Whites only in this thread, if this thread dies then the white race is doomed.
Whites only in this thread, if this thread dies then the white race is doomed
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Calm down Jamal.
There is no such thing as "the white race"
Sup muh fello whites bix nood muf fugga
50% Maltese 50% croat 100% kebab remover I dont think Im white though.
Gtfo leaf
sage b8
Well if your white you know it and so do others. The only people saying there is no white race are either shitskins or lefty
Reporting for duty
Oy vey, this post is making me schvitz
this thread will probably 404 before it dies
and that will prove white genocide is real
Why are white women so naturally beautiful compared to other races?
well are maltese white or honary white? the entire history of malta was killing muslims. and are slavs white
just like there is no such thing as the black race, or the asian race, right?
If you are white you know it and so will others. Stop being so fucking retarded. I know it's hard since I can see you flag but goddamn
There is nothing wrong with jews causing disunity among "whites"
checking in
Jews? race doesn't exist user, what the ever living fuck are you talking about?
>white thread
>Sup Forums
You've come to the wrong place
Kairos said I am 4% Hispanic, but white reporting in.
I never said race doesn't exist, just the "white race" doesn't. However those loose group of phenotypes calling themselves whites need to be pulled apart and re-separated.
Only Nordic people with L1 haplogroup DNA may reply to this post.
Then why are you here?
Inb4 argentina
Whites are part of the caucasian race. Blacks are sub-saharan negroids, asians are part of the mongoloid race as are mestizos and polynesians.
Actually you just did -
so first you didn't make any sense at all, and now you're back peddling.
You have fucking MUSH for brains.
So you don't think there are identifiers that describe a so called "white race" but you want to fuck with "them" anyway. Right.
You say race doesn't exist but you mention "jews" so that means only one of two things (or both in your case) a.jews refers to only a religion b. jews refers to "isrealites" c. both
then you go on to say "no only ""whites"" don't exist" which is redundant as all fuck because you're talking about something that "doesn't exist."
but it's fine, as long as it doesn't affect the former, "jews" as you say....
You are mentally retarded. I'm sorry.
I get confused on the Jews, they look kind of white but is Jewish a ethnicity as well as a religion? If it's only a religion are Jews considered white ?
Also -- to reference my post
so according to you, only jews exist
and if it's judiasm you're talking about then basically what you're talking about is "religious oppression" in which case you can royally fuck off
either way consider suicide
aryanism.net is behind this.... Don't reply to these "aryan isn't white" fucks
shitskin bump n hump. you just got race mixed.
hello fellow whites how do you do
Reminder that if you're circumcised, you're not white.
Other side of the wall for you
Re: human races
The Reptilians landed in Asia and cross bred with the homosapiens there to create the gooks. The Nords are the most intelligent alien; they landed in Europe and crossbred to make white people. Black people are simply native to this planet and no cross breeding with aliens occurred at all.
Obviously your shallow brain isn't getting it. So lets try this again.
What you think of as the white race (i.e. European peoples of varying skin shades of whitish/pink) are not really themselves an actual race. They are a loose collective of phenotypes (again, white skin) that you will stick together in unfitting pieces to call themselves the white race. Actual "races" are more like dog breeds. Germans are a race, Japanese are a race, Chinese are a race but there is no such thing as the "Asian race" because that is stupid.
Anyways, retard, now that I hope you understand this, jews are necessary to subvert and destroy the "white race" (i.e. the false ideology that there is a white race) because in truth, jews are the purifier and dangerous thoughts of the white race breed evil thoughts.
Reporting in
hello fellow white ppl
Fellow pale hand....
Who here /white as fuck/?
Bro you're a fucking spic gtfo mexiflagfag
>doesn't get a beautiful summer tan that goes away if you stay out of the sun for a month
why even live? med genetics, best genetics
enjoy this slide bait op ;)
I understand perfectly well what was written out, you cretin.
Everything you're saying comes across as intellectual all the while shrowding over a more important issue with your semantics -
you can't possibly talk about, or fight against something that isn't real, there is no objectivity to the things you're saying - that's purely theoretical from the stand point of a discussion, this discussion. I've no doubt that science can slice up every phenotype to build exactly the image you are trying to paint - that of separate "sub groups"...
To the average "jew" he or she isn't gonna know the difference between a german and a norwegian especially if the differences arent too far off, which they are not. They just think "black person" just like most common white folk see an etheopian and think "black dude"
What gets me about your particular drivel, is how you keep mentioning "jews" like it's not obvious you're omitting a bunch of shit wrong with this fucking "argument" you think you have so smartly on deck
so then, what, is a jew? and by your standards, why does anything you have to say fucking matter from a point of personal sovereignty? Everything you've mentioned is a spook the same way liberals consider gender a "spook" funny how they can choose to be who they want, but it only works in their favor if they can call out those who, are basically the same (unable to help the skin they were born into), in every regard in so far as this "theory" goes, and so then their existence is purely hypothetical, theoretical.... Again, kill your self.
hard mode: Can't post more than 3 times in thread from now on.
Saved. What are you doing in Liberia?
implying he's not just anigger
is there room for us to send more back there?
>what, is a jew?
Doesn't matter what jew is. Doesn't matter if jews are a race or not. In my case they aren't a race. The point is to destroy the idea of the "white race" not debt the existence of the jewish race.
am I white?
In this case it does. You want to fuck with people, cause they are "white" ? you want to train the "whiteness" out of people?
How would you like it if we decided to train the "jew" out of you? Would you be compliant? I mean it's only right, in accordance with this world view you've laid out?
Or is it because you have some motive? Some agenda, some kind of vendetta?
This is the kind of absolute garbage that is permeating the world right now, and you keep thinking regressively. You keep doubling back down on the "race doesn't exist/matter" card, while still dealing in these loosely defined "spooks" you keep trying to infer through speech - but it's like you're too fucking retarded to be cohesive - or you're just a piece of shit.
Go ahead, try and fuck with someone's personal space because you have some weird assumption about "the way of people"... People will always, ALWAYS draw to their own, just like your precious jews do. Funnily enough, isreal is very concerned with immigration "it wont be jewish if it's disproportionately 'other'"
Fuck your mother, and fuck you
>if this thread dies then the white race is doomed.
That's a hell of a prediction there, sparky... considering that all threads eventually die on Sup Forums.
Your bathroom looks nice, Why don't you take a bath and wash off the dirt in your face. Even spics need to be squeaky clean as well.
maybe he is
Anger is always a show of defeat, but anyways, I will try to be clearer for you.
>You want to fuck with people, cause they are "white" ? you want to train the "whiteness" out of people?
>How would you like it if we decided to train the "jew" out of you?
Hello fellow white people
I got it from the moment you laid your fingers to the keyboard, faggot.
It took me all of 3 fucking neurons to show how utterly transparent your shitty argument is, why it doesnt work, why it will never work.
So at least youre being honest, but that doesn't dismiss the essence of your approach, you are:
>archaic. : having the form of a snake.
Basically you're a mentally ill, snake in the grass, venomous, possessed by a ton of shitty ideas.
Kill your self, once again
How do we save white women? White men need to fix themselves first, too many have abandoned a family life for video games and shitposting on the internet. We've let others from incompatible lands that can't assimilate into our culture come and kill our women and children. We're letting everything we've built start to crumble. Why have we become such pushovers? When will if ever the white man fight back?
Spaniards are not white.
A white South African here
im mixed race is there place for me on this world? :(
>im mixed race is there place for me on this world? :(
What races?
Caucasion/Dutch and Hindu/Southern India
nahhhh sorry m8 maybe if u have white children before the race war your family will be spared. but if it's just u I think you'll be targeted lol
Know what this thread needs? Lots and lots of black dick. Someone get onto that!
what's happening in here m8s
race is literally one of the first things a child learns about the world
Okay, how about 'people of European descent'? Happy now, filthy fucking kike?
This thread will reach bump limit and fizzle out, just like 100% of all other threads
Even your fucking mirror frame is Mexican.
white women tanning is beyond degenerate. they should avoid the nig in all aspects of life.
Not as white as me.
Yah, India.
You are correct, we should be saying "the white species" since every other "ethnicity" is literally sub-human.
> 1% Iberian Peninsula
You might as well slit your own wrists already.
Hello fellow whites ;^)
I'm a Paki.
You mad, white bois ;-)
That is why we will help the africans to conquer yurop. Oh wait, we are africans hahaha
No. Hello paki. How is your day going so far. What have you had for breakfast today?
Damn I love being white.
I highly recommend being white, it's great.
I bet I'm more White than 90% of the LARPers here.
you're jewish though?????????