FOIA Precedent: Seth Rich Video


This is a post about the video captured at the Flagler Market next to the Seth Rich murder location.

When a video is gathered by a private citizen and then turned over to the police in an investigation, that record is a public record meaning it is not subject to any exemptions, especially the law enforcement exemption which cops use to cover up EVERYTHING.

How do I know this?
Michigan Supreme Court holds precedent:
Amberg v City of Dearborn (2014)

The video surveillance was created by the security cameras at a private business. The plaintiff was an attorney who submitted a FOIA request for the video surveillance to the City of Dearborn Police Department...

The Court holds that what ultimately determines whether such information should be disclosed is whether the public entity from which the information is sought prepared, owned, used, or possessed them in the performance of an official function.

This info must be spread far and wide.


Incidentally, I should point out that I'm absolutely correct on this. DC FOIA law also backs this up.

D.C. Code ยง 2-536 (9)
(a) Without limiting the meaning of other sections of this subchapter, the following categories of information are specifically made public information, and do not require a written request for information.

(9) Copies of all records, regardless of form or format, which have been released to any person under this chapter...

Essentially, when the seized the video and used it in the Seth Rich case, it became a public record. Can't put the genie back in the bottle.

Need help disseminating this.

The DC law holds you do not even need to issue a written request for the videos sourced from Flagler Market. You may simply call them up and say, "In accordance with DC FOIA law, I am not submitting a written request for the videos obtained in the seth rich case from Flagler market. Instead, I am verbally commanding you to issue those videos BITCHES!!!"

Good work user. My last post on the Seth thread was archived before I could get this out. Try googling alpha jolla. You won't get shit. I think bread is back on the menu.

Previously, when I analyzed the Jack Burkman lawsuit against MPDC, my first take was that someone showed Burkman the videos because he reliably claims to have seen them. I said to myself, FOIA Expert, when some member of the public has been presented with a govt record, that record by a long long long FOIA precedent says that record has become public. If you want a record the govt insists is exempt from FOIA and you can find evidence they released it to some other member of the public, the legal burden shifts to the govt.

But since the Flagler Market video was originally a privately captured video, that supercedes the fact that Jack Burkman saw the is more fundamental legally speaking.

Don't let me down user. Need this info to go to the proper information disseminators.

We just need a CD user to pull this off. Right?

flagler market camera point that direction is a decoy, go look at the street view.

Video doesn't exsist

meant DC user. Ignore that shill. there were 4 cameras and they mostly covered the area.


Can bot/shill reply?


>oy vey nothing to see here
>oy vey that damning evidence is fake goy
>damage control

OP, I think "Seth" in the OP would get more interest. I had to search for this one. good stuff.

That is not even comprehensible. If you are not a bot, you are dumbest shill I have ever seen.

Burkman says he saw the video and it was grainy and showed 2 people present.

Seth is in the subject and body.

I recall that user. I like this angle. Those 4 cameras were all over it. Keep digging.

user, Flagler market has video from inside the store A N D from 2nd floor window.

OP here. Sorry if I'm being vague. What I'm saying is not only is the Flagler Market video a public record but any video obtained from any other private source is also a public record if the MPDC "used" the video in the Seth Rich investigation.

No shit.

Have you seen the video yet cause i havent?

Seriously just use google maps you can clearly see its a fake camera.

If anyone has a question about FOIA, I'm happy to answer it. I'll be around for a second or two. Ask a good question you may be surprised. But ask a good one. Think big user.

>google maps

wow amazing how you can tell a camera is fake from fucking google maps

you fucking idiot


Yes, sir. They had 4 on it. The only copies are with MPD. Just a matter of asking. Let's do that.



said the kettle to the pot

I posted badly. He found a shill. lmoa, Thanks user. Needed verifying.

bmp a good angle OP

>he saved the thumbnail

What video?


Oh quit it girls

what's it matter, you blind, or do you just want to see Hillary's high rez wrinkles?

You don't have to hack public records if you understand most cases.

I don't understand why people can trust FOIA

we're talking about a deep state government that literally murders to protect itself, why wouldn't they alter documents too


Check yesterdays noaa seth rich video part 2. They go into the store and you can see on the monitors that the cameras look at the street corner.

uh, oann