So, apparently the universe is geocentric. How do you feel about this?
So, apparently the universe is geocentric. How do you feel about this?
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The round earth orbits the sun. Frog off retard
>flat earth
That's just a psyop. This is legit. Even Lawrence Krauss and Michio KEKoo are in this video implying Copernicus was wrong.
>implying observable universe = the entire universe
Go back to physics 101, leaflet.
Its like you want to be insignificant
The holocaust is flat. Prove me wrong.
we are insignificant
universe is going to last trillions of years and it's billions of light years across
our bubble may just be part of an ocean we will never really know unless we can make wormholes
>implying what you want has any bearing on the nature of reality
Are you even human? Or are you so young that your brain hasn't fully developed?
Nothing matters.
We are insignificant we will all die and be long forgotten the universe will keep going like we were never there in the first place.
Old news.
>All that theory of dark {energy, matter} and black holes is not necesarry if you take the Earth to be the centre of the universe.
Ocean, read Genesis.
Janeway was appaled with the outcome of the documentary. If she'd know that it would be used as a satire on scientists, she'd not have participated.
*Kate Mulgrew.
learn to take it like a man
the stars died for thousands of years just to make you, here and now. you aren't insignificant, just extremely lucky to be alive.
Same goes for the Primer fields theory.
Imma be honest. To me this kind of sucks. I was a materialist and I was looking forward to dying eventually. I can't be assed with that afterlife crap.
>I was a materialist
It's all shit though. You want to be a hoarding fat disturbed faggot? that's a life of sin.
"Death is a human construct. It doesn't exist"
>.tEBE Area51
This video has been going about for years now. They just used random out of context clips of Kaku without his permission.
No, not especially. Its just I've read the book. The odds don't look very good for anyone.
Pretty sure fish swim up user
Your pic could be wrong though user, our galaxy could be the center, not necessarily the earth. The universe is flat.
>The Principle is a 2014 American indie documentary film produced by Rick Delano and Robert Sungenis that rejects the Copernican principle and supports the long-discredited pseudoscientific concept of geocentrism in accordance with their religious beliefs. The film is narrated by Kate Mulgrew and features scientists such as Lawrence M. Krauss and Michio Kaku. Mulgrew and scientists who were interviewed in the film have repudiated the ideas advocated in the film and stated that their involvement was the result of being misled by the filmmaker.
>Following the release of the film's trailer, narrator Kate Mulgrew said that she was misinformed about the purpose of the documentary.[2][5][6] Max Tegmark explained that DeLano "cleverly tricked a whole bunch of us scientists into thinking that they were independent filmmakers doing an ordinary cosmology documentary, without mentioning anything about their hidden agenda."[7] George Ellis corroborated. "I was interviewed for it but they did not disclose this agenda, which of course is nonsense. I don't think it's worth responding to -- it just gives them publicity. To ignore is the best policy. But for the record, I totally disavow that silly agenda."[7]
>Michio Kaku said that the film was probably using "clever editing" of his statements and bordered on "intellectual dishonesty"[8] and Lawrence Krauss said he had no recollection of being interviewed for the film and would have refused to be in it if he had known more about it.[9][10] British physicist Julian Barbour said that he never gave permission to be in the film.[11]
>How do you feel about this?
Cultural Marxism has taught me to feel nothing about everything.
I wish Geocentric youtube dude could have made me feel something.
Thank him for trying.
Just watch the fucking thing. these alleged out of context clips are things like "it seems we are in some sort of important position in the universe. But we don't like that! We don't want to be special!" and "Is Copernicus coming back to haunt us". Of course these (((scientists))) don't want to be associated with a religious documentary but I guess its too bad for them.
What did they mean by this?
If you want to post a documentary that'll redpill people about something, ignore bullshit like this (no we aren't at the center of the universe, we're just a planet in a random location that happened to have the right conditions for life to evolve).
Share shit like this instead
LOL Scientists BTFO
This solar system is insignificant
Earth is insignificant
Humanity is insignificant
You are significant
>If you want to post a documentary that'll redpill people about something, ignore bullshit like this (no we aren't at the center of the universe, we're just a planet in a random location that happened to have the right conditions for life to evolve).
legitimate stupidity.
this basically validates all theology, and confirms we've been lied to our entire lives. the heliocentric model is the foundation of all misinformation.
>pedogate shit
We did that. Yes, powerful people are pedophiles. I don't see anything changing. The theological and spiritual implications of the earth being significant are more important than any number of political conspiracies.
>narrated by Kate Mulgrew
It's a crock of shit. All we know about our location in the universe is from telescopic observations and it's not the centre anyway.
We're just a random planet in a random location that happened to have the right conditions for life to evolve, which happened to occur. It was bound to happen somewhere, when you look at the monstrous scale/ size of our universe, hey it's probably happened on some other planet/s out there too.
What reason would anyone even have to lie to us about being the centre of the universe, as dumb as that is? You sound ludicrous. Either you're trolling or you genuinely believe this stuff and I feel sorry for you.
Anyone notice that they forgot to put mercury on there?
>believing in things we can't observe
and back to science 101 for you
The mere existence of the notion that the Earth is flat and that the universe revolves around the Earth is valid proof of what George Carlin once stated.... "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."
Our galaxy alone is 100,000 light years across nigga
because these orbits can totally be explained by newtonian mechanics
what do you know about space. But yes, I agree we all have personal experience that shows the earth cannot be flat.
lay down on the beach while the sun sets
once it fully sets, stand up.
you'll see the sun again - this would not be possible if not for curvature of the earth
How large is the CPU compared to your entire computer? If we're the very center of the thing that is pretty odd no matter how small we are.
You're comparing two things that have nothing to do with each other. Like me saying a potato must be sweet because an apple was.
you completely missed the point, which is that the "center" of oblivion is relative. Any focal point is the center
We rotate around the gravitational pull (we orbit) of the sun.
The sun isn't the centre of our galaxy. Our galaxy isn't the centre of our universe.
etc. etc. etc.
We're the focal point of nothing. All of this is either a) brainwashed people b) trolls.
on the contrary, its I who pity you.
>What reason would anyone even have to lie to us about being the centre of the universe, as dumb as that is? You sound ludicrous. Either you're trolling or you genuinely believe this stuff and I feel sorry for you.
what reason would anyone even have to lie to us about the holocaust not happening, as dumb as that is? you sound antisemetic, either you're trolling, or you genuinely believe the holocaust didn't happen, and I feel sorry for you.
>what reason
>can't read
> the heliocentric model is the foundation of all misinformation.
the ancients weren't backwards savages, they knew damn well what kind of planet we were living on.
the earth isn't a planet, the earth is the floor of the universe, your picture is a complete and total lie in order to crush you on a metaphysical level
exactly. But that's not necessary. A completely flat horizon (water) cannot obscure half the sun. That means the horizon is ahead of the sun and therefore the sun is being viewed over a curve.
Assuming the universe is infinite.
Space, is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space.
I'm out but I will say this is some next level bait though I take my hat off to you sir
flat and infinitely extending*
or it is infinitely extending but the sun just goes into some hole in the flat earth lmao
still not sure how timezones work
Its a fuckin' Torus
radius of carbon atom - 7e-11m
distance from jupiter to sun - 8e11m
distance from ceres to sun - 4e11m
so really any closer to the sun than jupiter and that's less than the long path down chemistry desu
good post
Next time someone tells me some nihilistic shit they learned from rick and morty I'll try this
We are just a universe created to power a light bulb in another universe.
Your world probably is that way, to keep you going.
Basic, calculus based physics (physics student)... in a universe that is infinitely vast (ours is, relative to distances on earth and in our solar system, infinitely large) perceiver is at the center. Therefore I am the center of the observable universe, but the distance between me and the sun is so small compared to the size of the universe, we are essentially both at the center of the observable universe..., here's where it gets triply though
chan is clearly the core of the Internet
>>the Internet united connected human minds into a larger representation of ourselves (the Internet is a meta human)
>>humans are (fuck You vegans) the center of life on earth, we see, understand, and create!
>>since the earth is at the center of the observable universe, and we are the central aspect of earth, and the internet is the meta neural network of Us, and Sup Forums is the center of the internet...
chan is the center of the universe! It is the anima maxima!
>what is air
aussies man, shit posting away.
this is what the universe looks like. at the center is Earth. Explain.
Feels good man
>They just used random out of context clips of Kaku without his permission.
No, that's Kaku's excuse. What it's really about is that the scientists were mortiied to find out they were participating in a documentary investigating the possibility of a geocentric universe and tried to distance themselves from it.
>Michio Kaku said that the film was probably using "clever editing" of his statements and bordered on "intellectual dishonesty"[
>bordered on
I doubt anyone thinks Kaku, Krauss et al are geocentrists.
Anyway, here's an interview with the makers:
There's a funny bit about the Jews in it around 43 minutes or so.
>Lawrence Krauss said he had no recollection of being interviewed for the film and would have refused to be in it if he had known more about it.
This Lawrence Krauss guy seems dumb as a stump. Everything I've seen from him he makes himself out to be foolish and arrogant. Too much chutzpah not enough brains!
>he thinks that any part of the universe is more central than any part of the universe
complete fuckin babbies in here
Only in a shite frame of reference are you or I insignificant.
If I start beating your ass you're gonna beg me to stop at some point, so that's pretty significant. That's a far better point of view than comparing yourself to l of time and universe
the universe is everything centric and there is no edge, it just loops and reorients
Universe is modeled as a Reimann's sphere... two spheres outside of each other but which a viewer on one can observe the other as if in a consecutively larger sphere. The earth is at the center of one, the point of the Big Bang is the center of the other. That's where the famous universe radiowave picture derives from.
Do you really believe anything happens randomly? Even something that seems random isn't. This is why casinos can always work the odds in their favor. This is why a penny flipped a billion times will always be 50% heads / 50% tails. Nothing in this universe happens randomly, from the smallest to the largest event.
funny how the the idea of center, singular point, is relative to the a person's view.
>relativism is unironically the center of reality
What's even funny is scientist believe the universe is flat.
>the earth isn't a planet, the earth is the floor of the universe
i've been waiting to hear someone say that for a long time
flat means without curvature not 2 dimensional
More like 'observer-centric'.
Space is water. The air we breathe is water. The ocean is water. The ocean's ocean has another layer of ocean which leads to another layer of another world like ours. The air this other world breathes in is even thinner water. Everything is made up of water. Our bodies are a percentage of water. When Bruce Lee said you must be shapeless, formless, like water he was telling you something---this man was not from our world by the way.
The major heuristic here is that the vast majority of people try to picture the Universe in there head and do so using Euclidean geometry. E.G. Works when you're modeling things on a small scale, but as Euler, Riemann, and Gauss will tell you (among others), E.G. Falls apart when you work on anything of size, even the small kingdom of Hanover. So, stop applying simple EG to a vast space (which includes time), you'll just hurt your brain
t. brainlet
read a book on out of body experiences. grow up and crack open a book you subhuman nigger.
i saved your picture.
I heard it is 2d with only mass creating bumps throughout
This is just a conspiracy theory made by christian fundementalists. They want to deny all scientific research because it contradicts the bible.
>space is water
>oxygen is water
>Bruce Lee is ayylmao
Nigga, what you been smoking?
How so? This is very interesting do you have any recommendation or sources to get started in researching this?
This cartoon has been on the air for over a decade. It seems retarded at glance (how can fire be under water, how can they drown underwater, etc) but in actuality this is our world. They use cartoons and subtle stuff like this point blank in your face.
There were no ancients. Our timeline has been tampered with since the 17th century. Most of the ancients we know of, such as ancient Egyptians, those from the classical age like Plato, etc, lived sometime between the 12th and 16th century. Carbon dating and other forms of dating are mostly based on the scaligerian chronology, which is erroneous. To accept our current timeline would also mean to accept a gravitational change happening during the 17th century, based on a mathematical computation of solar observances of the planetary systems, taken from the records of astrology dated throughout history.
This was a very significant post, thank you user
Find Jesus my friend. Just pray to jim before going to bed.
astronaut "drowning" in space....mind you they use swimming pools to train their astronauts to repair things on the ISS. How can you replicate a vacuum environment with water? Because space is water.
How the fuck is this possible. She was narrating the whole thing and was saying things like "could Copernicus be wrong?"
She is probably backing away from this due to the backlash from (((scientists)))
She narrated for a whole hour it's just not one sentence taken out of context.
>homer who thought the earth was a flat stationary disc was a christian fundamentalist
>Hindu/Vedic Cosmology supports a stationary earth is made up by Christian fundamentalists
>all other theology, greek, egpytian, african, north and south american that supports a geocentric cosmology is made up by Christian fundamentalists
>Yggdrasil, the world tree that holds all the dimensions of reality, with midgard (earth) being a disc shape stationary object is christian fundamentalist fiction
idk about that. flat in a geometric sense doesn't imply anything about the dimension of an object. more mathematically "flat" means locally euclidean. i don't think it's understood whether or not the global structure of the universe has any curvature.
I don't understand this model .The big bang happened at every point in space so to speak.
Ok, first off that's Goo Lagoon Patrick is drowning in. Second, they live under water, they surface quite a bit. Oh, and Sandy lives in a oxygen filled tree dome.
Stfu, spongebob is not Physics 101, and even if it was, you dumb as fuck and woulda failed. Cuz that nigga is drowning in goo, first off. Nigga.
>they live under water
>but still drowning
Doesn't matter if it's goo, it's still liquid and he is drowning. You prove my point here.
>Oh, and Sandy lives in a oxygen filled tree dome.
Hmm who wears a oxygen filled suit to survive in a water environment? Astronauts do. Hey doesn't sandy wear the same thing? Hmm really makes you think, huh? It's right in your face my nigga.
What personal experience. You live in the GTA fellow leaf? Go to Niagara on the lake on a cool dry day, you can see pretty much the who Toronto skyline, even though curvature math says I should not be seeing 2/3 of the buildings.
Also have you ever seen water curve up into a hump? Fellow Leaf look into the Great Lakes locks and try to have them work on a globe with a rising curve from Lake Michigan to the st Lawrence to the Atlantic. The flow of water over kms of curvature make no sense.
you know, I'm almost half ready to believe this after hearing about how the South really win the american civil war, and people time traveled back into time, and using disinformation in the rnaks of the southern generals, changed the timeline so the North won the Civil War, but.
>To accept our current timeline would also mean to accept a gravitational change happening during the 17th century,
gravity doesn't exist, but the fact there very few trees older than 200 years old raises some questions.
>There were no ancients.
this would mean there are no Yuga cycles as well.
can you elaborate or maybe source this world view?
Look into how our eyes and perspective work. This will make more sense on a flat plane.
is this the new flat earth meme?
>Also have you ever seen water curve up into a hump?
Yes in that image I just posted for instance.
so i have a physics degree and other than that i spent a good three years of my life studying physics 40-100 hours a week. i think i have a fair understanding of the limitations of the human capacity to formulate sensical theories of reality, at least physical theories. as far as science "facts" go, the earth is no more a sphere in 3 dimensions than one in 2. it really depends on how you use mathematics to define our universe. i don't think we have any intrinsic way of understanding dimensions as such. it's just that our senses tell us that overwhelmingly there are 4 dimensions and that the earth might as well be a sphere in the spacial ones. though it's really a much more bizarre shape if you want to consider more exotic theories.
as far as engineering and daily conversation goes it's a sphere. i give the flat earthers a lot of credit for exposing the stupidity of most supposedly educated people. i would never say this around my peers but the only evidence for the earth being a sphere are models which predicts things in spherical geometry. these shapes are topologically equivalent to infinitely many other shapes and i'd dare not ever say "the earth is a sphere" without caveat.