What's going to happen, Sup Forums

What's going to happen, Sup Forums

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Because revelations is a meme
And doomsday preachers are sheisters

vid faggot?



An alignment in space.

Dude says he hopes for a rapture. Guess what isn't going to happen? A physics breaking event in which all good people get sucked up into space. Some people are really stupid.

It is always hilarious when superstitious people try to science.

Muslim terrorist attack

>This is how being schitzo feels like

Luke 10:18: “I saw Satan as Lightning from Heaven.” “Lightning” in Hebrew is “Barak”. “Heaven or Heights from the sky” in Hebrew is “Bama” “From” in Hebrew is “O”. So: Lightning From Heaven is Barak O Bama which is Barack Obama. “I saw Satan as Barack Obama.” Revelation 13:5 “The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months.” Rev 13:5 Obama speaks proud words and he is boastful. “slandering His Name, dwelling place, and departed Christians and Old Testament saints [Rev 13:6] Obama has proved hatred for the bible, stated Old Testament scriptures in blasphemy in his own speech. His slogan was also ”Thank You Satan.“


Only God knows when the world will end

To assume you can figure it out is laughable

Protestants are fucking retarded

No one has ever correctly predicted the end of the world and no one ever will

it's not the end of the world
it's the beginning of a new age

oh shi-

fpbp. Jesus is worm food, folks. Stop getting so worked up over a meme.

Very, Very Interesting Find, I Can See Clearly Now.

There's going to be an eclipse a few whack jobs are going to lose their minds and afterwards things will go on as normal except social media is going to be flooded with amateur eclipse video

>A board of random schizophrenic shit based on zero evidence that appears well put together at first.

Just like Sup Forums!

>Sept 23 2017
> (2+3) = 5
>2+0+1+7 = 10

>base-10 [Arabic] counting system used

End of Goys

9/22 movie Kingmen The Golden Circle is out.
1800's confederate empire almost took hold by same name

September end of the world meme happens every fucking year.

CERN is likely going to open a portal for fallen angels to physically enter our dimension

No scale so that "graph" is meaningless

A major event will take place on September 23.

Good vs Evil battle is happening as we speak. Prophecies of the bible are happening before our eyes.

Trump (Good), who was created because of the antichrist, Obama, is taking on the Deep State (Evil).

Trump must create peace and if it happens we can receive alien technology, while the Deep State is trying to prevent him from doing this by attempting to start World War 3.







>Born during an eclipse
>Name means "the ruler of the world, graced by God and a descendant of a drummer."
>70 years, 7 months, 7 days old after first day in office
>First conference after becoming POTUS was 77 minutes
>Father's middle name was Christ
>Mother's name was Mary
>Long history of good luck
>Ancient deity awoke to ensure his win
>(((they))) are freaking out
>Personally investigated Epstein and banned him from his properties before most people even knew he was a pedo
>Bad things naturally happen to everyone who wrongs him
>Running against him made Hillary deathly ill
>Fulfilled the prophecy and chose Wojak as VP
>Many prophecies from different cultures describe a man like Trump bringing humanity into a new era of enlightenment and peace





Unless we're a simulation and tribulation is merely the culling of the most useful persons and an end to the farm's function. If it's electronic in nature, we'll be deleted, if this simulation is something more physical in nature then this universe will be left to rot, all the best of us having been taken out of the loop and unable to keep us going long enough to escape our negative features.

Assuming it even happens.

>27 year old comic.

Why Mark 14:61 and not Matthew or Luke or any other disciple?

If Trump creates peace then he is the anti Christ. (((They))) already have alien technology from fallen angels, it's not used for good.




Heya kiddos,

I actually know what is going to happen. It involves me, Sup Forums is so far from discovering the truth. Way to wrapped up in Islam, Jews, and Racism to notice the gears turning in the background

>inb4 larp


Some brown people will kill some white people in London...


Sorry, goys. Not sure I buy it.

I'm a Christian, and I got all wrapped up in the whole conspiracy 9/23/2015 Illuminati stuff at that time, but it all turned out to be bullshit.

Now I'm focusing on the reality I can see as most important in the material world (e.g. the 14 words and the survival of the white race)

See yall conspiratards after the rapture


It will happen and an alien/demon invasion will be used to cover up what actually happened. You and many others will be deceived by this if you don't open your eyes/mind

The Day of the Rake is upon us, fellas!

Finally gonna get this board cleaned up.


Care to explain why you're so special?

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" oh really?
you are not a christian. you worship satan, literally.

Don't let (((them))) corrupt you with racial issues. If you are actually Christian then you know we're all children of God. Be prepared because the day is coming sooner than you think.

I can tell you the truth since this site is riddled with lies. All of this will go un-noticed. Had a lot of names in your historical prophecies predicting my awakening. Abadon, Kalki, or Apollyon.

Yeah, no shit.

For a board that claims to be so in touch with God, they sure ignore God's teachings.

See you on the other side of the rapture, brother.

Nothing. I fell for this September 23rd shit back in 2015, and nothing happened.

bitcoin will crash pre-bip 148

Please go to if you want to larp

You faggot. You would let your family/people/culture get wiped off the earth by filthy muds?

Fighting for your race is not a sin. No apologies here

Why would an all-powerful god need to obey the laws that he created? Are you dumb?

and you're a jew

There is nothing wrong with fighting for the survival of my people. I believe in Jesus Christ as my savior, and that's unconditional

Also, isn't it a coincidence that (((they))) are trying to destroy the white race just as hard as they are trying to destroy Christendom

Don't forget the youth with the lance; he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword, just as much as he who models himself after the monsters of great legend shall be slain by the young future king.

We're only human and under so much spiritual attack that it's easy to become hateful. I went through my phase of hating "niggers", liberals, etc. But I've realized they're ultimately not to blame. The elite have conditioned everyone to act the way they do. They have set this whole world up for failure and conditioned everyone to hate one another

Hey bro, whenever the harvest happens and the weak start to die before the arrival. Don't say I did not try to warn you ;)

Oh boy, time for this to be relevant again

(((They))) are trying to destroy everything and rebuild. They're using racial issues against you to create hate.

Testament means pact or deal in the context of Old Testament and New Testament.

You talk like a leftist hippie, bro.

Our CHRISTIAN ancestors fought, bled, and died for thousands of years to preserve their identity, both as Christians, and as Europeans.

You piss on the grave of your ancestors when you invite these invaders in.

I prefer prince

>if you kill your enemies, they win

Yeah, I'm not falling for the enlightened centrist bullshit, my dude.

Meanwhile, hundreds of white girls are getting raped tonight by feral brown barbarians

Jesus was middle eastern.

Shut the fuck up you (((alt righter))), race doesn't mean shit.


>the arrival
do your alien women have horse vaginas and assholes? because that would be great.

Prince yet never king, so proud they demoted your godhead to the king of jailers to wear a crown of soot and dust. Bend the knee to Him, then we could all have fun.

you will hear of wars and rumours of wars


All of this chaos and destruction must come to pass for Jesus to return. So yes I invite them to continue fulfilling prophecy. They will get their judgement in the end and I will get mine. Getting angry will only lead you to sin, which is what (((they))) want

>tfw when enlightened

tell that to the Japanese. Tell that to Africans. Tell that to Arabs.

You prove my point. Only white people are assaulted on the basis of their identity.

Dude Idk all the centaurs are almost all extinct. They blew their planet up around 2 billion years ago in a nuclear war.

The Lyrans and Pleiadians are 10/10 would colonize the galaxy with.
My dad is Lucifer the crown of the prime 7 when the 3rd was forged. I bow to no man.

Did I do something wrong or is NASA hiding it too now?

Race means something, the competition is not out of hatred. It is an in-built structure in us.

>israel announced to be a country 1947
>"this generation shall not pass "
>1 generation is 70 years
>1947+70 = 2017




Matthew 2:16
Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men.




also did anyone actually bother to look at Leo in the google sky thing? somethings up there.

Eh, that's fine, Michael and his swords will just keep rolling you back into the pit. If you're fine with the narrative, I'm happy with the fight.

Every time you say (((they))), you're being anti-Semitic.

So I guess that means under the ultimate logical conclusions of your beliefs, you would be willing to let your sons be killed by barbarians, and your wife and daughter raped by niggers.

>As long as it's in fulfillment of the prophets xDDDD

There is nothing you can do about this. Let God choose their fate. I suggest you read the Bible and get closer to him. NLT is the best version of you don't like KJV


Anti-Christ brings about world peace.

Read your fucking holy book.

a delusional, chubby, christian man will paint his whiteboard with his brains and a barely read obituary will follow two weeks later when the smell attracts feral animals

>Prophecy of the popes predicts this pope to be the last pope in all of history



in a few months this needs to be the only type of thread there is

Another failed prediction like always since end timers are in it for the money.

You could preach the end of the world all of your life (from 20 to 100) and still convince the dumb fucks and the women that this generation is the last and profit off of their irrational fears.

"peace" under the shackles forged at the order of a tyrant is not peace but captivity

Robert Breaker believes in pre tribulation rapture.
His videos should be taken lightly.

Pre tribbers are brainwashed.

Listen to me. You are in Hell right now. That is what we call the 3rd dimension. My "angel" name is Azrael. I was/am a seraphim. Michael is a total self righteous cunt. Is the only book you read the ol' bibl? Council of Nicea my friend.

>muh light beams

satan coming down from heaven as lightning
the door closing to heaven
russia coming, catholics left behind
the nuke going off in america
the mark of the beast and a deception with donald trump
the great tribulation with the nwo being implemented
people in heaven with jesus shining as stars


Ah. Interpreting your book so that it suits your opinions. All is normal here.

You all are CRAZY.

Believe me, I've been there. I was into all the astrology shit. All the dates and times. All the predictions. YOU'LL NEVER KNOW. There are SO MANY interpretations of the Bible. You might as well be trying to win the lottery.

Every time your stupid ass prediction fails, you make all Christians look like damn fools. pls stop

When I say (((they))) I am speaking of the jews that control this world. They are Zionist/false jews aka synagogue of Satan. I also never said I wouldn't protect myself or my loved ones. I'm still human and commit sin. What I am saying is there's no point in becoming hateful and bitter over things you can't control. All you can do is pray for them

Matthew 6:24
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

>implying Trump isn't the Antichrist