Are leftists practicing eugenics now?
Are leftists practicing eugenics now?
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>"Life isn't just about reproduction"
Not a bad place to start a eugenics program, honestly.
Leftists confirmed for 10-D chessmasters.
Just make the retards WANT to be be sterile. Fucking genius. Get on their level, Trump.
Don't know what their game is with the muslims, but I assume that it's crashing multiculturalism with no survivors.
>lefties removing themselves from the gene pool
This is why I'm pro-choice.
That, and fewer niggers.
Please, let's make this the norm for SJWs and non-whites. We don't need those people reproducing
I have the perfect plan for making sure muslims don't reproduce. Pic related.
SJWs removing themselves from the human equasion.
where is the problem?
They are going to seriously regret this when their older
were the kikes really /ourguys/ all along?
> tfw I did this before I got redpilled
> tfw uncertain feels
I still don't want kids, but now it's because I'm weary and wary of leftists, and i have little hope for the future. Ach, how could I bring kids into the world when I know they will become a minority within their own countries? How can I not have kids and contribute to white suicide/genocide? There's no way to win, and I curse the Jews everyday with tears in my eyes for all we have lost
there's always cheap street drugs and high buildings for them
they want to make good on their white genocide crusade by starting with themselves
Are you implying that people who tattoo the whites of their eyes and stretch their assholes to 10 inches in diameter make poor life choices?
Eugenics was always a progressive cause, Nazis aside.
snips are reversible
Try to reverse your snips, or adopt
While that's important, what matters most is releasing redpilled progeny into the world.
this is good the whites that survive will be resistant to social engineering. kike oppression will further improve the white race
When their older what?
Should we hope these people actually procreate?
Considering the new law in your country, I'd say don't have kids.
Indeed it seems so, you can always guarantee that what leafs say is true because they are all based af
>tfw the future belongs to the conservatives
This is great, we should push this.
Then we shall purge the negroid hive.
Amen bruden.
oh i sure hope so. Especially if it means i don't get any more stories about some braindead child who was still brought into this world because of "tolerance" or some bullshit
checked fpbp
Someday she will be elderly, no husband, no children, no one to take care of her or call her and ask how she's doing
Since she likely has some retarded degree/job, she will not make it in life, and will end up in an old age home where she will be left to wallow in her own piss and shit by a bunch of niggers who don't give a fuck about her
Once these realizations begin to occur it will be too late for her to turn the bus around
liberalism isn't like judaism, it doesnt pass down with reproduction, it spreads through indoctrination like the media
Political views are not genetic, sweeties.
wtf I love leftists now.
i wonder if the fact the suicide at the age of 30 has anything to do with it
that's literally what it is. Who do they get to write this shit?
Better safe than sorry.
>The only way anything can be passed on is through genetics
I swear theres something else, like things can be "taught" to malleable children or something.
self-selection is really the only morally acceptable eugenics program
leaf here, just moved to my laptop.
I know that snips are reversible, which is one of the reasons I was comfortable getting it; I knew that I might change my mind in the future, but at the time I was 90% sure I didn't want kids and wanted to test my commitment.
The main thing is that I don't really see a way to 'win' by having kids. I'm despondent about the idea that my kids would grow up in a culture of lies, and so long as the government continues to hate old stock, white Canadians, I am extremely disheartened.
they're practicing eugenics on themselves, so let them. If they won't pass their mental illnesses on out of choice and we don't have to lift a finger then hell yeah.
Then why are 90% of niggers liberal?
Niggers like gibs and be told wu waz.
Yes, sweetie, that's called nurture.
Did you just pull that statistic out of your ass, hon?
It has been said that anime cures the virus in some
You racist fuck. This is clearly a doctor practicing CPR and pap test.
Exactly, a leftist parent will create a leftist kid, not because of genetics, but because of how they raise them.
Also, no, that statistic comes from the fact that 90% of niggers voted for Hillary, guarantee it.
Why must we be forced to deal with the nigger scourge brethren? This is why I must build a castle, to prevent a niggoid skirmish
What do these degenerates think they're going to be doing into their 30s/40s/50s? Instagram models? Fucking narcissists cannot think longterm
Actually they are for the most part. People vote with their personality temperament, which is biological.
Then why society has became more left in the last decades?
Good, liberals typically approve of science so they should be agreeable with this.
God is dead. That's why.
Jews have an immense power level, luckily we have the Japanese to train us
What? Ideologies aren't based on genetics? The Jew fear the samurai:
Christian God being dead = downfall of Western civ, it has nothing to do with ideology. Our rational minds have kicked out the foundation of civ, thats why leftism dominates now because its "easier"
Whereas people with leftist temperaments centuries ago would be less degenerate.
Its nihilism which makes leftism so disgusting.
Im drunk so I dont think im making much sense but if you care enough you should watch some Jordan Peterson videos, it'll redpill you for real without the left/right bullshit
>lefties Marxist dumb asses
>can't transmit their genes
I don't get why that's bad sempai
Is this something we started?
>life isn't about reproduction
>only reason any human has a life is because of reproduction
If they are it better be a goddamned mainstream trend that the all partake in.
Eugenics as it is commonly outlined is a fool's errand, my friend.
A sense of social responsibility and self-actualization is not only more palatable, but also more realistic. I personally know many extremely productive people with, say, an average roll of the dice when it comes to genetics, and I know more than a few exceptional people that are complete burnouts. The human individual is much more than their genetic code; furthermore, struggle creates character and drives individuals towards achievement.
Additionally, gene selection occurs naturally. The human race continues to better itself as it struggles. The Flynn Effect comes to mind as a concrete
Entertaining artistic depictions along these lines of reasoning can be found in the films Gattaca and Idiocracy. Not that art and media validate an argument, but those are perhaps interesting takes on the issue.
Create an environment that demands exceptional talent and you will create exception talent. Create an environment that rewards mediocrity and you will have that instead. Forcing the issue simply causes neurosis and strife.