‘[…] at the head of the names stands Stalin himself, who for a long time was regarded as a Georgian of pure descent. But it has been revealed, that he belongs to the Jewish race; for Djougachvili, which is his surname, means “Son of Djou,” and Djou is a small island in Persia, whither many banished Portuguese “Gypsies” migrated, who late settled in Georgia.

Today it is almost completely proved, that Stalin has Jewish blood, although he neither confirmed or denied the rumours, about which mutterings began in his direction.’ [4]

Then if we compare this to the most commonly cited source on the internet for this allegation, to which many anti-Semites challenged on this subject reference back to. We are told as follows:

‘Stalin's childhood origins were supposedly Georgian, but the truth is his mother was Ossete, from the Khazarian region.In the Georgian language "shvili" means son of, or son, as in Johnson. "Djuga" means Jew. Therefore Djugashvili means Jewison.

So Joe Stalin's real name, before he changed it, was Joe Jewison. It gets better, his name was Joseph David Djugashvili, a typical Jewish name. During his revolutionary days he changed his name to "Kochba", the leader of the Jews during one of the anti-Roman uprisings of the Jews. Russians don't change their names. Georgians don't change their names. Jews change their names.

Stalin's mother Ekaterina did laundry and housekeeping for David Papisnedov, a local Jew, who was Stalin's real father. Their nickname for Stalin was "Soso". Stalin received Papisnedov at the Kremlin often. Comrade Papisnedov often was visited by Nikolai Przhevalsky, a Jewish trader, and he is also considered a possibility as Stalin's father.’ [5]

It can't get any crazier than this, IT CAN'T.

Other urls found in this thread:

Pretty sure Stalin is/was the antichrist.


where's the sauce mang

I've always thought Stalin was Jewish. It just makes sense. Besides, one look at his granddaughter...haha. Kinda says it all.

Stalin was another pathetic loser Commie who needed American traitors to prop him up with our money.

Hitler would of destroyed Russia without closet faggot FDR

Stalin was a little girl who liked to rub feces in her cunt. It was her favorite thing.

"The Antichrist" as you know it doesn't exist even in the context of the Bible.

You know basically nothing about Georgian linguistics. Djuga doesn't mean Jew, it means wild if you want to know. he was also Gorian, no Jew would stay at that shit of the city.


Was hoping a Georgian would show up to verify this. "Ebraeli" sure doesn't look anything like "Djuga" to me.

>kind of sounds like churka
>son of churka
>his father must have come from the Caucasus


op post source or this is worthless you fucking asshole


His father and mother were both Georgians.

Trotsky was a jew
and Stalin killed him

calm down wtf

>Hitler would of destroyed Russia without closet faggot FDR
If so then why he failed to do it in 1941 when USA didn't provide any suplies to USSR?

Beria was the one doing the jewish purges, and he was a jew himself


What the fuck was this shit????

>closet faggot FDR
Definitely has the "look".

Maybe Ossetian, which makes him an honorary Mongol but whiter.

Really makes you think.

If we can prove that a relatively unknown family pulls the world strings and find their paper trail leading back hundreds of years, why is there still no conclusive proof on Stalin or so many of the other suspected Crypto-Jews?

Also, he looks Georgian as fuck. If I saw him on the street, I would immediately think "Caucasus"

From time to time (((they))) push for other countries to fight each other, in order for them to destroy books and any other thing that can lead to their name.

>from the Khazarian region

ty, sry for being a cunt

Look, man. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. At the end of the day, I think you need to step back and consider just how utterly bluepilled the average Joe on the street is. One leader being Jewish isn't gonna change their minds. No matter how bad he was. They'll write off everything as a coincidence unless you have a mountain of other connections ready for them. And even then, it still might not be enough. Trust me, I've seen it. Demonstrating that Marx and Lenin and Trotsky, etc. does fuck all.

I honestly hate Crypto hunts. They're quite counterproductive.

Shut the fuck up!

I agree that we don't know if he wasn't one. But saying that it doesn't matter is beyond retaded, please stop doing that.


Except he's dead. And there are thousands of other confirmed (((Cases))) running rampant today.

Also his middle name was vissarionovich

Op is a fag

Fuck That kike, OP