Is Sweden beyond saving?
Is Sweden beyond saving?
Europe in general is a write-off
the only good thing that can come from it is that of they'll go down fast and spectacularly enough, it'll have the effect of waking up the cucked North American masses and not get to the same point here. we are not beyond saving quite yet and they could serve as a live warning
eastern europe seems to be holding up well. Maybe they'll eventually invade the west and set things straight.
Fully expect to see a whole series of terrorist strikes across Europe. Europeans will either rollover and show their belly or they'll be killing anything remotely resembling a raghead.
Yup, too bad too. Just look at the genes... Elsa Hosk is one of the most prime specimens on the planet, imo. Sad that country has to be so fucking cucked.
we must prevent liberals from europe fleeing into white countries. they already destroyed their own countries we don't need that
they'll be killing anything remotely resembling a raghead.
Deus Vult will probably happen in the next 10 years. I have family over there and there is a huge hatred. Most don't speak out because it will cause trouble. But I fully expect if the dune coons gain any more power in government the citizens will no longer see them as legitimate and won't give a shit about the laws.
yeah, but they're ethnically more or less a monolithic block of angry slavs, they aren't going to have the multiculti problems and they've seen what marxist ideas actually lead to, so they won't allow that ideological contamination ever again
if it's a long and slow slide into the muslim take-over for europe, then you're probably right, the Democratic Califate of United Eurostan will eventually war with the Slavic Coalition Orthodox Christendom
but if it's a fast and violent descent into street fighting and islamic ghettos spilling out on the streets and collapsing functioning society to establish their new rule, I think it's more likely that our favorite uncle Sam might be the one to push their shit in and re-establish order/retake Europe for the Western Civilization
could be both, Europe retaken from both ends and divided up into Western and Eastern blocks, like after WW2
yes, very much this, we have enough of that cultural marxist cancer here as it is
sweden will collapse and be abandoned. It is, after all, a frozen wasteland most of the year. The kind of people sweden is importing cannot survive there for long, without lots of swedes helping them.
Muh superior Nordic genes (albinos)
Yep. We're done. But I don't know where to escape to. Australia?
>mfw the only ones who can help swedes in Sweden is foreigners
shh, no tears, only Valhalla now
>not for you though, pussy fart
Who asked you, rice-nigger?
Swedes are the scum of Europe, along with Germans and French. Their people look down on Americans and other Europeans while arabs rape their wives and kill their children.
If they want to kill themselves, let them. It's the death they chose, and who are we to criticize the will of their people? Their malice and sadism that they once displayed to the rest of the world finally turned inwards.
When West Europe disintegrates, the Polish and Hungarian master races can drive out the muslims and rebuild the ruins to begin a new golden age.
the whole continent is fucked. hopefully russia will gas the whole region before the muds get control of the government and try to glass the whole world
>It is, after all, a frozen wasteland most of the year.
this is a lie. sweden is warm. we grow wine here and everything. it's a lie that sweden is too cold for people from the mediterranean, it's warm enough. and theres enough sun too in the summer the sun never goes down. in southern europe it does go down. we have more sun than southern europe.
you keep your mouth shut about my exhaled yellow overlords! your mouth is only for Ahmed cock between prayers now
Yes unfortunately. However not too late for europeans and swedes, out of the ashes sort of thing.
Europe is fucked.
They will open there boarders and some mudslimes will just drive some nukes in there and blow most of it to hell. The ones that don't die in the blast will just insanely say "The real victims are the Muslims" as they slowly die of radiation.
You might as well forget they even exist. They will probably all be dead in the next 5-10 years.
>it'll have the effect of waking up the cucked North American masses and not get to the same point here.
Not sure if trolling or absolute naive idiot.
Canada is western Euro tier and the USA is fucked up too, their only way to save themselves would be the independence of white states but it won't happen.
Hope is not all lost. Elsa is dating a tall, blonde white male. We need to meme for her to make babies.
No. Only cucks here believe that.
Canada is western euro tier policy wise, but in terms of demographics we aren't and thankfully do not have an easy way for moslems to mount the soft invasion you are experiencing now, the 20k of vetted families from UN refugee camps a year is nothing compared to literally millions of nothing but men of fighting age from the entire middle east
>granted, if we didn't have two oceans and USA on both sides of us, our government and media would have us just as fucked as you are, so we are more lucky than anything else
The only way we can stop the destruction of the West is if we don't vote in the neocons who want to keep on destabilizing the Middle East for their own benefit. That's it. As long as the US stops drone strikes and bombing in the Middle East then there is no need for ISIS to attack.