What's Sup Forums's problem with homosexuality in mainstream culture?
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Back then being gay was something to be laughed at. Nowadays when you see something like that on the street you go "oh I didn't realize we had Swedes living here"
Personally don't have a problem with homosexuals. I dont care who you fuck in the privacy of your own home. None of my business. But when you start trying to take my rights away we have a problem.
beastiality = homosexuality?
slippery slope, Sup Forums right again
>start trying to take my rights away
What insane scenario have you concocted in which you think this is happening to you?
ends up its the beginning of a slippery slope of degeneracy.
also sage.
That was all played for laughs.
Having rocks literally statutory a boy in a gay rape situation to get at the mother is what people don't like because it's not played for laughs. Nor was the gay rape that was obtained through emotional abuse.
>Laughing at homosexuals = promoting degeneracy full force
Elmer Fudd kissing a rabbit was done as a joke. Today it'd be stunning and brave. That's the difference
I second this.
Conservative or non-SJW homosexuals do exist (I'm not talking about Milo).
Kind of wish they'd speak out against the mainstream crap that SJWs are pushing.
One day we'll see beastiality pride parades and liberals will be screaming about how we're bigots for thinking it's atrocious
And pol will laugh
>we used to have gay jokes
>now we have "gay themes"
I'm not a fag, but I have a legitimate sexual attraction to Bugs Bunny. Several cartoon characters, actually.
I really just hate seeing irl homos in the media, or when homosexuality is pushed as being the new norm.
>tfw our government just passed a bill making it legal for the state to take away your child if you harbor anti LGBTQILMNOPQRSTUV views
i'm not kidding, we're as bad as swedes or worse at this point
No retard, what specifically are you talking about? What rights have the gays taken from you, a non gay?
Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord:
discord dot gg/87tYn
All that was a joke and nobody would see it otherwise
t. faggot who goes to chemsex parties every weekend and has AIDS
How old are you, OP?
I don't care what you want to do with another man in the privacy of your own home, user, but knock off with the faggotry in public.
It's called drag comedy. They joke is that it's two guys kissing when it should be a man and a woman. In other words, homosexuality is wrong.
No, Sup Forums will say it's atrocious and liberals will laugh.
Most of Sup Forums is deeply closeted. It explains the misogyny, worshipping power daddy figures like Trump, gun fetishes, shirtless/muscle pictures, obession with masculinity and cuckoldry, and of course the homophobia. Do yourselves a favor and just suck a dick already.
I have to make cakes for homosexual married couples if I own a bakery. I can't deny them service.
I have literally never heard of anyone complaining about fags in TV. In real life or through news/media.
What the fuck are they talking about?
I dunno about you, but I'm gonna be laughing my ass off when we've reached that level of social collapse and pol was right again
>you're probably gay just suck a dick already and find out
Truly the thinking of a mentally ill faggot.
acceptance by any means necessary is why the gay lobby is hated.
Your sexuality is deviant...and nothing can change that fact.
Freedom of association, for one
>Bake the fucking cake, bigot
Run south, don't look back.
Dangers of Homosexuality:
Sup Forums will be right, as always, but this is not a good thing.
>They're not infringing on your rights! What are you talking about?! By not handing over your supple young children, you are actually violating their rights.
That's by far the gayest complaint I've ever heard. Is that really all you've got? That you can't NOT sell gays cake?
homosexuals need social acceptance because they feel icky about their sexuality.
>implying i haven't taken the black pill already
it's too late for us, wait for the collapse, form a strong community and don't let the state become what it has become here
when bugs kisses his adversary it is meant to mock and humiliate them. as though being a faggot was humiliating, even moreso than losing some physical contest vs another man
>Making fun of the idea of two men marrying/kissing is the same as glorifying homosexuality like its some beautiful thing
For the record, I don't care if you're gay, but that picture is retarded
Yes, I value people having the right to choose who they do business with. I wouldn't mind baking the cake, but forcing an openly Christian business into doing something that they see as immoral is wrong
Right to refuse service
The day that happens, ill go full van of tolerance on them
>Most of Sup Forums is deeply closeted.
wrong. I accept my inclination for feminine benis. I'm also all those other things you said. eat shit, faggot
Ugh, transphobic trash! Saged.
Remember when a man kissing another man was the butt of the joke?
You're citing some kind of adoption law and claiming that it gives gays the ability to steal your children? First of all, it's native children, so why do you care? Secondly, where are gays mentioned??
>but forcing an openly Christian business into doing something that they see as immoral is wrong
Oh that's right religion is perfect and special and deserves to win over every other possible worldview in the eyes of the law. My bad, I guess your desire to not want them to have a cake is literally more important than their desire to have a cake.
It's aberrant behavior and a mark of a mentally ill individual. When eugenics are finally accepted, it will be gone.
Quit trying to push it down everyone's throat. No pun intended
>can only know if you're truely gay if you've tried it and hated it
i bet you haven't even kissed boys, faggot
The point was that I should be able to deny anyone service no matter their sexual orientation, color, religion, etc.
What a shitty response btw. You didn't even refute. You just said "Psh, like seriously??? that's nothing! Get over it!1" How would you like it if I just took gay marriage rights away. Just get over it.
>Oh that's right religion is perfect and special and deserves to win over every other possible worldview in the eyes of the law
No, retard. If you disagree with their worldview, you're free to hire one of the other bakeries out there. No one is asking for the government to promote Christianity, only to allow Christians to follow their moral code in matters like this.
>My bad, I guess your desire to not want them to have a cake is literally more important than their desire to have a cake.
You don't own their labor. You have the right to get a cake, but not to force specific people into making you a cake. What's so hard about this?
>Oh that's right religion is perfect and special and deserves to win over every other possible worldview in the eyes of the law. My bad, I guess your desire to not want them to have a cake is literally more important than their desire to have a cake.
Having an absolute to judge ourselves and the state is essential. By denying the moral rightness of Christianity you are undermining our freedom and being a useful idiot to the state.
>I should be able to deny anyone service no matter their sexual orientation, color, religion, etc.
Any they should be able to deny your denial. It's like you purposefully misunderstand the meaning of freedom.
>How would you like it if I just took gay marriage rights away. Just get over it.
So your outrage is justified but theirs isn't?
>Any they should be able to deny your denial.
That's not how it works...You are just bait now.
Why do you get to say what I do with my business that I own?
>So your outrage is justified but theirs isn't?
I was showing you how ridiculous your argument was.
>but not to force specific people into making you a cake
And yet you have the right to force specific people to not buy the cake? That's the point, the entire ability to discriminate is lawfully outdated.
Bugs Bunny is the mischievous trickster archetype
Are homosexuals suggesting they too are tricksters?
>Sorry freedom exist to be used only in a certain way, if you try to do something the government consider wrong you are abusing freedom.
>And yet you have the right to force specific people to not buy the cake?
Yes, just like I have the right to tell people they can't enter my house.
>That's not how it works
Apparently, it is. They disagreed that they could be denied, they went to the court, and they won.
>Less than 4% of the us population
>Apparently needs equal representation in mainstream culture
Could you imagine if we threw a straight parade riding in giant vagina floats and shit?
>I don;t serve niggers and spics
that's whats' wrong with it fellow burger. same thing. you can deny people into your home, but you can't deny them into buisness
God leaf, Canada is becoming facist, and not in a good way. Come here, America still has some hope, very little but some at least
Everyone has right for it's own work, you can refuse to work to other and you can't forced other to work for you.
furry traps are not gay
The alt-right is definitely a new thing, and my parents are a lot more lax about faggotry than I am.
Because it's meant to be something hilarious because "lol he got kissed by a dude, that's disgusting", it's not glorifying a decadent lifestyle
traps r gay desu senpai
>you can chose who enter your property, it's not it's yours or something.
>Apparently, it is. They disagreed that they could be denied, they went to the court, and they won.
Yeah, and we are telling you why that's not ok and how they are taking our rights away. The question you asked at the very beginning of your bait.
The 3rd world is not full of faggots and are having many babies. Faggots do not help this and the world IQ drops over time.
>some faggots in a pride parade are taking away my rights!
Jesus christ, you give the SJWs so much white fragility ammo with that shit.
doing it for a gag is one thing
telling me who you like to fuck and expecting me to care is another.
I got called a racist two days ago for responding to a faggot's "i'm gay and proud!" statement with "and I'm not gay but still proud!"
Everyone has the right to work, you can refuse to work for someone but can't force someone to work for you. This is true.
Besides this single grievance, which affects you and the vast majority of us only in theory and not personally, do you have anything else?
Also, how is this any different from ending segregation, or can you still refuse to serve someone based on the color of their skin?
I'm actually surprised "progressives" don't find Looney Tunes offensive because the gay and crossdressing shit is played for laughs. Like you're supposed to think "God damn Bugs is one silly faggot." It's LOONEY Tunes.
Heterosexuals not being able to have monogamous relationships is the worst degeneracy society faces. The LGBT agenda doesn't help, but broken hetero homes and relationships are still the biggest problem by a long shot.
>My bad, I guess your desire to not want them to have a cake is literally more important than their desire to have a cake.
You know what forced labor is called? Slavery.
>Apparently, it is. They disagreed that they could be denied, they went to the court, and they won.
See one non elect public officer think like me, how I can be wrong?
>Everyone has the right to work, you can refuse to work for someone but can't force someone to work for you. This is true.
So explain me, why they should have the right to force that guy to bake a cake?
"Let gay people marry? Psh. We let that happen and then they'll be making us pay for them to turn themselves into women"
I support government removal from marriage but slippery slope is real.
>mfw government is now deciding how its citizens must think
just wait til the EU struggle turns into the global government struggle. It will be much worse.
>If your kid thinks he's the opposite gender, you MUST help it transition
>moratorium on all religion other than science
>women must make more than men at all times
>pedophilia becomes accepted as just another sexuality
>all hate speech (anything that offends) punishable by imprisonment
the human race is so FUCKED at this point. Forget about any freedom at all.
>can you still refuse to serve someone based on the color of their skin?
I stated before that you should have the ability to deny anyone service no matter what.
I can't think of any other rights the US is denying straight people in favor of gays though.
I dunno about Canada, but here in America we banned sex based discrimination in 1964.
This is not a new phenomenon. Most of Sup Forums wasn't even born with the right to refuse service based on sex so they lost jack shit.
Checkd and came to post something like this. Libtards are notorious for making shitty arguments.
Because working for someone and serving them have slightly different meanings. Does a business owner "work" for the customer or for himself?
>dumbass R*dditor detected
I can go over to /d/, and everyone over there will acknowledge that they are fucked up in the head and something is wrong with their brain. They don't expect societies support, they don't want their fetishes normalized, they don't pretend to be someone trapped in the wrong body, they act like normal human beings.
But you faggots, you think everyone has to conform to your wishes. You want people to high-five you for your degenerate behavior and portray what your doing as normal so you can do it in public.
Well it's not normal user. Keep your weird fetishes in the closet like the rest of us and act like a normal person for once.
Go away Plebitfag
>Does a business owner "work" for the customer or for himself?
>Hey make me a cake
>You can't say no, you have to do it or you will be in jail
>Hey, pick those cotton
>You can't say no, you have to do it or you'll be in jail
You should have the right to refuse service without basis, otherwise it's forced work.
>Because working for someone and serving them have slightly different meanings.
So you can be forced to do only some works?
>Does a business owner "work" for the customer or for himself?
If he don't eat that cake, he work for others.
>like the rest of us
Fifty Shades has sold 125 million copies
Straights drag their deviant bullshit into the mainstream too.
>look he killed someone too, how can you call me a killer?
>You should have the right to refuse service without basis
You do, if you properly structure your business such that it is not a public accommodation. Sam's Club could turn away as many gays as they want.
>otherwise it's forced work.
You agree to follow civil rights laws when you open your business as a public accommodation. There's nothing forced about holding someone to something they've agreed to.
First off, that was almost entirely women.
2nd, that WAS us keeping in it in the closet. There wasn't a "50 Shades of Grey" pride parade, a bunch of people bought books which lead to someone making a movie. That was capitalism at work, not attention whoring.
Is it a bot? Everytime there's a fag thread this post shows up.
So I can make my business a private accommodation and then sell to everyone but gays?
You're playing with semantics.
Someone who creates cakes is in the food service industry. He offers a service for monetary compensation. He is not a slave. He is not an indentured servant. He should be allowed to refuse a potential job at his discretion. He's only losing part of his own income. Forcing someone to do work for you is disgusting. Can you imagine forcing someone to do manual labor like shoveling dirt or mining coal on threat of imprisonment? No? So why is it okay to force someone to do anything else?
If there were 125 million murderers running around with nobody complaining but gays still weren't allowed to murder, we'd be living in a shitty post apocalypse scenario, but it'd still be a socially biased one.
Society does fuck all to suppressed heterosexual expression, fuck off about homosexuals being too expressive.
>if you properly structure your business such that it is not a public accommodation.
His shop wasn't build in public property.
>You agree to follow civil rights laws when you open your business as a public accommodation. There's nothing forced about holding someone to something they've agreed to.
You agree to work on the lord's land and give him 80% of you work when you chose to pledge loyalty him.