Take that, terrorists

Take that, terrorists.


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Fuck yeah

UK showing us how it's done.

would be funny if an attack happened right after the words of this twat

It's incredibly sad that we've grown an immunity to innocent people being gruesomely murdered for nothing now.

Hell no! Ass hat stabing folks in bar...blow a little less the half inch hole in his skull.

That's why he backspaced the pub's name in his tweet. Gotta be careful!

yes laugh it up with your beer while muslims conquer you. you sure showed them.

>terrorists want you to be afraid
>so just continue like normal and keep taking it up the ass like me

What's Milo doing with them?

It's just part and parcel of living in a city, you racist!

Do these people look fine to anyone?



its the same argument as "dont fight back against bullies".
Do you know what happens to those kids in school?
They dont get beat up for saying something nasty anymore but are now beat up for fun.
I watched a kid get beat up with his own shoes because he wouldnt fight back.
ignoring the problem, much like a disease, will let it grow and become violently out of hand.

>let it grow and become

Well, statistically speaking, 8 people getting murdered in a city of, what, 3.5 million isn't realistically something to be worried about.

just sayin.

Racist my rump. Imagine outliving your 8 year old child and forcing yourself to be fine with it because it's racist not to be. I can't even hate Europe as much as feel bad, because it was once a beautiful place filled with beautiful people.

When you become desensitized by all the death. What else can you do but laugh to keep your self from crying. PTSD is a motherfucker.

>yo bruh 130 peoples dying, getting their heads and dicks cut off, throats slit and raped isn't anything to worry about it's normal!

owen jones is a poofter cunt.

owen has so many kebab's in his asshole it isnt funny. fuck faggots and fuck islam.


Forgot link

whatever gets it done. And if one of those bearded fucks shows up and doesn't drink. Fucking shiv his ass before he blows shit up.

I was that kid until I just snapped and shattered his teeth by slamming his face into the edge of the outside of the school.
Even if you're given shitty advice by leadership figures, Everyone has their breaking point.

>Pssh, only 3,000 people out of 321.4 million people died! It's no biggie!
Shut the fuck up you scum.

some braking points are at the end of a rope though.


It doesn't look like these attacks will change political policies for a while. I am genuinely curious how bad it will get in Europe and how long it will take to get there.

kek someone retweet this to him.

A core western tenet is that all life is illogically valuable, because that gave way to the idea you have a right to freedom, speech, self defense, self actualization, fair education, cancer treatments even if you can't afford them, etc.

If you see 8 lives as expendable then I urge you to head to south america where the morals are more suitable for you, you fucking animal.

>soon to be common

Why didnt we just sit by and let the Nazis know we werent scared of them? Its almost as if they are motivated by their own ideology and not your reactiom to how they kill you

>W-We'll just pretend nothing is happening.
>N-none of this is real, w-we're... happy! Yes, th-that's what we are...
>What a joyous night this is! All of us... t-together!

[This has been The Mind of A Liberal: A Dramatic Presentation -- Act 1, Scene 1]

Actually, bongs should go on like it was nothing more than a flea bite when it comes to day to day life. Except for the friends and families of those killed of course. I'm not saying that nothing should be done to the Muzzies. I'm saying that bongs shouldn't let it paralyze them with fear.

That being said, bongs should make it clear to the Muzzies:
>GTFO or die, and we'll knock back a few cold ones and laugh about cutting your goddamned throats.

"A bunch of people are dead, but we're going to act like it didn't happen. Hahaha, looks like we win again."

Great job, UK. Truly an inspiration.

>change political policies
Mummy want to know what porn I'm watching, and she can do it now cause of these cunts.

>Because you'll find all the people who are scared and terrified at pubs

It's like people are literally retarded.

Go light a firecracker and watch their reaction.

As opposed to what, exactly? An entire city, state, country, completely stopped in mourning and terror? That's exactly what the terrorists are trying to cause, retard. Civilians acting normally after any incident is the most effective way of spitting in the face of terrorism.


>Too drunk to care.

>Expectation now set at getting killed by muslims sooner or later so anything short of that is a bonus.

These people are not being brave. They're a) alcoholics, b) social weaklings and c) are basically laying down to die even though there's nobody there to kill them.

>Currently in a pub in central London getting beheaded by a member if ISIS, people laughing and chatting. Could be any Saturday night. No one is scared or cowed.

The most effective way of fighting terrorism is killing terrorists

Or slide a footlong black pipe along the floor and yell "ALLAH ACKBAAAR"

That only makes sense if there's otherwise an effort to stop it.
They're terrified to even discuss the issue. Their philosophy of "keep calm and carry on" includes staying on the course of what's causing these attacks.

Statistically speaking, you're gay with AIDS.

>Civilians acting normally after any incident is the most effective way of spitting in the face of terrorism.

You know what's more effective? Killing all potential terrorists. How fucking dumb are you? Ignore it and it will go away? Piss off, faggot.

They're not innocent. They, or the people who are supposed to be looking out for them, asked, no, begged for this.

Brits are super tough....... until they are on the floor gurgling for help and then expiring into that good night like pure helpless unarmed victims. I hope they gather some wit about them and kill all the shit skins. Their tough act needs to be dropped because its not working. they keep getting chopped up like cowards that they are.

Turning the other cheek instead of actually doing something about the problem just causes more terrorist attacks. How are you not realizing this by now? Europe might as well be an Islamic state with how 'afraid of looking racist' they are.

forget muslims, you guys have a serious lefty problem

Maybe the adults, sure. Not the children who were killed at the Manchester concert, or in the many Paris attacks. The children didn't even get the time to truly recognize their feelings towards anything before their deaths.

And you don't? kek

can Britain just declare itself a caliphate already

>As opposed to what, exactly? An entire city, state, country, completely stopped in mourning and terror?
No, intelligent discussion, then laser like focus on the source of the danger, then definitive action taken to remove the danger, like a highly skilled surgeon cutting away a rotten cancerous tumour...... what we're being told to do instead is pretend like there is no tumour.

My doctor told me that he wanted to use radiation to kill the cancer growing in my body. Fired that fucking bigot. Now have a new GP who understands the oppression cancer faces and human privilege.

we all do :(

This mentality is a socially engineered one designed to get people to become disengaged with and become non-active participation in the things that impact them locally.

It is a non-humanistic one.
It has nothing to do w/ love for there is a complete resignation from understanding.
It is one of cowardice in the truest sense.

It centers on the logic : Someone got fucked over today. It wasn't me. So, I don't care. Life goes on.

It is a sad path to take. However, it is one people are actively and consciously taking. So, o'well.

>what the terrorists are trying to cause
Hmmmm nope. They just want to kill you. They really don't give a shit if you mourn or go out the next day.

If their own fucking parents don't give a shit about whether these children live or die, why the fuck should I or anyone else?

>get fucked in the ass
>normally a human being would retaliate
>the cucks accept it because it's the norm
>who cares if you die you're gonna die some day

>If their own fucking parents don't give a shit about whether these children live or die, why the fuck should I or anyone else?
That was just one 30yo faggot, and the mother wasn't British, she was a Turkish muslim, and the guy wasn't his dad, just her boyfriend, I'm sure the little girl's parents do actually give a damn.

well the UK has had 3 attacks in 3 months. I wonder if that trend will still hold.

>Civilians acting normally after any incident is the most effective way of spitting in the face of terrorism.
It's also the most effective way of spitting in the face of the deceased.

>Tfw we do too
And the worst of all, its a commie liberal problem.
Fuck south mexico trying to get a socialist president elected.

This is the only real answer in thread.