Woman arrested for protesting segregation in the 1960's. It makes me tear up at how far we've come as a society.
Woman arrested for protesting segregation in the 1960's. It makes me tear up at how far we've come as a society
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go back
Here she is today, still fighting and being part of the resistance.
coal burning bitch
Damn, she's hot though.
Yep she would love to know in the future segregation is being encouraged to somehow offend and anger white people.
Nigger loving race trading whore
You can just see her getting pounded by a mandingo
you have to go back
that pussy must be streched beyond beleif
aged like milk
Segregation was idiotic though, how could anybody think it would be sustainable. Busing, forced diversity, and affirmative action are equally retarded, however.
>tfw grandparents protested busing in Milwaukee
>tfw the diversity enriched the school
>tfw Milwaukee is now a shithole with gangs and murders
>tfw my religion's symbol is now a gang sign
women feel... feelings destroy nations
The body is the vessel for the soul. If your soul is dogshit your outside will show that in time.
Moral and virtuous people tend to look better and more dignified in their winter years. Still have the effects of aging but somehow its different and less hideous for them.
Wonderful post
yes separation always fails. The only solution is force expulsion or staight up ethnic cleansing. Thats why i cant take faggots like Spencer seriously. Segregation even if you could muster the political will for it will simply fail after a generation or two and the jews will resume the process.
She was probably republican then because it was democrats instituting discriminatory laws and policies.
hilarious that when you guys see this woman you immediately think of black dick... just sayin'
Why thank you.
silly nigger. we know full well you shitskins infect this board like a virus and that most of the cuck posts are from you.
we will go back
MLK would be horrified at what he helped create
i see a lot of whites on Sup Forums talk shit about other white men on Sup Forums talking about dating or having a familhy with conservative/family orientated non-whites.
looking at Sup Forums daily i ask you, how do white men actually endure white women?
>looking at Sup Forums daily i ask you, how do white men actually endure white women?
By making the personal choice to keep our purity and virginity.
Reminder women are less intelligent than men.
this is true, no self-respecting person would let themselves become a walking marshmallow.
Do u think the nogs still run trains on her?
>coal burning whores always ruing everything
>only a few decades ago
never think that we are completely beyond that as a people, op
society is fickle
the new fad never survives past a couple of generations
yet self interests never fade ;)
I thought it looked like this
I wonder what's her opinion on black lives matter.
literally a kike
This nigger did not want de-segregation either.
>fw she realizes she's white and christian
STOP being an integrationalist filth.
What is it, IQ? Cause it just tells me that women are less prone to mental illness.
>I thought it looked like this
This has to do on how they tested the kids back in the day since while testing they tested the girls before the boys started puberty to get their results so while a 13, 14 and 15 year old girl may be smarter it is short lived since the boys surpass them at 16.
Yeah, ok.
What a shame
Ah, i see, it still speaks alot, the smartest people would still be 99% men
she looks pretty average
considering the number of niggers who rape 90 year old women.......yes.
I love the Jew sign in the back. Had no idea that merchant pic was so old.
they should have fixed her so she couldn't breed
what is going on here. is she protesting white christians or being forced to hold a sign before being victimized?
Why do you feel the need to insert your fucking face in every one of your posts?
In case y'all are wondering who she is.
Women are the reason for the fall of western culture.
>being a satanic faggot
Well, back then being 'not fat' wasn't the same as being 'hot'.
Confirmed #BLACKED
>how do white men actually endure white women?
If only you knew how bad it really was.
Fun Fact: The guy in front of him is Jewish
Amazing life story.
I wonder who would object today about a beautiful white girl enrolling at a black college.
I always find this more disgusting than gore
Yeah, there weren't many options back then.
same its like that video of the man fucking a shaved orangutan, just something deep down that makes you homicidal.
>but easily disprovable
perhaps one of the most false statements of the millennia
There is actually ancient egyptian depictions of bignosed hand-clasping jews. Wish I had saved a pic for you.
What the fuck is this post? That old hag is probably nearing her 90s. How the fuck can you expect someone like that not to be repulsive.
Mississippi user reporting in. Most of the country simply doesn't know what we live with on a daily basis. Without knowing anything else about this girl, I'd be she is from a wealthy or very very upper middle class family outside the south whose parents didn't mind funding her noble adventures.
Of course there were atrocities and acts of brutality back then, but those were desperate acts by a people having their social institutions torn down by far away people with no skin in the game. The state of Mississippi used to have one of the best public school systems in the country. Fucking google it. No longer. This is just one example of why our state and the south in general put up such a fight. We knew the result of integration (at least in the way that it was forced down our throats) would be tantamount to social and cultural suicide.
What the fuck is that small block of niggers doing in Alaska
What I'm about to say is completely unfounded, but it might have something to do with the fact that if you see a girl of your own race with a man that isn't of your own race your natural gut instinct is to believe you're being invaded, so you get sort of a disgusted, alarmed feeling.
tl;dr quit being a bitch whitey
I wonder who...
I've posted that pic before and there's always someone who asks that. I think it had something to do with the federal government giving away land and a few blacks made their way into the fucking arctic for the ultimate gibs.
Well shit, somebody sound the horns
Now progressives are rolling everything back by demanding separate accommodations for black people, so all of this was for naught.
no he wouldn't
How stupid can you be to believe in these sorts of noble motives of the darkies
The whole civil rights movement was about niggers insisting they had a right to shove themselves into white society, where they were not welcome.
The federal government agreed, whites had no right to exist by themselves unmolested.
Quit projecting. Aint it ironic that the same sheep that protested segregation are advocating for its reinstitution
It could also simply be a rational response to seeing an attractive young woman throwing her genes down the toilet with a low IQ, violent ugly semi-human.
MLK's reaction would probably be this Tbh
Jews abusing women's natural tendency to follow is actually what's doing it. If there was no kikes pushing for this shit and instead white Christian men pushed the agenda they would be our greatest ally. During Nazi germany the women were the biggest fans of the Nazi party and Hitler , as the mainstream media in Germany then was biased for him
And now they protest FOR segregation.
weirdly enough I want more pictures of this couple because from this angle she looks really good but I'm sure from another she will look like the coal burning trash she is.
Stop having a recessed maxilla.
This. Many Euros haven't experienced the living hell of 60% yet, and still see the Muslims as worse. I pray they never have to deal with nigger hordes.
It's painful and enraging to watch it. Even worse are the niglet mongrels they shit out.
sick rhymes
>jew sign in the back
bless that old soul
What was she doing out of the kitchen? Why wasnt she taking care of her 12 white children?
Thats the political correct version. Its a huge step for libcucks already to admit variance is higher (which is the more significant issue here).
The mean for women is also slightly lower, but you cant go full redpill on normies ever. Step by step.
When that statement was written only white Europeans were considered "men"
They used a documented designed to remove oppression of whites by other whites and turned it into a vehicle to oppress whites by subjecting non-whites onto them.
Shows you how sad skinheads and the Klan have become that they havent kill this race-traitor whore in all this time. The publicity alone would be worth a young in the cause huwhite knifing her in public.
Muslims will literally show up with guns and bombs if anyone so much as insults their religion in public as a direct result people dont speak out in public and are too afraid to countersignal their agenda at all. Even muslims are intelligent enough to understand that overwhelming violence and terror works.
Desegregation never would have happened if the people fighting against it were willing to straight up massacre the opposing side.
Oh look at the newfag.
King was a communist agent that plagarized his speeches including the i have a dream speech and spent most of his time fucking groupies like this white coal burning whore who probably got passed around like a pack of menthols.
King was a fraud and if he were a alive today he would be shuckin and jiving for gibsmedats even more shamelessly than al sharpton.
Betraying your own people for foreign hordes...how enlightened and brave. Saged faggot
Women truly have no group loyalty, giving them right to vote was a mistake that cannon be undone.
>how far we've come as a society
Enough said.
When I read about it, I'm always amazed at how the American right completely failed to stop the "civil rights" and other far-left movements of the 50s and 60s in their inception, when most of the public would probably be on their side. Now the infection has spread and the entire Western civilization is going down because they couldn't stop it when they were an unpopular bunch of niggers, kikes, commies, and christcuck busing through America.
Anchorage and Fairbanks. I live in Anchorage. There is PLENTY of them around. Alaska is actually VERY diverse.
>seriously believing FBI COINTELPRO lies
Church Committee, google it.
lol no he wouldn't. He would constantly fuck the white liberal women that would show up at his rallies. There's a reason jfk's wife hated him. He was under surveillance by the us government and she heard the orgy recording of him saying he was fucking for jesus. He was also a notorious woman beater, like all black men. He fucked and then beat the first black female senator just before he gave his I have a dream speech
You don't live in Portland or San Francisco. The majority of white women voted for trump
>believing in propaganda
This, wh*te w*men won the vote for Drumpf