottles and shit at them
The homeless love capitalism, they are free to live by their own rules, $20 a day in beer and they are content to chill out under a bridge or a wood patch, the marxists will destroy that, not to mention the homeless have to deal with and interact with niggers on a daily basis.
An asian white supremacist. It's real.
Remember to archive
>theguardian com/us-news/2017/jun/04/portland-oregon-alt-right-rally-antifa#img-3
can you guys start dropping some knowledge in that tweet comment section. some of the dumbest crap i have seen in a while
You could say that Porkchop isn't very kosher.
the fucking gardening gloves
like bubble shoes weren't enough
When I get back I'm going to kill as many antifa as i can
are these confiscated items?
>24 pack of pepsi
top kek
Thank you for your service, at home and abroad
livestream it or you're gay
stupid ass antifa replies in that comment section
>Schizophrenic homeless man sets something on fire while flailing around
>First response of leftists is to call him a Nazi
>Instantly abandon all pretense of advocacy for the mentally ill and poor because he burned something of theirs
Really makes you think.
Pork chop was that one guy that gave away a bunch of pot when it became legal.
You forgot to archive that
>news vice com/article/heres-what-happened-last-night-at-portlands-massive-weed-legalization-giveaway
Pic related should be a daily occurrence on every college campus across the country that gives quarter to communists.
I'm ready for my motivator.
>gardening gloves
Those are disposable work gloves, if you weren't underage b& you'd have worked labor jobs and used them
I used the exact same gloves cutting metal. If they're good for cutting metal they're good for beating commies.
These people are so delusional.
They are the real 'nazis', using labels on people to dehumanize them so they can feel better about themselves when they inflict harm on others.
You are a Nazi if you don't agree with their narrow world views.
You are a Nazi if you disagree with their violent means.
Fucking commies.
> something of theirs
lmao communists don't believe in property rights
>Pork chop was that one guy that gave away a bunch of pot when it became legal.
he didnt give away anything if you were to bother to read your own article
Marxism would just increase the compitition for the best hovel.
They had to make a distinction between personal property and private property because all of them are trust fund babies with the newest phones, lap tops, and Beats headphones. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.
Everyone knows you write such idiot posts while you are naked except for the Nazi armband and furry buttplug up your ass.
I saw the live stream, He did have a bag full of pot which was given to him to give away. I just don't think it lasted long...Lots of very stoned hobo's that night so who knows!
>reading tweets
>Evidence that he is racist
>He said nigger in one of my past streams
based hobo. get hima bottle
Is that the best you can do, sweetie?
Nice falsa flag shilling thread. No results were found with that image
I missed out on the end if antifa getting BTFO today. Last I saw police had them trapped and they were near tears assuming the POW position.
What did I miss?
can someone post a high rez version without the nike logo
Rin is for old men and farm animals exclusively!
they made them all show ID and the cops took pictures of their faces & ID for record keeping. then they let them go if they weren't trying to fight at that time
this all i got
He fell for the honorary whites meme
A friend of mine gave me advice on asps; the all black ones are garbage. And they are. My friend swung his to extended it and it just ejected the very end segment of it across his room. Don't ever buy an asp baton from a mall.
Luckily my friend is a bro and gave me one he bought from an ex cop. It's obviously better.
>childrens saftey scissors?
Holy shit that hilarious. Will release their names/photos?
To be fair.
All Fate girls got porked.
>Teleports behind you
>Unsheathes her safety scissors
>"Nothing personal, Hitler."
fucking nice
Does the police baton beat niggers better or something?
video from antifa side when police forced them out of the park
I really can't get over how handsome this cop is
>Gets fucked by capitalism
>Burns an anarchist flag
are you one of them 40year old moms?
>the No Trespassing Private Property sign on the antifa hideout that the police pulled the bikelock faggot out of
really makes you think
Get a can and throw it at somebody, or at a wall and see what happens.
>That faggot getting sprayed in the face.
Don't forget that ANTIFA pretend to be downtrodden when they're nowhere near such. The real downtrodden, the homeless, take offense at it.
If you've seen homeless and interacted with them you would know that they fucked themselves, not the system. Guys like that are content to just spend their money on booze and drugs and never improve.
Inshallah, make it so.
Thank God this cuck will never really get this close...
Shit! Forgot file.
sounds like Antifa took another big L ayy lmao
>milk for your eyes.
but milk is raysis
Many of the US west coast homeless are homeless by choice due to temperate weather. Antifa are fucking this up for them by making a ruckus.
>homeless man burns anarchist flag
Hold on, let me understand this correctly.
Antifa is pro commie, so they want free shit and redistribution of wealth. And along with that comes housing the homeless.
But even the fucking homeless want nothing to do with their ilk. Take a moment to process that. Just how the fuck do these commie faggots expect to win over anyone if even the fucking homeless can't stand them?
Are you a Sup Forumsmilf?
Can I bang you from behind while you shitpost?
Everyone hates those fucking faggots.
Are ANTIFA the most hated group around?
Most of the right
wait what part? I downloaded the video so I can make webm
listen to that USA USA chant.
Like Hacksaw Jim Duggan just entered the arena
They're not real anarchists. An anarchists wants to decentralize government as much as possible to the point that it doesn't exist. What these people want is to remove Trump, then replace him with somebody that will ultimately give more power to the state.
I love how the greatest enemy to the commies is a hobo, literally the very proletariat they claim to be "protecting"
Close, mid 30s fag
Was that the same hobo from earlier in the stream that was saying the anti-antifas were antagonising the protestors?
We must meme this porkchop into Portland city council.
I hate kekistan fags more than all of them . They're blatant attention whores and link the board everywhere.
No and perhaps.
Most of the left hates them too, they're just not brave enough to say it.
On my deployment Sup Forums was blocked by the base internet.
I dunno, but "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" sounds like a cool rock band.
looks like adam kovic
qt coppie
Probably close to it. Most normies don't look at faggots like Based Stick Man or Milo and see Nazis. However, most normies look at antifa burning free speech signs and shutting down campus speakers and unironically see Nazis, even though they're actually communists.
ANTIFA got their asses kicked by (real) proletarians in Olympia WA too after they just left all their shit on their streets.
>the secret club.
we main stream now whether we like it or not.