Why the Chinese will never be on our side

Here's why they will never be on our side:

I have lived with the Chinese people my entire life. Literally. Born and raised in San Francisco, in a predominantly chinese district, I, a white christian guy have experienced almost every brand of asian. One thing I can tell you, the Chinese will never be on our side. This is why.

We, Westerners, have at least some form of morality. Yes, many of us are atheists, but the underlying culture behind the West is fundamentally Christian. Everytime we steal, or lie, there is an inner voice telling us to stop. We have a conscience. Even if you, and your parents were hard-core atheists, the concepts of good and evil are inherent to our culture and our way of life.

With the Chinese, there is no such thing. They have never experienced Christianity as a thing. Yes, they had Confucius and other philosophers preaching about peace, but there was never context for eternal punishment if you weren't doing the right thing. All of this was amplified by the cultural revolution and communism, when surviving and living by the rules was extermely hard, so the morality was secondary.

Then these people immigrate to our country, and they have a tremendous advantage over us whites because they have no sense of morality as we know it. Stealing is ok as long as no one catches you. Lying is ok as long as no one notices. This is what they do, while someone like me sweats bricks everytime he lies to his boss or someone. This is the fundamental difference.


Who thought the Chinese would ever be on out side?

lele wtf pal

I know a bunch of Christian Chinese people dude. Chinese people are fine.

You haven't read the Analects.

That's some serious paranoia you got there OP, I think you should be more worried about the spics and MS-13.

About 10% of whites are probably moral, the rest are as bad as these Chinese. Maybe like 1-2% of blacks are moral, and 4-5% for hispanics.

t. Xhang Chao
We should have let the nips finish the job

t. Xiang Li

Totally agree. I've experienced it. Actually I would say it's more extreme than that, to them, lying just makes you smart. It's like there's a cultural competition to be the worst liar you can possibly be or pull off the sneakiest heist.

t. Chinadian
most hong kong dongers and taiwanese are ok. you have to eatch for the prc chinks because they went through the cultural revolution and all that you mentioned

>We, Westerners, have at least some form of morality.
Shove your morality up in your ass, please.

I hate hypocrites in the West who teach everyone morality, including us.

You're right OP.

japs are liars too. it's the same for all gooks to lie. especially the females

So you're saying they will never be on our side because they are superior?

Holy fuck so naive

>Liars don't tell you they're lying

Because the only people the Chinese care about are other Chinese. Whom they regularly cut organs out of to sell, backstab and generally don't give a fuck about.


What's niggers' excuse again?

> tfw i'm orthodox

Pretty much my experience too, I married one. The amount of swindling they do to each other is on a whole different level, promises, contracts, all mean absolutely nothing what they want means everything.

The born again super Christian ones are different, definitely more akin to what Westerners are used to when it comes to behavior and morals.

You fucking retard chinese in america are different from chinese in china. You sound like the same guy who bitches about the chinese anyway.

That depends on how long they've been here. I live in a Chinese neighborhood. They will be the first to tell you that Chinese people have less morals than the people of any other nation. They grow up thinking you always have to game the system and cheat.

BTW, most of the Chinese immigrants cheated the system in order to buy property here.

Can confirm - the chinese here lie all the fucking time - it blows my mind what they will say to get what they want and they have literally no concern about the fact they are full of shit. Have witnessed through colleagues at work acquaintances and business dealings here, particularly sourcing product from chinese factories. I will never trust a chinese person by default, they need to earn it.

The only Asians worth a shit are Nips.

This is why the Chinese are the way they are.

>San Francisco

Copypasta, but if you think SF Chinese are in anyway similar to the mainland, you know nothing. They're mostly southern Hong Kong niggers that came over during the 30s and 40s. It's absolutely embarrassing how little they've developed since.


>They grow up thinking you always have to game the system and cheat.

...In other words, they grow up redpilled? Literally how is this wrong? You may not think it's moral, but you think morals industrialized the world?

Can confirm. They are slime. Very selfish ppl. Very rude. They will kill an endangered shark if they think eating its powder will make their tiny dicks bigger.

I'm a westerner, a (((consultant))). Japs and chinks are completely different. Maybe it's because japs have been reformed, but they do have a lot of pristine culture and they don't lie. They just keep to themselves.

Meanwhile interacting with Chinese just makes me think their culture is a sham. They don't keep to themselves but instead want to control and attach themselves to everyone around them.

They border on the profane. There's really no idea like doing the right thing or having virtue or whatnot. They don't grow up with that. They grow up cheating and stealing and idolizing military commanders from eons ago whose "wisdom" amounted to who was the best at backstabbing people.

If they are from the mainland, and are ofntjis new "developed" generation, trust at your own peril.

>This is what they do, while someone like me sweats bricks everytime he lies to his boss or someone. This is the fundamental difference.

As another fellow Bay Area user I can confirm this. My Chinese coworker was saying this last week. That if he fucked up at work he would lie about it if he thinks he'll get away with it.

To the Chinese, all they care about is getting caught. They don't have morals.

>All warfare is based on deception.


The mainland Chinese are a different breed, communism made a lot of harm there, communism basically erased all ancient societal norms and morals during the cultural revolution, the sneaky, mischievous, slavish and backstabber had the biggest chances of survival in such a dystopian ideologized state where you could denounce an innocent and he would disappear the next day.

100 million people died or were murdered during that time, it had to leave an impact.

>an inner voice telling us to stop
stopped reading there; from whom, by what method did US aquired most of this country?
We chinks dont want be on your sides, or anyone's for that matter. We like to keep our dick and our military within our proximity

>western faggots trying to preach about virtues to anybody
i lmao every time

same, it seems like their cultural flaws revolve more around passive-aggression

>We, Westerners, have at least some form of morality.
No, you didn't.
>With the Chinese, there is no such thing. They have never experienced Christianity as a thing. Yes, they had Confucius and other philosophers preaching about peace, but there was never context for eternal punishment if you weren't doing the right thing.
May be that's why Han survived unlike all other first civilizations.

Go back to China, Ping Pong

Hi Ingria, or how you west LARPers calling yourself today

>No, you didn't.
You haven't a clue. In the West, you could destroy your career for mocking a chinese. In China, your boss would probably laugh with you.

god damn you are so fucking stupid you actually believe the words comming out of your shit hole don't you?

What a piss poor analogy

The ones fresh off the boat are the cancer you describe, the ones that have been here a couple generations if you don't see them, only hear their beliefs are indistinguishable from whites. Those ones also know once the SJWs are done with whites they're next on the chopping block and thus are good allies.

There's millions of Chinese Christians Mohammed

At last someone who knows that chinks are scum.

And remember they're coming back with a vengeance from the opium wars and the pillaging of the imperial palace.

Also, they think that one of the reasons why they stagnated was because they didn't expand their influence like the west did with colonization. Chinks are colonizing the world economically: New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Singapore, etc. Every major city in the world has a Chinese community that acts like a mafia.

The West is fundamentally Christian I agree, even the atheists must follow the law which is basically the law of the Bible anyway

I'm almost sure Japanese are attempts at being Western

Japs are cool. They have retained their culture, and although they aren't technically christian, they do have very similar values (loyalty, honesty, courage, etc.)

therefore it's much easier for us westerners to find common ground with them than with chinks.

The PRC chinks that come to my country are always the worst. They're loud, obnoxious, and they shit on the trains

>talks about how categories of chinks compare
>posts photo of kimchi bitches instead
cretinous imbecile

>loyalty, honesty, courage,
Backstabbing, cowardly etc

I'd say the blame is more on Confucius than the Manchus. Also, if they weren't Confucians, they might not have gotten conquered so easily.

dude its called empathy and its genetic
chinks will always be psycoapthic insect people even if you put them in a western culture

kek. in this context, i'm putting Russians as westerners. As a Russian myself, I agree that Russians have higher morality standards than most americans. But the West (including Russia) as a whole is on a couple levels above the avg morality in Chinkland.

>Japs are cool
Japs still hate you, they just don't tell you to your face and instead talk amongst themselves behind your back.

t.Fucked many ESL FOBs of all major East Asian countries due to living in Vancouver where there's nothing else to do

digits speak

on a serious note, I might agree. But the chinks are more backstabbing you have to admit. At least the Japs had the honor to send home enemy soldiers who fought bravely against them (look up cruiser Varyag).

Koreans are pretty alright people

You're partly right OP, but you contradict yourself a bit there. The Chinese never look out for each other. For example, in a company they won't refer each other nor help out. Sure they'll congregate, but that's about the extent

Yes, Chinks are more backstabbing. While in part that's Confucius, in part it's also because they're a bit less beta than the Japs. Chink women are also incredibly temperamental and the crazy always comes out if you spend enough time with one. The opposite of Jap women, who will bore you to no end. Koreans are a better balance, but as superficial as the rest: just tell a fake story about having had met backstage some minor celebrity they never heard of, or whip out a fake Samsung business card, and they're easy to fuck.

>Stealing is ok as long as no one catches you.
>Lying is ok as long as no one notices.

I see nothing wrong here

>t. your typical slav

> said the bosnian

Don't you lump me in with that faggot

>The Chinese never look out for each other.
Thank god I'm white, and have so many other whites looking out for me. Oh, wait... forgot they're actually trying to destroy me because they hate themselves and other whites.

They don't need to be on our side, just do what we will them to do.



is this based on experience?

>, i'm putting Russians as westerners.
Fuck off

fuck off blog faggot no one is even claiming this

Japanese = whites

Korean = white/mexican mixed

Chinese = spics/mexican

Filipino/Malay/Singaporean/etc = niggers

Compared to chinks, we are westerners. We should unite instead of fighting against each other.

t. Russian born in America. Grandfather served rockets in Cuba during the missile crisis.

Nice autism, but it's making it difficult to understand whatever point you were trying to make.

How is this an example of morality? It's moral to panic and destroy peoples' lives because they told a joke? The Chinese boss is immoral because he has a sense of humor?

>Fucked many ESL FOBs of all major East Asian countries due to living in Vancouver where there's nothing else to do
That sounds amazing. Did you teach English?

t. severe case of yellow fever

can confirm anecdotally. Best friend since elementary school stole from me and my family after taking said friend in, allowing to live in same house, treating as family. And never showed an inkling of being a nigger in disguise

Get the fuck out of Siberia, Chang.
You too, Ping Ling.

Throw Hmongs in the "spics/Mexican" category

Whoops wrong thread, my point was Chinese don't look out for each other like, let's say, Indians do when they keep hiring one another and their family and friends at the companies they work out. Chinese won't do that for that one another

>ignoring deaths you couldn't even do anything about is the same as genocide
Why are leftists so stupid?

I'm ethnically chinese (but 4th gen canadian) and one of our contractor customers at my job is from china. Been here for 20 years he says. He hates the new chinese. They're rude, don't bother to learn english, and try to rip everyone off whenever they get the chance. I agree with them. Fucking detest seeing chinese signs everywhere and hearing their retard gook language that sounds like they have nuts in their mouths.

Not to mention they all vote liberals like a bunch of faggots. I overheard a couple of old white guys at mcdicks talking about the BC election and I had an urge to turn around and say I fully agree. We should prevent them from buying houses and kick them out of canada.

trips say china crash by next friday

>We should unite
NO FUCKING WAY! Our people should avoid this trap of Eternal Anglo.

actually I think Hmong would = Jews of the asian world. Since they too had a diaspora and hold together by their cultural identity. Unlike jews though, they're pretty much on the edge of extinction as a race.

Eternal punishment as a threat does not lead to morality. Environment shapes behaviour more than you assume.

Those are oddly specific numbers for being pulled out of your ass

Do you play Dota2?

Science proved Asians lack empathy. Incredibly, the research results were reported by mainstream media. They connected infants of various races to sensors then exposed them to friendly faces, sounds of giggling infants, etc. They also exposed them to the sound of crying, distressed infants. Various tests. Asian infants were impassive throughout whereas black and white infants became distressed when they heard recordings of crying infants, etc. The Asian infants just lay there, no emotion at all, no empathy.

east europeans are also east asian in terms of psychology, look it up

t. Wang Peng

I concur I feel as if I'm the only sane black person in my whole family. I'm the only one that I know of that voted republican and will still vote republican. It seems that a lot of blacks forget which president saved them all from slavery.

For references compare whites responding to mlk by changing society vs chinks responding to Tiana Lynn Square by gassing them with tanks

Chinese in America are all China-philes and Leftdists who vote Democrat.

Deport every last one.

Never have. Haven't even played vidya in a year since deciding there were no more good games and the gym was much more useful.

All my cousins do though.

can't really find anything close to what you are talking about.

They are colonizing our great land. Within 20 years We'll all be FOXCONN'd, having to dodge suicide nets at our slave jobs. They have to go back!!!

I like how this meme comic ignores that Russia was also a colonial power.

>east europeans are also east asian in terms of psychology
Is that why they aren't cucked by rapefugees like asia?

I dunno. Chinese always to be pretty pleasant people. Even the literal FOB types. How much of that is genuine I don't know but even if they are only doing to uphold appearances they do a great job either way. Second generation asians seem to have a chip on their shoulder and a disdain for white people but that's a relatively new thing.

Fuck Sup Forums is terrible at argumentation. You know I know Chinese people that range from Sup Forumsacks to SJW Tumblrites.

>whites responding to mlk
they assassinated him?