>The Thing about communism is that it sounds good on paper, but it doesn't account for human nature
Why do conservatives always say this? What the fuck about communism sounds good on paper?
The Thing about communism is that it sounds good on paper, but it doesn't account for human nature
>sharing with everyone
>completely egalitarian
This is what they mean. However, communism doesnt even pretend to do that. It just puts the power into the hands of a few
>sharing with everyone
yeah, bring your wife over to my parent's house if you feel that's a good thing
>completely egalitarian
"o la la, I want everyone to be nice to eachother and not have heirarchy or want to hate and kill everyone"
get off Sup Forums, numale. you said it yourself, communism doesn't even pretend to do that.
bro what are you on man?
Communism is fucking evil and Marxism is the biggest threat to humanity. Why did you just assume I support it? You reactionary little shit.
Seizing the means of production. Everyone effectively working for themselves, roughly. Standing up against plutocratic manipulation. Tackling religions that are remorselessly used as a weapon against you. Having necessities focussed on instead of whatever seductive shit the merchants manage to shove in everyone's faces. Government actually being committed to nurturing your potential. Gun rights.
>Communism is like Islam...a fake ideology.
lols. read the greentext prior to the rest, was getting ready to post your exact sentiment. communism is merely a means to power.
in agreement with you user
philosophically speaking, it feeds off of people's need for a big Other - some organizing force to provide meaning. Capitalism provides no meaning, it is the most congruent with existence - you are alone anons, the onerous of meaning is a burden people either choose to carry or spend their entire lives trying to convince themselves lies in some external force. Same reason people on this board believe that nationalism/cultural heritage/etc will solve their problems - yearning for an organizing force.
so communism is like the bull for all the cucks on the planet, while capitalism is the ultimate uncucked redpill?
Hana is best!
yes, fucking yes
there is nothing else
Even on paper it's fucking retarded. The only way it could even sound like a remotely good idea were if you were too stupid to take like two seconds to think about it.
On paper communism says "hey look at all the nice stuff that exists, what if that was all passed around equally rather than some people having obscenely more than others".
And that does sound okay.
No, communism exists because capitalists were assholes during the 19th century.
>so communism is like the bull for all the cucks on the planet, while capitalism is the ultimate uncucked redpill?
It depends on what you do with it - unrestricted freedom leaves the individual to its own devices. Capitalism is the most intellectually honest form of governance, cucks will find a means of cucking. Accepting that you are the determinant of meaning is a difficult feat, it requires you to scrutinize all of your beliefs and understand the full import of a myriad of factors (i.e. historical context, your upbringing, habitual self, etc.) - and attempt to reorganize yourself to achieve your conception of success. This is not to suggest moral relativism (that is a mistake made by intellectually-inapt people) - there is a intellectual basis for ethics. Ones premier focus should be reconciling his gut-feeling of ethics with his aspirations. IMO, the current cultural glut is caused by a rejection of classical intellectualism, everyone knows that "god is dead", but more concerning to me is the assertion that philosophy(the bedrock of all knowledge) is dead.
>No, communism exists because capitalists were assholes during the 19th century.
This is historically false. Communism and Facism arose out of the 1920 depression - which was for the most part caused by quasi-government (i.e. the Federal Reserve) interference with the markets. Watch Milton Fredmen user, he will provide suitable economic background. Then read into the WW2 precursors for the rise of communism and facism (i.e. the belief that capitalism was dead).
Communism fails to account for the human instinct to take more than you need so you have something to fall back in when times get tough. If you don't let humans have that instinct and embrace it they will become dissatisfied and shift toward a system that let's them obey their instincts.
By the by, nice straw man. Nobody but a communist is stupid enough to even entertain the idea that communism sounds good on paper.
No, it will just answer the nigger/arab question.
Has anyone in this thread even read any communist literature before or are you just regurgitating whatever the corporate media tells you to think about it?
>Has anyone in this thread even read any communist literature before or are you just regurgitating whatever the corporate media tells you to think about it?
lols was well-exposed to it when I was under the auspice of numerous communist professors.
Feel free to think for yourself user.
>thinks people here read
>What the fuck about communism sounds good on paper?
>ideology that says it's utopia
>it's not actually utopia
there you go, OP
Conservatives only say this when they're trying to teach their school aged children that the "why don't everybody just share everything!?" plan is not a reasonable model for society.
No conservative adult thinks that communism sounds good on paper.
>also friendly reminder that "conservatives" are still part of the problem.
Good goy
>lols was well-exposed to it when I was under the auspice of numerous communist professors.
>implying liberals are communist
So tell me user, what actual leftist books did you read under these "communist" professors?
>dialectic as substitute for argument
ladies and gentlemen, the commie.
Have you heard of Eastman or Sowell, you massive retard?
Gotta love the morons that can see communism in action and the unchallenged horrors it has produced, yet still believe it's a reasonable idea.
By giving all the power to a few people at the top who will remain uncorrupted because, and that how communism works.
The only thing you need to know about communism is to kill it with fire.
> tfw The Jungle converted me to Communism which I followed for 8 years before I took the Christpill and over the next decade slowly morphed into an Anarcho-Capitalist
Believe me, I know all about Communism.