Name my band Sup Forums
Name my band Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Handsome Prime Minister Plus One
Tears for Queers
Part and Parcel
death to fags
the bitch-coward and faggot-fraud midnight deluxe
have they fucked?
The Shitskin and Commie Fag Experience
Goy Division
J-Train and the Casbah Kaboom
Leaf Garrett
Up the are flask
Salt N Pepper
Cat Stevens Gordon Lightfoot Fusion Revolution
Justin T. & Mujahideen
Gayus Maximus
Justin & Khanfunkel
if you kill me i win
Ian & Sylvia
Quran Quran
Quran Quran.
Comrade Khan and the Pacifists.
so close!
How does Khan manage to look like a 50yo preschooler?
This goy wins.
This will do
dude weed and the camel jockeys
Cuck and Hook
Midnight Cowboy
Tu-D0 ft. Imam Kang
Castro, khan, and the bombathon
damn, beat me to it
What are some of their biggest hits?
Trudie and the Blowfish?
queer and the blowfish
London Falling
Kill me (I win)
From Pakistan with Love
Eastward Son
Unfortunate Son
The Cuck n' Gun
The Gentlemen "Intellectuals"
The Crazy World of Arthur Brown
The Alan Parcel Project
London, Rotterdam and Forth Mcmurray.
What You Might Call Quintessentially British
Explosive cuckoldry
Quran Quran mind
Also underrated toast
Castro and the jihadis
Shabbohs profits
love it!
Florence + the Mujahideen
the foreskins
The Mountain Goat Fuckers
made me kek
>made me kek
That's the best name here.
Stabbing Westward.
Squealy Van
Queers for Fears
CAIR Supply
The Lose Brothers
DJ Jizya Jeff and the French Prick
Part and Parcel.
With new upcoming album Kill Thine Enemy: They Win
The Used Rubber Band
>Quran Quran
lost my fucking sides.
nirvanna the band
Son of Fidel and some worthless cuck.
Sharia me softly
>ISIS nasheeds
"Socialism and Islam - Part and parcel to most excellent music listening experience"
Enel Fish Sure
Slinky and the Weasel.
>Name my band Sup Forums
Poutine pussy ass, and the no knifes.