Stalin was a JEW??????

‘[…] at the head of the names stands Stalin himself, who for a long time was regarded as a Georgian of pure descent. But it has been revealed, that he belongs to the Jewish race; for Djougachvili, which is his surname, means “Son of Djou,” and Djou is a small island in Persia, whither many banished Portuguese “Gypsies” migrated, who late settled in Georgia.

Today it is almost completely proved, that Stalin has Jewish blood, although he neither confirmed or denied the rumours, about which mutterings began in his direction.’ [4]

Then if we compare this to the most commonly cited source on the internet for this allegation, to which many anti-Semites challenged on this subject reference back to. We are told as follows:

‘Stalin's childhood origins were supposedly Georgian, but the truth is his mother was Ossete, from the Khazarian region.In the Georgian language "shvili" means son of, or son, as in Johnson. "Djuga" means Jew. Therefore Djugashvili means Jewison.

So Joe Stalin's real name, before he changed it, was Joe Jewison. It gets better, his name was Joseph David Djugashvili, a typical Jewish name. During his revolutionary days he changed his name to "Kochba", the leader of the Jews during one of the anti-Roman uprisings of the Jews. Russians don't change their names. Georgians don't change their names. Jews change their names.

Stalin's mother Ekaterina did laundry and housekeeping for David Papisnedov, a local Jew, who was Stalin's real father. Their nickname for Stalin was "Soso". Stalin received Papisnedov at the Kremlin often. Comrade Papisnedov often was visited by Nikolai Przhevalsky, a Jewish trader, and he is also considered a possibility as Stalin's father.’ [5]


Other urls found in this thread:

Bump, I never heard of this conspiracy before, how come Sup Forums never talked about this???


>"Djuga" means Jew.
No. Also Ossetians are "Aryans" not roaches like Khazars. Only thing I see when looking up "Stalin Kochba" is this same theory.

Another pseudonymous revolutionary, Lenin, while part Jew himself, did not know this himself while he was alive.

>although he neither confirmed or denied the rumours, about which mutterings began in his direction.’

Stalin had massive paranoia, he did not reveal anything about himself to anyone

False. Until he became a Communist atheist, then-Josef Jughashvili was studying for the Russian Orthodox priesthood.

Jews are almost always behind communism and socialism because it's an effective means of destroying a country. They only advocate for capitalism in Israel.


The German communist which the Nazis where a reaction to where all Jews. The Bolsheviks where Jews.

>did not know this himself while he was alive.

Of course he didnt

Yeah fucking right, this must be the most unbelievable happy coincidence of history

Yeah, if I were a crypto-Jew, I know the one thing I'd wanna do is surround myself with dozens of them.

It doesn't really matter if Stalin was a Jew or not. You can get into all this conspiracy shit, but for what purpose? Nobody cares.

But it's very simple to find proof that, Stalin aside, Jews were vastly overrepresented in the Cheka/NKVD/assorted Soviet leadership. You don't need to make Stalin a Jew to prove that Jews were the perpetrators of the mass persecution and genocide of tens of millions of Russian Christians and peasants.

What the fuck are you into, of course it fucking matters if Stalin was or not a jew, this changes everything

I ain't clicking that shit, good luck with that


Pretty sure his last name was just Stein, but changed it to Stalin.

Great theory mate. I rate 9/11.

From the holocaust story on camps being found only by URSS forces, to the real genocide number of URSS, the persecution of gentiles by a jewish elite owning a foreign state, the hunger, the suffering, the cold war that almost destroyed HUMAN LIFE, to vietnam war and the paper of media to subver the conflict, the jewish nuclear spies...

How it doesn't change nothing? I never believed the 'jews are communists' thing very much, but this shit is on other level

>being scared of a video streaming service

top kek you ultra newfag

It really doesn't matter though. Look at pic related. One more and less makes no difference. Also Stalin had plenty of Jews killed and may have been the victim of them himself.

Needs further verification from presumably Russian speakers but bump


Definitely if you dont have, download that to read and 'Rulers of Russia' old banned book. Note that there is a complete version while most have a chapter removed.

'This is the original unexpurgated version issued in accordance with a decision of the War Cabinet made January 1919. Contains condemnatory report by Oudendyke about Bolshevism being of an internationalist, Jewish tendency. This Cmd. Paper was priced 9d. but soon was suppressed and an edited version priced 6d. omitting the Oudendyke remarks appeared in its place. (Rev. Denis Fahey, 'The Rulers of Russia' (American edition revised and enlarged, 1940, page 23)).

[Cmd. 8] HMSO: Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty. April 1919.'

Saying that it doesn't matter if Stalin was jew, is saying that it doesn't matter if the devil himself was jewish.

The soviet holocaust is a bigger thing than the 6.000.000 'holocaust', and that this fact alone should throw big doubts on all allegations of gas chambers and everything else.

Being the supreme leader is much bigger thing, and it hits the psyche of readers in a much bigger scale. Not to mention, it gives a much bigger better understanding of what the fuck was NSDAP about

cause every oldfag knows this shit already

>Being the supreme leader is much bigger thing

Also just keep in that around these parts, the Holodomor is also treated like a hoax.


So in the spirit of attempting fairness here's the 'antisemitic canard' argument:

I remember reading an ADL thing about Pinay...

heres the thing, the guy was a brilliant scholar who spoke several languages - the claim he was ignorant of the subject matter is sn Anti-Catholic Canard (if you will) by Jewish Supremacist groups.

One has to wonder how many books jews would like banned not for their lies but their truths.

Liebknecht was baptized Lutheran. Marx and Engels were his patrons.
Make of that what you will.

When Jews were such a overwhelming majority of Bolshevik leadership, why does the one guy at the top matter that much? If you care about discussing this with normal people then giving them shaky evidence that Stalin may have been secretly Jewish is foolish when there's no denying the over representation of Jews in general in Soviet leadership.

This really made me speechless, one thing was to read some info shit saying some guys were jew and owned banks or media channel

Another altogether is to say that Stalin himself was jew, along with a party of jewish people, and that his state, battled with America risking the death and destruction of all humanity

think about it

Wherever a question is unanswered, a cover-up exists. Noting is unknown in this world.

By official sources, almost no info exists on Stalin's family background: COVERUP.

Bump for maximum paranoia

I disagree, I say that it is more shocking for the common person to know that the number one genocidal tyrant of history was a jew

People respect positions of power, and will associate the whole adventure as a jewish adventure

>Needs further verification from presumably Russian speakers
>Russian speakers
>Russian speakers is a euphemism in present day Russia for Jews

What the fuck is this earth, entirely owned at this moment, the only pockets of resistance are irrelevant nations

we've been saying this for years user

this is news? stalin is a filthy filthy filthy jewish rat snake.

for me it is

I never, ever heard about this

Looks like Koksal Baba

Hrs a kike

He looks very georgian tho

>"Djuga" means Jew.
It does not. Also, Stalin shoahed Jews after WW2 happened. Shit thread.

Good goyim fight your aryan blood bretheren to enrich me and protect me..